I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 123 The Gift of 49 [1 Bowl Leader + 3]

Chapter 123 The Ritual of Four Nines [One Bowl Leader +3]

"Is this the Metal Immortal Artifact [Sanguang Tianxin Sword]?" Zhao Zhen asked curiously.

The sword on the ground is as silvery as snow, simple and elegant, with a scorching sun totem carved on one side and a crescent moon totem carved on the other side of the hilt. When the light shines, the entire sword is shimmering like a galaxy.

Lin Suying nodded, "This sword is mainly gold, but it is not entirely a single metal. It was forged by an ancient alchemist with white iron elites. There are 33 'Risin Swords', 33 'Yuexin Swords', 33 Composed of 'Xing Xin Sword', 99 swords are finally tempered and fused with 'Sanguang Shenshui' to form one, the power is huge, and it can form the strongest killing formation [Tianxin Sword Formation] in the Dao of Kendo in an instant."

"Besides, there is only one spirit in an ordinary fairy weapon, but this sword has three spirits. I worshiped under Fang Shouzhen's sect when I was young, and when he was too busy to take care of me, it was the three sword spirits who took care of me. My mother is addicted to alcohol because of my elder sister Rixin, who mixes wine with my water every day, and lied to me that it is spiritual water to improve my power."

Zhao Zhen's eyes lit up, "It's so powerful, so I have a question. At that time, the sword suddenly appeared at the gate of the mountain. Did Fang Shouzhen find out his conscience and let you go, or did the three sword spirits save you on their own initiative?"

Lin Suying's eyes darkened, "I don't know."

Zhao Zhendao, "Then tell the three of them to come out and ask, will they know?"

Lin Suying shook her head, caressing the crack on the long sword, "They were injured too badly, they have to find [Sanguang Shenshui] to recover."

"[Sanguang Shenshui]? I'm afraid I can only get it if I find the water attribute fairy artifact. That thing is in the hands of the old thief in Jiuli. I haven't seen him take it out in Tiandaozong before. Fang Shouzhen will not return it for more than 100 years. Haven't you succeeded in sacrifice yet?" Zhao Zhen said contemptuously.

Lin Suying sighed, "I can't fuse with [Sanguangtian Xinjian] for the time being. There is no rush for this matter. It's more important to find Yu Chengfeng first."

Zhao Zhen nodded in agreement.

Zhaocai stretched his waist contemptuously and speechlessly in the cave. Although it already knew that the two were the same person and owner, it still couldn't accept it. Look at the two of them acting like the real thing. What kind of drama? fine master.

Lin Suying and Zhao Zhen looked at each other, Zhao Zhen's gaze gradually became dull, until finally she stood still.

She glanced at Zhaocai and continued to organize other things.

Zhao Zhen's avatar is too low in cultivation, and because she won the first place in the Dao Discussion Conference, Lin Suying has no way to keep this avatar anymore.

So as soon as you come back, do the ideological work of recruiting money first, and let it accept the setting that the owner changes his body like changing clothes. Peaceful, just looking at her eyes full of sadness, as if blaming her for keeping a little secret.

Lin Suying was speechless, fortunately Zhaocai didn't know that she would draw its white tiger blood in the future, otherwise he would have stretched out his paws to scratch her.

She must have hit it by mistake. Seeing that Zhaocai is a feline, she taught it "The True Art of the White Tiger" by the way. There is huge room for growth.

Lin Suying sat cross-legged and adjusted her breath. When Zhao Zhen rushed this way, she had just straightened out the breath in her body. At this moment, there was a void in her body, and there was a huge vortex of true essence in the middle.

Among them, lightning flashes and thunder, and rays of light are everywhere, just like the birth of heaven and earth in the chaos.

In the center of the vortex, there is a round pill that is the size of a human head, uh... The largest alchemy formed by others is the size of a walnut. It can be called a pill. She is really exaggerating.

But there is no way, she formed a pill with the energy of chaos, and was struck by the lightning containing the spirit of the fairy, so the breath of the fairy thunder remained in her body, and the hurricane of true essence was too grand, and finally she made such a pill.

Now she is in the early stage of alchemy. Although the pill is formed, it is still a virtual pill. She needs to sink her soul into it, continuously gather the energy of chaos, and use the pressure of the fairy thunder to condense it into a solid pill, and then she can enter the middle stage of alchemy.

At that time, there will be a transition between virtual and real, and nothing in the world will touch her body, that is, ordinary fire will not burn her, and ordinary rain will not soak her.

After Shidan, it is time to cultivate various real bodies. Only when the real body is perfect can it absorb Tiangang Disha, and prepare for the next reunion to transform Tiangang Disha into mana.

But Lin Suying has four or nine improved exercises, and has already started to practice various real bodies with the help of innate spiritual objects. At this moment, there are [Aoki real body] and [Lihuo real body].

Metal innate spiritual objects are also at hand, and then you can practice [Taibai real body] with the help of the innate Qi of Gengjin, and visualize the demon god.

