I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 122 Shameless

Chapter 122 Shameless

Jiugong City, the branch of the Immortal Alliance.

Mr. Jiuli was furious, "Why is the old man's approach wrong? Wan Ruyi, don't think about it carefully. Over the years, you have traveled all over the world, searched for beauty and painted, and tossed your shabby school Taohuawu. How have you ever taken care of immortals?" Alliance affairs? How many times this old man seeks out you, you just do it casually, it doesn’t matter, you can make the decision, you didn’t care about it before, but now you take care of it?”

"Amitabha." Zen Master Mingdeng lowered his eyebrows and put his palms together.

Mr. Jiuli turned to Zen Master Mingdeng again, "And you, you and Wan Ruyi are the same stuff, you don't care about the business, you know how to preach the scriptures everywhere, harvest the incense of the people, small things can help, but when you encounter big things, don't push them all away. For the old man, I am afraid to bear the cause and effect if I am mixed with mud everywhere!"

Wan Ruyi leaned sideways on the chair, raised her long legs and rolled her eyes.

Mr. Jiuli looked miserable, "Among the three of us, why is this old man the lowest in cultivation? He was even stuck in the early stage of fusion and felt sad for a long time? Wasn't it because he was working hard all day to manage the Immortal League and the Great Wilderness? If it wasn't for the old man, where would the Great Wilderness come from?" Day of peace?"

Wan Ruyi couldn't listen any longer, and interrupted: "Yes, it's okay for others to say this, but it's too disgusting for you to say it yourself, Jiuli."


Wan Ruyi glanced at Zen Master Mingdeng again, "If you agree, you bald donkey, say you agree, and if you disagree, say you don't agree, and don't use Amitabha Buddha to get in the way."

"Ami...uh... Let's put an end to the fire, it's better to get back to the topic." Zen Master Mingdeng said awkwardly.

Mr. Jiuli took a sip of tea to suppress his anger, and waited for Wan Ruyi to say, but he didn't want to say it anymore, and he would be bullied again if he said it.

Wan Ruyi sat upright and said: "I'm not saying that the Tiandaozong has no responsibility at all for the disaster of the demons, but it is more important to find out the following things than to pursue the responsibility of the Tiandaozong. Why is it the demons who fell into the dragon abyss? Where does the place that is the boundary river lead to? Is the fairy world really like what we saw, how will the weird black mist be eliminated, and how long can Fang Shouzhen's enchantment last?"


Before Zen Master Mingdeng finished speaking, Wan Ruyi glared at him with a rare seriousness and sharpness.

Zen Master Mingdeng kept silent and only looked at Mr. Jiuli.

Mr. Jiuli stroked his goatee angrily, and said slowly: "First of all, the old man thinks that what Fang Shouzhen let me see is not the fairy world but the demon world. If the fairy world becomes like that, then how can I cultivate immortality? Waiting to die never mind."

Zen Master Mingdeng nodded slightly to express his agreement, Wan Ruyi frowned, a little hesitant, after all, what Fang Shouzhen inspired at the beginning was becoming an immortal and heavenly calamity, and the falling flowers and golden lotus springing from the ground cannot deceive people.

But after thinking about it carefully, Wan Ruyi also tended to think it was the Demon Realm. After all, the destruction of the Immortal Realm made it difficult for her to accept it.

Mr. Jiuli continued: "As for the others, the reason why the old man called the Jagged Alliance to arrest the people of Tiandaozong is to ask about the things about Zhuolongyuan and the demons. Compared with me and other headless flies, I don't know where to start. , Wouldn’t it be easier to ask the people of Tiandaozong directly, but they are all running away at the moment, obviously they have ghosts in their hearts.”

Zen Master Mingdeng didn't nod this time, but looked at Wan Ruyi again.

Wan Ruyi knocked on the table, "Okay, I won't quarrel with you about this matter, you can be arrested, but you can't go directly to the Great Prison, and you can ask, but you can't torture and extract confessions. There is also the property of Tiandaozong, which is temporarily controlled by the immortals." It should not be divided up privately, and it will be returned to the descendants of Tiandaozong after the matter is found out. After all, the juniors are innocent if they don’t know the inside story, and the inheritance of Tiandaozong for 10,000+ years should not be cut off. This is the bottom line of this deity.”

"I try my best." Mr. Jiuli blew the tea foam, "As for how long Fang Shouzhen's enchantment can last, this old man can't estimate it, but he has to guard against it, so the old man suggested that take part of the assets of Tiandaozong and build it on the periphery of Tiandaozong. Get up, seal this area completely, and then build a buffer zone to evacuate mortals and casual cultivators, so as to prevent the demons from rushing out of the cage in the future and harming the innocent."

Wan Ruyi nodded, Zen Master Mingdeng's eyes lit up slightly, and he said, "This matter can be entrusted to me, Mount Sumeru, and ask the poor monk to do something for the common people."

Mr. Jiuli sneered, and he knew that Monk Mingdeng would not let go of such a popular thing. He seemed to have a heart for the common people, but in fact he was somewhat selfish.

"Okay, I have no objection to this point. Let Taiyi Sect assist you when the time comes. They are familiar with the situation in the Tianque Realm. The old man will go to the Three Realms Sea in person and go to [Seven Star Island] to ask the island owner to arrange it. The Great Desolation Formation still has to be seen." [Seven Star Island]."

Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng nodded, expressing that they had no objections.

