I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 117 One Step Away [1 Bowl Leader + 1]

Chapter 117 One Step Away [One Bowl Leader + 1]

Outside the gate of Tiandaozong Mountain.

Tiandaozong's guardian array has not been fully activated for a long time, and the demons in it are still free. At this moment, it is very close to the outer periphery of the entire Tiandaozong, and may rush out of the mountains at any time and rush to other places in the Tianque Realm.

"The wolf ambition of Tiandaozong has caused misery to the common people in the wild!"

Mr. Jiuli scolded angrily, and together with the three Huashen Xingjun behind him, filled the gossip formation in the sky, enough to cover the entire Tiandaozong.

As soon as the array was completed, a golden light burst out immediately, exuding heavy coercion, and as Mr. Jiuli gradually lowered his arms, pieces of light curtains hung down, trying to completely seal Tiandaozong.

Under the panic and oppression, the remaining monks in Tiandao Sect accelerated their pace and fled. Those who were still resisting, seeing the big formation falling and seeing the inexhaustible demons, also chose to give up in grief and indignation.

The only five or sixty remaining members of the Pangu Feng clan rushed out of the Tiandaozong Mountain Gate in time under the leadership of Feng Tianyu, and collapsed on the ground as soon as they came out, not wanting to move their fingers.

Even so, Feng Tianyu stood up and reminded the people around him that the people who were corrupted and demonized by the black mist must not be let out. The demons can still be wiped out, and the indestructible black mist is the truly terrifying existence.

Seeing that no one was moving, they all only cared about their own survival, Feng Tian's voice was frantic.

"Fengshidi dolls, hold on for me!"

The Feng clan opened up the battle line again, took out the long-range attack insect Gu, and controlled the five poisonous holy beasts to make the last stand.

Some sword repairmen who escaped later saw the monk and joined the defensive camp. Only then did the surrounding people gradually realize the seriousness of the problem, and the defensive front gradually expanded.

When Zen Master Mingdeng rushed out, he was relieved to see this scene, and hurried to Mr. Jiuli.

"Amitabha, there are still many people inside who have not escaped, so they can't be locked up now. People from Tiandaozong and Wan Jianzun are still sticking to it."

Mr. Jiuli glanced at Zen Master Mingdeng, "If it is not sealed, who will be responsible for the demons who escaped and caused disasters? Tiandaozong releases the demons this time, even if they pretend to stick to it, it is an unforgivable crime."

"This is a natural disaster, how can it be blamed on Tiandaozong, Jiuli, you... are confused!" Zen Master Mingdeng was heartbroken, especially when he witnessed the sacrifice of Hua Po and bought time for everyone to escape, his heart was greatly shaken.

Mr. Jiuli not only refused to listen to the persuasion, but also accelerated the sealing of the formation, "If it wasn't a conspiracy, why didn't you open the protection formation until now?"

Zen Master Mingdeng hurriedly explained: "It's not that it can't be opened, but that it can't do anything. The center of the formation is on Zhenyuan Peak, and Zhenyuan Peak collapsed. The Tiandaozong Lingxi Xingjun tried his best, but there was nothing he could do. In the end... Sigh!"

It was only when Zen Master Mingdeng was evacuating that he discovered the long-dead Lingxi Xingjun. Her mutilated body lay next to the formation center that she had tried her best to recover.

Ow! ! !
Suddenly there was a dragon chant, causing everyone to look in the direction of Tianyou Peak, and saw a green dragon statue being hit seven inches hard, falling in the air, and smashed hard on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared directly above Falling Dragon Abyss.

As soon as he appeared, the large formation that was slowly pressing down suddenly stopped in the air, no matter how hard Mr. Jiuli tried, he couldn't press down any more.

"Fang Shouzhen!"

Zen Master Mingdeng recognized that person at a glance. He was dressed in white like a fairy, with a dignified upright spirit. He was the only Mahayana immortal in the whole wilderness, Fang Shouzhen.

"What is Fang Shouzhen going to do? Is it possible that Yun Zhiyi really took over his house and wants to destroy the wilderness?" Mr. Jiuli was visibly flustered with his naked eyes, and he was still pressing down the formation in cold sweat.

Fang Shouzhen scanned the devastated land with a sad face, and three swords rushed out of his body.

Hanging high on the left side, it turned into a scorching sun.

Hanging high on the right side, it turned into a bright moon.

One is in the center, emitting the brilliance of stars all over the sky.

The sun, moon and stars appeared at the same time, dispelling the haze and shining on the earth.

Just the brilliance on the sword caused the surrounding demons to cry out in pain, and black smoke was emitted from their bodies.

"Immortal Artifact [Sanguang Tianxin Sword]?"

