Chapter 126
The water dungeon was deeper, and Lin Suying was being escorted all the way down, the more it went down, the colder it became.

The five water dungeons are like pools, covered with iron gates, filled with stinky cold water, surrounding the interrogation area in a pentagonal shape, and there is also a pill furnace burning.

As soon as Lin Suying went in, she only saw a wet woman imprisoned in one of the water cells, and there was no one else.

Sensing movement, the woman looked up and her pupils shrank.

Lin Suying also recognized her, Xie Feihua, the real Feihua who helped Li Bichen handle the family affairs, before going to Yaowang Valley for training, she was the one who explained the precautions to several of their direct disciples.

Unexpectedly, she survived by chance, but was arrested here.

Moreover, Lin Suying saw many traces of interrogation on her body, the blood brand between her eyebrows, the welts on her face, and the hands she was holding on to the iron gate above her head at the moment, her fingertips were all rotten and swollen, and some of them were stuck with iron picks Not pulled out.

The criminal laws in the cultivation world are the same as those in the mortal world, but they are more tortured than those in the mortal world.

Lin Suying's heart couldn't help but was pulled, and the next moment she was pushed into the water prison opposite Xie Feihua.

The cold and biting spray became cheap, and instantly gave Lin Suying a tingling pain like ten thousand swords lingering. The cold breath penetrated directly into her bones, so painful that she had to temporarily seal off her body's senses with the help of soul fragments.

She found this kind of pain unbearable, and Xie Feihua didn't know how long she was locked up, or how she survived it.

"Be honest, think about what you know and what you should explain, so as not to use torture, you can't stand it!"

The guards closed the cell door and left as soon as they reprimanded them. It was too cold down there for ordinary people to bear.

It took Lin Suying a little effort to grab the door above her head and stand still. The water in the dungeon covered her neck up to her neck. In addition to the coldness, there was also suffocating oppression and cramping, which made it hard to breathe.

"How did you get locked up here?"

Before Lin Suying could speak, Xie Feihua asked her anxiously. In Xie Feihua's view, Song Tianqi was just a direct disciple in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and had no practice in the sect, so he shouldn't be imprisoned in the water prison.

Lin Suying shook her head, "I don't know, Master Feihua, have you ever seen Elder Yu?"

Hearing this, Xie Feihua's eyes overflowed with envy, "It's good, at this time, I was still thinking about helping Zhao Zhen find his master. I also have a Taoist companion. I didn't go with the suzerain because of him, but he ended up living for himself and threw me away." Give it to the iron catcher."

Lin Suying mourned for Xie Feihua, love shortens her life, she has already seen through it, okay?

Xie Feihua's face was pale, and he took a deep breath and said, "Most of our Tiandaozong Yuanying Zhenjun died in battle in Tiandaozong. Got caught."

"They were all detained separately and interrogated separately. The Yuanying Zhenjun who can be brought here is in another more hidden place in Chang's, not here."

Lin Suying's heart sank, Tu Sanniang's avatar was also inquiring all the time, without any news, Yu Chengfeng just disappeared.

It's a pity that the soul cards are all in the Heavenly Dao Sect, and she has no way of confirming whether he is dead or alive. Only a few divinations show that he is still alive, but something has covered it up, so that Lin Suying can't even find the approximate location.

It was because of this that she felt that Yu Chengfeng was captured by the Jagged Alliance, because the Jagged Alliance would make relevant arrangements to prevent deduction and divination in order to prevent the robbery incident of the devil.

"Master Feihua, are they using torture on you?" Lin Suying asked.

Xie Feihua's face was full of sadness, "Isn't it obvious? I have been serving the suzerain all the time, they think I must know something, don't say I don't know, even if I know, I won't confide a word even if I die. No matter how many people you sacrificed, the entire sect has lost."

"Shouzhen Xianjun even sacrificed himself to seal the demons, but they turned their heads and put all the blame on Tiandaozong's head, and said that Shouzhen Xianjun had an affair with the Demon Lord and wanted to slaughter the Great Wilderness for her, so they were released. Mozu, it's a bunch of nonsense!"

