Chapter 108 One Cut

While Lin Suying was arguing with Fang Shouzhen, she was also negotiating with Sijiu in her body.

Fang Shouzhen's seal turned into chains to bind Yun Zhiyi firmly, making her unable to struggle or speak.

Lin Suying's soul fragment turned into a phantom, walked in front of Yun Zhiyi, inserted her hand between her eyebrows without hesitation, grasped her true spirit, and began to devour it with all her strength.

Yun Zhiyi's eyes were bloodshot and filled with hatred, she could only watch helplessly as her body turned into stars and submerged into Lin Suying's body.

Sijiu stood next to Yun Zhiyi and looked at her indifferently, still expressionless and unmoved, and even reminded Lin Suying, "Fang Shouzhen is delaying time, you must complete the devouring before midnight."

Hearing this, Lin Suying's devouring speed was deliberately slowed down, staring at Sijiu and said: "It will be finished after midnight, so what?"

"After Zishi, the Immortal Lock Formation was broken, and Fang Shouzhen ordered everyone to find your real body and work together to destroy you and me."

The immature child's voice calmly spoke out what was about to happen in a tone without ups and downs and emotions. When she was about to die, her eyes did not change.

She was right, Fang Shouzhen was really delaying time, but she was too weak to escape that room at all.

Even if she escaped, Fang Shouzhen would not die, but her body would still be trapped in the Tiandaozong formation, waiting to die.

With four eyes facing each other, Sijiu remained silent and poised.

Fang Shouzhen knew that Sijiu wanted to escape, so he kept Yun Zhiyi from killing him, otherwise without Yun Zhiyi, he would be able to take back part of his strength and deal with Sijiu better.

Thinking of this, Lin Suying's eyes moved slightly, maybe Sijiu was using Yun Zhiyi to drag Fang Shouzhen down.

So in the past hundred years, the three of them have reached a balance in a sense, until they appeared by themselves, breaking the balance and giving both sides a chance.

Lin Suying knew from the very beginning that the solution to her deadlock would fall on Sijiu.

And Sijiu just needs her to devour and destroy Yun Zhiyi and return her to freedom.

Suddenly, a chill rose from Lin Suying's back.

If Fang Shouzhen was influenced by April [-]th ​​and resurrected her with Yun Zhiyi's remnant soul and primordial spirit, it would be too scary to pave the way for her to escape from Yun Zhiyi.

When receiving the Qingmu Wangding, both she and Yun Zhiyi thought that bringing her back to life was to preserve Yun Zhiyi's Wuya Hall and give Yun Zhiyi a chance.

But at this moment, Lin Suying realized that Wuya Palace is a fart, Sijiu is killing three birds with one stone.

To appease Yun Zhiyi's mad dog so that she would not be forced to jump over the wall in a desperate situation, relying on Sijiu to regain her freedom.

Leaving her behind, use the memories of Wuyadian and Yun Zhiyi who were selected by Sijiu to influence her, prompting her to finally walk in front of Sijiu.

She also used her to leave flaws in Fang Shouzhen's flawless Dao heart, so that Sijiu could erode Fang Shouzhen's will step by step, and find flaws to reach Fang Shouzhen's vital points.

Sijiu is not only considered seamless, but also understands people's hearts.

Lin Suying finally realized at this moment that Fang Shouzhen's horror, such an existence, cannot be left no matter what.

"You can't kill me."

Sijiu spoke suddenly, Lin Suying's pupils shrank.

"Can you read minds?"

"You don't need to read your mind, you can tell by looking at it. Give me to Fang Shouzhen, and he can kill me."

Lin Suying's heart was shocked again, how could Sijiu be so 'thinking of her'?
Sijiu continued: "Complete the devouring before Zishi, let me go out, Fang Shouzhen will trap me and die with me, then you can leave freely."

Lin Suying clenched her fists tightly, and she even wanted to give up swallowing directly under her rebellious mentality, but even if she didn't go swallowing, Fang Shouzhen would still not let her go.

