I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 120 Before the wave is not destroyed, the wave will be born [1 bowl leader + 2]

Chapter 120 The first wave survives and the later wave emerges [a bowl leader + 2]

When [Sanguangtian Xinjian] suddenly appeared to help Lin Suying open the barrier, Sijiu had just escaped from the other side with Ao Cang.

Ao Cang was sitting paralyzed in the mountain depression, Xiao Sijiu in red was floating in the air, and Gujing's calm eyes were staring at the direction of the Tiandaozong Mountain Gate.

Is it Fang Shouzhen's last conscience?Or is it the self-assertion of the sword spirit?

Sijiu's little head is full of doubts. She has read a lot of books, and even the most complicated exercises can be changed and combined at will. Even if it is the heart, she can understand [-]% of it.

The remaining [-]% is love.

Humans, demons, spirits, even demons have emotions.

Four Nine No...

Sijiu's little head hangs down, she doesn't understand why Lin Suying doesn't want her, is she not strong enough?
Sijiu looked back at the panting Ao Cang, hoping that dragons would be different from people.

Sijiu raised his head again, and finally glanced at the direction Lin Suying was in, "Fifty avenues, [-] Tianyan, people escape one, how can people escape one? I hope you like what I leave you, as a rescue My return."

Turning his head, Sijiu looked down from above, and said coldly to Ao Cang: "The wilderness and chaos have begun, you should go back to Wujiang, the opportunity for the dragon clan to rise is at hand."

Hearing this, Ao Cang raised the huge dragon head and gave Sijiu a disdainful look, and said angrily: "Bold! You are only respecting the counselors around you, and you dare to order Benlong to do things. It's up to you where Benlong is going." call the shots!"

Forty-nine: ...

Ao Cang stood up with his old waist that was almost crippled by Fang Shouzhen, carefully put the spirit animal bag containing the green-haired sunda mouse in his arms, pressed it, and said with a firm face: "Your Majesty is being besieged by righteous dogs and thieves!" , Cang is going to rescue His Majesty!"

Sijiu looked indifferent, and took a deep look at the spirit beast bag in Ao Cang's arms, his expressionless face turned into red smoke and sank into Ao Cang's body.


At the entrance of Tiandaozong Mountain, the archway is majestic and solemn, and the moss-covered stairs wind down. Behind the enchantment is the blood pool hell, and outside the enchantment is a green dense forest.

The difference between Wei and Wei is clear and shocking.

On the hillside, there are surviving monks everywhere, but they are all low-ranking monks who escaped from the protection earlier.

The backbone of the various sects who came to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference this time were basically all lost in this disaster.

As soon as Lin Suying came out, the surrounding atmosphere became heavier, especially Mu Tieying, who was in the Void Refinement stage, pinching the iron hand on the right with his left hand, looked at Lin Suying with murderous intent in his eyes.

Lu Changqing, Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun were tense all over, but they still did not give way, protecting Lin Suying.

At this moment, Lin Suying who was behind them suddenly looked cold, and raised her hand to strike the three of them fiercely in the back.

The three of them were caught off guard, and were immediately blown away by the bitter wind. Together with the disciples of Tiandao Sect in front, they were thrown into pieces and fell behind the crowd and rolled down the hillside of the stairs.

"Hahaha, thanks to your naive trust, I helped this deity out of trouble today. The 10 people in my Xiaoyao Demon Palace have already laid in ambush, and I will tell you to die here today!!"

As soon as the words fell, the sky suddenly exploded with green fireworks, and it was the mark of the Demon Lord.

Lu Changqing and the others got up from the ground, all of them didn't know why, and were about to make a move when they suddenly heard the sound transmission from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Apart from them, other Tiandaozong disciples also heard the same sound transmission.

"Run now!"

Lu Changqing thought about it exquisitely, and immediately understood Lin Suying's meaning. While everyone was shocked by the mark of the Demon Lord and Lin Suying's words, he picked up Yu Xiangzi and Liuyun Yujian who were still in a daze, and left.

Among the disciples of Tiandao Sect, there were also smart ones, seeing that Lu Changqing had run away, they all scattered into the mountains and forests to flee.

The sound of killing suddenly rushed from the forest. They thought it was a bluff, but everyone felt that there was a force rushing from all directions in the forest. At this moment, they could already see the light of various magic treasures and talismans.

