Chapter 125

After Song Tianqi's avatar escaped from Tiandaozong, he has been dormant in Canglang Valley to the northwest of Tiandaozong, which is close to the Sword Talisman Gate and also very close to Xishan City.

There is a big Chang family in Xishan City. Song Tianqi's ninth junior brother, Chang Yi, is from the Chang family. There are several famous iron catchers in the family, who have always been the eagle dogs of the Xianmeng.

The Sword Talisman Sect is backed by the Tiandao Sect, and it is the right arm of the Tiandao Sect. The Tiandao Sect supports the Sword Talisman Sect, and in a sense, it is also holding the Xishan Chang family hostage.

When Lin Suying came out, she saw many elders and high-ranking monks from the Sword Talisman Sect in the Canglang Valley, inquiring about the situation of the Heavenly Dao Sect.

There are also some Tiandaozong disciples who fled from the mountains and forests, and were finally taken away by the Sword Talisman Sect to rescue them.

"You don't follow the people from the Sword Talisman Sect, why do you always follow me?" Lin Suying sat on the branch of a tree, dangling one leg.

Han Youchu knelt under the tree, gathered water with spells, carefully wiped Jiang Banyue's body, pulled out the bone spear from her body, and finally changed her into clean clothes, and tidied her hair and appearance.

"Master is actually very beautiful, if she can be thinner." Han Youchu whispered.

From the beginning of tidying up, she has been rambling about Jiang Banyue's affairs, Lin Suying raised her head in silence the whole time, without saying a word.

In the next few days, no matter what Lin Suying went to do, Han Youchu tried her best to chase after her, treating her eighth brother Song Tianqi as a life-saving straw.

Lin Suying didn't get rid of her on purpose, but she didn't control her on purpose either. It was her own ability to catch up with her.

After the Jiuli old thief ordered to hunt down the people of Tiandaozong, the Jagged League was short of manpower, so he gave Chang's chicken feather order arrow.

Chang's side quickly rushed out, went directly to Jianfumen, captured the disciples of Tiandaozong rescued by Jianfumen, and even some people from Jianfumen, in order to suppress and frighten Jianfumen.

These Lin Suying watched silently, without making a show.

"What did Tiandaozong do wrong? They want to treat us like this? The demons are not released by us." Han Youchu was indignant, but it was only for himself.

Later, Lin Suying found out that all the arrested people around her were temporarily detained in the Xishan Chang family's residence, so she had the idea of ​​"self-casting" and going in to inquire.

Perhaps Yu Chengfeng also escaped from this side at that time, and was captured by Xishan Chang's, and this possibility is extremely high.

After making the decision, Lin Suying told Han Youchu to get away as soon as possible if she didn't want to die, and then deliberately got rid of her, showed her whereabouts outside Xishan City, and immediately caught the attention of Chang's people.

Afterwards, Lin Suying was besieged.

The leader, Mr. Chang, was Chang Zhenshan who led people to search Baohefang when she used Zhao Zhen's avatar to go to Jiugong City to find Yu Chengfeng.

"The remnants of the Heavenly Dao Sect, obediently catch them without a fight, or kill them on the spot!"

Chang Zhenshan had a look of evil spirits on his face. Unlike the others around him, he was an iron arrester who had passed the Iron Blood Alliance's trial and obtained the Iron Arrest Order. The head of the baby family has to give him some face.

Lin Suying smiled, untied her sword and surrendered, was bound hands and feet by immortal ropes, suppressed the flow of true energy, and was escorted back to Chang's Dungeon.

Not long after Lin Suying was escorted away, Han Youchu emerged from behind the mountain, looking for Song Tianqi's traces everywhere, and finally saw the signs of fighting around and the fragments of Song Tianqi's clothes, and suddenly sat on the ground with black eyes.

"What to do, the master is gone, and now the eighth senior brother has also been arrested, what should I do, woo woo woo."

Han Youchu covered her mouth to suppress her crying, shrank into a ball in fear, and held on to Song Tianqi's clothes tightly.

After crying for a while, she suddenly thought of something, got up from the ground, wiped away her tears, and ran towards Xishan City resolutely.

