Chapter 114 The Weird Black Fog (1)

When Yu Chengfeng rushed back, he saw all kinds of lights rushing out from the gate of Tiandaozong Mountain like bursting fireworks from a distance.

Those people panicked and rushed forward, crying and howling in horror, as if they had experienced a catastrophe of life and death, and were afraid and desperate afterward.

Those who escaped from various sects shuttled through the crowd, looking for the disciples of various sects to gather them.

Yu Chengfeng saw Mr. Jiuli standing directly opposite the mountain gate, leading the disciples of Biyang Water Palace to form an array, defend, and wait for it, as if there was a scourge in the Tiandao Sect.

Roar! ! !
The sky-shattering roar caused ripples in the air, Mr. Jiuli's complexion was pale, and he spoke righteously.

"Shuigong students are not allowed to retreat, and all of them are guarded by me. They must not release a monster to buy time for the monks to escape!!"


Yu Chengfeng's heart trembled, how could there be monsters in Tiandaozong?

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Jiuli threw out a scroll of bamboo slips.

The golden bamboo slips shone like a scorching sun, dispelling the darkness and splitting into tens of thousands of bamboo sticks in the air.

Mr. Jiuli waved his hand again, and the bamboo sticks were quickly distributed to various places around Tiandaozong. The mysterious runes on them were made of golden light, carrying the unshakable power of yin and yang, gradually forming a yin and yang gossip.

Seeing this situation, Yu Chengfeng's heart was shocked, and he rushed against the flow of people towards the Heavenly Dao Sect.

Everyone was rushing out, and Yu Chengfeng, who was rushing in, was particularly conspicuous in the crowd. Mr. Jiuli narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw him.

Seeing that Mr. Jiuli's large formation is about to take shape, once it is released, those who have not yet escaped may have to wait inside to die.

A Huashenxing Lord rushed to Mr. Jiuli's side and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Dao, there are still many people who have not escaped. Do you really want to seal this place?"

Mr. Jiuli looked tired and helpless, "If the monsters are released, the Great Desolation will be in danger. Compared with the hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire Great Desolation, this little sacrifice is nothing. If Heaven wants to blame, I will bear it all. Jin Yi, his disciple, is also inside."

Mr. Jiuli was heartbroken, and the Huashenxing Jun had tears in his eyes, and bowed deeply: "Mr. Gao Yi, the great fortune of the people in the wilderness!"

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly summon other Huashenxing Lords to help the old man!"


In Tiandaozong.

As soon as Yu Chengfeng came in, he heard the sound of the dragon chant, and saw a green dragon in the sky fighting fiercely with Mu Tieying.

Ao Cang didn't want to fight, and wanted to go towards Tianyou Peak several times, but Mu Tieying was very tenacious, and the light and shadow of his giant fist flew all over the sky, trying to stop Ao Cang.

The aftermath of the fight almost knocked Yu Chengfeng off the gourd, and he looked at the hell-like image in the distance, black clouds covering the moon, the sky and the earth weeping with blood, the ferocious and terrifying demons slaughtered wantonly, and there were corpses everywhere.

Yu Chengfeng was dumbfounded and shocked.

"Oh! How did this happen? I was fine when I left! Master, apprentice, you two must be fine."

Yu Chengfeng took out the last [Hidden Breath Gu] on his body and drove it towards Tianxing Cliff at a faster speed.

Along the way, he saw countless shocking scenes, and saw people he was familiar with, one by one, lying in a pool of blood, like meat on a dining table, being torn and devoured by demons.

Yu Chengfeng's face was pale, his eyes were red, and he hadn't walked far when suddenly a figure fell straight from mid-air and landed in front of Yu Chengfeng.

Yu Chengfeng opened his eyes in amazement when he saw the man whose lower half of his body had disappeared and was already dying.

Lord Fubo!

As soon as Yu Chengfeng raised his head, more than a dozen demons were hanging in the air, vying for the lower half of Zhenjun Fubo's body. The piercing swallowing sound made Yu Chengfeng's hair stand on end. on the gourd.

All these scenes made Yu Chengfeng's long-standing childhood memories flash back, as if he saw the village in the mountain burned to the ground, and the mutilated corpses of his relatives were everywhere, and he was sitting in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, desperate And crying helplessly.

