Chapter 115 The Weird Black Fog (2)

In the sky above Falling Dragon Yuan, the demons are still flying out of the vortex like startled bats, endlessly.

Roar! !

The red electricity was like a tide, turning into a giant centipede that filled the sky.

Zen Master Mingdeng manipulated the purple gold bowl to resist the three red demons, and bought time for Wan Ruyi to recover.

Behind the two of them, the monks who transformed into gods fell one after another. At this moment, only the old and vigorous Hua Po was left, struggling to maintain the sea of ​​flowers as a barrier, hindering the footsteps of most of the demon army.

Wan Ruyi lowered her head and scanned the surroundings. The disciples of Mount Sumeru had been helping the people in Tiandao Sect to evacuate. At this moment, there were heavy casualties and there were not many left.

Luofu Sword Sect disciples also fought on the front line, not one out of ten.

All you can do is try your best.

The two big families of the Baiman Three Lands had already run away, only the Pangu Feng clan released the huge Five Poison Saint Beast, and continued to fight outside Zhenyuan Peak, buying time for others.

Wan Ruyi saw that Feng Tianyu, a kid from the Feng family, used some secret Gu, and his cultivation had climbed to the peak of transforming gods, standing on the tail of the giant scorpion, surrounded by three groups of blue light, holding a Tiangang swung his sword, killing all directions.

At this time, he is no longer as casual as he was in the trial field, but like a real leader, leading the Feng clan to fight.

"Turtle son, let me die!!"

Slashing with a sword, the green light exploded, and half of the demon army in front was instantly killed, and the surrounding five poisonous holy beasts swarmed up, killing the remaining demons quickly.

At this time, the strange black mist crossed the border like locusts, attracted by the holy beast here, rushing madly.


The old man Yuanying who was following Feng Tianyu was frightened out of his wits, but one of the three blue lights around Feng Tianyu suddenly rushed forward.

Fixed Wind Gu!
With the sound of insects, the black mist swallowed most of the holy beasts, and was suddenly stopped by the blue light on Gu, Feng Tianyu's head was covered with cold sweat, and he hurriedly retreated.

Immediately afterwards, the holy beast roared in pain, turned around and gave birth to scales, was transformed into a monster, and turned violently to kill the Feng clan.

Except for the battlefield of the Feng Clan, not far away was the Luofu Sword Sect Yuanying Jianxiu Gao Yinli, who protected dozens of Sword Sect disciples and Tiandao Sect disciples behind him to evacuate. Even though he was covered in blood, he never retreated half a step.

But as soon as the strange black mist came, Gao Yinli was enveloped in just one face-to-face.

Gao Yinli's shrill screams came from the black mist, which made everyone around stand on end, but what was even more frightening was that after the black mist dissipated, Gao Yinli knelt on the ground, struggling, with scales growing on his body, and suddenly Out of a pair of magic wings.

The whole process took less than ten breaths!

Immediately afterwards, the demonized Gao Yinli's eyes were blood red, Jie Jie smiled strangely and raised his sword, turning his head to kill the person he had just desperately protected.


The screams went straight into the sky, and the defense line below collapsed in an instant due to the strange black fog. The demonized Gao Yinli was more terrifying than those demon generals, making it difficult for others to resist.

Moreover, those injured by him will also be infected with the plague-like black mist, the more they practice their skills to resist, the faster they will be transformed.

Even the continuous demon army has never made everyone so frightened. Facing the strange black mist, no matter how high or low the cultivation level is, they will only end up being demonized.

"Old Ancestor, I can't stand it anymore, let's go!"

Feng Tianyu clenched his fists tightly, and looked towards Tianyou Peak unwillingly, he always felt that everything today had something to do with Yun Zhiyi, that woman must not be dead yet.

But revenge is more important than clansman, not to mention that he used secret Gu to restore his cultivation temporarily, and he might lie down for a long time after that.

"Okay, tell the big guys to kill them!"

With Feng Tianyu's order, the Feng clan drove away the five poisonous holy beasts and began to break out.

In the sky, Wan Ruyi saw more and more people being transformed into demons. In such a scene, even she, who was almost at the top of the cultivation world, felt hopeless.

After struggling for a while, Wan Ruyi finally made a decision, threw out a scroll, danced like a dragon, quickly bypassed the strange black mist, and galloped all the way towards the mountain gate, sucking away the fighting monks along the way.

Most of the scrolls sucked away were the disciples of the Sword Sect, and a small number of disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect. She tried her best to save those who were stained by the black mist, and she had to give up.

Seeing a large cloud of black mist attacking her and the lamp, Wan Ruyi's eyes turned cold, and she quickly cut out a sword like a mountain, lying in front of her and the lamp to block the black mist.

But the black mist seemed to be even more excited when facing the Sword Intent Mountains. Locusts quickly ate up her Sword Intent Mountains like they were eating rice.

The red thunder wave blatantly struck, and Wan Ruyi and the flower woman behind Zen Master Mingdeng were caught off guard by the thunder wave.

"Flower girl!!"

Wan Ruyi raised his sword to help, but the sea of ​​flowers blocking the demons suddenly exploded, and tens of thousands of demons rushed in all directions like a flood that opened the gate, making the already irresistible people even more desperate.