Wan Ruyi slashed the red demon in front of him with a sword, staggered to support his body, and raised his eyes to see Fang Shouzhen standing directly above the vortex of the Falling Dragon Abyss, dressed like a banished fairy.

[The fairy world is destroyed, the demons are coming, the great wilderness is at stake, the truth is incompetent, and there is no way to break the situation. I only use this body to seal this place. I hope that the kings of the cultivation world will work together to survive this calamity and find a glimmer of life! 】

Under the bright and bright universe, Fang Shouzhen's voice shook the heavens, and every word and sentence hit everyone's hearts fiercely, tragically and powerfully.

Before everyone could react to what he said, Fang Shouzhen spread his arms and fell straight down towards the vortex where the demons were raging below.

Like a shooting star, it burns out its life at the last moment, radiating its brilliance, dispelling the evil and darkness, and letting the raging demons disperse towards the surroundings like billowing black mist and flowing water, not daring to get close at all.

Wan Ruyi's eyes widened in horror, the majestic Mahayana Immortal Monarch is half a step away from Ascension, even he can't help it?

A tragic emotion welled up in her heart, causing Wan Ruyi to lose all her courage to fight in the end.

Fang Shouzhen fell, and the demons rushed up, completely obliterating his figure in the huge and terrifying vortex.

An incomparably huge beam of light suddenly rushed up from the vortex, carrying a tyrannical sword intent, like a divine light that purifies the world, and instantly smashed the three red demons that just ran out of it, together with the densely packed army of demons, into powder and dissipated.

The light beam broke through the gossip array in the sky, still carrying upward force continuously, dispelling the clouds and cracking the sky, dispersing all the black clouds that covered the sky and the sun, allowing the light of the Golden Crow to shine on the earth again.

Thousands of demons around Zhenyuan Peak roared and burst under the light of the sword, and even the weird black mist was suppressed by the light and wriggled and struggled on the ground.

The light beam finally turned into a huge dome, connecting the sky and the earth, and crashed down, holding the entire Heavenly Dao Sect below, and even the underground was completely sealed, leaving no escape for all the demons and Mie Shi Qi.

The only thing left behind is the gate of life under the gate of the mountain gate, to buy the last time for all those who have not yet escaped.

The fairy sword screamed, the sun, the moon and the stars exploded, turning into 99 unstoppable long swords, attacking in all directions, beheading monsters, rescuing those who were besieged, pulling up those who fell, and pulling up all those who were still alive. Send all of them to Tiandaozong.

Wan Ruyi looked at the shadows of swords all over the sky, her heart was shaken, tears welled up in her eyes, and she drove towards the gate of the mountain while saving people.

Those who can be saved will not be spared. Those who are polluted by the death energy can only be given a quick death.

At this time, Wan Ruyi saw Lu Changqing looking around like a headless chicken, rushed in against the flow of fleeing people, and stopped him.

"Are you crazy?"

Lu Changqing was burning with anxiety, and was about to explain, when he suddenly saw a familiar white figure appearing in the crowd of fleeing people below.

Lu Changqing's eyes lit up, and he rushed down immediately, trying his best to kill the demons and protect the flow of people.

The two ways out were cut off, and now Fang Shouzhen blocked the entire mountain range, so Lin Suying could only leave through the mountain gate along with the flow of people.

Along the way, she saved as much as she could, and the more people there were, the greater the chance of escaping.

The archway of the mountain gate is getting closer, and more and more people are coming from all directions. Seeing Zhenjun Liuyun dragging the seriously injured Yu Xiangzi to protect three or five outer disciples while fighting and retreating, chasing a large number of demons behind, Lin Suying He rushed over without hesitation.

Zhu Rong's magic flame condensed into a large handful of fire beads and sprinkled them out. Amidst a series of explosions, the flames blazed into the sky, burning the demons behind in an instant, leaving a wall of fire to temporarily resist.

Lin Suying divided the wound medicine that Luo Yi had given earlier into Liuyun and Yu Xiangzi, and led them into the flow of people with the few outer disciples.

The situation was critical, the two only took a deep look at Lin Suying, nodded gratefully, immediately swallowed the wound medicine, and after recovering, separated to guard the left and right sides.

When they finally arrived at the mountain gate, they saw the people who were waiting for the guards outside. Tears welled up in their eyes.

Only Lin Suying stood at the gate of the mountain, one step away from the outside world.

But in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, the restriction that bound her true spirit ruthlessly deprived her of the freedom that was at her fingertips.

The formation has not been completely closed, Fang Shouzhen's strength and will still remain, and she still can't get out!

 Accidentally wrote another chapter... Today is really gone...

  Continue to ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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