I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 105 Goodbye Fang Shouzhen

Chapter 105 Goodbye Fang Shouzhen

When Luo Yi opened the door and saw Lin Suying, he was extremely surprised, and scanned her whole body carefully at the first time, but she was wearing [a blinding leaf], Luo Yi couldn't see through Lin Suying's condition at all.

"Lin Suying! You bastard finally appeared!"

Cheng Kan in Luo Yi's room saw her with a note on his face and rushed over holding the leaf card.

Lin Suying only glanced at her, then pulled Mo Li to her side, and said to Luo Yi: "Cure her, I owe you a favor."

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Kan was stunned. Lin Suying always only let others owe her, but never said such begging words.

Luo Yi couldn't help becoming serious, and looked at Mo Li carefully. In fact, just one glance could tell that her eyes couldn't recover at all, but with the help of foreign objects, there might be a glimmer of hope.

"Okay, I'll try."

"Thank you, and I would like to ask you to take her to Jiugong City now, and don't come back before dawn if anything happens."

"What do you mean?" Cheng Kan grabbed the note off his face and asked.

Li Li couldn't help but face Lin Suying's direction, and suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Lin Suying said: "There are some things I can't say right now. In short, if there is nothing wrong after dawn, I will go to you guys. If there is something wrong..."

Lin Suying looked up at Cheng Kan, "Mo Li will be stored in your Sanhuai Hall first, she is my disciple, remember, no matter what happens or doesn't happen, don't go back to Tiandaozong."


Mo Li grabbed Lin Suying's sleeve. The once strong person suddenly became vulnerable and sensitive like a child when he let go of his defenses and relied on someone wholeheartedly.

"I want to be with you, even if I leave Tiandaozong, I still want to be together."

Lin Suying smiled wryly and said: "I've wanted to leave for a long time, and you can't help me now. There are five sword formulas corresponding to the attributes of the five elements. You should practice hard first."

Lin Suying handed Mo Li a jade slip, and Mo Li held it tightly in his hand, and let go of Lin Suying's sleeve.

Lin Suying didn't give "No Sword Art" for the time being, and if she gave it, it would be the same as explaining the funeral, which is unlucky.

Luo Yi and Cheng Kan are both exquisite and thoughtful people. Seeing that Lin Suying was in trouble, she didn't bother to ask. She could come and inform them to leave in advance, and entrusted them with the disciple she cared about, which is already a great trust.

"Lin Suying, you...be careful."

Cheng Kan said something rather awkward, Luo Yi took out a medicine bottle from his sleeve and handed it over without saying anything.

Lin Suying accepted the medicine bottle, "Let's go early."

Cheng Kan turned around and put the sleeping tiger demon into the storage bag, and pulled Mo Li and Luo Yi to leave together.

In fact, seeing the [Iron Blood Alliance]'s frequent actions these days, and then thinking about the rumors from the outside world, and Fang Shouzhenzi's exit from customs, I knew something was going to happen.

Now there is only more than one hour left before midnight.

Saying goodbye to Luo Yi and the others, Lin Suying walked firmly to Tianyou Peak.

Song Tianqi had already received the notice from the Demonic Dao, and after half an hour, she began to arrange the matter of entering Tianyou Peak. Originally, she still wanted to take the path of the Demonic Dao, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

She went to Tianyou Peak on her side, and Zhao Zhen also packed up all the important things in Tianxing Cliff, and was going to withdraw from Tiandaozong first, just in case.

As soon as she packed up the puppets and pill furnace on the assembly line, she came out and saw Yu Chengfeng who she had been looking for.

Yu Chengfeng was also looking for her everywhere, reeking of alcohol, and happily handed her a storage bracelet as soon as he came over.

"I've been looking for you all night. You stinky girl didn't show up even after taking the title of the leader of the trial. My master and I explained everywhere and got drunk. Take it. This is your reward. That Jiuli old man The "Book of Two Instruments" he wrote was amazing, I opened it and looked at it, and the characters of the dog crawling are not as good as I can write with my feet."