Wan Ruyi could only watch helplessly as Hua Po fell, and threw out all the scrolls on her body. The beautiful swordsmen leaped out of the scrolls and scattered in all directions, holding swords to resist the demons.

Dao soldiers are fragile, basically they are all one-for-one fighting, and they can't resist for long.

"Bald donkey, take everyone out quickly, leave it to me to delay for a while."

Wan Ruyi raised his sword and cut into the battle, replacing Zen Master Mingdeng.

"Amitabha, in the face of a catastrophe, how can the poor monk abandon the common people and escape alone." Zen Master Mingdeng insisted.

Roar! !

Wan Ruyi's horizontal sword resisted the galloping thunder, and the great sword on the door panel shot out with lightning.

"My mother asked you to go out and look at Jiuli's dog. If you can't keep it, he is going to seal the place outside. You go and block him for a while. There are too many people here who haven't evacuated. Go!"

Hearing this, Zen Master Mingdeng looked in the direction of the mountain gate, and indeed saw Mr. Jiuli's bamboo slips in the sky, and his heart was shocked.

Looking at his Mount Sumeru disciples, especially Shan Zhen, who he just accepted, they are still resisting with blood, protecting the other Mount Sumeru disciples to evacuate little by little.

Zen Master Mingdeng weighed the pros and cons, and finally nodded, "Master Wan Jian... Take care!"

On the hillside outside Zhenyuan Peak, the fire had burned the woods to nothing but scorched earth, and the surroundings were full of corpses of humans and demons.

Yu Chengfeng hugged Hua Po's broken body, couldn't stop crying, and stuffed the best healing medicine on his body into Hua Po's mouth with trembling hands.

"No need..." Hua Po weakly refused, but instead took out a medicine bottle and her storage bracelet, with blood in her mouth, she looked at Yu Chengfeng tiredly and lovingly.

"It's good that you are safe. Fortunately, the old lady [Qixia Pill] didn't eat it, otherwise... it would be a waste... Take these things... to the Wanfa Peak battle... I hope I can make it in time..."

Yu Chengfeng cried like a child, "No, I don't want it, I will take my mother-in-law with me, let's leave here together."

"Fengzi!" Hua Po suddenly raised her voice.

Without her saying anything, Yu Chengfeng knew that Hua Po would never leave. She had said many times before that she was the Supreme Elder of Tiandaozong, and she was born with the mission of sacrificing for Tiandaozong.

She also said that in the event of a catastrophe, the only thing she can worry about is Yu Chengfeng, the monkey she raised since she was a child. She regards Yu Chengfeng as her own son, and only hopes that no matter what happens, Yu Chengfeng will live on. .

Yu Chengfeng cried in grief, and Hua Po tremblingly raised her hand to wipe away his tears.

"Before... I hurt you..."

Yu Chengfeng shook his head, speechless.

Hua Po tried her best to laugh, spread her blood-stained palms, pooled the blood and turned it into a bright red flower, and handed it tremblingly to Yu Chengfeng.

"Finally... one more time for my mother-in-law... to make flowers?"

Yu Chengfeng gritted his teeth, and the voice of a child echoed in his ears.

"Look, mother-in-law, how beautiful this red flower is, let me put it on for you."

"Go, go, the old woman has a red flower on her age hairpin, just like the matchmaker in the mortal world."

"But I risked my life to steal it from Master's medicine garden, so you can put it on the hairpin. Silver threads and red flowers look beautiful!"

"Yu Chengfeng, get the hell out of here! I'm going to have to work harder, where is the tinder flower that I raised?"

"Oh, the master is here, mother-in-law, save me quickly, my butt is not healed yet."

Yu Chengfeng gritted his teeth, tears fell like rain, his shoulders shrugged violently, and with trembling hands, he pinned the red flower to Hua Po's temple.

The silver thread and red flowers added a touch of brightness to Hua Po's pale complexion.

Hua Po raised her hand to touch her temples, her eyes were clouded with tears, her lips were smiling, and finally she patted Yu Chengfeng's head.

"Go, mother-in-law will no longer be able to support you anymore, you should... grow up... the only regret for mother-in-law... is that she can't hear you... scream..."

Before she finished speaking, Hua Po's whole body began to become illusory and transparent. No matter how hard Yu Chengfeng was crying and howling like crazy, he couldn't catch it. He could only watch helplessly as that old and kind smiling face gradually disappeared before his eyes.

"Grandma, don't go, don't leave me alone, I'm scared, I'm really scared!"

Hua Po disappeared completely, only the red flower on the sideburns was blown up to the sky by the wind, the fiery red petals scattered little by little, and gradually turned into a rain of flowers, drifting towards the falling dragon abyss.

Yu Chengfeng stretched out his hand to hold a petal, tears burst into tears, and trembling, he looked up to the sky and shouted.


The heart-piercing cry pierced through the sky, carrying waves of echoes, making the sea of ​​flowers like a tide, as red as fire, ready to burn the sky.

 Today should be able to end this part, have a meal and continue to add more code words!
(End of this chapter)

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