Chapter 121 Arrest

Zhao Zhen's avatar put on men's clothes, changed his appearance with makeup, and entered Jiugong City.

Half of the city wall of Jiugong City towards Tiandaozong collapsed. At this moment, monks defending the city brought ordinary people to carry bricks and stones to repair the city wall.

People in the city were panicked, and the atmosphere was obviously tense. The monks from all walks of life gathered together, looking at Tiandaozong to discuss what happened last night.

Lin Suying couldn't care less about listening to them. In Jiugong City, there are many outer disciples of Tiandao Sect who are looking for a living, and there are also inner sect stewards. Iron arresters from the Jagged Alliance will arrive at any time.

She went straight to Ruyifang all the way, passing Lu Changqing's Baohefang, Jiang Banyue's Yuyi Building, Yu Xiangzi's Lingqinzhai and Liuguang Liuyun and other shops of Yuanying Zhenjun. Slam it in and get out fast.

Not long after she left, those shops were closed immediately, and a series of lights rushed from behind the house.

It's nothing to do with ease.

Arriving at Ruyifang, Lin Suying saw that Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing had just opened the door with the shop assistants and were arranging the goods in the shop. Xiao Qiang stood at the door of the shop with a puzzled face, holding the messenger talisman and kept looking in the direction of Tiandaozong.

"Strange, why didn't anyone reply to my letter? What happened to Tiandaozong?"

Yao Jing was sorting out the account books behind the counter, "Brother Xiao, don't worry, Mr. Zhao will definitely tell us in advance if something happens, we'd better help her take care of the shop honestly."

Xiao Qiang nodded, and was about to go back to the store when he suddenly saw a man walking across the street.

After all, he grew up in a small village and was engaged to be married. Xiao Qiang could tell at a glance that it was Zhao Zhen who had put on makeup.

Over the years, Xiao Qiang has seen a lot of sophistication in the world, and he has a lot of cleverness in his mind. When he saw Zhao Zhen coming over like this, he immediately understood something.

"Temporary inventory in the store today, you go back first, and come back to work tomorrow."

Xiao Qiang drove the guys away, and led Zhao Zhen to close the door and enter the store.

Yao Jing was puzzled until Zhao Zhen spoke.

"An accident happened to Tiandaozong. Tie Chuan will come to the city to arrest the people of Tiandaozong in a while. Although Ruyifang has been separated from Tiandaozong, I will definitely be involved here if I am too popular at the Dao Discussion Conference. I can tell you All the information is here, and there are several exercises suitable for the two of you, pills, spirit stones and a few magic weapons, you guys leave now."

Lin Suying stuffed a storage bag to Yao Jing. Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing helped her a lot during the time when she was rescued in Duanhungu and running the store during this period, and that's all she can do for them now.

Yao Jing looked flustered, and was about to ask something when Xiao Qiang interrupted him. He said seriously, "What about you?"

Lin Suying said: "I'm fine, the iron catcher can't catch me, where is my master? Didn't you come last night?"

Only then did Yao Jing say: "Here you are. Brother Xiao and I have been living in the backyard. We heard noises when we were fast. When we came out, we saw that it was Elder Yu. I warmed him a pot of wine and went to practice. But in the morning But I only saw half a jug of wine on the table over there, but I didn’t see anyone.”

Lin Suying's heart sank, knowing that Yu Chengfeng must have gone back because of the movement of Tiandaozong.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's go now, don't expose your identities as disciples of Tiandaozong on the way, but if anyone asks, just scold Tiandaozong vigorously, if you really don't know where to go, you can go to Xuanyuanshui first This is the territory of the Jiuli old thief, so it must be very safe. If you see Elder Yu, you can ask him who has caught your master's face before."

Her face was only scratched by Cheng Kan's old cat demon friend, and Yu Chengfeng knew about it, so he must have known to go to Sanhuai Hall to wait for her when he heard this.

Xiao Qiang nodded, Yao Jing looked at Lin Suying nervously, "Be careful too."

Lin Suying nodded, Xiao Qiang pulled Yao Jing to say goodbye to Lin Suying, took off the token of the Tiandaozong disciple on his body, threw it in the shop, and fled from the backyard.

As soon as Xiao Qiang and the others left, Lin Suying quickly confiscated all the items in the store, and then left normally.

As soon as she walked out of this street, she saw a team of five iron hunters in blue clothes, wearing bamboo hats and holding their knives, coming from the direction of the city gate and stopping at the gate of Lu Changqing's Jiabaohefang.

Lin Suying stopped in the crowd, watching them fiercely kick open the closed gate of Baohefang, the four foundation builders entered one after another, and the captain of the alchemy stage stood at the gate facing the crowd.

"Tiandaozong released the demons and slaughtered the monks of the Great Wilderness. They are traitors of the human race. Now, according to the order of the Immortal League, all the disciples of the Tiandaozong will be arrested. Those who report will be rewarded.