The only way was to let Sijiu go out and bite the dog with Fang Shouzhen, but when Sijiu said it directly, she couldn't stop her hairs from standing on end.

"I have no conflict with you. After reading Yun Zhiyi's memory, you will know where the way out is. Just leave on your own. Fang Shouzhen is thoughtful and thoughtful. He personally invited everyone from the cultivation world to come here to avoid future troubles forever. I am the future troubles." ,The same to you."

Lin Suying gritted her teeth tightly, after all, she speeded up her devouring speed. She didn't want to die, just like Fang Shouzhen said, she wanted to live more than anyone else.

"You are very good, but you don't want to make a contract with me. It's a pity."

Sijiu suddenly lamented, and there were also faint waves in Gujing's calm eyes.

"Get lost! Don't any of you fucking want to use me as a pawn in the fight!"

Lin Suying burst into anger, crushing Yun Zhiyi's true spirit.

Now she is just a low-level cultivator struggling to survive, unable to take care of these powerful and shocking events, she can't kill Fang Shouzhen, let alone Sijiu, all she can do is try her best to survive for herself.

The true spirit was shattered, and Yun Zhiyi's eyes were wide open to the extreme. With fear and unwillingness, her body gradually turned into clusters of light spots, which poured into Lin Suying's body.

She tried her best to turn her head to look at Sijiu, but Sijiu had turned into red smoke and slowly disappeared into this dark space.


Tears fell, carrying Yun Zhiyi's last regret and nostalgia, but Sijiu never looked at her for the last time.

The last light spot entered Lin Suying's body, the galaxy in her sea of ​​consciousness was dazzling, and the memories of Yun Zhiyi's life flashed in her mind, scenes and sounds.

In every scene, Yun Zhiyi was screaming,

Forty nine...

Lin Suying only felt a storm in the sea of ​​consciousness, and a huge soul power was poured into the true essence, instantly setting off a hurricane of true essence.

Her body in the hiding place tried her best to suppress it, but it still couldn't resist the strong hurricane.

In her boundless dantian, the true essence surged violently, stirring vigorously to form a huge vortex, squeezing all the true essence towards the center.

She is about to form a pill, unstoppable!

At this moment, Lin Suying faced Fang Shouzhen and told him ruthlessly that Sijiu had seen through all his schemes.

Fang Shou was really shocked when he saw red smoke rising from Lin Suying's back.

At this time, Lin Suying suddenly approached, and Fang Shouzhen opened his eyes in shock.


A dagger was ruthlessly inserted into his heart by Lin Suying, Qi Gen sank into it, and was still squeezed inward by Lin Suying with her deep hatred.

Fang Shouzhen frowned and suppressed his body's resistance. This knife was something he should and should have endured long ago.

Lin Suying sneered, "You are right, I am here to stab you today, but you are wrong about one thing, you think I am rebellious by nature, the more others want me to do something, I will not do it, you think Sijiu can't convince me, but you can adapt and accept when you are powerless to fight, isn't that what you have taught me in these hundred years? Master!"

Fang Shouzhen was trembling all over, and watched Sijiu escape from the cage with wide eyes, appearing behind Lin Suying.

He threw Lin Suying away and grabbed Sijiu with all his might.

But Sijiu remained the same, like a beautiful doll without a soul, with black hair and red skirt blown by the wind, standing there quietly without resistance or fear, letting Fang Shouzhen imprison her again.

Fang Shou was really terrified by such four-nines. The feeling of being seen through had never dissipated since a hundred years ago.

When Fang Shouzhen sealed Sijiu in his body and raised his head again, the door was open and the room was cold and silent, Lin Suying was no longer there, only the dagger stuck in his heart still had a trace of her breath left.

Now there is really only one choice left for Fang Shou, which is to induce the Heavenly Tribulation to become an immortal, and perish with Sijiu. This is the only way!
(End of this chapter)

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