I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 111 The Demon Clan Comes into the World

Chapter 111 The Demon Clan Comes into the World

"Xuanzhen Monument!"

Hua Po spurted out a mouthful of blood, and looked in horror at the half-collapsed Dragon Abyss, and could no longer find the shadow of the Xuanzhen Monument.

With a crackling sound, the entire Zhuanglongyuan suddenly exploded into a crack that traversed the earth, dividing the entire Heavenly Dao Sect realm into two.

The vortex of the black hole slowly rotated under the crack, the void air flow surged, the electric light flickered, and the monstrous black mist overflowed from it, making everyone's heart jump.

Roar! !

Another magical howl made everyone tremble, remembering the blow in the sky just now, but this time the magical howl came from the crack.

Immediately afterwards, batches of black figures roared out of the vortex, bringing up bursts of black mist, rolling and roaring in all directions.

Like the bats that were startled flying in the cave, they came one after another, endlessly, densely packed in the air to form an unstoppable army of terror.

They are covered in black scales, with black horns on their heads, ferocious faces, sharp fangs, majestic black bone armor, long soldiers in hand, and a pair of huge bat wings behind them, hovering in the air.

Each of them carried a coercion comparable to that of a baby monk, forming a black cloud that covered the sky with the surrounding turbulent black mist, and confronted the surrounding majestic fairy mountains and blessed land. Under the army, the sky and the earth were dim.

"Could it be the ancient demons?" Mr. Jiuli opened his eyes wide in shock.

Wan Ruyi clenched the long sword around her waist and her face sank like water. Everyone was frightened out of their wits by the tens of thousands of demon troops that were still flying out of the vortex.

The questioning eyes shot at Hua Po. Before this, no one in the whole Great Wilderness knew that the demons were suppressed under the Falling Dragon Abyss, and the vortex below was clearly the boundary river.

What exists under the Boundary River? There are other worlds under the Great Desolation?There is also the place above the head that should be the fairyland, and why is it the scene of hell?
This pile of piles shocked everyone so much that they couldn't think at all.


A shrill scream came from the bottom of the Dragon Falling Abyss, and the prisoners who escaped just now under the ground crack climbed up from the mountain wall one after another, covered in black mist.

The black mist was like locusts passing through the sky, and it was like an invisible ghost haunting the prisoners, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get rid of it.

In the end, the dozen or so prisoners fell to the ground one by one and struggled, their bodies twisting and crackling in the black mist, black scales pierced their skins, and black horns grew out of their heads.

In just a few breaths, a living person turned into a ferocious demon, turning his head and biting at the prisoner who hadn't fully mutated beside him.

The monks of Tiandaozong who had been guarding the Falling Dragon Yuan ran away with their lives under the leadership of the old monks. Two huge puppets of the transformation stage swung their swords and chopped off the demons chasing in mid-air one by one.

The old monk pushed away a junior, but finally failed to withstand the erosion of the black mist. He screamed in pain, and black magic horns emerged from his head.

His cultivation level is higher than that of all the prisoners and monks around him, and he was corroded by the black mist faster and more intensely. After being completely corroded, the wings of the demon race suddenly rushed out from behind him, and he became as invincible as a demon general in the sky. two.

The puppet Taoist slashed down with his sword, and the head of the old monk was in a different place. He could not rest in peace, and the black mist grew stronger, and the sword that was coiled around the puppet Taoist rushed up, and the big knife quickly rotted into ashes in the black mist .

Roar! !

Before the three combined Taoist monarchs could take any action, a stronger coercion came from under the vortex of the abyss, sweeping across the four fields, setting off bursts of hurricanes to blow away the thick black mist, making the whole world roar endlessly.

Three figures rushed out of the vortex, burning red flames all over their bodies, their expressions were ferocious and calm, and the horns on the top of their heads were twined with red lightning, exuding a mighty pressure like the sea.

"It's an ancient red devil, a red devil with the power of the Void Refinement Stage!"

Lord Huashen Xing from Biyang Water Palace yelled, these cultivators of Huashen could still have some strength against those Nascent Soul Demon Generals, but facing these three Red Demons, they were as vulnerable as ants.

And that weird black mist, which no one has ever seen before, only feels it is more frightening and desperate than the demons.

The three red demons stood in front of the mighty demon army, and kept shaking their noses. The fresh blood around them made them extremely excited.

With one finger of the red demon's spear, all the demons roared wildly.

Roar! !

Roar! !

Roar! !

The endless army of demons howled wildly at the weak human monks around them, mighty and mighty, as if they wanted to smash and devour everything around them!
From the appearance of the mark of the Demon Lord to the arrival of the Demon Race, it took less than half a stick of incense. Everyone reacted in a hurry, and they were at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

The two puppet Taoist soldiers of the transformation stage beside Zhuolongyuan exploded under the red demon spear. The nearest place to Zhuanglongyuan, the survivors of Tiandaozong and other sects had just struggled out of the ruins. The demons turned pale with fright.

