Chapter 119 Desperate

Inside the mountain gate, there were more and more demon armies, more ants killed the elephant, not to mention that Lin Suying didn't have the power of an elephant, she was just a person who had just formed an alchemy.

If it weren't for the power of Jumang Demon God [Kurong], which allowed her to quickly heal and kill the enemy, Zhu Rong Demon God's [Zhu Rong Demon Flame] combined with Qilin Divine Fire made her divine fire flying crows amazingly lethal, and she would have been eaten by now.

But the number of divine fire and flying crows is still decreasing, and the phantom of Jumang Demon God is also gradually becoming transparent, with no power to continue.

Bamboo flowers danced all over the sky, and the dense green bamboo forest on the scorched earth ahead formed a temporary barrier.

Lin Suying directly drew the power of chaos from the fragments of the chaotic artifact to supplement consumption, holding the golden lotus sword, surrounded by seven birds and feathers, with five elements of smoke on her body, waved a lion-like scarlet-flame golden beast from [Picture of Ancient Fierce Beasts] , beheaded the sporadic monsters killed around.


A staggered blue and red thunder light slashed down from Lin Suying's sword, and five or six demonized monks rushing from the side were instantly wiped out in the thunder light, leaving nothing left.

Shenxiao 36 Thunder of Wind, Fire and Thunder!

Lin Suying took half a step back panting heavily. At this moment, not only the army of demons, but also demonized monks from all over the place were rushing towards the mountain gate.

The Scarlet Flame Golden Beast roared angrily, bursting with flames all over its body, rushed into the gathered demonized monks and bit its claws, extremely ferocious.

Lin Suying fought with all her strength inside, and the outside of the door separated from her was full of swords and swords, especially when seeing Lin Suying's many methods, which were almost the same as Yun Zhiyi's scene, everyone could no longer calm down.

"too strong……"

Those who have faced the demons in person were all horrified when they saw Lin Suying blocking a hundred with one. While marveling at her strength, they were also afraid that she was Yun Zhiyi. Once she came out, she would definitely slaughter them all.

Such an existence that can easily kill monsters in the Nascent Soul stage, how can they deal with those who are seriously injured and exhausted?
Panic made the crowd restless. Even if Lu Changqing, Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun wanted to go in to help Lin Suying, they didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest, for fear that they couldn't guard Lin Suying's back and let her suffer from enemies.

In particular, there is Mu Tieying, the iron-blooded lord who is watching covetously, as well as three Fusion Taoist Lords and three Huashenxing Lords.

Finally, another batch of monsters were burned by Lin Suying's magic flames, and Mu Tieying finally couldn't bear it anymore and walked towards the mountain gate.

At this time, a sword was in front of Mu Tieying, Wan Ruyi blocked him and said, "Please wait for the leader Mu, for now, before the matter is settled, I am more willing to believe that she is Lin Suying."

Wan Ruyi understood Lin Suying, although she used many methods of Yun Zhiyi, but she used the sword as before, coupled with the insistence of everyone in Tiandaozong, so Wan Ruyi decided to wait and see.

"Yun knows what kind of mad dog that is. Leader Mu has seen it many times. If she took Lin Suying away, she would have laughed wildly and announced it to everyone."

The most important point is that Lin Suying's ability at this moment is the most in the late Nascent Soul stage, and has not reached the integration period that Tiandaozong said to the outside world, so even if she has something tricky about her, Wan Ruyi is sure to take her down.

Mu Tieying hesitated, and Mr. Jiuli's eyes moved slightly, "I think it's better to kill by mistake than let it go. Yun Zhiyi's avatar method is too weird, and it's just right to be trapped in it at this time. Together with the monsters in it, we will never suffer from future troubles."

"Amitabha, the world of self-cultivation has suffered heavy casualties today. You must not kill innocent people by mistake. Lin Suying is the mainstay of the world of self-cultivation. In the future, the Immortal Alliance and the Great Wilderness still need her help." Zen Master Mingdeng also persuaded patiently.

