I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 107 The calculation is empty [seeking monthly ticket]

Chapter 107 The calculation is empty [seeking monthly ticket]
Fang Shouzhen's whole body relaxed, and his whole body instantly limp and gasped for breath. For 100 years, he has been concentrating on vigilance and defense all the time, playing games with Sijiu, and dare not relax a bit.

He can't be dominated by his body, and he can't let Sijiu escape, she is the truly terrifying existence, and Yun Zhiyi is just a self-righteous puppet.

At this time, Yun Zhiyi entered Lin Suying's body full of excitement, thinking that she finally got her wish, but when she actually entered, she was stunned.

All she could see was the light and shadow of the formation, and the nothingness was full of whirlpools, and the sound of insects and wings made her hair stand on end.

This is not Lin Suying's real body, this is a trap! !

"Lin Suying, you lie to me!!"

Yun Zhiyi roared furiously and struggled outward, while Sijiu was always floating behind her, expressionless.

Layers of hideous phantoms appeared on Lin Suying's body. She fell to the ground and curled up into a ball, her arms hugging herself tightly.

Seeing that Yun Zhiyi was about to break through, Fang Shouzhen touched Lin Suying's eyebrows in time. At that moment, Fang Shouzhen's pupils shook violently, but it didn't delay his action at all.

After the seal was completed, Lin Suying relaxed all over, and sat down like Fang Shouzhen, gasping for breath.

What Yun Zhiyi wanted was her body, but what she came here was only a puppet dharma body, so she was confident.

This idiot, Yun Zhiyi, dared to expose everything. If she hadn't said that she and Sijiu were inseparable, she wouldn't have dared to act so decisively and quickly.

Lin Suying suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Sijiu. Being with such an idiot as Yun Zhiyi for hundreds of years without being pissed off, and being able to turn her into a famous Demon Lord that made the whole righteous way tremble, it is really difficult for her.

But this can also just explain Sijiu's horror. Behind all of Yun Zhiyi's brilliance is her scheme.

Just what is she trying to figure out?Could it be that assisting Yun Zhiyi in this way is only for survival?
It's okay to have doubts, she has countless doubts that need to be answered by Yun Zhiyi, but rather than asking, she prefers to look directly by herself.

That's why she had to swallow Yun Zhiyi completely, fuse her remaining soul and true spirit, obtain all her memories, and then make her disappear from this world completely.

But it takes time and a process. She can't seal Yun Zhiyi, but Fang Shouzhen can.

But Fang Shouzhen and Sijiu seemed to have guessed her thoughts, and they seemed to be playing in their favor.

The door behind him was slammed shut, and all the talismans in the room shone with dangerous light.

Fang Shouzhen sat up straight, and regained his confident and calm look, "Aying, even after a hundred years, you and I still have the same tacit understanding."

Lin Suying glanced at the timekeeping tool in the corner of the room, there was only a quarter of an hour left, and it was the time he promised to leave the customs, and it was also the time when the big array in his room failed.

"Have you counted all this today?" Lin Suying asked.

Fang Shouzhen looked at Lin Suying with complicated eyes, "I thought you were my successor, but I didn't expect Sijiu to leave Yun Zhiyi's inheritance to you and lead you on the road of Yun Zhiyi."

Fang Shouzhen's gaze moved down, and landed on Lin Suying's clenched right fist, "If it wasn't for injury, I would have been able to see through Hua Po's [one-leaf barrier]."

Lin Suying spread her hand, revealing the willow leaf-shaped magic weapon, "You have always been conceited, always thinking that what you do is right, using common people and justice as an excuse, standing on the commanding heights of morality to manipulate others, confidently thinking that I am studying in a library After a hundred years, the hatred will always be worn away, and I will understand what you did at the beginning."

"Then, you thought that I would be moved by the righteousness in your heart, caring about the relationship between master and apprentice, helping you to complete your unfinished business, sacrificing your own body to seal Yun Zhiyi and Sijiu, so that you can breathe a sigh of relief, then Destroy me with them, am I right?"

Fang Shouzhen shook his head and smiled wryly, "No, although the result is the same, I know you well, and I know you will stab me with your own hands before I die, so that the hatred in your heart can be relieved."

