All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 96 Meeting Tang Miao Again

Chapter 96 Meeting Tang Miao Again
At eight o'clock in the evening, the banquet officially began.

Originally Ying Jiao had no interest in this kind of occasion, but because Sheng Ling wanted to see what the birthday party was like, I asked Ying Jiao to go downstairs with her to have a look.

"Senior sister," Ying Jiao didn't know why Sheng Ling wanted to go to the banquet but stayed in this corner, "Do you want to go to the front?"

"Wait a little longer." Sheng Ling said, "I just want to see them dance, and the time is not up yet, so let's go there in a few minutes."

Ying Jiao: "...Okay."

The two sat in the corner of the garden eating snacks.


A loud applause broke the calm here.

Sheng Ling was taken aback, she looked at Ying Jiao with a little panic in her eyes: "Sister, what was that sound just now?"

Before Ying Jiao could answer, another shrill female voice came from the side of the applause: "Tang Miao! Are you still shameless? Young Master Tang told you to keep yourself safe, why do you still want to go to the pool?" Get in front of the lady!"

After the female voice finished speaking, she slapped loudly again.

"Crack!" There was a loud noise.

Sheng Ling moved, "Sister, should we go and have a look?" Before Ying Jiao could speak, Sheng Ling stood up and said, "Sister, should we go and have a look?"

Ying Jiao put down the wine glass in her hand, stood up, "Let's go, senior sister."

Walking around a tall flower wall, they saw two women ganging up on a girl in a white skirt.

Ying Jiao in the white skirt who was beaten was Tang Miao.

The one who was ridiculed for buying a bracelet in the morning.

The people who are teaching her now are also the two who mocked her in the morning. One of the two girls is wearing a black skirt and the other is wearing a pink skirt.

The one in the pink skirt held down Tang Miao, while the one in the black skirt grabbed Tang Miao's hair and slapped her hard.


"Don't listen to Young Master Tang!"

"Let you make Young Master Tang angry!"

"Let you go to Miss Chi's side!"

"Clap clap clap!"

The one in the black skirt beat her hard, with several slaps, half of Tang Miao's face was swollen from her beating, and her carefully combed hair was also messed up.

Sheng Ling couldn't stand it anymore, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

This questioning successfully attracted the attention of fans.

The skirt on Sheng Ling's body was prepared by Chi Yiyi, so it goes without saying that it's priced, and it's generally not available for families like theirs.

So the two who were very good at reading clothes didn't dare to be too arrogant, the black skirt let go of Tang Miao's hair and said: "We are friends with Miao Miao, she made some mistakes, we are teaching her to correct."

As she spoke, she stretched out her leg and kicked Tang Miao, "Are you right, Miao Miao?"

Tang Miao has long been accustomed to such lessons, if it was before, she would choose to swallow her anger.But today is different. Today is Miss Chi's birthday party.

The only Miss Chi who has helped her over the years.

She wants to wish her well on her birthday.

Tang Miao raised her head and said to Sheng Ling: "Miss, please, help me! I didn't make a mistake, I just want to give Miss Chi a birthday present!"

She said while struggling.

Because Tang Miao never dared to resist when she was "educated" before, so her fans didn't pay attention to her, and because of this, she let her escape for a while and escaped behind Sheng Ling.

"Tang Miao!" The black skirt exclaimed, "Get back to Tang Miao!"

She wanted to reach out to pull Tang Miao, but Sheng Ling grabbed her hand.

"what are you doing!"

The black skirt tugged vigorously, causing Sheng Ling to stagger.Even so, Sheng Ling still didn't let go.

Sheng Ling held onto the hand of the black skirt tightly, and she said, "She said, she did nothing wrong. If you don't explain why you beat her today, I'll have someone invite you out!"

"Who are you? This is the Chi family's banquet, why did you invite me out!" The black skirt was grabbed by Sheng Ling and couldn't break free, and she immediately turned to powder the skirt and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Come and help!"

"oh oh!"

The pink skirt flicked up and was about to go up.

"Sister!" The other party called for a helper, and Sheng Ling, not to be outdone, called Ying Jiao.

Ying Jiao took a step forward, and with a little force, the hand holding the pink skirt knocked it to the ground.


The black skirt yelled, and then she also lay on the ground.

Ying Jiao: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't talk about it."

"You man!"

The black skirt got up from the ground, "So it's you!" She also recognized Ying Jiao as the one who bought the brooch in the morning.

"How dare you hit me! Just wait for me, I will make you look good in a while!"

The two left immediately after talking harshly.

Don't wait a second.

"Thank you." Tang Miaoli straightened her hair, trying to make herself look cleaner.She took out the small box that she had been protecting just now from her arms: "This is a gift I want to give to Miss Chi, I wonder if you can pass it to her for me?"

Tang Miao's voice was still very small.

In fact, she wanted to give the gift to Miss Chi herself, but she didn't need to think about it to offend others with her current appearance.

"A gift? For Yiyi?"

Looking at the light green box, Sheng Ling felt familiar.After a while, she remembered that the school girl gave her the same box.

Sheng Ling: "Since it's a gift for Yi Yi, you can give it to her yourself."


"Eldest Young Master Tang, this is the place! Those two girls are so overbearing, they told us to let Tang Miao go, but if we don't let them go, they still beat us!"

Fenfenheihei soon moved in to rescue soldiers.

Tang Miao panicked, and whispered to Sheng Ling and the two of them, "Tang Yu is here, you guys should leave quickly, don't let him see you."

After finishing speaking, Tang Miao walked to a corner in front of her and crouched down with her head in her arms.

"Miaomiao." Not long after Tang Miao squatted down, Tang Yu found her: "Miaomiao, why do you still like to run around? My father asked you to follow me well before the banquet, have you forgotten?"

As he spoke, he stepped on Tang Miao's shoulder, "Don't think that Tang Qiu joined the Eleventh Army, you just..."

"Long time no see, Senior Tang."

As soon as Tang Yu stepped on it, before he had time to use his strength, Ying Jiao walked over.

"It's you!"

The last time Tang Yu was in a group expedition, his clothes were torn by Ying Jiao, and he was allowed to get close to Quanguang. That incident made him lose face.

He had long wanted revenge.

But Ying Jiao has been hanging out with Zhu Xingchen and Ji Hanyu all along.

Tang Yu couldn't afford to offend those two people, so he could only grit his teeth and swallow his breath temporarily.

But today...

Tang Yu glanced at Sheng Ling, making sure that this was not someone to be trifled with.


This is really, really good.

"So it's Ying Jiao Xuemei." Tang Yu retracted his feet and straightened his suit, "Why didn't Ying Jiao Xuemei come with Ji Ershao and the others today?"

He said while looking around.

After confirming that Zhu Xingchen and the others were indeed not there, Tang Yu quietly took out the lightsaber from his suit pocket.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound.

Tang Yu just took out the lightsaber from his pocket, before he could strike first, he was kicked by Ying Jiao.

(End of this chapter)

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