I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 127 Sentenced [1 Bowl Leader + 5]

Chapter 127 Sentenced [One Bowl Leader + 5]

Song Tianqi's avatar soaked in the dungeon for a full day, and Lin Suying finally heard movement from above, followed by a somewhat familiar voice.

"Open it and bring the person out."

Lin Suying reacted for a while, and when she looked up, she saw Chang Yi's face as black as charcoal.

The door above her head knocked, and Lin Suying was pulled out by two people with a rope around her neck.

Under the influence of Ruanxian Powder, she had no strength at all, and fell directly at Chang Yi's feet.

"You go down first, I didn't tell you not to disturb."

The two guards glanced at each other, thinking that Chang Yi was Chang Zhenshan's nephew who was his own, and that he was also going through the process of joining the Jagged Alliance recently, so they silently exited the prison without saying anything.

When they left, they saw a girl in a cloak standing outside, the two nodded as a gesture, and left quickly.

In the water prison, Chang Yi's appearance caught Xie Feihua's attention. She hadn't spoken to Lin Suying all day, but now she said sharply: "Chang Yi, that's your senior brother. It's fine if you bully your master and destroy your ancestors. Now you can't even talk to Lin Suying." Will my senior brother not let you go?"

Hearing this, Chang Yi showed a cold smile, stepped on Song Tianqi's hand on the ground and walked towards the water prison where Xie Feihua was, condescending.

"Spiritual Feihua, your own life is in danger, and you still have the time to manage others. It seems that my punishment is still too light."

After finishing speaking, Chang Yi raised his hand and pressed a mechanism that attracted a fish-shaped totem on the wall. Xie Feihua's pupils shrank suddenly, his face paled instantly, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

The water column above the water prison poured down, and there were densely packed red fishes as thick as fingers, and they all entered the pool where Xie Feihua was with the water flow.

The red fish was like a bloody shark, frantically surrounding Xie Feihua's body, gnawing at her flesh and blood bit by bit with its tiny sharp teeth, carrying toxin, every bite was as painful as a heavy hammer breaking a bone.

Xie Feihua groaned in pain, dodged in the water in panic, slipped and submerged in the water, the screams of pain interspersed with the coughing of choking water, Xie Feihua desperately raised his hands to try to grab the iron on top of his head. However, the school of fish was so fierce that she could only float up and down and struggle desperately.

"Well, this fish punishment can't even be tolerated by body forging demons. It won't kill you, it will only make you suffer all the time. Since Master Feihua has the strength to control others, just take it well .”

"Chang Yi...you don't have to cough...you're dead!!!"

Chang Yi smiled triumphantly and comfortably, raised his hand to straighten his clothes, and was about to turn around, when suddenly a black shadow slammed into him fiercely.

Chang Yi was caught off guard and staggered backwards, stepped on the air and fell on the cell door.

Xie Feihua floated up, ruthlessly dragged the leg he stepped on, and fell down with all her strength.

There was a sound of broken bones, half of the leg was submerged in the water, Xie Feihua bit it, blood overflowed, the fresh and aura-filled smell immediately made the fish give up the rotten Xie Feihua, and crazily bit that leg.


Chang Yi's screams were deafening, filling every corner of the water prison. The people hiding in the distance trembled, but they clenched their fists and did not come out to help.

When the guards outside heard the voice, they thought it was Chang Yi who was interrogating, and continued to chat without taking it seriously.

Lin Suying's collision had exhausted all her strength, she could only lie on the ground panting, and Xie Feihua was just a half-life prisoner.

Chang Yi quickly reacted, and shook Xie Feihua away with a palm, retracting his leg, which was already bloody and biting dozens of small red fishes that kept flicking their tails.

A flash of flame burned through Chang Yi, and the little fish turned into ashes. He gritted his teeth and glared angrily at Song Tianqi on the ground. After taking care of his injuries, he limped over and stomped on Song Tianqi's hands hard.

But no matter how hard he tried, even hearing the sound of bones breaking, Song Tianqi's handsome face never showed any painful expression, and even pulled a mocking and proud smile at him.

"You incompetent trash!"

The senses have already been shielded, even if Chang Yi cut off Song Tianqi's head and boiled it in a hot pot, she, Lin Suying, would not frown.

Hearing the ridicule, Chang Yi was furious, turned around and picked up the soldering iron in the brazier.

"I ruined your face today, I see what you will be proud of in the future!"

"don't want!!"


