I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 129 Adversity sees the truth

Chapter 129 Adversity sees the truth

When Lin Suying was talking nonsense in a serious manner in the water prison, in the forest outside Xishan City, Qingsi was leading two hundred demon disciples, peeking at the Xishan Chang Clan residence from a height.

Wan Baozhong's head was covered in calico, knotted under the nose, curled up at Qingsi's feet like a meat dumpling, helping her to hold her beloved's head.

Tsing Yi stretched his neck and looked at it for a long while, then lowered his head in doubt, "Rou Bao, are you sure Your Majesty will wash Chang's blood tonight?"

Meat Treasure...

Wan Baozhong was in a cold sweat, afraid that one day he would become a meat bun.

He nodded vigorously, "I'm sure, when His Majesty makes a move, there will be a mark released, and I will rush to help when I see it."

Qingsi still doesn't quite understand, "It's just the Chang family, and it's worth doing it yourself? And now the Chang family is biting those thieves from the Tiandao Sect. If we attack the Chang family now, aren't we helping the Tiandao Sect?"

Wan Baozhong thought about it, but [Kai Tian Jing] didn't explain this question, but he was given a task, asking him to attack Chang's family at night with people who lure the magic way, and rewarded 500 merit points for success. All of them can be exchanged for "Soul Entangling Silk Wonderful Needling Technique".

Wan Baozhong swallowed his saliva and said: "Perhaps, Your Majesty wants to destroy Chang's and beat the Jagged Alliance, after all, Chang's is the most barking dog under the Jagged Alliance."

Qingsi nodded thoughtfully, "If that's the case, I would have done it a few days ago. Now the Chang family has moved most of the clansmen away, and the rest are just some eagle dogs guarding the disciples and the Jagged Alliance. It's boring. When will your lord If you can take me back to serve by your side, I have already thought about all kinds of hairstyles to help you comb your hair."

Wan Baozhong remained silent, although Qingsi's cultivation level was not high, she was also a hair-combing maid who had been by Yun Zhiyi's side since the Qi training period, and now in the late Yuanying period.

Like Ao Cang, she was not threatened by the demon clan's imprint, but she was a person who was loyal to Yun Zhiyi.

Wan Baozhong actually couldn't understand what kind of charm Mozun had that could fascinate this group of people. He felt that the thief was terrifying, but it was a pity that he was born on the boat of the Mo Dao and couldn't even get off.

A group of people continued to wait silently.

Chang's Water Prison.

Because Lin Suying's nonsense messed up Chang Zhenshan's rhythm, he temporarily decided not to kill Song Tianqi, but to keep it for now.

Chang Yi wanted to persuade him, but he didn't dare to contradict Chang Zhenshan, so he gave up in frustration.

At this time, another iron catcher under Chang Zhenshan hurried in, "Lord Chang, the brothers in the League just sent a message saying that they have captured the Tiandao Sect Master Li Bichen and his party."

The iron catcher didn't avoid Xie Feihua and Lin Suying when he spoke, Xie Feihua immediately ran to the prison, wanting to listen more carefully.

Chang Zhenshan sneered, ordered people to come in and detain Song Tianqi again, and took Chang Yi out.

"The meaning of the League is to let us transfer the two Nascent Souls here, together with those from other places, at the Feiyundu joint. Wan Jianzun has been putting pressure on him. In order to show justice, the League agrees with Luo Fujian. Zong disciples supervise these prisoners, but they must be handed over to a third party for custody..."

As soon as the two left, the two guards immediately straightened up, looking back thoughtfully at the direction they left in unison.

After that, they quickly entered the dungeon, one to find Song Tianqi and the other to find Xie Feihua.

Xie Feihua looked at the elixir handed in front of him, not knowing why, but with a look of wariness on his face, while Song Tianqi on the opposite side ate the elixir directly, and waited for the guard to open the cell door and come out and sit beside him.

"Really Feihua doesn't need to worry too much, hurry up and recover, and rush out later."

Xie Feihua understood in a blink of an eye that someone was coming to rescue her. Although she didn't know what was going on, she had to seize the chance of escape no matter what, especially if the suzerain was arrested, she had to save the suzerain no matter what.