Mr. Jiuli continued: "In addition, the impact of this matter on the Great Wilderness will be far-reaching and serious, so the Immortal Alliance must become the pillar of the Great Wilderness, giving confidence to the comprehension world instead of panic, otherwise turmoil and disputes will be inevitable. The world first died due to internal friction. Now the three of us have the highest cultivation in the Great Wilderness, and the old man hopes that Wan Jianzun and Zen Master Mingdeng can unify their caliber."

"How to unify?" Wan Ruyi leaned over there carelessly and asked.

Mr. Jiuli said: "Fang Shouzhen was bewitched by Yun Zhiyi, and opened the gate of the demon world to release the demons with the intention of destroying the Great Wilderness. Under control."

"Amitabha." Zen Master Mingdeng frowned and clasped his hands together.

Wan Ruyi sneered, "Old thief Jiuli, you really are shameless."

Mr. Jiuli's expression was as usual, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Wan Ruyi stood up directly, "I can't help you with this matter, you can figure it out yourself, I will go find those old guys in Dahuang who have lived long enough, and investigate the matter of falling into the dragon, the demons and the black mist. , remember, don't go too far with Tiandaozong, otherwise this deity will not spare you."

After finishing speaking, Wan Ruyi disappeared into the room, and Zen Master Mingdeng also stood up and said: "Amitabha, this poor monk summoned the disciples of Mount Sumeru to appease the hearts of the people, and first evacuated the surrounding people to join the loose cultivators."

Mr. Jiuli looked tired, and after Zen Master Mingdeng left, he leaned on the chair and rubbed his forehead, and then said tiredly: "Ask the head of the Taiyi Sect to see me."

Tianque Realm has been under the control of Tiandaozong for a long time, and now it should return to the control of Xianmeng.

Tianque Realm is located in the center of Jiuzhou, with Beiluo Realm in the north, Baiman Sanctuary in the south, Xiling Sanctuary in the west, and Xuanyuan Water Realm in the east. If the demons are out of trouble, it is extremely difficult to defend, so we must think of a way .

After thinking for a long time, Mr. Jiuli's eyes suddenly lit up, and he smiled, "Yaozu, it can be of great use!"

Just when Mr. Jiuli was "worried" about the whole Great Desolation, the Jagged Alliance arrested people from Tiandaozong everywhere, and Mu Tieying personally searched for Lin Suying's trace in Tianque territory.

There are also demons hiding everywhere in the wilderness, and they are also ready to move.

In the territory of Tianque, the judge disappeared, and the old demon died in the Tiandao Sect. Qingsi reunited all the demon cultivators in the dark cave alone.

She was dressed in purple, standing on a high place with her long-haired head in her arms, with an excited expression.

"Your Majesty has returned to rebuild the Xiaoyao Devil's Palace and gather hundreds of thousands of demon disciples. Today, the slave family will also hold high the banner of the Demon Palace. Please enter the Demon Palace together. Together with other disciples of the Demon Sect from all over the world, wait for Your Majesty's call!"

"Wait for Your Majesty's call!"

"Wait for Your Majesty's call!"

The crowd is excited and united as one, and the evil way has been suppressed by the righteous way for too long, making them unable to meet the basic demands of survival like the monster race. They have longed for the taste of blood.

When Qingsi arranged for everyone to contact other magic gates, she jumped down from a high place, looked at the fat monk who was about to escape silently, and stood in front of him.

"Where are you going? My savior?"

Wan Baozhong trembled all over, sweating all over his head, "Master Qingsi, the little one is just a fart, you just let the little one go, the little one is really useless."

Qingsi raised her hand and tugged Wan Baozhong's fleshy face, "That's no good, I'm a person who knows how to repay you. If you save me, what can I do if I don't repay you? Just follow me honestly from now on, otherwise... I'll take your life Skin!"

Qingsi was suddenly vicious, Wan Baozhong trembled and wanted to cry, why was he so cheap, he insisted on saving this vicious woman at that time, he regretted it.

Jiugong City, inside the inn.

The members of the Feng clan came back and found Feng Tianyu to report the situation.

"Not even willing?" Feng Tianyu asked in surprise with a pale face.

The old man who reported back nodded, "Well, both the Tianwu Wu clan and the Heishui Gu clan said that they suffered heavy casualties and had to go back to the Hundred Barbarians to rest. They don't want to participate in the Great Wilderness Disputes for the time being. The Iron Blood Alliance has to worry about the Demon Lord."

"Guizi!" Feng Tianyu scolded, if he hadn't fully recovered his cultivation now, why would he ask Wu Shi and Gu Shi for help, he would have gone after Yun Zhiyi himself.

"Old Ancestor, what should we do now? How about... go back first?"

Feng Tianyu thought for a while, and suddenly felt that there was a new task on the [Open Sky Mirror] in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

[Collect information about the Tiandaozong catastrophe]

There are many exercises in Kaitian Mirror that can help him restore his cultivation, and the mirror has reminded him from the beginning that they can only be used in Tianque territory.

In the end, Feng Tianyu decided to stay in Tianque Realm, and he also cared about everything that happened in Tiandaozong.

At that time, deep in the Valley of Broken Soul.

Lin Suying and Zhao Zhen's avatar sat together in the tomb, with their heads together, looking at the fairy artifact [Sanguangtian Xinjian] that was accidentally obtained on the ground.

 There will be more changes in the afternoon, please be careful
(End of this chapter)

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