I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 128 They Even Have Children

Chapter 128 They Even Have Children
Lin Suying leaned against the corner of the dungeon, thinking about the truth of Chang Yi's words. In her opinion, only half of them were true, and nine and a half percent were false.

He just wanted to use Zhao Zhen to threaten Song Tianqi, wanted to see Song Tianqi nervous and frightened, and then begged him, so he mentioned Yu Chengfeng by the way.

But even if it was only half true, she couldn't ignore it.

"Song Tianqi, earlier... I blamed you..."

Xie Feihua's voice came from the side, and Lin Suying looked at it inexplicably.

Xie Feihua looked at her with eyes full of admiration and sympathy, "I thought you would be a villain who would do anything to survive, but I didn't expect you to be a tough man."

Xie Feihua's distressed eyes fell on her face, and Lin Suying's eyes were lowered, unable to laugh or cry.

"This injury is nothing, and it doesn't hurt."

It doesn't hurt, it just smells a little bit burnt.

The admiration in Xie Feihua's eyes deepened, and she leaned against the corner and looked up tiredly, "I didn't expect that Mrs. Chang still didn't give up. I couldn't break through here, and I made a fuss about you, trying to force you to admit that you are a disciple of the devil way, so as to give heaven Zong is accused of colluding with the devil."

Lin Suying blinked, uh...Song Tianqi really is, he really didn't wrong this guy in this matter.

Xie Feihua sneered, "In the early years, the Chang family used means to kill the people of the Jian Fu Sect, relying on a few iron arresters from the door, the fox pretended to be a tiger, and acted recklessly. He had a lot of grievances in Xishan City. He should have persuaded him a few years ago The suzerain has put an end to this disaster, otherwise why would we be here today."

Lin Suying said: "If there is no Chang family, there is also a short family. The Jagged Alliance is watched by all the sects of the Great Wilderness, but some dark things must be done by someone, even the Tiandao Sect is no exception."

Xie Feihua took a deep look at Lin Suying, "If Tiandao Sect is still there, you must be very suitable to stay with the Sect Master, it's a pity..."

Xie Feihua stopped talking, grabbed the iron gate above her head with one hand, and slowly fell asleep. Lin Suying found that she had reached the end of her strength, and she might not be able to last much longer.

Rao Lin Suying always only sweeps the snow in front of her own house, but at this moment her heart is full of sadness, and she has the idea of ​​what must be done.

Lin Suying closed her eyes silently, and began to make arrangements in her mind.


In the next few days, Lin Suying saw Chang Zhenshan's bloody and viciousness. Compared with him, Chang Yi was indeed too tender.

In those few days, Chang Zhenshan did not drag Song Tianqi out for interrogation, but routinely tortured Xie Feihua every day, forcing her to ask her whether Li Bichen knew that Fang Shouzhen had a problem with Yun Zhiyi, and whether he also knew about the seal of Zhuolongyuan. Mozu.

Could it be that the Dao Discussion Conference is being held at this time for the purpose of mutilating the elites of the comprehension world, and finally trying to turn the entire Great Wilderness into the private property of Tiandao Sect?

Many problems are all about sending Tiandaozong into hell and never being able to stand up again.

And Xie Feihua didn't say anything, and even spat at Chang Zhenshan every day, which made her punishment more and more severe.

But Chang Zhenshan always grasped a certain degree, whenever Xie Feihua could no longer hold on, he would stop, feed her a life-extending elixir, and throw it back into the dungeon.

Later, Chang Zhenshan began to bring Chang Yi together to interrogate the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage upstairs.

Chang Zhenshan intends to train Chang Yi, so he is asked to do all kinds of interrogation, in order to prove to the outside world that Chang Yi has "abandoned the dark and turned to the bright", and even guaranteed him that he will be allowed to participate in the assessment of the Jagged Alliance and officially become a Iron catch.

Chang Yi is ruthless and ruthless. Under coercion and temptation, anyone who is willing to provide evidence of Tiandaozong's collusion with the devil can leave the dungeon and be assigned to work in the mine. After working for 50 years, he will be free.

At first, there were still people holding on, but hearing Xie Feihua's screams downstairs every day, no matter how strong a person is, there are times when they can't stand it.

And not only on Chang's side, the same thing happened in other prisons of Jagged Alliance.

In the end, there were more and more testimonies accusing Tiandaozong, and the testimonies became thicker and thicker. Tiandaozong was beyond redemption. Even if Fang Shouzhen came back alive, he would have no way to prove his innocence.


Chang's deep house.

Seeing that Han Youchu was unhappy all day long, Chang Yi suddenly brought her a gift one day.

Han Youchu lacked interest, but when she actually saw this gift, she was frightened out of her wits.

She saw her dead master, Jiang Banyue, standing upright in the yard.

