I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 124 World Name Huangquan [1 Bowl Leader + 4]

Chapter 124 Realm Name Huangquan [a bowl lord +4]
He could understand what the red demon Chongshan said, but in Lin Suying's view, there was only an ugly red demon kneeling and roaring at her.

Can't understand, can't communicate!

"You... you speak human words!"

Lin Suying clenched the [Corpse Sea Purple Bamboo Stick], she is so awesome now, she can punch Nascent Soul and kick Huashen, but she is still Void when refining Void.

If she was right, she would have gone out and smashed Mu Tieying's dog's head.

"Hoo, ho ho..."

Lin Suying still couldn't understand what Red Demon was saying, but he was still kneeling and didn't move at the moment, and he didn't know if he could understand her words.

Seeing that the Red Demon had no intention of attacking her, Lin Suying asked cautiously, "Can you understand me? Nod or shake your head."

Chi Mo nodded, Lin Suying's head was full of question marks, why can she understand human language but can't speak human language?
Forget it, we can still communicate like this.

"Do you know Sijiu?"

Chi Mo shook his head, Lin Suying's head was full of question marks again, Sijiu got in, but he didn't know Sijiu?
"You consider me your master, right?"

The red demon nodded, Lin Suying continued to be confused, can the demons also contract like spirit beasts?When did she make a contract with this red devil, whose cultivation level was three levels higher than hers?

Lin Suying asked some more questions with yes and no answers, and with her speculation, she almost figured it out.

This guy must have been brought in by Sijiu, or it may have been transformed by Sijiu, allowing him to suppress the demons' desire to kill and have a higher spiritual pursuit.

So it was Mu Tieying who shot at her, and the black bone spear that stabbed out from her back belonged to this red demon, and it was he who blocked Mu Tieying's fist.

There is indeed some kind of oppressive relationship between her and this red demon, but where is the source of the oppression, Lin Suying is temporarily at a loss, and she doesn't feel what Sijiu has done to her.

Lin Suying was a little afraid of Sijiu when such a big bodyguard came to her door, but she was reluctant to let her kill this red devil.

In the end, Lin Suying decided to re-conclude the contract, and she chose the demon clan's engraving method.

But as soon as she pinched her head, the Red Demon shuddered and dodged subconsciously, looking up at her, as if she had been greatly insulted, guarding and resisting.

The demon race also has its own civilization and rules, Lin Suying knew she was reckless.

"I don't use the method of engraving, but we must add an insurance policy, otherwise I can't keep you. I have the method of contracting spirit beasts with humans. Can you accept it?"

As soon as the words fell, the Red Demon nodded happily this time, without any resistance.

With the power of the Demon God, Lin Suying re-concluded the contract with the Red Demon. Although the contract was the same as the lucky one, it was more restrictive and safer than its one.

During the contract, Lin Suying found a strange crystal in the Red Demon Consciousness Sea. She felt that there were many mysterious things in the Demon Race, which made her very curious and wanted to explore.

Originally, he could only study corpses, but now that he has this red demon, as long as he is taught to speak human language, he can quickly figure out everything about the demon race.

Could it be that... Sijiu's intention is here?
She didn't look carefully at Yun Zhiyi's memory, but she vaguely knew that the way to leave the Great Wilderness had to go through the territory where the demons were ravaging.

After the contract, Lin Suying and Red Demon didn't have the feeling of mutual understanding and mutual understanding.

In desperation, she had no choice but to lead Chi Mo to find the old panda Qi Ling.

At this time, the world of Dingzhong is full of flowers, the fields are full of elixir, the mountains and forests are full of fruits, and everywhere is full of vitality.

It was the slack season, and in the open space next to the farmland, a group of pandaren were holding farm tools and sticks, practicing martial arts in a uniform manner, and the enthusiasm was in full swing.

The old panda was slowly rocking on the rocking chair with the steaming bamboo tea bucket.

"Old bear, come here."

Hearing Lin Suying's voice, the old panda shook his hands, spilled hot tea all over his body, jumped up and hid his newly found walking stick, and then turned to look at Lin Suying.

Suddenly seeing Lin Suying running at a high speed with an anxious expression on his face, chasing after this huge monster with a ferocious face, the old panda was startled.

"Boys, kill the enemy and the Savior!!"

With an order, all the forty or fifty pandaren nearby shouted excitedly, waved their weapons and farm tools and threw them at the Red Demon behind Lin Suying.

With hoes and sickles and sticks all over the sky, the corner of Lin Suying's mouth twitched, and she dodged to the side.

Jingle Jingle!

The Red Devil was suspended in the air, and all kinds of agricultural tools hit him, which was shattered by his bone armor and fell to the ground.

The red demon turned to look at Lin Suying, his eyes were full of fierceness, his wings gradually spread, and he only waited for the master's order to slaughter all living things in the valley in an instant.

