I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 102 Are You Worth It?

Chapter 102 Are You Worth It?
Han Youchu burst into tears, "Eighth senior brother, you must believe me. I have a lot of evil thoughts, but I have never hurt anyone's life. I just... just talk and sow dissension. I don't dare to hurt people at all. It's Brother Jiu, when I came here I saw him running away in a hurry, it must be him."

Chang Yi?

Lin Suying frowned, saving people is the most important thing!

She withdrew her gaze and approached Mo Li intending to check her injuries, but unexpectedly, just two steps away, Mo Li suddenly drew his sword and swept across.


She roared like a little animal that was wounded and in a desperate situation, covering her bleeding eyes with one hand, and waving the sword in her hand with the other, sweeping out streaks of piercing sword lights towards the surroundings.

Do your best and fight to the death!
Lin Suying was forced to retreat, and Han Youchu screamed and exited the room to hide behind Lin Suying.

"Get out, get out, don't come near me, get out!!"

The tables, chairs and benches in the room were shattered by the messy sword light, but Li Li still swung tirelessly vigorously, trembling all over without stopping.

"Go to Master." Lin Suying said in a deep voice.

She, Jiang Banyue, should come out and do something for her family to fight against each other!


Han Youchu wiped his tears and said, "Junior Sister Mo... Sister Mo won the second foundation building stage today, and the second senior sister also won the fifth alchemy stage. Many people came to congratulate him. Master got drunk when he was happy. I personally served and slept. If you do it, you won’t be able to wake up for a while.”

Lin Suying clenched her fists tightly, seeing Mo Li in the room in pain and helplessness, desperately swinging his sword to seek a sense of security, a nameless anger rushed straight to her forehead.

"Heh~ She is really good at being a master!"

The apprentice's income is ignored, the merit is not passed on, the soul card is not erected, everyone died outside, and someone else needs to tell her.

And she has always said indifferently that she knows, without asking why!

She didn't fulfill the responsibility of being a master for a day, but now she can enjoy the glory brought by her apprentice with peace of mind.


Lightning pierced the air, and the torrential rain came.

Han Youchu trembled all over, only feeling that the Eighth Senior Brother was full of evil spirit at this moment, it was very scary.

Lin Suying took advantage of the time when Mo Li was tired and rushed forward, raised her hand and knocked her unconscious.

Lifting her blood-stained hands, Lin Suying saw shocking scars all over her eye sockets, and there was only a hole underneath.

It should be caused by the instantaneous launch of some extremely powerful hidden fire weapon.

Lin Suying quickly cast a healing spell to stop the bleeding, the injury is fine, but the eyes are probably...

Recalling those bright and clear eyes that were always stubborn and persistent, Lin Suying felt heavy at the moment.

Li Li had just emerged, and before he had time to show off his dazzling brilliance, he would be murdered by his senior brother today.

With a sullen face, Lin Suying carried Mo Li on her back and ran towards the Wanyue Peak Palace against the heavy rain.

Well, the sky is about to fall, she wants to see how long Jiang Banyue can get drunk! !


The loud applause echoed in the luxurious bedroom, Jiang Banyue opened her eyes drunkenly, and saw Lin Suying's frightened face staring at her with three parts cold and seven parts anger.


Jiang Banyue, the majestic Yuanying Zhenjun, screamed without any image, and was so frightened that his drunkenness disappeared in an instant, and he shrank into the bed with both hands and feet.

"Lin Suying, what are you going to do, I haven't troubled you in these years!"

The fake Lin Suying stood up from the bed, condescending, looking down coldly, approaching step by step, watching Jiang Banyue keep going back.

She stepped on Jiang Banyue's gorgeous skirt, and said coldly: "Really? But today I just want to trouble you!"

Jiang Banyue shuddered all over, she didn't dare to look Lin Suying directly in the eyes due to fear and guilty conscience, she just curled up into a ball forcefully, not even daring to resist.

