I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 110 Fairyland

Chapter 110 Fairyland

On the peaks of Tiandaozong, everyone was standing in the sky with the light of escape. They had just been shocked by the mark of the demon king that had not been seen in a hundred years, and they heard the thunder of heaven and earth.




The golden bell rang, and the midnight had just arrived.

Colorful petals appeared out of thin air, swirling one after another.

The golden light dissipated under Tianyou Peak, turning into golden lotus flowers that grew and bloomed rapidly, and bloomed for a hundred miles around in an instant, surrounding Tianyou Peak.

"Flowers are falling from the sky, and golden lotuses are gushing from the ground. This is... the heavenly tribulation of becoming an immortal!"

The center of the golden lotus is like a whirlpool, and the seven-color aura flickers in it, containing the pure energy of heaven and earth, which is extremely gorgeous.

The seven-colored spiritual light gathered into a seven-colored cloud, which was vast and boundless. The Tianyou Peak Palace was like a fairy palace among the golden lotus and the seven-colored cloud.

In the sky above Zhenyuan Peak, Mr. Jiuli raised his hand to catch a colorful petal. The huge power inside was boundless and boundless, and the rays of the sun were flickering.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is confused, what is going on?"

As soon as the light asked, the three combined Taoists and a dozen Huashenxing Lords above Zhenyuan Peak immediately looked at Huapo of Tiandaozong.

Hua Po was patiently flustered, and quickly recalled the scene when Fang Shouzhen told her to invite the masters of the cultivation world to hold a Dao discussion conference.

There is clearly no problem, it is clearly Fang Shouzhen, but how to explain the mark of the Demon Lord?

This is Yun Zhiyi's unique mark. Every time she slaughtered a place in the past, she would leave a mark, as if to show off, so that everyone would notice her masterpiece and feel the fear she brought.

Wan Ruyi's eyes turned cold, "Could it be that Fang Shouzhen was really taken away by Yun Zhiyi, and it is Yun Zhiyi who is going to ascend at this moment?"

The surroundings were silent, and everyone felt like a drum beating, watching the colorful clouds rising continuously. It was supposed to be a scene of immortality, but it was made extremely cold by the will-o'-the-wisp-like skeletons and giant snakes in the sky.


The tribulation and thunder gathered quickly, like a canopy covering the sky over the entire Heavenly Dao Sect. Among them, the electric tide was like a dragon, and the thunder was thick, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

The coercion of heaven and earth contained in it is even difficult for Zhenjun Yuanying to resist, and Daoist Jiedan was directly crushed by Mount Tai and fell straight from the escaping light.

Suddenly, thunder exploded, and an electric arc surged and struck down from the cloud. The aura of spiritual energy shocked all the monks in the sky, and all the monks in the sky panicked and urged the body protection method to defend with all their strength.

Li Bichen turned pale with astonishment, and hurried to look at the juniors of Tiandaozong who were too late to be protected, becoming an immortal and heavenly calamity, even the big array of protecting sects could not resist.

But when the thunder fell, everyone froze again and turned their heads to look behind them.

That thunder...why didn't it strike Tianyou Peak, instead it struck the place where Tiandaozong's library is located?

Feeling it, Wan Ruyi frowned and said, "Just now it was a pill-forming catastrophe."


Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded, the person on Tianyou Peak was going through the Heavenly Tribulation of Immortals, yet someone was going through the Heavenly Tribulation of Jiedan in the Library at the same time?Aren't you afraid that Lei Jie will get confused for a while and be directly struck to death by Xian Lei?
Is this bad luck or good luck?
The thunder just now clearly carried the aura of a fairy, and its power is far superior to that of ordinary pill-forming sky thunder, and it is not weaker than Nascent Soul sky thunder. benefit.

However, the situation at this time made everyone have no time to care about who was crossing the Dandan Thunder Tribulation, and they could only focus on Tianyou Peak.

Under the halo of the golden lotus, it seemed that two parties were fighting outside the palace of Tianyou Peak, but it was obscured by the spirit of the fairy, making it hard to see clearly.

"Bichen, quickly transfer the disciples under the sect, and ask all the other sects to evacuate, hurry up!" Hua Po ordered, Li Bichen and Hua Po looked at each other deeply, and they both understood the seriousness of this matter at this moment .

The demon king's mark has already made it difficult for Tiandaozong to argue, so we can only wait for Fang Shouzhen to explain in person, but to be on the safe side, it is safest to transfer the younger generation first.

In the catastrophe of becoming an immortal, even a cultivator of Huashen couldn't resist the aftermath of the coercion.

Li Bichen didn't dare to delay, and immediately took Liuguang Liuyun, Yu Xiangzi and Fubo Zhenjun together to transfer his disciples.

"There seems to be a strange movement on Tianyou Peak, Changqing went to have a look."

"Changqingzi!" Hua Po tried to stop her, but Lu Changqing had already headed straight to Tianyou Peak in the light of escape.

The other two gods of Tiandaozong, Lingxi Xingjun and Pingjiang Xingjun also wanted to go and have a look, but they were stopped by Hua Po.

She was faintly worried about falling into the Dragon Abyss under her feet, and she always felt that everything tonight made her heart jump.