Xie Feihua took the elixir and came out of the water prison with the help of the guards. The guards were of low cultivation. After Lin Suying recovered a little, she controlled Song Tianqi's body and walked over to help Xie Feihua take out the torture instruments nailed to his body.

Xie Feihua clenched her teeth the whole time without making a sound, which made Lin Suying admire her.

After that, Lin Suying mobilized the power of Jumang Demon God to help Xie Feihua repair her injuries.

Seeing this, Xie Feihua was very surprised at Song Tianqi's medical skills, but she bit her lip and didn't ask anything. She just felt that Song Tianqi was becoming more and more mysterious, and even gave her a sense of security that she could rely on. Daoist, he is only a junior in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

In the end, the two guards left two storage bags, and hurried outside to guard to ensure that the way out would be unobstructed.

In each of the storage bags is a magic sword, a hundred talismans of various kinds, two bottles of healing elixirs, and clothes for changing clothes.

In Xie Feihua's storage bag were two sets of plain women's clothing, even underwear and hair tie. This thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness caused waves of warmth and bitterness in her heart.

"Song Tianqi, thank you very much."

It would be great if her Taoist companion was half as caring as Song Tianqi, but unfortunately, he is a heartless person, and she will definitely kill him in the future.

Seeing that Xie Feihua wanted to change clothes, Lin Suying turned her back and explained: "This is all prepared by Zhao Zhen."

Xie Feihua gave a hand, not only bitter but also sore in his heart, thinking that Zhao Zhen must be concerned about Yu Chengfeng, so he took the risk to come to Chang's to inquire.

Song Tianqi couldn't bear Zhao Zhen's suffering, so he went deep into the tiger's den by himself. He didn't hesitate to be disfigured and tortured. He had been working hard to find out Yu Chengfeng's whereabouts, while Zhao Zhen was trying to rescue him outside.

"It's so nice to see the truth in adversity..."

After changing their clothes, Lin Suying gave Xie Feihua the picture of Chang's residence, and temporarily controlled the guards upstairs, and distributed the antidote to those who refused to smear Tiandaozong because of their stubborn mouth.

Originally, more than 200 people were caught, but now there are only [-] or [-] left, including Zhao Dahai and Wu Yi, the most ordinary outsider cook, and a monkey spirit disciple of the inner sect deacon, but he can keep his heart at this time, It is rare.

After everything was ready, Lin Suying accompanied Xie Feihua and waited silently in the water prison.

In the dead of night.

Chang Yi let Jiang Banyue's body guard the door, and vented all his unpleasant emotions on Han Youchu. She endured the humiliation and catered to her, but felt that the time was extremely long.

Just when she was about to be unbearable, there was a sudden loud noise outside.

The sky was shaken, green fireworks came in from the window, and a huge Demon Lord's mark appeared in the sky above Chang's residence.

Chang Yi was so frightened that he couldn't continue for a moment. He rolled off the bed and ran to the window to see what happened.

The bronze bell in the garrison rang, and the Mozun led people into Chang's!

Chang Yi trembled all over, and his first reaction was to run away, "Xiao Chu, I'll take you with me...uh..."

Before the last word was uttered, Chang Yi felt a darkness behind him, and when he turned around, Jiang Banyue's body grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

Chang Yi's eyes widened in horror, Jiang Banyue's body was clearly sacrificed by him with painstaking efforts, why did he shoot at him.

The walking corpse refined by the Nascent Soul cultivator, Chang Yi, was only in the early stage of foundation establishment, and was unable to resist at all. In an instant, Jiang Banyue's icy corpse qi froze the meridians all over his body, making him unable to work.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Han Youchu wearing a robe, the hatred in his eyes bursting with tears, approaching step by step with a short sword.

"You...Chu..." Chang Yi kicked his legs and struggled.

"Don't call me!!" Han Youchu yelled hysterically, "Spitting out my name only makes me sick! Chang Yi, tonight is your death day, but I will never let you die so easily, I No matter how painful it is, I will make your life worse than death!"

As soon as the words fell, Han Youchu slashed with a knife.

The silver light suddenly appeared, and Chang Yi opened his eyes in shock, feeling a cold wind sweeping between his legs, causing unparalleled pain.


The shrill screams pierced through the sky, but Chang's family was in chaos, and no one would come to rescue him.

(End of this chapter)

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