I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 106 Seizing the house [asking for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 106 Seizing the house [asking for a monthly ticket]

At that time, accompanied by Li Bichen, the lord of Tiandaozong, and Huapo, Lu Changqing, Lingxizi and Pingjiangzi, the three Taoist monarchs sat in the main hall of Zhenyuan Peak drinking tea and chatting, waiting for Fang Shou Mako time out.

No matter whether he is going out of the pass to ascend or go out of the customs, someone needs to be a witness to quell the rumors outside.

In addition to them, people from all sects and sects also lived in the outlying residence of Tiandaozong, waiting patiently.

Under the protective formation of Tiandaozong, even the three fit Taoist monarchs restrained their spiritual sense and coercion, and did not dare to pry at will.

There was only half an hour left before midnight, a group of people wearing black robes and carrying special hidden magic weapons took advantage of the night to approach Tianyou Peak quietly, and quickly began to arrange around.

Song Tianqi was also one of them. When the judge summoned him, he promised that this was the last mission and that he would be freed afterwards.

Lin Suying hid in Song Tianqi's shell, remained calm for a while, and acted according to the orders.

At the same time, this group of people didn't know that the hundred iron catchers of [Iron Blood Alliance] were guarding a more secret position at this moment, silently watching the group of demon cultivators.

There is also Ao Cang, who guards the mountain gate, practicing handstand against a big tree by the Xixin Lake, with his eyes always looking in the direction of Tianyou Peak.

The Sunda mouse with green hair on its head grew a whole circle, squatting among the branches thoughtfully.

A group of people have their own thoughts, and they don't know who is the cicada, who is the mantis, and who is the oriole.

Tianyou Peak, retreat indoors.

Lin Suying stood at the door without moving, looking at the traces of talisman formations everywhere in the retreat room, like a cage, binding Fang Shouzhen tightly in it.

"Let me go."

No nonsense, straight to the point.

Fang Shouzhen restrained his smile, "I'm sorry Ah Ying, I can't do it right now."

As soon as the words fell, a puff of smoke emerged from behind him, turning into Yun Zhiyi, looking at her with uncontrollable greed and urgency.

"After all, you still took the initiative to walk in front of me." Yun Zhiyi said proudly.

Lin Suying's eyes moved slightly, and she subconsciously squeezed the [One Leaf Obstruction Eye] she held in her hand. Fang Shouzhen was still seriously injured, so he might not be able to see the flaws in her body.

The same is true for Yun Zhiyi, who just doesn't know what the existence behind her is and where it is hiding at the moment.

Fang Shouzhen frowned, looking very painful, Yun Zhiyi's phantom was also flickering, as if being suppressed by Fang Shouzhen.

Yun Zhiyi laughed, "Hahaha, Fang Shouzhen, what are you pretending to be? You have long since been unable to destroy me. You are making so many people come here just because you want to use external force? Then let her come in and destroy us together."

Fang Shouzhen didn't speak, just looked at Lin Suying.

Lin Suying sneered, "You think I'm stupid? Go into the dog cage and let your mad dog bite me and occupy my body?"

Yun Zhiyi already knew through her remnants that Lin Suying had seen through her intentions, so she stopped pretending.

"So what? This cage lasts for half an hour at most before it breaks. Even if I can't take you away, there are still a lot of people outside who can let me take it away. At that time, I will kill every one of you in front of you." The one who cares!"

Lin Suying glanced at Fang Shouzhen, and suddenly stepped into the room.

"Then you should come and take me away!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying walked up to Fang Shouzhen in a few steps, without giving him any time to react.

Yun Zhiyi opened her eyes wide in excitement, gathered all her strength and rushed towards Lin Suying.

"No!" Fang Shouzhen tried his best to suppress it.

At the very moment, Yun Zhiyi's fingers almost touched the tip of Lin Suying's nose, and a stronger force dragged her back abruptly.

Unwilling, Yun Zhiyi yelled, "Let go of me, she is my only choice, let me go!"

Yun Zhiyi was finally pulled back behind Fang Shouzhen, and Lin Suying was unscathed.

Before bidding farewell to Gu Yixin, they carefully discussed the matter of seizing the house. Like Yun Zhiyi, the primordial spirit and part of the soul are integrated with her. Even if Yun Zhiyi's true spirit is still there, it cannot be in other people's body Rebirth.