The chaotic screams pierced the night sky. The young monks were unable to resist. They were picked up into the air by the demon spears and devoured by them.

The creepy chewing sound accompanied by desperate cries for help made the world feel like hell.

Without any hesitation, Wan Ruyi slammed down the big sword behind the door panel with ear-piercing roars. A majestic sword shadow, like a galaxy in the night, tore down from the sky, and ruthlessly bombarded in the dark demonic tide ahead.

The explosion was shocking, and the center of the demon army was instantly photographed as a deserted area. The sword light burst out in all directions, and continued to slaughter the surrounding demons.

Seeing that half of the army was beheaded in an instant, the three red demons howled furiously. The red lightning on the hexagons of the three demons surged like a tide, and they slammed down on Wan Ruyi, and the ferocious red lightning glowed like a centipede crawling all over the sky.

Under the red thunder, howling was everywhere.

Wan Ruyi was seriously injured and saw that she was invincible, a golden Zen staff suddenly rushed in front of her and exploded a golden light curtain.


Zen Master Mingdeng arrived in time, threw the purple gold bowl and slammed it into the thunderstorm all over the sky. With the earth-shattering roar, the red thunder and lightning were gradually swallowed by the purple gold bowl.

"Baldy, thank you!"

Wan Ruyi thanked him, and looked for Mr. Jiuli from the corner of the eye, only to find that he had long since disappeared, so he couldn't help but spit secretly.

Normally, he always speaks righteously, with the appearance of a leader of the Immortal League, who is devoting himself to the cultivation of the world, but now he runs faster than anyone else.

The situation is urgent, Wan Ruyi ignores other things, and resists the demon tide with Zen Master Mingdeng.

"Lingxizi, go and control the guardian formation, the old lady here is the one to stand up to! No matter what, we must buy time for Bichen and the others to evacuate, and we must not let these demons go out and cause harm to the world."

The flower woman took the lead, growing stronger and stronger, and waved up the colorful flowers, bursting into a sea of ​​flowers, besieging all the demon army that had not spread too far.

Consonance Xingjun's eyes were blood red, and he took a deep look at Hua Po, who was struggling to support, and gritted his teeth to control the guardian array.

Because people from all sects are in the Tiandao Sect, and Fang Shouzhen left the customs tonight, the sect protection formation is only half opened, resisting external enemies but unable to guard against internal ones, and also afraid of accidentally injuring people from other sects, but at this time it is necessary to use all your strength Only when it is turned on can it resist the demons.

The Xuanyuan Sword Sect and the remaining three monks of Mount Sumeru also charged forward, but only the God Transformation from Biyang Water Palace retreated with guilt after seeing Mr. Jiuli, and hurried to find his own disciples and withdrew from Tiandaozong.

The war was about to break out, and the entire Tiandaozong had been reduced to an endless hell.

Fang Shouzhen appeared in the sky above Tianyou Peak in a flash, seeing the scene in front of him with a pale face, he couldn't stop trembling.

He just wanted to lure Chengxian Tianjie and Sijiu to perish together, and at the last moment, let the monks in the world glimpse a corner of the fairyland and let them know the dead end of the Great Desolation.

But now, why did it become this scene?
Fang Shou really didn't understand, which step did he do wrong?He risked his life to fight for a chance for everyone, not to hasten death.

The red smoke turned into four or nine around him, and the little girl's calm eyes looked at the person slaughtered by the demons indifferently, without any reaction or emotion.

"You released the demons yourself."

Fang Shouzhen looked at Sijiu with remorse and said, "Why didn't you tell me it would become like this?"

"Would you believe me when I told you? You only believe in yourself, and human beings are never conceited. I'm just a tool."

"Is it possible that you even counted this moment?"

Forty-nine is as calm as before, "The Dao is fifty, the sky is four-nine, and the number of forty-nine is under control."

"Why do you have to destroy the Great Wilderness?" Fang Shouzhen couldn't understand.

Sijiu raised his eyes and stared at Fang Shouzhen's trembling pupils, "I didn't destroy the wilderness, but followed the destruction of the wilderness. You humans have always made decisions, and you taught me to obey."

As soon as the words fell, Fang Shouzhen staggered two steps back as if struck by lightning.

At this moment, he couldn't refute Sijiu, because she was right, she never forced him to make any decision.

He was the one who used his apprentices to fill the formation, he was the one who sealed them inside his body, it was he who wanted to gather monks from all over the world to hold a Dao conference, and it was still he who decided to lead the Heavenly Tribulation and Sijiu to die together.

"Now, are you going to die with me, or are you going to imprison the demons and the dying spirit to continue to spread?"

The immature and innocent child's voice rang in his ears, and Fang Shouzhen looked at Sijiu fiercely. At this moment, he only felt that the well-behaved face and the calm expression made him shudder and shudder.

 [The landlord is not here] The leader of the alliance has completed 10 chapters, and then there are 13 chapters in debt (crying), continue to code, at least one more chapter can be added today!
(End of this chapter)

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