Xie Feihua was very excited, it was really outrageous, Fang Shouzhen had an affair with Yun Zhiyi, and he didn't even dare to make up such a story.

"Don't think that I don't know what they are planning. The reason why I spare my life and not directly search for souls is because I want me to be a witness to prove that Tiandaozong is related to the Demon Dao, and to confirm the crimes set by the Immortal League. It is justifiable to make Tiandaozong completely disappear in the realm of comprehension."

Lin Suying bit her lower lip, and persuaded: "Living is more important than anything else. Master Feihua can be hypocritical and talk about things that seem important but not so important. First get a chance and then worry about other things."

As soon as the words fell, Xie Feihua's eyes turned cold for a moment, she stared at Lin Suying for a moment, and finally retreated silently to the depths of the water prison to endure the pain, and stopped talking to Lin Suying.

Lin Suying knew that she was a person with integrity, she would rather bend than bend, but she just died like this, but it was a sacrifice in vain. Those dog legs of Xianmeng would not have any respect for her at all, they would only think that she didn't know good and bad, and deserved her death.

And what she was worried about was that even if she died, they would still try to find a way to fulfill the crimes of the Heavenly Dao Sect, and the money would touch people's hearts. Even immortals would not be able to avoid being tempted by benefits, it just depends on how big the benefits are.

Lin Suying sighed, at this moment, she could only wait silently, and then find a way to say something after she saw Chang Zhenshan. If Yu Chengfeng was not here, she would abandon Song Tianqi's clone and leave.


Chang clan land.

Chang Yi took Han Youchu, who had changed into a maid's clothes, to a secluded small courtyard in a remote place. The inside had already been cleaned and incensed, and everything was ready for Han Youchu.

Han Youchu looked around and was very satisfied.

"Brother Chang, you are so kind, this place is more beautiful than the place where I live in Wanyue Peak."

Han Youchu sat on the swing in the courtyard and swung happily. After running away for many days, she finally relaxed until today.

Chang Yi watched from the side, and said softly: "Don't worry about staying here, because the remnants of Tiandaozong will be imprisoned, so most of my Chang's people have withdrawn, and now only the people who assist the Jagged Alliance are left. Uncle led to stay in the dungeon, there is no one around here, very safe."

"I will find a way to erase your name from the list of disciples of Tiandaozong later. When the limelight passes, you can see the sun again by changing your name."

Han Youchu stopped, "What about Brother Eight? Since it can be erased, why not erase his name as well?"

Chang Yi's face sank, "Can you stop mentioning Song Tianqi to me?"

Chang Yi's sudden gloom made Han Youchu tremble, "Brother Chang, what's wrong with you?"

Chang Yi approached Han Youchu step by step, "Haven't I been good enough to you all these years? Do you think there is anything else worthy of my fancy besides this pretty face?"

"Brother Chang..."

Han Youchu was a little scared, and couldn't help shrinking back, but her body suddenly became inexplicably weak, and Chang Yi pulled her in front of her.

"You Chu, I am sincere enough for you, but you have always treated me like a dog. If you wave it, it will come, and if you call it, it will go. Don't I feel heartbroken? You hang Song Tianqi every day. On the lips, when did he care about you, why can't you look at me?"

"I didn't... I just..." Han Youchu averted his eyes guiltily.

Chang Yi grabbed her chin and turned her face away, "Look at me, now I will give you two choices, either forget about Song Tianqi and follow me well, and I promise I will never treat you badly in the future, or I will let you two together To hell!"

Han Youchu's pupils trembled, and she was pitiful, "Brother Chang, don't be like this, I have always regarded you as my own brother, can I...what did you do, Brother Chang..."

Han Youchu's whole body went limp, and she fell into Chang Yi's arms.

Chang Yi's eyes were gloomy and cold, "I have paid so much for you, now I should get back some reward!"

As soon as the words fell, Chang Yi picked up Han Youchu and walked straight to the back room.

Han Youchu trembled all over, tears burst into tears, and begged weakly: "Brother Chang, don't... don't treat me like this... Eighth Senior Brother, save me... Eighth Senior Brother..."

The door was closed, and the birds flew away.

Chang's deep house compound is dead silent...

(End of this chapter)

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