Han Youchu covered his mouth and backed away, not daring to approach, but was pulled by Chang Yi.

"Well, I specially made her into a walking corpse for you."

Han Youchu trembled all over and was terrified. When she was imprisoned here, Chang Yi took away all her things, including Jiang Banyue's body.

She thought that no matter how vicious Chang Yi was, at least he would bury his master, but she never thought that Chang Yi would be so mad.

Chang Yi clamped Han Youchu's trembling body in his arms, "Didn't you say that you have no father or mother since you were young, and only your master treats you best? Since you respect her like your mother, let her stay here with you in the future." .”

Han Youchu didn't dare to resist at all, even though she hated Chang Yi to the core at this moment, she still smiled, "Thank you, Brother Chang."

Chang Yi sneered and let go of Han Youchu, leaving Jiang Banyue's body to watch over her. Before leaving, he said, "Today is Song Tianqi's death day. If you have anything else, I can bring it for you."

Han Youchu clenched his sleeves tightly, pursed his lips and shook his head, "He will die as he dies, and it has nothing to do with me."

Chang Yi smiled with satisfaction and left.

After he left for a long time, Han Youchu tremblingly walked up to Jiang Banyue's upright corpse, and mustered up the courage to hug her cold body.

"Master, what should I do? You teach me, how can I save myself and Brother Eighth?"

Han Youchu hugged Jiang Banyue and cried for a long time, suddenly a gust of cold wind blew by, and the next moment, Han Youchu's shoulders sank, and Jiang Banyue's hand actually rested on her shoulder.


Han Youchu opened his eyes wide in surprise, looking at Jiang Banyue who was made into a walking corpse by Chang Yi for a moment, but Jiang Banyue had no other reaction.

"It's useless to call Master, it's okay to call Senior Sister."

A familiar voice came from behind, and when Han Youchu turned his head suddenly, he saw Zhao Zhen appearing in the courtyard at some time, sitting on the swing chair and eating a peach.

Han Youchu was shocked, and subconsciously hid beside Jiang Banyue and hugged her arm, but then thought that Zhao Zhen might have come for Song Tianqi, and couldn't help feeling sour.

Lin Suying threw Tao Zi and stood up, "Do you want to kill Chang Yi yourself?"

Han Youchu clenched his fists tightly, his pupils trembled, and after struggling for a while, his eyes fixed and he nodded vigorously.


Late at night, in a water prison.

Chang Zhenshan and Chang Yi's nephew and uncle ordered Song Tianqi to be taken out and tied to the rack.

In fact, asking Song Tianqi now is of little use, but Chang Yi has selfish intentions, and Chang Zhenshan just wanted to teach him some interrogation and torture techniques, so he accompanied him.

This time, Xie Feihua struggled and cursed again, telling Chang Zhenshan to come at her and stop torturing Song Tianqi.

Lin Suying looked at Xie Feihua who was desperately protecting her with only one breath left, sighed faintly, then turned her head and said to Chang Zhenshan and Chang Yi,
"Okay, no need to ask. I am a disciple of the Demon Dao, and I am also the contact person of the Demon Dao and the Heavenly Dao Sect. The Dao Discussion Conference was also ordered by the Demon Lord and Fang Shouzhen. The Demon Dao and the Heavenly Dao Sect colluded and planned. That's right, Fang Shou really has an affair with the Demon Lord."

"Fang Shouzhen is so in love with Yun Zhiyi. They are brothers and sisters from the same school when they were young. At the beginning, Fang Shouzhen killed his wife for a while, and chased his wife to the crematorium. You chased me and ran away. They fell in love and killed each other for many years. In the end, the paranoid fairy king forbidden love, and directly used a lock The Immortal Formation has been imprisoned by Yun Zhiyi for more than 100 years, forcing Yun Zhiyi to merge with him every day, and if he doesn't agree, they will die together."

"In the end, Yun Zhiyi gave birth to one of the children. She was still a monstrous daughter. Fang Shouzhen was a perfect planner, and Yun Zhiyi was ruthless. She counted her parents to death at a young age. If you can treat Yu Chengfeng Come on, together we can tell you how Yun Zhiyi injured Fang Shouzhen so badly that he wanted to be buried with Dahuang."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a mysterious silence in the water prison.

Xie Feihua was stunned, and Chang Zhenshan and Chang Yi were also stunned.

They haven't been tortured yet, and they haven't asked questions yet, so why have they confessed everything?

And what's the point?It is more detailed and exciting than their set of words, and it disrupts their rhythm.

After these words, Song Tianqi's high-cold scumbag is supposed to be finished, but it doesn't matter, his face is ruined, there is no need to keep it, and the treatment will cost money, so he doesn't deserve it.

(End of this chapter)

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