Chapter 118
Wan Ruyi and Lu Changqing sent out the last group of people they searched and rescued on the road. At this time, there were basically no survivors in Tiandaozong, except Lin Suying who was standing at the door at the moment.

In the realm of comprehension, almost everyone who has reached the Nascent Soul stage or above recognizes Lin Suying's face. After all, she was too flamboyant and dazzling back then, and she earned a great reputation wherever she went, which made people respect and fear her.

Even the monks who formed the alchemy, most of them had heard of or had the honor to meet this sword-free fairy and Fairy Suying with their elders when they were young.

I also know that besides Fang Shouzhen, she is the next person in the cultivation world who is most likely to step into the Mahayana period in this era.

That's why Lin Suying, who was standing alone inside the mountain gate at the moment, was particularly eye-catching, and everyone looked at her with doubts and curiosity.

What is puzzling is that she is not dead and useless as rumored.

The curious thing is, since she is still alive, why did she not show up before, but now she is standing there and not coming out?
The sweeping and probing gazes make Lin Suying sharp, but fortunately there is a [leaf blinding eye], no one can see through her half [Acquired Divine Body] at this moment.

Especially Xinglin Sect's Immortal Artifact [Qingmu Wangding] has been transformed into one of her internal organs and placed in her body.

"Su Ying!"

Lu Changqing was one of the few people who knew the inside story. Seeing Lin Suying's forehead was covered with cold sweat, standing there tense and motionless, he knew it was Fang Shouzhen again, and he would drag Lin Suying even to death!
Roar! !

The monster boiled, covered the sky with darkness, and was crushing towards the mountain gate with a heavy and terrifying pressure.

Lin Suying swallowed her saliva with difficulty, raised one foot and poked out the mountain gate.

Just when her toes crossed the boundary of the archway of the mountain gate, the hundred-year-silent restriction on the true spirit suddenly turned into a raging fire, fiercely burning her fragile true spirit.


The excruciating pain caused Lin Suying to withdraw her foot suddenly, and stepped back pressing her temples, with uncontrollable anger appearing in her eyes.

Lu Changqing looked at her anxiously outside, and then glanced around, but there was nothing he could do, he could only clenched his fists angrily, but at this moment he couldn't even find a target to kill.

Fang Shouzhen has temporarily sealed Falling Dragon Yuan with himself, and all the power of Mahayana Immortal Monarch has turned into a barrier, sealing the entire Tiandaozong.

If the seal fails, Fang Shouzhen will not be destroyed, and Lin Suying will not be able to get out of trouble.

But when the seal is [-]%, Lin Suying's true spirit restriction is lifted, and she will still be trapped to death in Tiandaozong.

There was darkness behind, the army of demons pressed down, and the coldness and crampedness of death weighed down heavily.

Lin Suying turned around angrily, even though there were no demons flying out from the Falling Dragon Abyss, there were still tens of thousands of monsters left in the Heavenly Dao Sect, and they all gathered towards the mountain gate at this moment.

There is also the irresistible death energy, like the Heihe river bursting its embankment on the top of a mountain, rushing down with a destructive momentum, submerging all parts of Tiandaozong little by little.

This is the end of Tiandaozong, and it is also Lin Suying's end at this moment.

Roar! ! !
The monster roared, the sky shook, they hovered in the air, and raised their bone spears to the archway of the mountain gate.

Whoosh whoosh!
Bone spears shot down all over the sky, sparking a series of sparks in the air, covering the sky and the sun.

Lin Suying looked up with anger in her eyes, "Come on, I, Lin Suying, have never been cowardly!"

Lu Changqing was shocked, and was about to rush forward to block the bone spear for Lin Suying, when he saw a phantom of a demon god with a beast body and a human face appearing out of thin air, covered in flames, with a ferocious smile, he waved down the black flag in his hand forcefully.

In an instant, the monstrous flames rushed like the sea, dividing the whole world into two.

Above the raging flames, the demon clan roared mournfully and was burned to ashes.

Under the raging flames, the woman in white was standing upright under the phantom of the huge demon god, her face was fearless, and her hair was dancing wildly.

"Shenhuo Flying Crow, kill me!"

Lin Suying shouted sharply, the phantom of the demon god exploded, and thousands of crows burning with magic flames gathered like a dragon, screaming and rushing through the sea of ​​flames, rushing towards the group of ferocious monsters in the sky.

The flames burst and dazzled, and the fierce battle erupted instantly, causing a shocking sound.

But at this time, there was a deathly silence outside the mountain gate.