Lin Suying took the storage bracelet with ink painting patterns, and said with a smile: "So I'm a Daoist who fits the body, and you are just a nascent soul at the bottom."

"You stinky girl, please beat me!" Yu Chengfeng made a gesture to beat him.

Lin Suying swept into the bracelet, excluding the parts assigned to Qi training and Dan Jie, there are indeed a lot of things, more than enough to arm hundreds of puppet Taoists, other than that...

"Why so many spirit stones?"

"100 million low-grade spirit stones, how about it, are you happy?" Yu Chengfeng was triumphant, "This is the compensation that your master and I have tried so hard to get from the suzerain. It makes people envious and bullied, but you can't let it go, Master has no skills, he can't beat others in fighting, but he can do something for you."

At this moment, Lin Suying's demon had just passed away, and she was at a time when she was sensitive and thinking, and she was touched by Yu Chengfeng for a moment, her nose was sour and her eyes were swollen.

She murmured and said, "Thank you, master, something happened in the shop in Jiugong City, someone said that my shop will be burned tonight, can master help me guard it all night? I also have something to do here, I'll find you at dawn."

Yu Chengfeng was a little hesitant, looked at the direction of the palace on the top of the mountain, then looked at Lin Suying's eyes as red as a bunny, scratched his head and said, "Okay, okay, I'm like my master on weekdays, but today I'm acting coquettish all of a sudden, it's really tricky I can't stand it anymore, Immortal Shouzhen will leave the customs in a while, and I still want to join in the fun..."

"It's because there is a big event in Tiandaozong tonight, so the young people took the opportunity to burn down my shop, you hurry up, don't wait until there will be a pile of ashes..."

Lin Suying pushed Yu Chengfeng out, and watched him drive the gourd towards Jiugong City before she felt relieved.

As soon as Yu Chengfeng left, Lin Suying checked that there was nothing to take with her, and quickly left Tiandaozong. However, her avatar did not go far, but lay in ambush in the dark waiting for the main body to leave.

Outside the Tianyou Peak Palace, Lin Suying felt that everything was ready, looked up at the dark clouds covering the moonlight, and took a deep breath.

When she calmed down now, she remembered that Yun Zhiyi had burned, killed and looted like a mad dog for so many years, gathering property in the cultivation world, and made it clear that he just packed up his bags and ran away.

So she and the existence behind her must know how to break the situation, at least, they also know where the way out is.

She doesn't seek a way to break the situation, she just wants to know where the road is.

Yun Zhiyi wanted to take her away, but she still sent herself to the door in person.

"Fang Shouzhen! If you don't come out to see me, let me go in to see you!"

Lin Suying shouted loudly, and after a short while, the large formation formed by the Mahayana fairy separated to the two sides, making way for a passage.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Suying directly stepped into it, and then saw this place where she lived and practiced sword since childhood, it seemed like a lifetime away.

The buildings and layout have not changed, but it is overgrown and deserted.

In the past, every plant and tree here was planted by her own hands, it was really in vain to blind her original thoughts.

Parting the weeds taller than a person, Lin Suying walked towards the palace step by step, kicked open the door when she reached the door, and walked all the way to the deepest retreat room.


The century-old door opened automatically amidst the flying dust. Lin Suying put her foot down and saw the man sitting cross-legged in the center of the formation facing the door.

It hasn't been seen for a hundred years, but he doesn't seem to have changed at all, he is still in the spotless white clothes, every place is neatly trimmed, just sitting there in the elegant mist-like twilight, he looks like a fairy.

Even if the deadline is approaching, always be confident and calm.

Seeing Lin Suying, Fang Shouzhen smiled, "Aying, I knew you would definitely come to see me today."

Lin Suying sneered silently, he was still conceited as before, always thinking that everything was in his schemes!
(End of this chapter)

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