All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 74 The Quarrel Between Mature Men

Chapter 74 The Quarrel Between Mature Men
"Yes! Proud!!!"

Lu Qingyang roared angrily and pierced his eardrums, even though Ying Jiao had expected to keep the light brain as far away from his ears as possible.But Lu Qingyang, who couldn't hold back his anger, had a loud voice, and Ying Jiao couldn't hide it at all.

But it was just this moment, seeing that Ying Jiao, who was far away from the optical brain, turned off the sound of the video directly.


The world is quiet.

Ying Jiao watched Lu Qingyang's mouth opening and closing on the video, and when he had vented enough and calmed down, she opened her voice again.

"Uncle, what do you need from me?"

"Don't pretend to be silly with me—cough, cough—"

Because he yelled too hard just now, Lu Qingyang's voice was a little hoarse.

Although Ying Jiao didn't hear the voice behind him, he could still imagine how loudly he yelled just now.

Thinking of that scene, Ying Jiao couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching.


Lu Qingyang snorted heavily, got up angrily and left the screen.

When he came back, he had a cup of tea in his hand.After drinking some hot tea to soothe his throat, Lu Qingyang could do it again.

"Let me tell you Ying Jiao, I entrusted Yuan Yuan to you to take care of him because I sincerely treat you as a friend, but look at you, how did you take care of him? How could you let him follow the strange uncle?" Walking around? Yuanyuan is so cute, what if she gets kidnapped! Ah? Say it!!”

Ying Jiao, who had no idea when he had this task: "..."

She remembered that at the beginning, the uncle clearly wished that he would be far away from Xiao Lu.



The uncle only hoped that he could put Xiao Lu in his pocket.

Ying Jiao glanced at Qu Fei, who was gloating across the way, and tapped his finger on the optical brain, turning the projection of the optical brain into a panoramic projection.

Now, Qu Fei also appeared in front of Lu Qingyang.

Lu Qingyang's anger that had subsided just now came back, "Okay, you idiot, you still dare to come in front of me!"


Qu Fei was so angry that he almost wanted to roll up his sleeves and fight with Lu Qingyang in the air, "Hasn't the idiot senior not surfed the Internet all these years? I am now the number one mecha master in the interstellar world! I am not a fool who has no eyes and only uses his nostrils to look at people." Comparable goods!"

"The number one mecha master in the interstellar world?" Lu Qingyang smiled contemptuously: "It's just that I haven't made mechas in recent years. If I do this crap, which round will I get you in the first round in the interstellar world!"

"Broken stuff!!"

Qu Fei was so angry that his voice was distorted. His finger touched the projection of Lu Qingyang tremblingly.

You can tell by looking at it that you are extremely angry.

Miraculously, he calmed down quickly.

Qu Fei took a sip of tea and put on his gentle and gentle coat again, "But there's no way, Lu Yuan likes the crap I made. You see, he's already testing the mech I designed and made." He pointed out Pointing to the mecha that was being tested not far away, he turned his head and smiled provocatively at Lu Qingyang.


With this blow, he stabbed Lu Qingyang's Achilles' heel hard.

Lu Qingyang was furious, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "You idiot, how dare you touch my precious son! Ying Jiao, you, hurry up! Take Yuan Yuan out of there!"

"Student Ying Jiao wouldn't do that. She's a good student of mine. How could she help outsiders?"

"You nonsense! She calls me uncle, you idiot is the outsider!"

"Student Ying Jiao only calls you that out of politeness, politeness, politeness, do you understand? Oh, yes, a fool like senior who only uses his nostrils to see people will not understand, after all, you have never been able to!"


The more noisy the two became, the more outrageous they became.

Ying Jiao was hit again.

She tried to hang up the video directly to interrupt this childish and unnutritious quarrel, but it didn't work, the video sent by Lu Qingyang simply kept hanging up.

There was no other way, Ying Jiao had no choice but to try to stop the two people who were arguing in full swing: "Let me say, you about you use your own optical brains to argue?"

"You idiot!"

"You idiot!"



"Idiot, idiot, idiot!!"

"Fool, fool, fool!!"


The two completely ignored Ying Jiao, both immersed in the "happiness" of quarreling with each other.

Should be proud and silent.

Then he took off his optical brain and put it on the tea table.

Ying Jiao went to see Xiaolu test the mecha.

Because it is a custom-made mecha that has been tested with body data, Xiao Lu does not need to stare at it when testing the mecha, as long as he checks the data after the test and then makes a slight modification according to the situation.

Ying Jiao read it for a while and felt a little bored, so she went to the nearby bookshelf to find a random book to read.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lu Yuan's mecha was finally tested, and he walked out of the cab.

"Yingjiao? Why are you here?"

Ying Jiao put the book back, and seeing that Qu Fei didn't come, he knew that the two were still arguing, "Xiao Lu, are your father and Teacher Qu Fei dead enemies?"


Lu Yuan was surprised for a moment.

His father and Mr. Qu Fei are rivals?

How could he not know.

"Let's go." Ying Jiao didn't explain much, and directly took Lu Yuan to see the scene.

Those two were still arguing.

And it's pretty intense.

But they repeated those few sentences over and over, and the quarrel had no technical content at all.

"What time is it, Xiao Lu?"

Ying Jiao's voice made Lu Yuan recover from the shock, he looked at the light brain, "[-]:[-]."

It was past eleven.


The two actually quarreled for another three hours after she left.

Qu Fei's tea table was full of throat-moistening medicines, and Lu Qingyang's table was also on the projection screen, which shows how hard the two of them quarreled for three hours.

"Both of you," Ying Jiao walked to the tea table. It's so late, she should go back to eat and sleep, "Both of you, let's call it a day? Why don't you keep arguing with your own brains? I should go back."

Saying that, Ying Jiao tried to turn off the video again.

Or not.

"Both—" Ying Jiao raised her voice.

But still no one pays attention to her.

"You idiot, hopelessly stupid!"

"You arrogant fool, you will be sacked sooner or later!"

"You idiot!"

"You idiot!"



The two not only ignored Ying Jiao, but also showed no tendency to stop at all.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Ying Jiao sighed, put the light brain back on her wrist silently, then, she stretched out her hand...


A slap shattered Qu Fei's sturdy coffee table.

The sound of "jingle bells clanging" finally managed to attract the attention of the two of them, and the shattered coffee table in front of them made them stop their cursing.

Well, stop it.

Ying Jiao withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, raised his head and smiled politely at Qu Fei, "I'm sorry, Mr. Qu Fei, I accidentally broke your coffee table. Teacher, you don't mind, do you?"

Qu Fei looked at the metal coffee table that was about to shatter into slag, and swallowed, "...No, no."

He wanted to drink a cup of tea to soothe his frightened heart, but his tea had been sacrificed along with the coffee table just now.

Qu Fei: "..."

It frightened him to death, the beasts of combat department were still so fierce.

Seeing Qu Fei deflated, Lu Qingyang wanted to laugh at him, but the next moment Ying Jiao's eyes swept towards him lightly.

"Uncle Lu, do you have anything else to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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