After the gold lord kills, the power of her body can be improved to a higher level after the success. With the addition of [Sanguangtian Xinjian], when she encounters the situation of being besieged by the demon army before, she receives the blessing of the demon god, and Taibai really Controlling the Tianxin Sword Formation with her own body, she doesn't need her clone to blow herself up and hurt her soul as many demons come and die.

She had exhausted the soul power she had absorbed from Yun Zhiyi before she could digest it.

But there are also disadvantages. Ordinary people go to the real alchemy state, cultivate a real body, absorb one level of heavenly gang and one level of earth evil, and then they can hit the magic-gathering level, and reach the late stage of alchemy to prepare to break the alchemy and transform into a baby.

She has a three-level avatar of gold, wood and fire, so she needs three levels of Tiangang and three levels of Earth Sha respectively, and the amount is larger than others. It takes a lot of time just to find Tiangang Earth Sha, let alone the time to absorb and train.

I don't know if Fang Shouzhen's enchantment can last until then. At least she has to conceive a baby on her own body, and her life will be guaranteed only after she can control the avatar to travel in the outer space.

Although it is difficult to conceive a baby, her future potential is too great to imagine. She even doubts that if she continues to practice like this, she will really be able to transform the world and create all things.

Others practice the five elements, transform yin and yang, and seek to ascend, but now she is directly cultivating the chaos above yin and yang. The chaotic energy of her fingernails can be compared with the yin and yang power of the water tank of the old thief of Shangjiuli, turning into the five elements It's even more amazing, but it's amazing to her.

After checking the situation in her body, Lin Suying took out the storage gourd of Zhao Zhen's avatar, the ink storage bracelet given by Yu Chengfeng earlier, and several storage bags.

In the storage bag were all the demon corpses she had collected in Tiandaozong. She was very careful when collecting them, and the black mist did not move at all.

Now that she is being wanted in person, if it is not necessary, she will not be able to show up for the time being. Mu Tieying's Iron Arrest Order can make all disguises invisible, and can easily put a tracking mark on her, so we have to guard against it.

Fortunately, there is still this tomb in Broken Soul Valley where she can temporarily shelter, and only low-level monks below the foundation-building stage can be active in the valley, which can be regarded as very safe.

So the main body can stay here to study the corpses of the demons, find the flaws of the demons, and prepare for possible contact with the demons in the future.

There is also the coffin in the tomb. The green smoke snake next to Tu Sanniang hatched and mutated in the coffin. She just happened to study what happened at this time. There are many monsters and poisonous insects in Broken Soul Valley, so it can also be used for experiments.

What's more, she still has two puppet clones at hand to train insect masters. They can be combined into one to increase the level, and then catch poisonous insects in the Valley of Broken Soul, and use coffins to breed mutants to increase more hole cards.

The existence of the demons gave Lin Suying a sense of urgency, and she must seize all time and resources to improve herself and prepare for future escape.

Lin Suying rearranged the contents of the two storage magic weapons, and piled up a hill on the ground in a mess.

Basically, the rewards obtained at the Dao Discussion Conference can no longer be used outside. Lin Suying decided to dismantle them all and re-practice other magic weapons by herself.

Now that the main body has been cultivated in the early stage of alchemy, the cultivation level is enough to refine a good earth evil magic weapon. There are so many exquisite refining diagrams in the Wuya Temple, just to try one by one.

Both Zhao Cai and Zhao Zhen's avatars can only stay here temporarily, only Tu Sanniang's identity is considered clean for the time being, and he is free to go out and do errands, and continue to inquire about Yu Chengfeng and other members of Tiandaozong.

There is also Song Tianqi's avatar, Lin Suying has a plan to go deep into the enemy's rear, and on the way to implement it, fish will soon bite the bait.

After sorting out everything, there are only two things left for Lin Suying, one is what Sijiu left behind, and the other is to check Yun Zhiyi's memory to find a way out.

After thinking about it, Lin Suying decided to take a look at what Sijiu left behind, it was in the [Qingmu Wangding], and it was still hazy for her to see clearly in her territory.

With a thought in Lin Suying's mind, her consciousness immediately turned into a body and appeared in the cauldron world.

As soon as she landed in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, Lin Suying was shrouded in a huge shadow. She saw a huge monster with a black bone armor and a ferocious face with red electric horns standing in the corner of the pavilion like a statue.

The pair of huge bat wings surrounded her in a semi-enclosed shape. As soon as she entered, the monster opened its scarlet eyes, with a gloomy and tyrannical desire to kill brewing in the eyes, which made Lin Suying's eyes wide open in horror.

The Red Demon of the Void Refinement Stage! !
Lin Suying's scalp was about to explode, and she quickly backed away to avoid offering the magic weapon, but the next moment, the red demon knelt down on one knee respectfully, put her fist on her chest, and lowered her head.

"Dark Demon Chongshan, pay homage to my lord."

 Add an update today, because I have to save the manuscript for the weekend~
(End of this chapter)

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