Everywhere in Tiandaozong, all the sects in the cultivation world who came to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference felt the power of the Immortal Tribulation, and fled with all their disciples in a panic.

At this moment, the sky is billowing with calamity clouds, undulating violently like a violent ocean, filled with mighty spirit energy.

If it weren't for the majestic aura of immortality and heavenly calamity, the three combined Taoist monarchs would have already taken action to destroy the demons. The situation is unknown at this moment, so we can only wait and see temporarily.

As soon as Lu Changqing arrived outside Tianyou Peak, he saw a hundred iron arresters from the Jagged Alliance, fighting against the demonic people led by Laomo and Qingsi.

The old demon and Qingsi were extremely excited, and the other demon disciples were affected by the engraving of the demon clan, and they all lost their minds and fought wildly.

Only Wanbaozhong, who had already escaped along the trail, covered his whereabouts with a cloth covering his whereabouts.

"Swear to protect Your Majesty to the death!"

The old devil turned back into the vulture's body, with two wings flapping, and the sky was full of sword light, and the dozen or so iron trappers fighting in the front row screamed and were dismembered into pieces.

"My lord, Qingsi is here, my lord came out to see Qingsi."

Qingsi, who was dressed in purple, was holding the head in her hands, and the black hair on it fluttered like a wild snake, hissing and screaming, rolling the iron traps into the air one by one, the black hair piercing into the body, sucking blood crazily, and finally tearing it to pieces.

The battle was fierce, Lu Changqing did not intervene, but looked towards the direction of the mountain gate.

Just listening to the sound of the dragon chant, the cyan dragon rushed straight into the sky, and the iron chains on its feet flickered, causing a huge circle of light to flash under Xixin Lake.

Qinglong struggled with all his strength, his body suddenly burst into blood, roaring and tearing off the iron chain.

Once out of trouble, Qinglong was about to rush towards Tianyou Peak, when the phantom of the giant black palm suddenly rushed up from below, grabbed Qinglong's body, pulled him down from midair, and smashed him to the ground.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Ao Cang's blood-red eyes turned back into a human body, and the inscription of the demon clan on his right wrist was as bright as fire, which directly raised his aura to the stage of refinement, staring at the iron-blooded lord who was walking from the hiding place with a black iron hand Mu Tieying.

The Immortal Tribulation had not yet ended, and the battle had just started, and everyone's eyes were attracted by Ao Cang and Mu Tieying.

At this moment, a blood-colored thunder suddenly split in the sky, and a pitch-black and huge bone spear blatantly pierced out of the Jieyun. With the power of destroying the world, it rushed like lightning and approached Zhenyuan Peak!

Everyone was caught off guard, and when they reacted, the bone spear that was as strong as a pillar of heaven was close in front of them, and the powerful and ancient magic on it carried the coldness of Jiuyou, even Wan Ruyi, Jiuli and Mingdeng, the three combined Daoist kings, were all in awe. Was instantly frozen in place.

The bone spear hit the top of Zhenyuan Peak fiercely, pierced down obliquely, and sank deeply into the wall of Zhuolongyuan Mountain.

The earth-shattering explosion set off a terrifying wave of air that swept across Liuhe. With Zhenyuan Peak as the center, the surrounding mountain peaks and buildings were crushed and flattened in the air wave. Accompanied by the screams of the disciples, a shocking deep pit was left behind. .

Zhenyuan Peak no longer exists, and even the Falling Dragon Yuan has collapsed for the most part.

The dust in the sky was mixed with thick blood mist, and the ancient magic suddenly changed everything around. The golden lotus in the ground faded from its golden light and turned into a red blood lotus, and the colorful petals in the sky also turned black in an instant, exuding a cold and magical energy.


A Buddha's name, a sword light.

The people who were on Zhenyuan Peak just now were transferred to a distance by Zen Master Mingdeng and Wan Ruyi together. Wan Ruyi pressed his chest and blood was boiling, Zen Master Mingdeng had blood on the corner of his mouth, and Mr. Jiuli was also pale.

Turning around, there were only five or six people left behind them, and a few of the cultivators from other sects had melted into blood, and half of them died without even the slightest resistance.


Lingxi Xingjun of Tiandaozong was protecting the elderly Hua Po, and found that Pingjiang Xingjun was not in front of him. When he hurriedly looked into the distance, he only saw the fragments of the body protection magic weapon left by Pingjiang Xingjun in the blood mist.

"what is that?!"

Master Lingxi Xing still couldn't care less about the sadness, and heard someone around him be born in horror, pointing to the sky.

In the sky, the blood light flickered, and black clouds and mist overflowed. Amidst the black mist, the ferocious claws covered with black scales held the bone spear, and pulled it out little by little amidst the rumbling sound.

The claws are so big that they cover the sky, and the sum of all of them is less than the size of a fingernail.

After the devil's claws were completely retracted, the sky broke through a big hole, revealing the ruins and bones behind.

The outline of the fairy palace can still be vaguely discerned in the ruins, but everything is decayed and dilapidated as if it had been burned by a raging fire, shrouded in thick blood, without the slightest fairy energy, and only brings a bone-chilling chill.

"Is that... Immortal Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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