All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 95 I Will Not Let Yuyu Pay You Back

Chapter 95 I Will Not Let Yuyu Pay You Back

"Don't worry, Uncle." Ying Jiao smiled, "It's just a mecha."

Chi Zhou: "..."

He was worried.

He was silent for a while, and asked: "Your mecha was made by that lunatic Lu Qingyang, right?"


Chi Zhou guessed right.

And from this tone, it seems that he doesn't like to see Xiao Lu's father very much.

Seeing that Ying Jiao didn't speak, Chi Zhou gasped: "You mecha..."

He thought for a while, and then asked in a daze for a long time: "Your it legal?"

Ying Jiao: "..."

This is not clear.

However, students of the First Military Academy can legally own mechas, but they cannot open them at will.

"Should... be legal." Ying Jiao said.

Chi Zhou sat on the sofa and was silent for a while.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said with difficulty as if he had made up his mind: "I can sell you the blue and white flowers, but you must first obtain authorization from the military department, and the authorizer's rank cannot be lower than that of the general."


Ying Jiao thought for a while and asked, "Is oral authorization okay?"

With that said, she made a video call to Ji Xun.

"Verbal authorization? How can verbal authorization..." Before Chi Zhou finished speaking, he saw the projection of a very familiar yet extremely strange person.

"What's the matter with me?"

Ji Xun had just finished his work, and before he had time to catch his breath, he saw Ying Jiao send himself a video message.

This pig is really busy.

If he didn't want to find her as a coolie, he really didn't want to talk to her.

Ying Jiao: "Marshal, I want to buy mecha materials from Mr. Chi, but he said that he needs the authorization of the military department to sell it. Marshal, do you think it's inconvenient for you now, can you give me a verbal authorization?"


Ji Xun glanced at Chizhou, he still knew Chizhou, and knew that this was not a person who made a fuss.He wanted to authorize, it must be because what Ying Jiao wanted to buy was not an ordinary thing.

"What do you want to buy?" Ji Xun asked.

"Blue and white."

"Blue and white?" Ji Xun frowned: "What are you buying blue and white for? You have so much money? You don't want to pay on credit, do you? Let me tell you, if you are in debt, I won't let my Yuyu Gang you still."

Ask classmate Xiao Ji to help her pay it back?

what the hell!

Ying Jiao, who was originally calm and composed, was almost frightened, her eyelids twitched, and she hurriedly said, "Marshal, please rest assured, I will not borrow money from classmate Xiao Ji."


Ji Xun sneered at Ying Jiao, then asked Chi Zhou: "Isn't blue and white an heirloom of your family? Do you want to sell it?"

At this time, Chi Zhou had recovered from the shock, and he said: "Yes Marshal, because Miss Ying is Xiaoling's friend, if you agree, I will sell her blue and white flowers. But Miss Ying not only wants to buy blue and white flowers, I also need to buy Red Crow, Black Bandit Stone, and Gu Yuanjing. Ms. Ying said that they are used as mecha materials. I think these materials may be a bit powerful when combined, so I want Ms. Ying to obtain authorization from the military department first..."

"So it is."

When Ji Xun faced Chi Zhou, he was steady and dignified. He nodded: "This is indeed a bit dangerous. Mr. Chi, thank you for always keeping the safety of the interstellar in mind and reporting this situation to the military in time. As for the authorization, I will let you know tomorrow. Someone will send it to you."

It means that Chi Zhou is agreed to sell it.

When Chi Zhou heard this, he also nodded: "Yes, I understand, Marshal!"


Ji Xun nodded, and immediately ordered the adjutant beside him to handle the matter.

Finally, he looked at Ying Jiao and said, "Don't make my Yuyu angry."

Ying Jiao: "..." When did she make classmate Xiao Ji angry? !

Ying Jiao really wanted to ask that.

But that's clearly not the case right now.

"Understood, Marshal." Ying Jiao smiled, reached out and turned off the optical brain.

The last conversation between the two is very intriguing.

Chi Zhou tasted it slowly, then nodded clearly.

"Miss Ying, I can sell blue and white flowers to you. Please follow me."

"Well...thank you, Uncle."

Ying Jiao was a little puzzled by his meaningful eyes, but it didn't stop her from shopping.

Follow Chizhou all the way down to the third basement floor, where there are countless rare materials.

Along the way, Chizhou shut down no less than forty organs.

With a distance of only three floors, the two of them walked for nearly two hours in a daze.

"Here, this is it."

Chi Zhou pointed to the energy stone in the center and said, "This is blue and white."

As the name suggests, blue and white stone has blue patterns.

The traces of light linger around, and they are extremely eye-catching in the dark basement.


It was not easy to buy materials, but Ying Jiao did not spend any money.

Chizhou is not short of money, he asked for a [-]% shareholding right.

According to the current market price of a taste, it is about 2000 billion interstellar coins.Moreover, this is only the current price. As far as the current development of Taste is concerned, it can be doubled several times in less than two years.

As for this, Chi Zhou only sold it for Sheng Ling's sake.

After the money and goods were settled, Chi Zhou suddenly said, "Xiao Ling is a good boy."

Ying Jiao:?
After finishing the work, Chi Zhou was not in a hurry to see his wife and daughter for the first time, he asked Ying Jiao: "You were begged by Xiao Ling to come together?"

"..." Ying Jiao didn't know what Chi Zhou meant. She looked at Chi Zhou for a while and said, "Sister Sheng Ling really asked me to come here with me."

Unsurprising answer.

Chi Zhou nodded and said, "Xiao Ling is not good at getting along with people, let alone her mother. This is the first time she has come to the house on her own initiative."

Chi Zhou was lying on the sofa, looking out the window: "When I first saw her, she was so small." Chi Zhou gestured with his hand, and then said: "An 11-year-old girl, Still can't speak.

At that time, she didn't want to see Ah Shu, so I volunteered to take her to play around in the imperial city and bought her some toys and snacks.To be honest, they are all worthless things, and I would buy a lot more and better than that every day for fun.If Ah Shu hadn't felt guilty towards her, and she was indeed pitiful, I probably wouldn't have spent that day. "

Speaking of this, Chi Zhou smiled: "But it was that day, she worked hard to practice speaking and called my uncle, and even begged her father to save me when I was poisoned by the Zerg poison and was dying."

"Xiao Ling is a good boy, as long as you treat her well, she will treat you a thousand times better." Chi Zhou said: "Because he is not good at getting along with people, Xiao Ling is sometimes a little silly. But, Ying Jiao, I hope you can know that Xiao Ling is definitely a friend worth making for a lifetime."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Ying Jiao said, "I know, don't worry, uncle."

"That's good." Chi Zhou stood up, with a relieved smile on his face: "Let's go, it's getting late, it's time for dinner."

Therefore, Ying Jiao had dinner at Chi's house before the dinner.

During this period, Sheng Ling stayed close to Ying Jiao, hardly talking to Yin Shu, only occasionally when Chi Yiyi or Chi Zhou chatted with her, she would reply a few words very coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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