She is indeed Yun Zhiyi's only choice, if she takes away others, Yun Zhiyi will become a person with a broken soul, cut off the path to immortality, even if she goes to reincarnation, it will be like this for life after life.

Yun Zhiyi couldn't wait any longer, as early as the first time she saw Lin Suying, she had already revealed that she was a real idiot.

After Yun Zhiyi was pulled back, there was another smear of red smoke behind Fang Shouzhen, and he gradually turned into a five or six-year-old girl.

Black hair in a red dress with full bangs, skin as white as snow, and black pupils. At first glance, it gives people a sense of well-behaved and quiet.

But if you look closely, those black pupils seem to be a bottomless abyss, with no expression on their faces, no human vitality, only cold silence.

"If it was you who met in the first place, things would be much simpler."

Childish voice, the tone is cold, and there is not even any ups and downs in the tone.

Hearing this, Yun Zhi glared at him angrily.

"who are you?"

Although it felt like nonsense, Lin Suying couldn't help asking.

"Fourty nine."

Or spirit?
Lin Suying couldn't see through Sijiu, and as soon as she appeared, Fang Shouzhen and Yun Zhiyi immediately felt suppressed.

Sijiu didn't look at Fang Shouzhen and Yun Zhiyi at all, but just looked at Lin Suying without emotion, "If you are willing to make a contract with me, I can make you the Dao of Heaven."

Yun Zhiyi's eyes widened, and he struggled to roar, "You don't want to cross the river and tear down the bridge! Don't forget that you are inseparable from me, without me, you are nothing!"

Sijiu still ignored Yun Zhiyi, staring at Lin Suying for a moment, waiting for her to answer.

Lin Suying subconsciously wanted to back away. Under Sijiu's gaze, she had a creepy chill of being seen through everything.

At this time, Sijiu intentionally abandoned Yun Zhiyi to cooperate with her, but Yun Zhiyi said that she and Sijiu were inseparable.

Then why didn't Sijiu let Yun Zhiyi simply take her away just now, wouldn't it be equivalent to making a contract with her?
Unless, Sijiu finds out that she has left behind.

Lin Suying's eyes brightened slightly, but she was not afraid anymore.

She approached Yun Zhiyi confidently, like a steaming meat bun, constantly challenging Yun Zhiyi's endurance of this hungry dog.

Forty-nine did not move, still looking at Lin Suying.

Lin Suying asked, "How can I make a contract with you?"

"Lin Suying, don't even think about it, if I don't let her go, no one can make a contract with her!!" Yun Zhiyi panicked.

Sijiu heard the words and turned to look at Yun Zhiyi, his eyes were cold.

"Just kill her."

Yun Zhiyi hurriedly said: "Lin Suying, the Great Wilderness is about to be destroyed, I know the only way out, I know more than her, I can save you, even save all of you, give me your body, I can keep your true spirit consciousness and find you a better body in the future."

Facing Yun Zhiyi's dog jumping over the wall, Sijiu remained expressionless, never showing the slightest bit of nervousness or panic, like an emotionless existence who didn't care about anything.

Lin Suying pretended to think, "What you said seems to make sense, so let you take the house."

Just as she was talking, Lin Suying fiercely hugged Yun Zhiyi, Fang Shouzhen, who had been silent all this time, seemed to be waiting for this moment, taking advantage of Yun Zhiyi and Sijiu's unpreparedness, he pushed them into Lin Suying's body.

Yun Zhiyi couldn't react in time, and she wanted to take Lin Suying away, but Fang Shouzhen pushed her into Lin Suying's body immediately.

As Yun Zhiyi said, she was inseparable from Sijiu, so Sijiu also turned into a stream of red smoke and was brought into Lin Suying's body.

Before finally disappearing, Sijiu's cold black pupils looked at Lin Suying for a moment.

Calm, without waves.

Lin Suying's heart shook, on the surface she didn't want Yun Zhiyi to take her away, but in fact she wanted Yun Zhiyi to take her away.

She is not sure who is the cicada, who is the praying mantis, and who is the oriole.

The whole game seemed to be a game between Fang Shouzhen and Sijiu from the beginning, and she, like Yun Zhiyi, was just a pawn for them to decide the outcome.

 Although it may be squeezed down by the brush at the end of the month, let’s ask for a monthly ticket and try to keep the top ten of the new book monthly ticket list (make a fist!)

(End of this chapter)

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