I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 109 Return of the Demon Venerable

Chapter 109 Return of the Demon Venerable
Tianyou Peak.

As soon as Lin Suying rushed out of Fang Shouzhen's palace, she felt a strange aura fluctuating all around, arousing the power of the stars, gathering at the weakest point of the protective formation on the mountain top, that is, behind the palace.

Lin Suying immediately realized that it was the members of the Demonic Dao, and they actually used Wan Baozhong's family-handed tomb robbery method to open Fang Shouzhen's protective formation.

The success may be due to the fact that the protective array itself is about to dissipate.

However, there is only about one stick of incense left in Zi Shi, which is about 5 minutes if converted in the units of Yun Zhiyi's world.

Wan Baozhong always thought that his [Kaitian Mirror] was given by the demon avatar, so he was very active in completing the tasks in [Kaitian Mirror], and Lin Suying also got a lot of inside information from him.

The judge told Laomo and Qingsi that Yun Zhiyi might have devoured Fang Shouzhen, and they gathered everyone from the cultivation world here to kill tonight and spread the prestige of the demon way.

Back then, under the leadership of Yun Zhiyi, the Demonic Dao had driven the Righteous Way to the bottom, and that was the golden age of all Demonic Cultivators.

The demon cultivators who followed Yun Zhiyi's side all gained great benefits, and later became the big devil who frightened one side.

So this time, all the demons in Tianque Territory risked their lives to build a "Conglong Gong", and took great risks to come here to pick up Yun Zhiyi to leave the customs.

Lin Suying recalled the whole incident now, and from Lu Changqing's point of view, she immediately understood what he was going to do.

The ultimate goal is of course to kill Fang Shouzhen, but he probably wants to hand the butcher's knife into Zhengdao's hands.

The people with the help of the Demon Dao first poured a basin of dirty water on Fang Shouzhen, making everyone think that Fang Shouzhen had been taken away. If she guessed correctly, there must be people from the Jagged Alliance ambushing behind everyone in the Demon Dao.

At that time, after the members of the Jagged Alliance wiped out everyone in the Demonic Dao, they would definitely have doubts about Fang Shouzhen. In addition, the Immortal League was suppressed by Fang Shouzhen's reputation, and they were not upset that Tiandaozong had occupied the top position in the righteous way for a long time. I believe someone will make a good contribution.

In addition... Lin Suying looked towards the direction of the mountain gate, Ao Cang must also be an important pawn.

If Ao Cang thinks that Yun Zhiyi has taken over Fang Shouzhen's body, he will definitely kill him to help Yun Zhiyi get out of trouble and leave Tiandaozong.

At that time, people from the entire Immortal League will definitely unite with the Jagged League and take the opportunity to wipe out Fang Shouzhen.

Even if there is a problem in the middle link, Ao Cang will definitely risk his life to avenge Yun Zhiyi knowing that Fang Shouzhen finally killed Yun Zhiyi.

But so what, someone can say afterwards that Yun Zhiyi is cunning, and he must have sacrificed everyone in the Demonic Way and his general Ao Cang to clear his name, in a vain attempt to control the entire righteous way.

The Jagged Alliance is here, Mo Dao and Ao Cang can't make waves, and will be wiped out in the end. In addition, if the matter is serious, if Fang Shouzhen doesn't ascend, he will definitely be imprisoned for review.

At that time, if Ao Cang's death is pushed to Fang Shouzhen, then he can use the hands of the Dragon Clan to kill Fang Shouzhen again.

With Fang Shouzhen's character, in order not to cause a war between the dragon clan and the human race, and bring endless flames of war to the wilderness, why is it difficult for him to sacrifice himself for the common people and righteousness?
Lu Changqing's idea is correct, but there are still a lot of loopholes and insecurity. Maybe he has other ways to make everyone in the Demonic Dao completely believe that Yun Zhiyi has taken Fang Shouzhen away, but no matter what, it is not as good as Yun Zhiyi going there in person Prove she's alive!

Thinking of this, the most important part of Yun Zhiyi's memory, which she just obtained, immediately appeared in Lin Suying's mind, about how she controlled her demon cultivators.

