I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 116 End of Life

Chapter 116 End of Life
3400 words, so the subscription points will be higher, if it affects the cuties, you can tell me, I will control the number of words, don't read pirated copies, I will be angry!


On Wanfa Peak.

The three immortals of Jiedan escorted less than [-] elite disciples of Tiandaozong to the top of the mountain, and found the hidden [Heaven and Earth Shifting Formation].

The stone slabs on the ground are carved with simple patterns, covered with moss, and have not been activated for a long time.

This array was originally set up to deal with this kind of crisis. In order to prevent being tracked, this array can only be used once. The teleportation location is random, and it may be anywhere in the Tianque Realm. This is also to prevent being ambushed.

One-third of the surrounding water curtain has turned black, and the weird black mist inside is like countless bugs, trying to get in.

"Quick, hurry up!!"

The Wuchang Daoist who followed at the end was an elderly male cultivator with gray temples, and he kept urging the disciples behind to follow up quickly. The water curtain was very close to the top of the mountain, and those black mist seemed to be able to sense the people inside, and they all moved towards Come here.

The few people who were left behind finally caught up. Immortal Daoist escorted them to go up first, and then looked in the direction of the library halfway up the mountain, but there was no trace of Li Bichen.

At this moment, a wisp of black mist suddenly drilled out from the water curtain, like a black snake ready to explode, galloping with lightning and biting the real Wuchang.

Immutable real person frowned tightly, immediately mobilized the protective energy.

With a muffled sound, the black mist hit his protective aura and exploded into a handful of smoke. Immanent Daoist just breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly found that the aura around him was rapidly turning black as if polluted by ink.


There was a scream, and Qin Yi, who was leading Jin Yi and the others in the middle of the line to help maintain order, suddenly turned around and saw chaos behind him.

Everyone was in a panic, and some people even fell directly from the narrow mountain road, and escaped dangerously with the flying magic weapon.

Qin Yi drew his sword and rushed over, Chen Caiyue and Ning Feng followed closely behind, and Jin Yi followed after hesitating.

When the fleeing crowd came to him, Qin Yi was shocked to find that Uncle Wuchang had turned into a monster, and he was lifting a male student into the air, tearing it apart.

Hot blood splattered on the mountain wall, making people feel fearful. It poured on the wounded disciples around and overflowed with black mist, which was gradually becoming demonized.

The black mist scattered around gathered again and rushed towards Qin Yi and the others.

"Run, run faster!"

Qin Yi shouted loudly, all the disciples were still calm after the initial panic, they all took out the talismans and treasures, and sped up to escape to the top of the mountain.

Seeing Wuchang Daoist slaying him, Qin Yi slashed his sword with all his strength, turned his head and ran away.

Her sword only tore open the chest of Immortal Master Wuchang, blocking him for two or three breaths, the other two Master Jiedan heard the movement and hurried down to support.

Seeing the impermanent real person being demonized, a man and a woman backed away subconsciously, but then thinking about the suzerain's tolerance to them just now, the two looked at each other, gritted their teeth and sacrificed the magic weapon, and erected a high wall behind everyone. The impermanent real person who temporarily resists demonization.

Qin Yi was the last one to reach the top of the mountain, but before she could catch her breath, she felt three gusts of cold wind blowing from her back.

"Qin Yi, be careful!" Chen Caiyue yelled in horror, and when she was about to make a move, she heard a rush of music.

Jin Yi sternly embraced the Guqin in his arms, and in an instant, dense sound waves shot past Qin Yi, knocking back all the three demonized real people behind her.

But her sound waves had no effect on the black mist, Qin Yi didn't have time to react, and was about to be wrapped in the black mist like a big net, even Jin Yi could only watch helplessly.

At the very moment, a figure suddenly appeared, pulled Qin Yi away violently and swung his sword, but his own sword was swallowed by the black mist.

The black mist hit the snake with a stick, and climbed onto the man's arm in an instant.

Ning Feng!

Qin Yi saw the person who rescued her clearly, and he didn't dare to hesitate, so he cut down with his sword.


With a muffled snort, Ning Feng's right arm was severed by Qin Yiqigen, and the black mist was unable to leave his arm, and then attacked the retreating crowd.

