All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 73 Oh, ha——

Chapter 73 Oh, ha——

Teacher Qu Fei today is too abnormal.

Abnormal to creepy.

Only a few minutes into class, Ying Jiao saw that many people in the classroom were sweating from fright.

Of course, what is even more frightening is——

In the past, Qu Fei, who only cared about his own lectures and didn't care about the life and death of the students, unexpectedly stopped after speaking for a while today.

"Student Ying Jiao, do you understand?"


Qu Fei's tone was very gentle, so gentle that everyone in the classroom gasped.

Although the disaster did not come to them, they always felt that they would suffer the same disaster.

Ying Jiao read the notes given by Qi Shen before, but she understood in class today."I understood the teacher," she said.

She thought Qi Shen was going to beat her to answer the question, but it turned out not to be.Qu Fei only smiled and said, "It's good if you understand. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask the teacher after class."

Ying Jiao: "...Okay, thank you teacher."

After that, Qu Fei continued to give lectures and never stopped.Throughout the class, he was very docile, so docile that he didn't even pull out his light gun once.

After class, everyone wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and quickly dispersed.

Ying Jiao wanted to leave too, but Qu Fei stopped her, "Student Ying Jiao, please come to the office with the teacher."

"Alright..." Ying Jiao stopped in her tracks.

Qi Shen hugged the note, patted her on the shoulder sympathetically, and said silently, "Take care."

Ying Jiao: "...Thank you?"

Qu Fei's office is huge.

It is not so much an office as it is a laboratory with a very large area and well-equipped facilities.What the First Military Academy lacked most was land. As the number one mecha master in the interstellar world, it was not surprising that Qu Fei received such treatment.

Strangely, he asked Ying Jiao: "Student Ying Jiao, do you know why teacher, I became the number one mecha master in the interstellar world?"

Ying Jiao:? ?

How would I know?
"You'll know."

Without waiting for Ying Jiao to answer, Qu Fei just said that, and at the same time, the smile on his face suddenly became gloomy for a moment.

Ying Jiao felt that he was still young and would not be dazzled, so just now Qu Fei really showed a sullen expression as if he wanted to be a shark.

Ying Jiao looked at the tightly closed door behind him, and sighed inwardly.

Forget it, play it by ear.

Qu Fei took Ying Jiao up to the second floor.Along the way, Ying Jiao saw many precious mecha parts, and some advanced mechas that were almost ready.


Qu Fei opened a door and walked in with Ying Jiao.

He pointed to a mecha that had already been made, and said to Yingjiao: "This is Lu Yuan's mecha. You and him are good friends, right? Ying Jiao, can you help the teacher inform him to come and test the mecha later?" ?"

Ying Jiao: He called himself here just to talk about this?
Shouldn't be.

Doesn't he have Xiao Lu's optical brain number?

Ying Jiao stared at Qu Fei for a while, and then said: "Okay, teacher."

Ying Jiao sent a text message to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan returned quickly.

——Xiao Lu: Okay, I'll come right away!
Turning off the optical brain, Ying Jiao met Qu Fei Siwen with a gentle smile.

This time his smile was exactly the same as his usual, and it was easy to make people feel good about it.

"Student Ying Jiao, can you lend your mecha to the teacher?" He lightly pointed to Ying Jiao's right wrist.

There is Ying Jiao's mecha key.

Pinnacle One is inside.

Seeing Ying Jiao's hesitation, Qu Fei didn't turn the corner. He said bluntly, "Student Ying Jiao, don't worry. The teacher just wants to see what level of skill Lu Qingyang is now. He won't make things difficult for you and your mecha."

Stupid Lu Qingyang...

It turned out that he was the one who offended Qu Fei.

Uncle Lu is really good at making Teacher Qu Fei, who has always been wearing a gentle skin, say such vocabulary.

Ying Jiao was silent and asked, "Teacher, you and Uncle Lu..."

"Uncle Lu?" Qu Fei sneered: "You are quite familiar with him, it seems that classmate Lu Yuan is really his son!"

Ying Jiao: "..."

She didn't speak.

But Qu Fei knew that his guess was right.

"Heh—" After such a long and distant sneer, Qu Fei went downstairs.

When he came up again, he was holding hot tea, pastries, and Shangshanxiu's newly launched and popular liqueur chocolate.

Ying Jiao really didn't understand what he was doing.

Until Lu Yuan came to test the mecha.

"Student Lu Yuan."

As soon as Lu Yuan came, Qu Fei's resentment disappeared, and he became gentle and friendly.

Qu Fei's skin is perfect, as long as you haven't seen him drawing a gun, you will be easily confused by his decades-long disguise.

Just like Lu Yuan.

Although he knew Teacher Qu Fei's true character, but at the moment he was willing to believe that - when no one messed with Teacher Qu Fei, he was a good person.

"Did student Lu Yuan have dinner? Would you like to try Shangshanxi's new dim sum?"

Qu Fei is very good at disguising himself as a gentleman.He is wise and knowledgeable, calm and elegant, as long as he wants to, he can easily make the people who get along with him feel like a spring breeze.

Ying Jiao looked at Xiao Lu who had a good chat with Qu Fei, and doubted whether he still remembered the purpose of coming here.

After the two chatted for a while, Qu Fei naturally ended the topic and proposed to start testing the mecha for Xiao Lu.

Ying Jiao saw that as soon as Xiao Lu entered the cockpit of the mecha, Qu Fei couldn't wait to send the picture of him and Xiao Lu getting along happily to a group.

And also attached a contrived voice:

"This year's freshman is not only cute, but he also respects the teacher. He even said that he admires the teacher very much. He is so obedient and cute~~~"

The network speed of Qu Fei's laboratory is very fast, and the video plus voice was sent to the group in less than two seconds.

Afterwards, Qu Fei @another ID called you all scumbags, and then turned off the optical brain.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Qu Fei clutched his stomach and laughed wildly.

"Stupid Lu Qingyang, I see that you are not jealous of me today! Ha! Hahaha——"

Ying Jiao, who was not shunned throughout the whole process: "..."

Treating a son-in-law in this way, Qu Fei's move is almost killing people without blood.


Sure enough, the scariest thing in the world is that your enemy knows you.

Qu Fei laughed wantonly, not caring that his persona collapsed in front of the students.

Not long after, he reached out his hand to wipe away the teardrops from the corner of his eyes, and reminded Ying Jiao: "Student Ying Jiao, your brain has flashed."

Ying Jiao also noticed it just now.

But Qu Fei was full of confidential information here, so she didn't answer it.

"Looks like it's a video call," Qu Fei took a sip of hot tea. At this moment, he had returned to his usual appearance, "Student Ying Jiao, please pick it up." He urged with a smile on his face.

This gave Ying Jiao a bad premonition.

She turned on the optical brain to take a look.


It shows Lu Qingyang's optical brain number.

Ying Jiao remembered that when Qu Fei was recording the video just now, she was silently drinking tea and eating snacks by the side.

The city gate caught fire and affected the pond fish.

Ying Jiao feels that she is now an innocent fish in the moat, severely affected by this innocent disaster.

"Hello, Uncle Lu."

In the end, Ying Jiao chose to connect to the video call.

After all, she can't afford to mess with these two immature rookies.

(End of this chapter)

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