The young monk didn't know why, but all the people who had survived under Yun Zhiyi's hands after the battle against demons were all terrified, subconsciously grasping their magic weapons, staring at the woman inside the mountain gate, and kept backing away.

Even Mr. Jiuli, Zen Master Mingdeng and Wan Ruyi all opened their eyes wide in surprise, looking at the back with flying hair in the raging fire for a moment, trying to see through her body time and time again, see through her body down the soul.

Feng Tianyu of Pan Gu Fengshi frowned, clenched his Fuyao sword tightly, and looked at Lin Suying's back, also hesitating.

"Yun Zhiyi! She is the Demon Lord Yun Zhiyi!!"

Finally someone yelled in horror, and it seemed to explode in an instant. Yun Zhiyi's methods and characteristics are existences that no one in the cultivation world can replicate. How can it not be frightening to appear in front of everyone at this moment? chilling.

"Yun Zhiyi took Lin Suying away and killed her!!"

As soon as the words fell, all the panic-stricken monks threw out the talismans and magic weapons in their hands. For a while, the sky was filled with magic lights and shadows, instantly stealing everyone's sight, and fiercely blasted towards Lin Suying's back.

Lin Suying looked sideways slightly, her eyes were cold and stern, the phantom of the Jumang Demon God was instantly formed, and the Tiangang magic weapon [Purple Bamboo Staff from the Sea of ​​Corpses] was held high in her hand.

In order to survive, even if it is against the whole cultivation world, so what!
Now that he has benefited from Yun Zhiyi, it is not a big deal to bear the evil consequences brought by her.

At this time, she can't leave the mountain gate for half a step. She has to wait until Fang Shouzhen is completely wiped out and the barrier is completely formed.

With a sound of the sword, the sun, moon and stars exploded, cutting through the sky in an instant, leaving a piece of blue sky.

Lu Changqing stood firmly behind Lin Suying, with three swords hanging high behind him, exuding a compelling killing intent and clanging continuously.

"Whoever steps forward, die!"

The words are cold and sharp, full of evil spirit.

Jumang Demon God's bamboo stick was suspended in the air, Lin Suying suddenly turned her head to look at Lu Changqing's back.

"Senior Sister Suying, Yu Xiangzi is here to help you!"

"Senior Sister Suying, Liuyun is here!"

Two more figures rushed out from the crowd, standing on either side of Lu Changqing, one on the left and one on the right, also offering magic weapons and ready to go.

At the same time, figures rushed out of the crowd one after another, some staggered, some were seriously injured, some did not form alchemy, and some only established foundations.

"I don't believe that Demon Lord would be kind enough to rescue me? You guys are just talking nonsense!"

Wu Yi from the Internal Affairs Hall also gritted his teeth, and came out tremblingly and sat in front of the mountain gate. He couldn't move anymore, but even if he died, he had to die before his savior.

"Yes, she is Suying Master Patriarch of our Heavenly Dao Sect, she is definitely not Mozun Yun Zhiyi!"

Slowly, there was a human wall in front of the mountain gate, all of them were disciples of Tiandao Sect, all of them were rescued by Lin Suying on the road just now.

The cold wind blew between the opposing sides, and the people of Tiandaozong were clearly separated from the survivors of the entire cultivation world. At this moment, they were all fighting against the entire cultivation world for Lin Suying.

The corner of Lu Changqing's mouth raised a smile, and he tilted his head and said: "Senior Sister concentrates on dealing with the demons inside, and we are outside!"

Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun also turned their heads and smiled weakly at Lin Suying, "Senior Sister, let us protect you this time."

Even if they didn't know why Lin Suying couldn't come out, and why she knew Yun Zhiyi's methods, Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun believed in their eyes and believed that what they saw was Senior Sister Suying.

As long as Senior Sister Suying needs them to carry it here, they will definitely carry it to the end for her, just like how Senior Sister Suying protected them time and time again on the battlefield of demons.

Lin Suying took a deep breath and her eye sockets were warm, and she smiled suddenly, with a bright smile.

She waved her hand, Jumang Demon God waved the bamboo stick, a vibrant green halo was like a flying ribbon, rushed out of the mountain gate, and rolled over everyone in Tiandaozong, restoring their broken meridians and reuniting their dry dantian True Yuan.

Looking back, Lin Suying looked at the countless demon army in the sky, raised her right hand and slashed down fiercely.

The sacred fire crows neighed in unison, and a touch of greenness erupted from the center of the demon army, instantly turning into green bamboo branches all over the sky, fiercely devouring the flesh and blood of the demons, climbing up and spreading wildly towards the surroundings.

Until, from the demon corpses, blooming bamboo flowers bloomed!
(End of this chapter)

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