The soldering iron was stamped hard, and the smell of burnt flesh permeated the water prison. Chang Yi found that Song Tianqi hadn't changed at all.

Han Youchu, who had been hiding in the distance, rushed over, snatched the soldering iron from Chang Yi's hand, looked at the burns on Song Tianqi's face with distress, stood in front of him, and shook his head tearfully at Chang Yi.

"Brother Chang, you let him go. I will follow you well from now on. Can you let him go?"

The appearance of Han Youchu made Chang Yi furious, he pulled Han Youchu up, and said harshly to Song Tianqi who was on the ground: "See, now I can easily get whatever I want, including her, and you, as long as He's just a prisoner, a rotten person I can kill if I want to."

Lin Suying raised her head and saw that Han Youchu's neck was still covered with pinched marks and patches of red marks. Without thinking about it, she knew what this scumbag Chang Yi had done to her.

"Do you only bully women?" Lin Suying asked coldly.

Chang Yi's eyes were dark, he threw away Han Youchu and squatted down to face Song Tianqi.

"So what? Let me tell you, let alone Han Youchu Xie Feihua, even your beloved woman Zhao Zhen, and her Nascent Soul Master Yu Chengfeng, I can still torture you at will."

Lin Suying's eyebrows twitched, "Yu Chengfeng is here too?"

Hearing this, Chang Yi sneered, and glanced at Han Youchu, who was sobbing beside him.

"You Chu, have you seen it? He would rather care about an old man like Master Zhao Zhen, and never ask you, what do you like about such a man? This face?"

Chang Yi clamped Song Tianqi's face and turned to Han Youchu. At this time, that face was no longer what it used to be. There were palm-sized brand marks on it, which were rotten and swollen and bleeding profusely.

Han Youchu watched, sobbing, she didn't know why she fell in love with Song Tianqi, she also thought it was because he was good looking, better looking than most men in the sect, looking at him always felt pleasing to the eye.

But at this moment, this face was bleeding with scars, but it made her feel more uneasy than before, and she didn't feel disgusted or disgusted at all.

He just felt heartbroken, and felt that it was because of her that he was tortured by Chang Yi.

Suddenly, Han Youchu's eyes darkened, and he rushed up like crazy and slapped Song Tianqi across the face.

"Song Tianqi, it's me, Han Youchu, who was blind. I just realized today that I've made a mistake with my heart. Brother Chang, let's go. Give me some time. I owe Brother Chang, and I will make up for it one by one."

Han Youchu went to pull Chang Yi, but Chang Yi didn't move, instead he took out his hand and looked at Han Youchu coldly.

Han Youchu lowered his head, trembling slightly.

After a while, Chang Yi raised his hand to wipe away Han Youchu's tears, "Very well, from now on, as long as you are obedient, I promise you will have a better life than when you were in Tiandaozong. Go outside and wait for me first. I still have a few things to tell you." He talked well."

Han Youchu bit her lip, but finally held back her anxiety and left without looking back.

"Did you see that? As long as she has power, any woman can be conquered. I don't know if it will work for your beloved Zhao Zhen."

Chang Yi thought that this would stimulate Song Tianqi, but Song Tianqi still didn't respond.

Chang Yi couldn't figure it out, except for Han Youchu, everything didn't go according to his expectation today, it just made him angry, he should be crying and begging for mercy, it was Song Tianqi who was in pain!

"Song Tianqi! If you are sensible, you should recognize your identity as a demon disciple as soon as possible. Otherwise, when my uncle comes here, you will suffer more punishment than today. Take a good look at Xie Feihua. I will give it to you at the end." You have half a day to think about it!"

As soon as the words fell, Chang Yi flung his sleeves and left.

"and many more!"

Chang Yi paused.

"You let me see Yu Chengfeng, let alone a disciple of the Demon Dao, even if you say that I am the Demon Lord's favorite boy, I can't deny it."

Hearing this, Chang Yi frowned, and seeing Song Tianqi's expression of no nervousness or fear, he felt that he was playing tricks on him, mocking him.

Chang Yi left with a cold snort.

"Hey, I'm serious, don't go, do you want to discuss it again?"

No one responded, two guards came in earlier, dragged her back to the water prison, took back the school of fish from Xie Feihua's side, sprinkled some medicinal powder in the water, and left quickly.

 There are only three changes today, two regular changes on weekends, and next Monday will continue to pay off debts and make more changes.

  Continue to ask for a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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