Murderous aura filled the air, the cold wind howled, the pandaren huddled together, looked at each other, turned their heads and ran away.

Lin Suying shook her head and sighed, the Pandaren really can't be counted on, after practicing for so long, they are still a bunch of noobs.

The old panda rushed over with a cane, looking like he was going to fight the red devil, Lin Suying hurriedly stopped him, "Okay, this is my new subordinate, not an enemy."

Hearing this, the old panda blinked, "Ahem, cough, as long as there is nothing wrong with the Lord."

"I came to hand him over to you. He can understand human language, but he can't speak it. I will give you a month to teach him to read and write."

"Ah?" The old panda looked confused.

Lin Suying ignored him, and took the crutch in his hand, "Where did you get the golden thunder bamboo? The quality is very good, so take it away."

Old Panda: ...

Lin Suying told Chimo to study hard with the old panda, and left Dingzhong World with a walking stick.

As soon as she came out, she saw that the room was in a mess. Zhaocai had turned the hill of magic weapons she had piled up in the corner into a mess. At the moment, she was holding a magic weapon made of animal bones in her claws, gnawing and biting.

Lin Suying narrowed her eyes and rushed over quickly.

As soon as Zhaocai let out the sound of protecting the food, Lin Suying raised her hand like a big pussy, directly bewildered Zhaocai, and the magic weapon in her claws was gone in the next moment.

"Is this edible too? If you want to eat the animal bones in the burial pit outside, and let me find out that you eat my magic weapon, I will blow your head off."

Zhaocai shrank his neck, looked guilty, he seemed to have accidentally swallowed a small thing just now, one side is black and the other side is white, like a chess piece, but don't let the master find out, or the intestines will be pulled out by it.

Lin Suying tidied up the magic weapons scattered around, and found nothing missing.

Sitting down again, Lin Suying sank her consciousness into Wuya Hall again, and took a special book from the bookshelf.

In order to avoid confusion, she has kept all of Yun Zhiyi's memories separate, and turned them into a book with the help of Wuya Temple.

After carefully flipping through it, Lin Suying gritted her teeth and smashed the book on the ground.

"Sijiu, you tricked me!"

Part of Yun Zhiyi's memory was deleted, except for the part of Yun Zhiyi's previous life memory that she inherited before, there was no memory of her previous life in Yun Zhiyi's soul that was fused later.

Lin Suying didn't know why Sijiu deliberately erased this part, the rest was not erased much, but there was only one piece of information about the way out, unless Yun Zhiyi only knew this, otherwise Sijiu erased it.

Lin Suying calmed down and sat down to open the book again. With a wave of her hand, a picture in the book appeared in front of her like a projection.

It was a star map that looked like a spindle as a whole, and each star represented a realm, with different sizes, huge numbers, and boundless vastness.

Among them, the middle of the spindle is densely populated with seven large realms that are particularly bright, larger and brighter than all the surrounding stars, and surrounded by many small realms like formations.

And under the central realm, a pitch-black fault appeared as if cut across by a knife. It was so deep and boundless that it seemed to swallow everything.

The names of those realms are not marked on the star map, except for two places, the apex and the lowest point.

Seeing the names of these two realms clearly, Lin Suying's eyes flickered, and she suddenly understood the true meaning of Yun Zhiyi's sentence "Hell is the only way out".

The realm at the top of this star map is [Great Wilderness], and the realm at the lowest point...is called [Yellow Spring].

Lin Suying never knew that beyond the Great Wilderness there were such vast and boundless realms, so the boundary river under the Falling Dragon Abyss was the passage leading to this world.

The real way of life is the bottom [Hell Spring Realm].

Lin Suying lay down directly on the floor of Wuya Hall, thinking that she could find her way out after struggling from Tiandaozong, but now she is told that the door of her way of life is under the Falling Dragon Abyss.

She was really swearing and holding her chest and didn't know how to swear.

Now that Fang Shouzhen has sealed Tiandaozong, she can only wait for the day when the barrier expires to enter.

But the demons and the strange black mist gushed out from below, which meant that the realms below were likely to have been completely destroyed and reduced to the domain of the demons.

As far as the demons are concerned, even if it is difficult, there is still a glimmer of hope.

But that weird black mist is simply incomprehensible, to go through it, cross the entire star map, face the void fault caused by something unknown, and reach the [Yellow Spring Realm] to survive... She might as well die easily.

"I just want to live, why is it so difficult!"

Lin Suying covered her face, full of pain and didn't know where to tell.

At this time, Lin Suying sat up abruptly, there was movement from Song Tianqi's avatar, and he was surrounded by a group of iron hunters, with no way to escape.

 I think there is still time, so I will add another chapter to pay off the debt as soon as possible. This is the end of today, and I will save the manuscript~

(End of this chapter)

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