Mu Tieying has always been silent, just looking at the three Taoist monarchs, waiting for a result of their discussion.

Mr. Jiuli snorted coldly: "Since she is Lin Suying, why can't she go out of the mountain gate? I can see clearly that Fang Shouzhen saw through her problem and put a restraint on her. At this moment, she will be destroyed together in the Tiandao Sect."

Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng glanced at each other, and they had to say that Mr. Jiuli's eyes were vicious, and he saw through the fundamentals.

Wan Ruyi also struggled a bit, Zen Master Mingdeng thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Amitabha, everything has its own destiny, and the way of heaven arranges it freely. Since she can't get out of trouble, why should I stab her again? It's better to just wait and see, just look at the will of the way of heaven .”

Mr. Jiuli glanced at Lin Suying who was fighting hard in the mountain gate, thinking that Lin Suying almost burned down the Biyang Water Palace because of a trivial incident, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, the old man will see how she gets out of trouble. If she is really taken away by Yun Zhiyi, it will bring another disaster to the cultivation world in the future. Heaven will take care of you and you two!"

The three fit Taoist monarchs did not move, and the others could only wait and see with a restless heart.

Inside the mountain gate, Lin Suying fought endlessly.

Suddenly, the side darkened, Lin Suying hastily activated [Swimming Wind Gu], and at the same time sacrificed the Golden Lotus Sword to resist.

The Golden Lotus Sword and the Black Bone Spear collided with each other and shattered in an instant. Lin Suying rushed to the side like the wind, and the seven Feather Swords shot out, carrying wind, fire and thunder, and split the monster that attacked her in an instant.

Lin Suying staggered, almost all of her hole cards were blown out, facing the army of thousands of demons alone, even if she was a god, she would sometimes be exhausted.

At this time, she felt the pain from the Goumang Demon God, and when she looked up, she saw the black mist surging deep in the bamboo sea, which was quickly dyeing the entire verdant bamboo sea into an ink-like black.

Lin Suying frowned, and quickly withdrew the Jumang Demon God, for fear of being corroded by the black mist.

However, as soon as the bamboo sea disappeared, hundreds of thousands of demonized monks crowded behind her, roaring and rushing towards her.

Lin Suying retreated until her back touched the boundary of the mountain gate, there was no way she could retreat.

Roar! !

Another batch of demon army regrouped, billowing like clouds, galloping towards them, Lin Suying could hardly hold on anymore.

Heartbroken, Lin Suying turned her head and roared at Lu Changqing and the others: "Get the hell out of here now!!"

Lu Changqing and the others didn't understand why, but at the next moment, Lin Suying suddenly put away everything around her, and stood upright in front of the mountain gate, with anger rising in her eyes.

No one knew what she was going to do, no one knew what she had done, they saw corpses all over the place suddenly get up one by one, standing exactly like Lin Suying.

The wind howled, and the strong wind hit her face. Lin Suying raised her hand to wipe the blood on her face, and the hundreds of corpses in front of her also raised their hands to wipe their faces in unison. Even without arms, they tried to do the same.

Among the corpses, there are monsters and demonized monks, all of which are already dead.

This action, like a thunderbolt, exploded in the hearts of everyone, and also destroyed the hesitation in the hearts of the three fit Taoist monarchs, making them horrified.

Yun Zhiyi's clone method!

There is no such thing in the sky and on the earth. It is a terrifying existence that can only be quelled by paying half of the life of Fang Shouzhen to quell the root cause of the Demon Venerable even after suffering heavy sacrifices from all over the comprehension world.

At this moment, Lin Suying didn't care about the turbulent winds and storms behind her, and she only cared about the catastrophe of life and death in front of her.

"Come on, I don't have anything now, but there are too many corpses!"

As soon as the words fell, all the corpses swarmed towards the demonized monks gathered in the distance, those who could fly, those who could run, those who could not run crawled with two hands, and those who had no hands or feet, even if they rolled, they had to roll in front of the enemy .

It's not that the old lady hasn't been fucked! !