If other people saw this scene, they would think it was Lin Suying bullying Jiang Banyue, but Jiang Banyue knew very well in her heart that when she was young, how many times she had tripped Lin Suying, how many black hands she had behind her back, and even almost killed her several times .

And every time, she received the most violent revenge from Lin Suying. Lin Suying never played dirty, and always hit the door openly. Every time, she was cruel with the intention of killing her. The more she resisted, Lin Suying hit The more ruthless you are.

If Fang Shouzhen and other elders in the clan hadn't stopped her, Lin Suying would have crushed her long ago.

So Jiang Banyue's fear of Lin Suying was engraved in her blood and soul, and after she did that, even if she knew she was useless, she didn't dare to come and harass her.

I would rather stay in retreat at Wanyue Peak all the time than go out to wander easily, for fear of running into Lin Suying and being discovered by her what I have done.

If Lin Suying knew, she would definitely not survive this time!

"How did you get in? I obviously added layer after layer of protection." Jiang Banyue asked tremblingly.

Lin Suying threw down a token, and Han Youchu took care of her daily necessities, and it was easy to get a token from Han Youchu.

"In addition to this, there is this!"

Lin Suying threw out the blood-stained token from Jiang Banyue's eldest disciple [Tang Qiyan] that she got from Luo Yi earlier.

Jiang Banyue saw the token clearly and trembled all over, but she didn't reach out to take it, or even reacted in any other way.

Lin Suying's anger gradually became difficult to suppress, she asked coldly: "Do you know what your disciple Chang Yi just did?"

Jiang Banyue still didn't respond, Lin Suying squatted down and grabbed her skirt, "He ruined Li Li's eyes!!"

Jiang Banyue turned her eyes in shock, and looked at Lin Suying angrily for a moment.

"This... this is my matter of holding Yuefeng."

At this time, there were dense footsteps outside, because of Jiang Banyue's scream just now, her six or seven disciples all ran over panting to check the situation.

Seeing Lin Suying, the 'villain', grabbing her master's collar, Jiang Banyue's second disciple Tang Mei immediately drew her sword.

Lin Suying squinted her eyes, and waved her hands to sweep the two tokens on the bed to the ground. The large formation in the bedroom immediately activated, blocking everyone out, but she could clearly hear and see what was going on inside.

"Big Brother?!"

Tang Qiyan's token fell to the ground shiningly, broken and stained with blood, it was obvious what it meant.

When the long sword fell to the ground, Tang Mei's eyes turned red instantly, and the others also looked sad.

The eldest brother is like a father, and Tang Qiyan is a man who is as gentle as a jade, as a father as a brother.

Regardless of Jiang Banyue's affairs, they were more or less taken care of by Tang Xiyan, a big brother. Later, because of the accidental death of the third child, Tang Qiyan couldn't see Jiang Banyue's indifference, so he quarreled with her and left Tiandaozong .

But outside, Tang Mei also met Tang Qiyan a few times, and under his advice, her swordsmanship improved by leaps and bounds, which is why she won the ranking in this Dao Discussion Conference.

To Tang Mei, the elder brother is closer than the master, but she hasn't shared the good news with the elder brother yet, he is just like this...

"Master, what is going on here?"

Tang Mei intended to ask Jiang Banyue, but Jiang Banyue didn't even look at her.

Lin Suying sneered silently, "I really don't know how much sin you have accumulated in your ancestors, in exchange for such a group of children calling you such a heartless person as a master? Are you worthy? Tell me, are you worthy?"

"These are all my business to hold Yuefeng, it's none of your business!!"

Under the pressure of fear, Jiang Banyue yelled uncontrollably, shaking with fat all over her body.

Lin Suying squatted in front of her, her whole body was restless, exuding a dangerous coldness.

"I don't like to be nosy, but I have nothing to do today, so I want to take care of your bad affairs of Wan Yuefeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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