At this time, the crying was still in his ears, but it was not his own, but the disciples around him who were more desperate and helpless than he was then.

Yu Chengfeng was shaken all over, and rushed over in grief to put away Zhenjun Fubo's body, and continued to gallop towards Tianxing Cliff.

On the way, he saw the boy named Wu Yi in the Internal Affairs Hall shivering in the cracks of the rocks, he saw Gui Yuehong and Master Tie Yu struggling to fight under the Wanfa Peak, and he also saw Yu Xiangzi, Liu Guang and Liu Yun. Ying Zhenjun formed an formation to resist, preventing the iron hooves of the demons from stepping into the library.

Yu Chengfeng was full of guilt, with tears in his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't want to help, but that he had more important things to do. After confirming that the master and apprentice were safe and rescued them, he would definitely come back to help.

Just as Yu Chengfeng rushed over from Wanfa Peak, a strange black mist that covered the sky and the sun hit.

"Smelly bitch, be careful!"

Master Tie Yu kicked Gui Yuehong away, and was caught off guard by the black mist.

Gui Yuehong struggled to get up, turned her head to see this scene, she paled in shock, "Tie Yu!!"

"Don't come here!!" Reverend Tie Yu yelled, his eyes had been demonized and turned blood red, "I'm fucking useless, I've been bullied by you stinky bitch all my life, what can I do for you when I'm done? One kick is enough!"

"Don't talk about Tie Yu, there must be a way, there must be a way." Gui Yuehong broke down in tears, and looked up at Yu Xiangzi and Liu Guang Liuyun.

But all the birds released by Yu Xiangzi had been eroded by the black mist, and they were demonized one after another. If Liu Guang and Liu Yun hadn't fought desperately to resist, the three of them would not have been spared.

And they still have to protect Wanfa Peak, which still has the only remaining hope of Tiandaozong, and they must not lose it.


Master Tie Yu desperately resisted, with ferocious horns protruding from his head, and he would soon lose his last sanity.

"No..." Gui Yuehong shook her head and stepped back, swiping her sword to cut off the demons who were trying to get close.

More and more demons are approaching, Gui Yuehong is only a monk of alchemy and cannot resist for long.

Seeing this, Master Tie Yu maintained his last rationality, and looked at Gui Yuehong's belly with weeping blood eyes.

"Yue Hong, definitely give birth to the child... and tell him... his father is... useless! Ahhhh!!"

"Iron Feather!!!"

Gui Yuehong yelled the name of Master Tie Yu heart-piercingly, and watched him rush into the monster.

There was a shocking explosion, and the monster roared mournfully. Gui Yuehong was violently overturned by the air current, and directly crashed into the water curtain behind her.

When she climbed up again, she could only see the water curtain, but could not see the monsters outside.


"Leave Yu Xiangzi alone, take Liuyun away, hurry up!"

The water curtain vibrated violently like a stormy sea. Gui Yuehong listened to the movement outside, and then saw that the water curtain was gradually corroded and blackened by the black mist.

At this time, the little thing in her stomach moved, her whole body shook, she bit her lips till they bled, and finally got up enduring the pain in her heart, and rushed towards the top of Wanfa Peak.

Yu Chengfeng rushed all the way back to Tianxing Cliff relying on [Hidden Breath Gu], but found that there was no one inside, but many demons were trapped in the mountain gate formation.

Seeing this situation, Yu Chengfeng was uneasy. Thinking of the sea of ​​flowers that he saw above Zhenyuan Peak from a distance just now, he clenched his fists tightly, placed the token of the Great Formation of Tianxing Cliff in a conspicuous place at the foot of the mountain, and turned towards Zhenyuan Peak. rush away.

The remaining time of Hidden Breath Gu is not long, Yu Chengfeng rushed forward desperately, avoiding various battlefields all the way, but when he rushed to the outskirts of Zhenyuan Peak, he saw the red thunder wave piercing through the sea of ​​flowers, that old figure Fall in the air.


Yu Chengfeng's eyes were about to burst, he jumped into the air on the gourd, and took Hua Po's broken body into his arms.

 This part is a big turning point, so there are many details laid out, and it will be longer, but I will try my best to be more and faster, so that everyone can read this section quickly, so don't worry~~
(End of this chapter)

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