Together with them, there are three demonized real people behind.

A sense of desperation filled everyone's hearts. There was only an abyss behind them, and there was no way to retreat.

At this moment, eight cyan screens suddenly descended from the sky and thrust into the ground with force, separating everyone from the strange black mist.

There was a sound of the sword, and a golden long sword cut out three golden lotuses, which slammed into the chests of the three demonized real people and exploded, and the golden light instantly tore them apart.

The pupils of Qin Yi and the others trembled, and they recognized that it was Zhao Zhen's magic weapon, but the power was obviously stronger than when Zhao Zhen used it.

When they looked up, they saw a female cultivator in white standing on the welcoming pine on the cliff, with a cold face and a dusty demeanor.

"Senior Suying!!" Qin Yi recognized Lin Suying and shouted excitedly.

"Go to the teleportation array!"

Lin Suying shouted loudly, Qin Yi and Chen Caiyue supported Ning Feng not to delay, everyone quickly stood within the range of the teleportation array.

Li Bichen led Gui Yuehong to escape the black mist in the escape light, and finally arrived in time. When he suddenly saw Lin Suying standing on the tree, he suddenly had the urge to cry, like a helpless person finally finding support .

"Senior Sister Suying..."


Lin Suying's roar made Li Bichen startled, and rushed to start the teleportation array with Gui Yuehong.

The talisman array flashed quickly on the ground, and the teleportation array was about to start.

[Eight-faced Yufeng Screen] has been corroded and blackened and covered with cracks. Lin Suying is now the main body. Although she has just formed an alchemy, she can even go up a level to deal with Nascent Soul, but it is limited to this. She is helpless in the face of such a black mist .

"Senior Sister Suying."

Li Bichen stood in the formation and called Lin Suying, asking her to go with him.

There was a wry smile on Lin Suying's lips, and she looked at the restriction locked on her true spirit.

After all, the demons broke through the water curtain and charged towards the top of the mountain with a strange black mist that covered the sky and the sun.

Lin Suying stood still, turned around to face the monster, and waved a sword light.Li Bichen's true energy shook, and he could no longer maintain the light of the formation. A group of people disappeared on the top of the mountain in an instant, leaving only the torn stone slabs and blue bricks.

Lin Suying's last figure, which was broken for everyone, made Li Bichen and everyone else cry, and they will always remember it in their hearts.

Seeing that the road from the teleportation array was broken, Lin Suying turned around and ran away, without any thought of struggling with the monster.

At this moment, she has taken back the soul fragments in the puppet body, and the puppet body is also installed in the storage bracelet. There are small teleportation arrays on several clones, and magic weapons and other things can be shared.

Now as long as she persists until Fang Shouzhen dies, she will immediately rush out to regain her freedom.

Apart from the mountain gate and the teleportation array, there is one last way out, and Song Tianqi's avatar is already waiting there.

Lin Suying urged [One Leaf Obstruction Eye] to conceal her breath, and turned back towards Tianyou Peak, just in time to avoid the center of the battle at Zhenyuan Peak.

Just when she rushed out of the range of Wanfa Peak, the sky and the earth shook suddenly, and the air wave swept across.

As soon as Lin Suying turned her head, she saw that the sea of ​​fiery red flowers was like a raging sea, setting off huge waves, burning the whole sky red, and slapping down on the falling dragon abyss fiercely.

The incomparably tyrannical power set off a ten thousand zhang high smoke and dust, wrapped in gravel corpses, flower petals and monsters, and spread madly towards the surroundings. Except for human monks, all monsters were crushed everywhere they passed.

The air wave passed over Lin Suying's body, carrying the fragrant and reassuring scent of Hua Po's body.


Lin Suying's heart twitched, this was clearly the power of Hua Po's self-explosion of her primordial spirit.

No one had guessed what happened tonight, she had already asked Luo Yi to give Hua Po Qixia Pill, but Hua Po still chose to sacrifice herself, and Lin Suying was powerless.

She gritted her teeth and turned away.

On the back mountain of Tianyou Peak, Song Tianqi's avatar is hidden in a tree, looking at the cracks on the mountain wall not far away, there are spiritual veins in the mountain, so it will slightly block the effect of the formation, and follow the cracks all the way out, you can leave the mountain range of Tiandaozong .