As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar.

These three words made it impossible for everyone to connect together, and they couldn't react or accept it for a while.

The iron catcher hangs high in the air, and the majestic rainbow shines on everyone. Under the rainbow light, all disguise spells will be invalid. A pair of eagle eyes formed by the iron catcher, constantly scanning the crowd.

"Master Tiebu, please forgive me. We are just casual cultivators who make a living in Baohefang. We really have nothing to do with Tiandaozong."

"I'm wronged, Mr. Iron Catcher."

Four foundation-building iron arresters came out pressing the fellows in Baohe Workshop, and each of them was tied with a special [Iron Blood Alliance] binding fairy rope.

The leader, Jie Dan Tie Chuan, looked at the four of them.

"Master Chang, I haven't seen a single person from the Heavenly Dao Sect in Baohe Square. The staff below said that someone came in with jade slips in the morning, and the people from the Heavenly Dao Sect fled after that."

Hearing this, the Master Chang frowned, and then scanned the crowd carefully, his eyes paused for a moment on Lin Suying's face, seeing that her expression was normal, he continued to scan the others.

"Go to the next place."

As soon as the iron catcher left, everyone continued to look around at the door, seeing that the door of Baohefang was opened, the shelves inside were swaying, and there were still a lot of magic weapons and treasures left, which made some casual practitioners swallow their saliva uncontrollably, ready to move.

At this moment, a group of people wearing gossip Taoist robes ran over and blocked the gate of Baohefang, and the leader held up a token.

"Following the order of the Immortal Alliance, all properties of Tiandaozong are temporarily sealed and kept by our Taiyi Sect."

As soon as the words fell, people from the Taiyi Sect filed in, and excitedly began to confiscate all the items in the shop, like locusts crossing the border.

There was a little Qi refining disciple who didn't even spare the gems on the tables and chairs, pried them off with a dagger and secretly stuffed them in his sleeves, and was seen mocking them.

"Look at your worthless appearance. The things of Tiandaozong are all ours now. In the end, we can share one or two good magic weapons. How rare is this rubbish?"

Lin Suying watched silently outside, not only Baohefang, but also other shops under the name of Tiandaozong had the same scene.

Taiyi Sect, that is a good dog leg of Jiuli old thief in Tianque Realm. Tiandao Sect occupies most of the eastern part of Tianque Realm, and Taiyi Sect has gradually grown in the west over the years.

Only the people from the Taiyi Sect put the things away, and another group of people pushed away from the crowd and rushed over.

"Let me put it all down. The matter of Tiandaozong has not yet been finalized by the Immortal League. The property of Tiandaozong should be temporarily kept by my twelve guilds, so as not to be invaded by villains. After the matter of Tiandaozong is clarified, it will be handed over to you." The Immortal Alliance will deal with it in a unified way!"

Lin Suying couldn't help laughing, everyone pushed the wall down, jackals bit each other, everyone was so impatient.

As everyone knows, Fang Shouzhen's enchantment can't trap the demons for too long. Sooner or later, the demons will break free, and the first one will wash Jiugong City with blood.

"It's a good Tiandaozong, how can you say that it will fall? Is it too sudden?"

"Could it be possible that Shouzhen Xianjun was really taken away by the Demon Venerable? This caused a catastrophe and implicated Tiandaozong?"

"Hey! Tiandaozong is considered good. Its own secret realm is open to the outside world, and it has not treated us differently. If the Taiyi Sect manages Jiugongcheng in the future, I am afraid that our casual cultivators will have a hard time."

"Go, go, go to Tiandaozong to see what's going on."

Lin Suying's heart was heavy, she turned and left silently.

She walked around the city for a while, but there was still no sign of Yu Chengfeng.

The number of people she could inform was very limited, so there were still many Tiandaozong disciples who were captured by Tiehuo, including Zhao Dahai whom Lin Suying knew in the outer restaurant.

He was shopping in the city yesterday, avoiding the catastrophe of Tiandaozong, but he never avoided being arrested, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

In the past, the disciples of Tiandao Sect, who were supreme in the Tianque Realm, are now shackled and chained to form a chain of prisoners. They were scolded by iron arresters and paraded through the streets. They were criticized by everyone and slowly walked out of Jiugong City.

Lin Suying watched silently by the side of the road for a long time, until they disappeared at the end of the road, not knowing where they were going to be imprisoned.

Lin Suying clenched and loosened her fists, and finally closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and quietly hid in the dense forest, preparing to join the main body first, integrate the resources on her body, and then find a way to find out about Yu Chengfeng.

Yu Chengfeng is a wise man who cherishes his life. He knows his food, so he has been staying in Tiandaozong for so many years, and he hardly goes out. At most, he goes to Jiugong City to buy wine, so Lin Suying has a hunch that he must still be alive.

(End of this chapter)

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