I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 112 Chaos and Despair [Monthly Pass 300 Plus]

Chapter 112 Chaos and Despair [Monthly Pass 300 Plus]


The shocking movement of Tiandaozong set off a wave of aftermath, and half of the city wall of Jiugong City was directly knocked down, which also interrupted Luo Yi's treatment for Li Li.

Mo Li avoided Luo Yi's needle-applying hand. At this time, all the scars on her face were gone, and the broken meridians were reconnected, and she could use her spiritual sense to sense the existence around her.

But it's just knowing that there is a dark outline in the darkness, which cannot be seen as clearly as the eyes.

Sensing movement coming from Tiandaozong, Li Li stood up and listened to that side, and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

Cheng Kan was looking at the other side by the window. Although she was far away, she could still feel an unusual cold aura with her cultivation base, which was definitely not a good sign.

"Tiandaozong seems to have an accident, I don't feel very..."

"Cheng Kan!!"

Before Cheng Kan finished speaking, Luo Yi cut it off in a cold voice.

Li Li trembled all over, that kind of ominous premonition was always shrouded in her heart, she turned around and touched the sword box she had placed on the table, and was about to rush out the door.

"Stop!" Luo Yi called to stop Mo Li, frowning and glanced in the direction of Tiandaozong outside the window.

Cheng Kan leaned against the tiger demon and covered his mouth, not daring to speak any more.

Mo Lidun stood at the door, hugged the sword case tightly, and said firmly: "Mo Li has nothing in his body, only this body, if he is a master, this body can also be discarded."

Hearing this, Cheng Kan also hesitated to go over to have a look, Luo Yi raised his hand and took out a silver needle and shot it at Mo Li.

The silver needle was silent, Mo Li fell weak, and was caught by Cheng Kan with quick eyes and quick hands, "You are ruthless, but you don't look like a doctor at all, it's fine if you don't persuade, just stab someone unconscious."

Luo Yi packed up the silver needles and the medicine box, and said in a deep voice, "I'm too lazy to talk, pack up and go to Xuanyuan Water Realm."

Cheng Kan hesitated, "You really listen to Lin Suying so much, you really don't plan to go and have a look?"

As soon as the words fell, the tiger demon, who had been staying quietly, suddenly bit Cheng Kan's clothes and pulled her towards the Xuanyuan Water Realm.

"Okay, okay, my tigers say they want to withdraw, so let's go, Lin Suying is a scourge, and the scourge will last for thousands of years, isn't it a tiger?"

The tiger demon subconsciously wanted to roll his eyes, but he couldn't stop nodding when he thought that he was a fool.

Cheng Kan took the tiger demon away, took Li Li with Luo Yi, and quickly left Jiugong City.

Just as they were leaving, a little old man riding a gourd rushed out from among the crowd of onlookers, flashing all the way, the Escape Gu at the bottom of the box was free of money, and rushed to Tiandaozong in a hurry.

"Okay, what's going on, Master, please don't... bah bah bah bah, I can't say, last time I couldn't be by your side, this time even if the sky falls, it has to hit me first!"


In Tiandaozong, there is chaos.

Everyone was terrified and fled out in a panic, but the demons rushed out of the lower boundary river of Zhuolongyuan continuously. Although Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng led seven monks of Huashen and four hundred and fifty monks of Nascent Soul to resist desperately, they still could not escape. Let the demons rush out from Zhenyuan Peak and kill other peaks of Tiandaozong.

Fortunately, the hole in the sky has gradually closed, otherwise Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng would not be able to resist the giant spear.

But no matter how hard everyone tried, they still couldn't kill all the red demons and demon generals in front of them.

Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng tried their best to kill three, and three more came out, and after a while, three more would appear again, which made them feel hopeless, wondering how many red demons there were below.

"Jiuli the son of a bitch! If he is here, he can find a way to form an formation and temporarily seal the boundary river!"

Wan Ruyi wanted to tear Mr. Jiuli's skin off at this moment. She and Zen Master Mingdeng were not good at forming formations, and the others didn't have enough ability.

"Amitabha... be careful!"

The red thunder shook the sky, and the war broke out again.

Outside Tianyou Peak, Lu Changqing also didn't expect that the demons would suddenly appear under the Falling Dragon Abyss. The old demon and Qingsi were already completely insane. Seeing the demons appearing excitedly and shouting the name of the demon king, they became even crazier.

When the black mist that continuously polluted the monks hit like locusts, the old devil rushed forward to meet the baptism of the black mist.

"Thank you Lord Mozun for bestowing it!!"

The old demon was devoured and transformed into a more brutal demon. Originally, he was only at the Nascent Soul stage, but his power reached the stage of transformation in an instant, and slaughtered everyone on Tianyou Peak in an instant, including the demons he brought. magic repair.

Only Qingsi preserved the last of her sanity, and when the demons appeared, she fled with the head in her arms.