Boom boom boom!
As if forced to a desperate situation, the army of red-eyed corpses rushed fiercely to the distant and high-altitude enemies, and exploded at the moment of impact, blasting out scarlet blood rain from the flesh and blood, and the ocean of broken flesh covered the entire world in an instant , leaving behind a soul-stirring residual red.

Lin Suying staggered and stood firm, with a fierce smile on the corner of her mouth, she wiped away the blood from her nose and spat out a mouthful of froth.

When the bloody redness dissipated, more corpses on the earth and sky, like her, spat at the sky and the earth, with endless ridicule and unwillingness to struggle to survive, and continued to charge towards the monster.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
The sound of explosions is endless, and Tiandaozong has become a blood pool hell.

Wan Ruyi's eyes flickered, staring at Lin Suying for a moment, Zen Master Mingdeng had closed his eyes in despair, Mr. Jiuli was terrified, and Mu Tieying walked towards the mountain gate firmly.

She is Yun Zhiyi!
But she is more terrifying than Yun Zhiyi!

At this moment, the gate of life under the mountain gate is no longer a gate of life, but the only last hope that can trap the scourge, the terrifying demon god.

Everyone backed away, begging Fang Shouzhen and God to close the door as soon as possible, and trap the devil to death in this heaven-forsaken land of Tiandaozong.

The public opinion was soaring, and the surrounding enchantment finally began to vibrate, covering from the outside to the inside, towards the mountain gate.

At the same time, Lin Suying saw the restriction on the true spirit, and with the closure of the barrier of the mountain gate, it began to disappear inward, at the same speed, and there was no chance to take advantage of it.

Lin Suying sneered, turned around to look at the smaller and smaller exit, and looked at Lu Changqing and others who were anxious outside.

Fang Shouzhen really made up his mind to keep her until death.

"Make a contract with me, and I will tell you how to get out of trouble."

The voice of Sijiu suddenly appeared in Lin Suying's mind. It was as calm as before without ups and downs, but it brought Lin Suying a deeper sense of terror and chill than the pressure of the demon army.


Lin Suying roared, she was about to escape from Fang Shouzhen's pit, she must not fall into Sijiu's pit again, no one could manipulate her, even death!
"Su Ying!!"


Lu Changqing's eyes were red, and he tried his best not to break the barrier, Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun couldn't help crying, watching the strange black mist rising behind Lin Suying.

Mu Tieying stood not far away and stared at it, and everyone in Tiandaozong was full of sadness and despair.

The exit was only about the size of a fist, even if she didn't need her body, she wouldn't be able to squeeze it out with such a big body, not to mention that the restriction still remained.

Lin Suying looked at those people in Tiandaozong who sincerely hoped for her to live, expected her to come out, and even hoped that she would lead them to rebuild Tiandaozong, and slowly raised the corners of her mouth, leaving them with the last smile.

After laughing, Lin Suying turned around, and the tears that were pressing in her eyes fell down, but there was still a desire to survive and an unwilling struggle in her eyes.

The black mist was only an arm's length away from her, and Lin Suying sucked in the bloody stench, "I said that if I become a demon, I will live on. When my mother becomes a demon, no one is afraid of the other!"

As soon as the words fell, there were only hairline gaps in the barrier, and black mist rushed towards his face.

A golden sword light suddenly rushed out from the black mist, the sword light forced the black mist back, and shot past Lin Suying's face.

There was a loud bang, and the barrier shook.

Lin Suying turned around in surprise, and saw that Fang Shouzhen's [Sanguang Tianxin Sword] was just inserted into the last gap, and was shaking violently and divided into three, struggling to spread around.

The sound of the sword's cry made Lin Suying's heart tremble.

The restriction on the true spirit dissipated completely, sparks shot out from the barrier, and an exit was forcibly opened by the three swords.

When the black mist came down again, Lin Suying jumped out.

The black mist hit the barrier fiercely, but it didn't overflow at all. It could only beat and hit like a furious and incompetent beast.

Under the archway of the mountain gate, Lin Suying stood tall and tall, and finally saw the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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