I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 104 People Betrayed

Chapter 104 People Betrayed
"Go back to Tianxingya, then I will catch Chang Yi and hand it over to you to deal with."

Lin Suying went to pull Moli, but Moli did not move.

"Master, Li Li has one more matter that needs to be settled."

Hearing this, Lin Suying glanced at the crazy Jiang Banyue on the bed, although she was upset, she didn't interfere.

Mo Li staggered to the side of the bed, knelt down and bowed to Jiang Banyue.

She knocked her head down heavily, "Mo Li bids farewell to Zhenjun Banyue today, and thanks Zhenjun Banyue for accepting and passing on his skills."

At this moment, her face was cold and her heart was firm, all the fear and helplessness before disappeared after Lin Suying's words.

She still has something to rely on, she still has a way out, and there are still people who are willing to stand up for someone like her.

So what if she just lost her eyes, even if the world was in darkness, she would still break it with her sword!

She was blind, but her heart was clear.

She 'saw' a road to the sky that was more difficult than before, but made her blood boil even more!

Lin Suying took Li Li away, the rain poured down outside the window, and the strong wind knocked open the window, causing the cold wind in the room to howl, making it very cold.

Tang Mei wiped away her tears, crawled over to pick up Tang Xiyan's token, and held it carefully in her arms, her eyes gradually became cold and firm.

Like Li Li, she came to the bed and kowtowed heavily.

"Tang Mei please leave Wanyue Peak today, and thank Banyue Zhenjun for taking in and passing on her skills."

Without Jiang Banyue's response, Tang Mei got up and left without any hesitation or nostalgia, picked up her sword and galloped towards the mountain gate.

Jiang Banyue doesn't avenge the elder brother, she will avenge her!

As soon as Tang Mei left, all the disciples were heartbroken, and another person walked out of the crowd and kowtowed in front of Jiang Banyue.

"Su Sheng invites you to leave Wanyue Peak, and thank you Banyue Zhenjun..."

"Fang Xintian please leave Wanyue Peak, thank you..."

"Chen Qing please leave Wanyue Peak..."

"Xiang Dao please leave..."

A series of unwavering voices resounded powerfully in the dormitory, Jiang Banyue regained consciousness in a trance, watching her disciples kneel down one by one, and leave one by one.

No one hesitated, no one looked back, this scene still made her heart feel painful and sore.

The emotions of being abandoned, rejected, despised, and resented all surfaced in her heart, making her miserable.

People betrayed relatives, that's it.

Jiang Banyue tightly grasped the corner of her clothes until her nails pierced through the fabric and pierced deeply into her palms, but she couldn't suppress the pain in her heart.

"Okay, get out of here, get out of here, all of them are wolf-hearted, all of them!!"

Jiang Banyue angrily smashed all the things she could catch on the ground, crying bitterly. It was the same way back then. She was obviously excellent, but everyone only saw Lin Suying.

Everyone was vying for her, no one had seen how hard she worked, even Lin Suying's leftover scum would not give her alms.

How could she not be jealous?How can you not hate?She wished Lin Suying would die sooner!
Only when Lin Suying died, would she have a bright future.

So in the end, she gave her all and cursed Lin Suying, as long as she died, she would be willing to become a rat in the stinky ditch!

The day the curse was completed was the day Fang Shouzhen killed Yun Zhiyi. She was full of anticipation when Fang Shouzhen came back, but she really didn't see Lin Suying. She was so happy at that moment.

That was the happiest moment in her hundreds of years of life!
But not long after she was happy, she discovered that Lin Suying was still alive. When she saw that she was indeed still alive, the fear in her heart reached its peak in an instant.

If Lin Suying knew that she had cursed her, which caused her to end up today, Lin Suying would definitely make her die in extreme pain.

She was terrified, and from that day on, she found that the curse began to bite back, and no matter what she did, she couldn't stop her body from swelling up like a balloon.

She risked her life to conceive a baby, trying to wash away the power of the curse with thunderbolts, but it was not that easy, if Lu Changqing hadn't made a move in the end, she would not have survived at all.

But what's the use of surviving, Lin Suying will know sooner or later, she will come to kill her sooner or later, she is in such a state of panic all day long, and she still has to bear the backlash of the curse.

Just when she was about to go crazy, Li Bichen came to tell her that she could open a mountain gate to recruit disciples, and turn her attention to teaching disciples, which might be able to calm her inner demons.

That's right, accepting apprentices is a brilliant idea. Preaching and imparting karma is a matter of accumulating merit. Merit can eliminate karma, and it may have an effect on cursing backlash.

Since then, she has begun to recruit disciples, and anyone who is pleasing to the eye will be accepted into the door.

Tang Xiyan was her first disciple, and she was really tempted to teach it for a period of time, but she herself had no one to teach her. If she didn't work hard enough to reach the Nascent Soul Stage, she would not know how to teach others at all.

Slowly, she began to herd them, just like those villagers in the mountains, let them take care of the young, the benefits of the exercises and other treatment are all quite good for them, and it is considered worthy of them.