Martial law is everywhere in Xishan City. Han Youchu was once a direct disciple. Although he is unknown, there is a great risk of being discovered.

Just when she was at a loss, she suddenly saw a dark-skinned person in Chang's clothes coming out of the city, who was giving orders to the guards, who nodded and bowed very fawningly.

Han Youchu was so fascinated that he caught the man's attention and looked directly at her.

Han Youchu was shocked, bit his lower lip and turned around to run.

The man talked to the guard, and quickly chased after him until he reached the forest beside the road, and then he called out in a low voice, "You Chu?"

Han Youchu trembled and stood there, hesitating and not knowing what to do.

"Don't be afraid. I've been looking for you everywhere these days, in case something happens to you. Now that you're fine, I'm relieved."

Hearing this familiar and gentle voice, Han Youchu burst into tears, turned his head and threw himself into Chang Yi's arms, "Ninth Senior Brother, Master is gone, and Eighth Senior Brother was also taken away. I'm so scared, I really don't know what to do." What to do."

With the beauty in his arms, Chang Yigang was in a state of mind, when he suddenly heard her mention Song Tianqi, his complexion sank.

But he still patiently comforted him: "The Jagged Alliance is still investigating the matter of Tiandaozong. It is only temporarily detained for questioning. It will not be a big deal. Let's not talk about him. Do you have a place to go now?"

Han Youchu stood up straight and shook her head, Chang Yi raised his hand to help her wipe away her tears.

"Come with me. I can temporarily hide you in Chang's. There is a saying that it is dark under the lights. If you are careful, you will not be discovered. And with me here, I will not let anyone bully you."

Han Youchu seemed to have found the pillar again, and nodded movedly, "Well, thank you, Senior Brother Ninth."

"From now on, I can't be called Senior Brother Nine. I was also lucky. I went back to Chang's on the night of Tiandaozong's accident, and explained to my uncle about leaving Tiandaozong. Otherwise, Uncle Zhenshan was stern and selfless, and I would have to go to jail right now."

"Okay, then I will call you Brother Chang from now on."

Han Youchu followed Chang Yi back to Xishan City. On the way, he suddenly remembered about Mo Li. He originally wanted to ask, but felt it was inappropriate, especially at this moment when Chang Yi was willing to take the risk to help her. Han Youchu felt that Mo Li must have framed Chang Yi. He is not the kind of insidious person.

"Brother Chang, if possible, can you help Brother Eight? He is also innocent."

Han Youchu asked cautiously from behind, not seeing Chang Yi's gloomy expression at all, and thought that Chang Yi was the same as when he was in Tiandaozong, responsive to her requests.

"I try my best."

"Well, I knew Brother Chang was the best."


Song Tianqi's avatar was directly escorted to the Chang's Dungeon. The dungeon was dark and damp. There were array runes on the floor and walls, and there were cells all around. Surrounding the interrogation area in the middle stood a tripod covered with scorched blood. Fragrant smoke is coming out.

Lin Suying knew it was Ruan Xian San without smelling it. The guards in the prison would take a good antidote and come in every day, and the people in the prison smelled the smell of Ruan Xian San every day.

At this moment, more than a dozen prison cells are full of prisoners, all of them are disciples of Tiandaozong, at least more than 100 people.

Lin Suying also saw a few acquaintances, one of them was Zhao Dahai from the outer restaurant, and the other was Wu Yi who had helped her a lot in the Internal Affairs Hall.

Everyone was sitting around the cell with blank eyes, unwilling to be angry, and now they are only aggrieved and helpless, not knowing what awaits them in the future.

Lin Suying didn't see Yu Chengfeng, nor did he see any monks above the alchemy stage, but those who were imprisoned here were all insignificant disciples, so they couldn't ask anything at all.

Lin Suying was about to be sent to Wu Yi's cell when a guard suddenly ran in from the outside.

"He is Song Tianqi, a direct disciple of Wanyue Peak. Mr. Chang ordered him to be imprisoned in a water prison. He will personally interrogate him later."

Lin Suying frowned, she was just a direct disciple, so Chang Zhenshan needed to interrogate him personally?
It’s tricky!
(End of this chapter)

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