"Ha, then you really know me well enough!" Lin Suying sneered, "So that's why you expected that I would definitely come tonight? Then how did you expect that I would take the initiative to devour Yun Zhiyi?"

"Ah Ying still remembers, that day I asked you why you were seeking immortality?"

Lin Suying didn't want to answer.

Fang Shouzhen said: "You said you are afraid of death, I know you want to live more than anyone else, and you just happen to have only a remnant soul like Yun Zhiyi back then. Under her influence, you will definitely find that in this world There is no other path that suits you better than Yun Zhiyi's."

"So you expected that in order to get everything about Yun Zhiyi, I would stop you from killing her, actively devour her, and stab you by the way?"

Fang Shouzhen nodded in agreement.

Lin Suying's eyes were cold, "Since you know that I want to live more than anyone else, why did you kill me with your own hands?"

Fang Shouzhen looked at Lin Suying seriously, with the same confidence as always in his eyes.

"At that time, even if the situation was critical, I was under control. I am the Mahayana Immortal Sovereign. Even if you have only a wisp of soul left, I can still save you!"

"Under control?" Lin Suying sneered, "Under control, you can make Yun Zhiyi run to me from your net? Under control, will you end up today?"

Fang Shouzhen's pupils were shocked, "That's because I never counted that there is a forty-nine behind Yun Zhiyi! She is the truly terrifying existence, the mastermind who really wants to destroy the Great Wilderness, she can count until today, count the shock The door of death you are in has a chance of life, and you can kill Yun Zhiyi with one stone, and today it seems that she is right, and I did nothing wrong!"

"In that case, if I sacrifice myself and die with him, then Sijiu's opponents will be unstoppable in the world, so I must stay and eliminate hidden dangers. Although the process has twists and turns, everything is still under my control today!"

Lin Suying's eyes were sharp and became more and more cold, "Since you want to eliminate these two scourges for the cultivation world so much, why didn't you just use other people's hands to eliminate these scourges when Yun Zhiyi and Sijiu occupied your body? You were just afraid Those people have no bottom line just like you, and they even destroyed you, Fang Shouzhen, in order to wipe out the roots!!"

Hearing this, Fang Shouzhen said sadly: "Aying, am I so unbearable in your heart? The reason why I didn't tell anyone or contact anyone was because I was afraid that Sijiu would take the opportunity to escape. She is a thousand times more terrifying than Yun Zhiyi. Over the past hundred years, I have never dared to relax for a moment."

"I can kill Yun Zhiyi but dare not, because she is the only one who can tie Sijiu. On that day, Sijiu deliberately led Yun Zhiyi to the death gate, just to use my hand to get rid of Yun Zhiyi. That's why I used this body Seal them here, trying to die with them slowly! I have long since given up this life, I just want to die well!"

"So what if you let her go, the Great Wilderness is about to be destroyed, so what difference does it make if she destroys it in advance?" Lin Suying said angrily.

Fang Shouzhen argued, "There is still life before the last moment. The reason why I have focused the eyes of the whole cultivation world here is to let them see clearly that the fairy world has become hell tonight, so as to put them who are not doing anything. Wake them all up, and then I will sink myself into the Abyss of Falling Dragon, use this body to seal off the great terror below, and fight for the last chance for the cultivation world."

"What about me? Where is my vitality? What did I do wrong? I was going to be killed once by you as a nail in the eye of the formation, and I will be killed again by you as a sealed container today? Your righteousness and common people, What have you got to do with me!!"

Fang Shouzhen clenched his fists. In this life, he is not ashamed of the heaven and earth, of the common people, and his heart is flawless. The only flaw is Lin Suying.

But he had no choice, when he attacked Lin Suying, he already had the consciousness of ruining his immortal career and his own life.

"A Ying, I thought... you, like me, are also a person with righteousness in mind."

"Stop fucking playing moral kidnapping with me. Your self-righteous calculations have long been seen through by Sijiu. All your plans tonight will eventually come to naught!"

As soon as the words fell, Fang Shouzhen opened his eyes in shock, fixedly staring at Lin Suying, through her bloodshot eyes, he seemed to be able to see Sijiu's pair of lifeless black pupils that never wavered.

(End of this chapter)

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