The old devil madly rushed to the place where Fang Shouzhen retreated, and the demons were raging. At this moment, Lu Changqing could only press down on the idea of ​​killing Fang Shouzhen, and rushed to Tianxing Cliff immediately.

Along the way, Lu Changqing saw that many monks were polluted by the black mist and eventually turned into demons. This made him feel a great sense of crisis, so he carefully avoided the black mist and dared not touch it.

Arriving at Tianxing Cliff, seeing that the formation was still in effect, and none of the demons who had rushed into it escaped, Lu Changqing calmed down a little, and turned to look for Qin Yi at Cyanwood Peak.

Cyanwood Peak is far away from Zhenyuan Peak, Lu Changqing slayed the demons all the way, when he arrived, he saw only one demon general rushed into the peak protection formation in a panic and was trapped in mid-air.

Qin Yi chops the sword, and Jin Yi plays the piano.

The two people who were fighting against each other cooperated seamlessly at this moment, forcing the demons to be unable to approach, buying time for other handyman monks on Cyanwood Peak to escape.

Lu Changqing commanded the slash, the cyan sword light was so powerful that the demon general howled when he was split.


Qin Yi put down his big sword and looked excitedly at Lu Changqing in the sky. She knew that her master would definitely come, so she didn't run around and stuck to Cyanwood Peak.

Lu Changqing said anxiously as he approached: "The Demon Race is here, and the Tiandao Sect may not be able to support it tonight. I will take you to the library right now. There is [Heaven and Earth Moving Formation] there, and I can send you away directly."

Lu Changqing waved his hand to attract a gust of wind, which rolled up Qin Yi and pulled him towards him.

"Jin Yi, follow me!"

Qin Yi hurriedly turned his head and grabbed Jin Yi's arm, bringing her together to Lu Changqing's sword.

Originally, Jinyi was going to decide the winner with her tonight. They played four rounds, two wins and two losses. They had just rested and were ready to come back when they encountered the demon clan's turmoil.

Lu Changqing glanced at Jin Yi, didn't say anything, and sped up towards Wanfa Peak.

Jin Yi could see that Lu Changqing had no intention of saving her at all, so he stayed by Qin Yi's side in silence.

Lu Changqing killed the demon general all the way, no matter how critical the situation was, he always protected the two behind him.

Jin Yi was looking for people in the Xuanyuan Water Realm on the road, and saw that people from various sects were fleeing with their disciples, and some even abandoned their disciples and ran away by themselves.

In the face of a catastrophe, it is not uncommon to see it, but from the beginning to the end, Jin Yi did not see her fellow disciples, and even the master she just worshiped, Mr. Jiuli, could not be found.

Jin Yi couldn't help hugging the guqin in his arms, looking at Lu Changqing who was holding Qin Yi tightly in front of him, his eyes blushed silently.

When Lu Changqing sent Qin Yi to Wanfa Peak, Yuanying Zhenjun and Jiedan Daoist from each peak of Tiandaozong also arrived one after another with their disciples. Everyone was half covered in blood and experienced life-and-death battles.

Although they were in a panic, all the disciples with them were safe and sound, only frightened.

"Junior Sister Qin!"

Chen Caiyue burst into tears and pushed her way through the crowd to run in front of Qin Yi. She was always carefree like a man, and this was the first time Qin Yi saw her cry like this.

Chen Caiyue said: "My senior sister and second senior brother are gone, they all..."

Chen Caiyue hugged Qin Yi sobbing, Qin Yi searched everywhere for Yu Xiangzi's whereabouts, and finally Chen Caiyue told her that Yu Xiangzi left her, the only remaining disciple, and went towards Zhenyuan Peak without a word of explanation.

Jin Yi silently watched from the side, and she didn't know if she missed the evacuation of Biyang Water Palace, or if no one had looked for her at all, she only hoped for the former, otherwise she would be too desperate.

Not long after, Li Bichen came with another batch of inner disciples of Tiandaozong, and was chased by more than 100 fierce demon generals.

Seeing this, Lu Changqing and Zhenjun Fubo who had just settled down turned their heads and rushed forward to meet Li Bichen.

The great battle broke out in front of the young children of Tiandaozong. They watched helplessly as the group of demons knocked down a dozen inner disciples of Tiandaozong who were behind from the sky, and pierced them with long spears amidst their tragic screams. Fragile body, torn, divided food, excited Jie Jie giggled.

Blood rained down, and great fear permeated the crowd.

They had never seen such a scene before. Before tonight, most of them, as the favored children of heaven, as the future stars who won the rankings in the proving ground, were still looking forward to the future together, discussing interesting things in the proving ground.

But in the blink of an eye, they were reduced to meat in the mouths of the demons, without even the slightest ability to resist.

Under the impact of such a bloody scene, everyone felt deeply desperate.

 The fourth change, asking for a monthly ticket~
  If there is still a surprise, if not, there is no more, continue to code words~
(End of this chapter)

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