It was discovered by her when she was young, because Fang Shouzhen was in charge of Tianyou Peak, so this little gap didn't have much effect.

After guarding here with Song Tianqi's avatar for a while, Lin Suying saw Qingsi, who was seriously injured and unconscious in Wan Baozhong, leave through the crack.

Lin Suying was not surprised to find this crack in Wanbao, after all, his family has a long history and is proficient in observation.

After Wan Baozhong left, Lin Suying saw the seriously injured Jiang Banyue escorting Han Youchu.

Jiang Banyue had obviously experienced a tragic battle, with two broken demon bone guns stuck in her body, the blood completely stained her gorgeous robes, even Han Youchu was covered in blood.

The escape crack was right in front of him, Jiang Banyue fell to his knees and pushed Han Youchu.

Wanyue Peak was originally very close to Tianyou Peak. Jiang Banyue eavesdropped on Lin Suying and Yu Chengfeng's speech and mentioned this crack, and she always remembered it.

"Go, Master is no longer good. If you can survive, Master is satisfied."

Han Youchu cried and shook his head, and pulled Jiang Banyue's sleeve hard, "Let's go, master, let's escape together."

Jiang Banyue looked at the crack and said with a wry smile: "How can my fat body pass through such a narrow crack, you go, I did it on my own, and I shouldn't have lived so long at all, I'm so sorry too much……"

"No, master, you didn't do anything wrong, it's because they are too dissatisfied, let's go, master, let's go." Han Youchu still didn't give up.

Jiang Banyue collapsed to the ground, face up.

"Don't leave, this is my home. I have nothing outside. Although I have been fighting with Lin Suying for many years, she is my only friend, but she is too dazzling. In my next life, if I can be half as dazzling as her That's fine...half is enough..."

Jiang Banyue slowly lost consciousness, no matter how Han Youchu pushed her, she didn't respond, she just kept her eyes wide open, looking at the dark sky of Tiandaozong, with unwilling tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes.

"Master... woo woo woo..." Han Youchu cried bitterly on Jiang Banyue's body.

The sea of ​​fiery red flowers exploded, and Han Youchu looked up in shock to the direction of the explosion.

The earth trembled and the mountains cracked.

Lin Suying on the tree saw more and more cracks on the mountain wall and wanted to scold her, so she jumped off the tree.

"Eighth senior brother!" Han Youchu looked at Song Tianqi who suddenly appeared in surprise, "Eighth senior brother, Master, she..."

"Stop talking nonsense, and leave as soon as you want to live."

Seeing that the crack was about to collapse, and keeping this avatar in Tiandao Sect was just to die, Lin Suying glanced at Jiang Banyue, turned her head and walked into the crack to take a step first.

Han Youchu wiped away his tears and was about to leave when he turned back and put Jiang Banyue's body in a storage bag, waiting for the disaster to subside before burying it properly.

"Eighth senior brother, wait for me..."

At the same moment, the sky above Tianyou Peak.

Sijiu quietly stood beside Fang Shouzhen, who was on the verge of collapse and didn't know how to make a choice, raised his hand to catch a fiery red petal, and waited patiently.

Fang Shouzhen raised his head finally due to the shock caused by the lady-in-law. With despair in his eyes, he asked Sijiu, "Is there really no other way?"

Sijiu shook his head and said calmly: "Do you know how those worlds under the Great Wilderness were destroyed? In those worlds, there are many Mahayanas like you."

Fang Shouzhen clenched his fists, looking at the strange black mist raging everywhere, Sijiu called it...

Death to death!

The fairy world is not immune, let alone the mere cultivation world?
"Have you thought about it? How do you choose? That dragon will rush over and die with you."

Sijiu kindly reminded that the vibration brought by Hua Po just now disrupted the battle between Ao Cang and Mu Tieying. Ao Cang took advantage of the chaos and fled straight to Tianyou Peak. .

 The third one!

  There are only 10 chapters of [One Bowl] leader left in debt, and I see the hope of victory!
  I got stuck suddenly, so today is the third shift, I have to think about how to write the last scene, and I am in a better state in the morning, so I will continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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