When they thought that there were [-] devil disciples attacking them, everyone was thrown into chaos.

Lin Suying took this opportunity to open a passage in front of her with the help of fragments of the Chaos Artifact, grabbed the damaged [Sanguang Tianxin Sword] and stepped into it.

"Go away, the devil!"

Mu Tieying has been staring at her from the side, but he is not disturbed by others. As soon as Lin Suying makes a move, he immediately strikes out with an iron fist, and a huge black fist shadow rushes to Lin Suying's back in an instant, and grabs her hard.

No matter how fast Lin Suying was able to refine Mu Tieying's cultivation, he couldn't be faster than him. Seeing that he was about to be caught by an iron fist, a black bone spear with red lightning suddenly pierced out of Lin Suying's vest and hit the black fist.

The red light and black light exploded, and Mu Tieying flew backwards, hitting Mr. Jiuli who came to help.

The tyrannical shock wave swept across the field, and Lin Suying was violently thrown into the air, crashing into the passage she had opened and disappearing.

Fighting started from behind the crowd, but the battle ended quickly, because what came out of the forest were just some puppet Taoist soldiers with ordinary magic weapons, and those magic weapons were very familiar, as if they were rewards from the Dao Discussion Conference.

The demon mark in the sky also disappeared, and Wan Ruyi instantly appeared in the forest depression where the mark was marked. She could feel that there were still people here just now, but she had already escaped with supernatural-level escapism.

At this moment, the situation was so chaotic that Wan Ruyi's head was muddled, and she wished she could arrest Lin Suying and search her soul to see what was going on with her.

Was it really taken away?

Wan Ruyi still doesn't believe it, if so, why did Fang Shouzhenjian save her in the end?

Fang Shouzhen was taken away too?Then he sacrificed himself to seal Falling Dragon Abyss?

If it were Mozun, I'm afraid they would have driven the Mozu out of Tiandaozong long ago and slaughtered the wilderness.

Wan Ruyi couldn't figure it out, so he decided to take the rest of the people to deal with the aftermath first. This time, the matter was too big and there were too many problems, which needed to be dealt with carefully and carefully, and then he would gather the people of Xianmeng together to discuss the cause and effect.

But when Wan Ruyi returned, he saw that all the people of Tiandaozong who were still in place were disarmed and tied up by people from other sects, and they were detained in the mountains and forests with formations like prisoners. Standing on the top of the steps with his identity, he issued orders with righteous words.

"The wolves of Tiandaozong colluded with the demons with ambitions, used the Dao Discussion Conference as a guise to lure us into the game, and then released the demons to kill the righteous monks. They are really traitors of the human race. The crime is unforgivable! Today, heroes from all walks of life are invited to gather the thieves scattered outside the Tiandaozong. Once arrested, they will be handed over to the Jagged Alliance for review! Anyone who resists will be punished on the spot!"

"There is also that Lin Suying, who was taken away by Mozun Yun Zhiyi, and passed on the order of the Immortal Alliance. In the land of Kyushu, if you see Lin Suying, report him immediately, and you will be killed!"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Tieying raised his hand and shot out a [Iron Blood Alliance] calling fire. The red iron arresting order was dazzling under the blue sky and broad daylight, bringing people endless sense of panic.


Zen Master Mingdeng sighed helplessly, and led the disciples of Mount Sumeru to recite scriptures on the spot to save the souls of the dead.

One wave is not calm, another wave rises again, the great wilderness is about to be chaotic.

At this time, Lin Suying's body was finally free, and she was flying freely between the mountains, rivers and the earth. Regardless of the chaos in the wild, she was too worn out just after forming the alchemy, so she had to find a safe place to retreat and adjust her breath for a period of time.

And she felt that Sijiu had left something for her, which made her feel uneasy, and she had to check it out quickly.

The main body was looking for a place to hide, while Zhao Zhen's avatar rushed to Jiugong City. The unexpected happened tonight, and now she felt uneasy, wondering if Yu Chengfeng was still waiting for her in Ruyifang.

 Today is the third update for the time being, because this paragraph is over, and I haven’t perfected the detailed outline later, I want to spend some time sorting it out, so that it can be written faster
(End of this chapter)

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