Chapter 103 Die Together
"Let me ask you, did you ever worry about Tang Qiyan not coming back for many years? Did you ever think about avenging him when he was killed by the demon cultivator?"

Jiang Banyue averted her eyes with guilt, "It's not that I killed him. He should know the danger outside if he wants to leave the sect to practice."

As soon as the words fell, all the disciples at the door had mixed feelings, and Tang Mei was so wronged that she covered her mouth and sobbed.

Lin Suying glanced at Tang Mei, and said again: "Have you ever taught Tang Mei personally once after getting started? And Mo Li, don't care if you leave her to Chang Yi and Han Youchu. The two of them pass on false skills, which is almost harmful." Since you went astray, have you fulfilled your responsibility as a master?"

"Why didn't I?" Jiang Banyue quibbled, "I gave them the treatment of direct disciples, how many times better than when they were in the outer sect? Personally, I didn’t have anyone to teach me back then, haven’t I come to today?”

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't teach. You don't have half the credit for Tom Mei and Mo Li's ranking in the Dao Discussion Conference. How can you accept congratulations in the name of Master? Since you want to use the name of Master, then Do you care about Chang Yi's ruthless attack on Li Li?"

"I just found out about this, how do you want me to take care of it? If I kill Chang Yi, will Mo Li's eyes be healed? If you like Li Li so much, I'll let you take care of it!"

Every word and sentence was like a heavy hammer hitting the bottom of everyone's heart, and they saw it in their eyes.

Jiang Banyue is vain, selfish, indifferent, and only knows how to shirk responsibility. She will never seek justice for Li Li sincerely, nor will she feel sorry for Li Li. At this moment, she doesn't even care about the mood and feelings of her disciples. feel.

While the people outside were grieving and indignant for Li Li, when they thought of themselves from this point to that point, their hearts were suddenly as cold as death.

Lin Suying seemed to be insane, her eyes filled with murderous aura, and her whole body exuded a growing coldness, which made Jiang Banyue's hair stand on end.

"Yeah, if you kill Chang Yi, Mo Li's eyes won't get better..."

Even if Fang Shouzhen was killed, she, Lin Suying, would not be able to go back to her previous path.

Wasn't she just like Li Li, who was murdered by others, but no one could uphold justice for her, and there was a great grievance in her heart, but she had nowhere to vent it.

Die, she has no choice.

She couldn't refuse.

No one has ever considered whether she wants to live like this without a ghost or a ghost!

She was also a person who was so proud that she could not live in the world. She also had a bright future and a bright future, but she was cut off from the fairy road in an instant and fell directly to the bottom of the valley.

She hated, she was wronged, and she... was powerless!
When despair reaches the extreme, I think it will be over once and for all, but I am still not reconciled.

She has struggled for half her life, and she has never seen the scenery on the top of the avenue, so why should she rot in the mud like this?

So if she wants to live, the more heaven oppresses her, the more she will live to show off the limelight. Sooner or later, she will tear the sky apart and become a fairy.

But now everything is empty, there is no fairyland at all, all her efforts are in vain, she is just struggling to change to a worse way of death.

The demon lurking in Lin Suying's heart broke through the shackles of reason at this moment and completely occupied her mind.

She felt no hope, no light, and only the desire to kill and destroy remained in her soul.

Her obsession with trying to survive was gradually shattered, and the soul supported by her obsession gradually lost its light, and was gradually annihilated in the boundless darkness.

The heavy rain was pouring, the starlight was dim, and the real body lying in the coffin became more and more transparent like a shadow, being slowly swallowed by a jet of black demonic energy.

The magic was boiling and the killing intent was raging, Lin Suying stared at Jiang Banyue coldly, transformed all her power into the Zhu Rong magic flame, gathered it in the palm of her hand, compressed it to the extreme, and vented it to her heart's content regardless of the consequences.

In her vision obscured by anger, Fang Shouzhen's shadow appeared on Jiang Banyue's pale face.

"Since everything will be empty in the end, then why should I endure and struggle, let's die together!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying waved her hand and patted Jiang Banyue.

Jiang Banyue opened her eyes in astonishment. Her instinct of resistance was suppressed by Lin Suying's beatings again and again, and because of the stupid things she did back then, the little desire to be free in her heart froze her in place.

The hot and terrifying air lifted the broken hair on Jiang Banyue's face, and two lines of regretful tears fell from his eyes.


Lin Suying's hand stopped in response.

The crisp cry rushed into her ears, filled with fear and trembling, shaking her soul, like being suddenly awakened from a nightmare.

With tears in his eyes, Mo Li stumbled out from behind the person, trembling all over, and knelt down in front of the barrier.

She had woken up a long time ago, and heard every word they said. The master she said was not Jiang Banyue, but the master she knew in her heart, who was supporting her.

The power accumulated in the palm dissipated tremblingly, Lin Suying didn't look back, but her pupils trembled violently.


Yes, she still has a master to kill, she is still someone else's master, and she still calls other people's master.

Now, there is another poor person who shares the same illness as her, calling her Master.

She still has countless ties to this world, she still has countless things to do in this world, and she hasn't even spent the money she earned so hard.

She still has to live!

If you can survive as a ghost back then, even if you become a demon, why not now?
Even if there is no fairyland, even if the Great Desolation is about to be destroyed, she still has to live.

How could she be reconciled if she didn't struggle until the last moment, didn't use up the last hole card, and didn't reach the real realm of absolute abyss?
Yes, Lin Suying is never reconciled, even if she dies, she will overthrow this day!
The outstretched hand was fisted and retracted, Lin Suying closed her bloodthirsty eyes.

The sky will not kill me, I will destroy the sky!
The restless magic dissipated suddenly, causing ripples in the air.

In the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, the Milky Way shines again, even better than before.

A brand new star was conceived from the center of Lin Suying's true spirit, and gradually grew stronger with an indelible will.

In the past, she said that there is nothing in this world that can make her so entangled with demons.

Actually, it is now.

Lin Suying opened her eyes, she was no different from before.

She still looked at Jiang Banyue with disdain, "Death is the only way out, and it's also a relief. It's better to let you suffer all the torture alive."

After speaking, Lin Suying stood up, turned around, and stopped before leaving.

"I didn't know why you were so sad in the past, but now I take a closer look, it turns out that it's a curse backlash, curse me to death, you paid a lot of money, right?"


The biggest secret was exposed, and Jiang Banyue screamed with her head in her hands in shock and fear, tears streaming down her face.

"sorry Sorry sorry……"

Lin Suying didn't care whether she apologized because she regretted it or because she was afraid of being retaliated by her. She jumped off the bed, opened the barrier and pulled Li Li up from the ground.

"Didn't you always want to know my real name? Let me tell you now, I am Lin Suying, your master from now on."

As soon as the words fell, everyone present looked surprised. The name Suying Fairy, even if she had been silent for a hundred years, could still shake people's hearts.

Hearing the sound, Mo Li suddenly stopped trembling, as if he had received great strength to support him, he endured the soreness of his nose and stood firm, his back straightened, standing upright, and he took a step back respectfully.

Clenching fists and palms, bowing in salute.

"Disciple Mo Li, pay homage to Master."

She didn't get up for a long time, her shoulders shrugged, her eyes covered with hideous marks were tightly closed, and she let out her hot tears.

 Today, only one more update will be added, until around noon, don’t be impatient
(End of this chapter)

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