If she had the treatment of a direct disciple back then, she would definitely not lose so much to Lin Suying, so she never felt that she had treated those disciples badly, and her disciples were several times higher than her starting point back then.

But she never thought that she raised a group of wolves who were heartless and dissatisfied. Like Lin Suying, they looked down on her from the bottom of their hearts, and would not appreciate her no matter how much she gave. In the end, they all abandoned her, leaving her alone.

At this moment, holding a handkerchief in front of Jiang Banyue, she raised her head in a daze, and saw Han Youchu kneeling on the bed, frowning at her.

"Why don't you go?"

Han Youchu shook his head, his eyes were sad, "I have no other place to go, they all hate me, now Brother Eight doesn't care about me even more, Li Li is better than me, but I'm not that bad, why everyone likes me Mo Li, don't you like me?"

Jiang Banyue looked at Han Youchu, as if she saw herself back then.

Han Youchu raised his eyebrows and tried to force a smile, "Master, don't cry. In fact, I think Master is still very good to me. I will stay with Master."

Jiang Banyue's lips trembled, seeing Han Youchu's innocent smile, she suddenly went up to hug her, like grabbing a life-saving straw, broke down and cried.

On the other side, Lin Suying took Li Li to the place where Luo Yi and Cheng Kan lived.

On the way, Lin Suying took off the black cloth belt on her sleeves, and helped Li Li cover her eyes with her own hands.

"Does it hurt?" Lin Suying asked.

Mo Li thought for a while, then nodded, "It hurts."

Lin Suying tapped her head with her fingers, and there was a muffled sound.

"It's okay if it hurts. You must be on guard against others. I'll let you know that, but in the end, you can still be plotted against. It's so stupid!"

Mo Li pressed the place where he was knocked, lowered his head and said, "Today, there is an endless stream of congratulators who came to congratulate me. Everyone brought gifts and insisted on accepting them. I thought Senior Brother Chang Yi was just kind, but I didn't expect..."

"Some seniors are seniors, but some are beasts. Remember it for me, do you hear me?"

Mo Li nodded, "Yeah."

"Keep your head up, it's not your fault, don't lower your head casually in the future."

As soon as the words fell, Li Li suddenly raised her head, her neck clicked, she frowned, and raised her hand to hold her neck.

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Lin Suying couldn't help laughing anymore.

Fortunately, the blind man couldn't see, and the master didn't lose face.

"Why did you get second? Didn't Zhao Zhen not participate in the trial today?"

The rainstorm stopped, and the forest path after the rain was breezy.

Mo Li followed behind Lin Suying. Today she was indeed able to take the first place, but it was indeed ineffective to do so, so she controlled the number of kills to only one less than Zhao Zhen, and then left early.

He did not take advantage of it, but also proved his ability.

But at this moment when his master asked, Li Li suddenly smiled and said, "It's a meeting gift for my nephew."

Lin Suying staggered, and suddenly realized that she accepted Li Li as Lin Suying, so she was Yu Chengfeng's junior sister, and naturally Zhao Zhen's junior junior uncle.

So, she still has to call Mo Li little uncle?

I screwed myself up again!

"That's such a big gift, you're willing to part with it, why didn't you realize that you still have such a sleazy side before."

Lin Suying made a joke and quickened her pace.

There is not much time, after seeing off Li Li, she still has to go to Tianyou Peak to meet Fang Shouzhen.

In the past, when she said she couldn't get in, she was actually somewhat afraid to face it, but now, she had nothing to fear, and it was time to put an end to this matter.

 To make a digression, I hope that everyone will not see the entanglement between Jiang Banyue and Lin Suying and call it female. A certain female director has a few words that are right. The difference in the brains of men and women leads to the fact that men are dealing with competition issues. The time is more straightforward, and problems tend to be solved with fists, and women are more turbulent when dealing with competition because of their delicate and rich emotions. The same problem, I believe there will be different treatment results, so don't just call it female, belittle women, and put a big hat on it.

  If the person who is jealous of Lin Suying turns into a man, then it is very likely that Chang Yi will end up with Li Li, directly destroying you (maybe some people only see females, but those who do not see this scum need to be hacked into pieces) .If the object of Jiang Banyue's jealousy becomes a man, I believe her methods will not change much, so everyone treats this matter rationally.

  Now I am really afraid of some rhythmic Internet violence. I am so sensitive that I only dare to write about men fighting with women, but men fight with women. If a man wins, he will be scolded as a female slave, but women can only win all the time. And to be scolded for being unrealistic and too fake, for a woman to win a woman, and to be accused of being a woman... an endless loop...

  If there are relevant rhythmic comments, I will delete them directly. I can't stand others calling me insulting women, because I don't accept it, I don't! (Humble little author protests online)
  Today is just these three shifts, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are scheduled double shifts, at 12 am and [-] noon, a little earlier to save everyone from waiting too long.

(End of this chapter)

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