Mozu engraved!

Use the unique method of the demons to leave imprints on others, which will be passed down by blood and will never be erased. Of course, this is also the method Sijiu taught her.

She used this engraving to punish and control other demon cultivators to obey her orders, and then let her demon cultivators use her own engraving to 'pollute' other demon cultivators as a symbol of joining her.

Sijiu also taught Yun Zhiyi that every time her magic cultivator develops ten subordinates, she can be promoted to one level in exchange for a high-level spell, which is effective for everyone.

Every time someone is promoted, everyone's engravings will squirm and become hot, in order to stimulate the people below and make them feel a sense of urgency all the time, for fear of being surpassed too much by others.

It was because of this that Yun Zhiyi was able to quickly possess an incomparably huge force at that time, and because of the existence of the engraving, this force was very 'loyal'.

If you resist, the engraving will swallow up your soul and true spirit little by little, and you will feel the extreme pain until you die. No one can persist until the end.

If he is obedient, Yun Zhiyi can pass on his skills directly through engraving, help his subordinates improve their cultivation, or impart supernatural powers and spells.

In the heyday, Yun Zhiyi's thought could immediately make all the demon cultivators of the Great Wilderness feel her presence. Now that Lin Suying has integrated all of Yun Zhiyi, she can also control these engravings.

Although the cultivation level is not enough, it is enough to attract the attention of several high-ranking monks of the magic way around here.

Sensing that the people from the magic way had come in and were approaching the palace quickly, Lin Suying urged the power of the engraving while hiding. Besides, there was another very interesting thing to play with.

Fang Shou really wants to die with righteousness and prestige?She just can't make him wish!
Let everyone watch, Mozun Yun Zhiyi, come back!
At the same moment, the mountain behind Tianyou Peak.

As soon as the protective formation opened, Qingsi let Wan Baozhong go in first, Wan Baozhong was covered in cold sweat, sucked his stomach hard and squeezed into the narrow gap, when he came in, his stomach popped out suddenly.

Seeing that he was fine, Laomo and Qingsi followed closely behind, telling the rest to come in quickly.

Qingsi, who was dressed in purple, bent down and poked Wan Baozhong's soft belly, "It's really soft, I still want to hee hee."

Hearing this, Wan Baozhong retracted his stomach abruptly, sweating profusely.

The old devil had a sullen look on his face, "Hurry up, don't make your lord wait too long!"

Only then did Qingsi restrain herself a little, and approached the palace cautiously behind the old devil. The whole group was uneasy, not knowing what they were about to face.

But for the old devil, the demon clan has been driven to a desperate situation, and the demon king is his only hope.

At this moment, the old devil suddenly felt a burning sensation from his right wing, which made him tremble all over, and a pair of eagle eyes suddenly widened to the extreme.

Trembling, he slowly raised his right wing, and the feathers gradually receded and scattered, turning into a human wrist like dead bark, on which there were black tumors wriggling and floating from under the skin, bringing him the ultimate from soul to body. stimulation.

Mozun engraves!

After a hundred years of silence, it reappeared!
This long-lost pain made the old devil burst into tears instantly. When he turned his head, he saw that everyone except Wan Baozhong was looking at his right wrist.

Some are excited, some are terrified, and some are overwhelmed.

Qingsi dropped the man's head that had been in her arms all the time, separated from the bushes and ran two steps forward, said happily: "Master Mozun is still alive, that's great, I can go and comb your hair again."

At this time, on the top of the dark mountain, a ray of green brilliance shot straight into the sky like an arrow from the string, and exploded.

Green fireworks bloomed all over the sky, eerie like will-o'-the-wisps. Amidst the crackling sound, a huge green skeleton was left behind. The skeleton made a sharp and piercing sound, and a ferocious giant snake emerged from its mouth, roaring in all directions in the night sky.

For a moment, the sky and the earth trembled, and the Tiandaozong rushed to escape light from all over the place, seeing the huge and terrifying imprint on Tianyou Peak, they paled in horror.

That's... the Demon Lord's mark!
(End of this chapter)

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