Chapter 130
In the Chang's residence, three majestic beams of light rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky. Under the dark night, a huge light curtain spread around like flowing water, trying to seal off the entire Chang's residence.

At this moment, a ray of purple escaping light shot out, rushed into the sky above Chang's residence from under the unclosed barrier, and threw the head in his hand.

The head is suspended in the air, and the black hair is good at growing in the wind, intertwined and entangled like a living thing, instantly forming a large net that covers the sky and the sun, and meets the enchantment that is constantly closing downwards.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the protective array of Chang's resident was blocked by black hair, and could no longer be completely closed.

"Hahaha, Mrs. Xishan Chang, today I will send you back to the west in Xiaoyao Demon Palace! My sons, kill me!"

Qingsi laughed wildly, and hundreds of smoky lights broke into the barrier from the south, with bursts of creepy and rampant laughter, wantonly released various spells, and instantly plunged the entire Chang's residence into a sea of ​​flames.

"Devil Dao thief, how dare you make trouble in my Chang family!"

A majestic light rushed from the ancestral hall of the Chang clan, carrying the pressure of the Nascent Soul, and approached Qingsi, who was the patriarch of the Chang clan.

Qingsi's eyes turned cold, and her hair curled while waving her hands, hitting the ray of light and exploding, the aftermath left the fleeing Chang's handyman below without even a chance to scream, and was crushed to pieces in an instant.

The aged Chang Clan Chief spat out a mouthful of old blood, his breath was weak, and he was no match for Qingsi at all.

Qingsi was condescending, with a stern smile on the corner of her mouth.

The demonic energy was rampant, and the disciples of the demonic way slaughtered frantically, released ghosts and beasts, and tore up and devoured the disciples stationed by the Chang family.

Panic filled the air, there were screams, and the breath of death was everywhere. The Chang clan chief rushed to the sky with all his might, fighting with Qingsi.

In the Chang's Dungeon, dozens of iron hunters from the Jagged Alliance saw the invasion of the Demonic Dao, leaving only two people guarding the entrance of the dungeon, and the others drove to support.

Chang Zhenshan had just escorted out the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs of the Heavenly Dao Sect, when he saw ghost shadows passing through, howling incessantly, the place he entered was like a hell on earth, intertwined with sea of ​​fire and rain of blood.

Chang Zhenshan hesitated, and finally chose to evacuate with the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs. As an iron arrester, the prisoner must not lose anything.

He quickly knocked out the two weak Nascent Soul True Monarchs and imprisoned them, released a boat-shaped magic weapon and carried them away quickly.

In the dungeon, Lin Suying and Xie Feihua teamed up to bring down the two foundation-building period iron traps guarding the gate, and then led everyone out.

As soon as she came out, she saw Chang Zhenshan fleeing far away. Thinking of hearing him say that he was going to transfer the Nascent Soul prisoner, Lin Suying immediately said to Xie Feihua: "Master Feihua, follow the route I said to avoid the evil way and the prisoner." Chang's people are leaving, I have other important matters, so let's leave now."

After speaking, Lin Suying took off with her sword and chased after her.

Just as Xie Feihua wanted to persuade her to stay, she saw a cloud of five elements rising into the sky not far away. It was Zhao Zhen.

Seeing the two figures chasing back and forth, everyone present was moved, and at the same time felt envious.

"Keep up, don't fall behind."

With a warning, Xie Feihua took the rescued 30-day Taoist disciples and quietly fled from a more secluded place while taking advantage of the chaos.

At this moment, the mutation protruded.

As soon as Qingsi was about to kill the patriarch of the Chang clan, a majestic rainbow light burst out from between the two of them suddenly, and the majestic righteousness met the black hair all over the sky. Someone met the scorching sun with ice and snow, and the black hair screamed and melted away in an instant .

Qingsi turned pale in shock, and saw a cultivator from the Jagged Alliance standing in the sky, with white beard and hair, not angry and majestic.

"Demon Dao thief, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Qingsi recognized this person at a glance, it was Tu Renfeng, the famous Qianshou Renfeng from the Jagged Alliance. Although his current cultivation level was not as high as that of the leader Mu Tieying, he was Mu Tieying's martial arts enlightenment master.

As soon as Qingsi saw him, she wanted to retreat.

But Ren Fenglai came prepared, and with a wave of his hand, the sky exploded with nets, and the protective array of Ning's garrison was suddenly suppressed, enveloping everyone in it instantly.

Under the coercion of Huashen, the ghost image burst, and the low-level Moxiu couldn't even climb up, and was beheaded by Chang's disciples and Tie Chuan in an instant.

The situation turned around, and Chang's disciples began to counterattack and clear the payment.

In the distance, Chang Zhenshan's flying boat almost collided with the barrier of the formation, hovered hurriedly, and immediately felt seven fiery sword lights coming from behind.

The light of the iron arresting order bloomed behind him, blocking the sword light dangerously.

When Chang Zhenshan turned his head, he recognized Zhao Zhen who was the most popular at the Dao Discussion Conference.

"Hmph, no wonder I can't find you anywhere, the remnant of the Heavenly Dao Sect. It turns out that you are hiding in my Chang's residence."

Lin Suying was too lazy to chatter, and stretched her head to look at his flying boat. It wasn't Yu Chengfeng inside, but Guangning Zhenjun and Chixia Zhenjun who had been guarding the Guliang Mine.

They didn't know fart, and they haven't been back to Tiandaozong for more than ten years, but this time they were caught and received a lot of punishment.

A shocking sound suddenly erupted from behind, and a strong air current rolled in. Lin Suying vaguely saw the bloody giant palms criss-crossing the sky, and blasted the purple figure down.

Chang Zhenshan was overjoyed, "Don't even think about running away tonight!"

Lin Suying smiled, "Really?"

Ow! ! !
As soon as the dragon chanted, a huge green dragon suddenly appeared outside the protective formation, and the huge dragon's head slammed through the barrier and slammed straight into the bloody giant palm.

There is an ambush in the Jagged Alliance tonight, and so does Lin Suying. She not only uses the [Opening Sky Mirror] to notify the person who summoned the Demonic Dao in the Ten Thousand Treasures, but also uses the green-haired Sunda mouse to notify Ao Cang, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Ao Cang's cultivation in the late stage of Huashen is enough to deal with the ambush of the Jagged Alliance.

However, her actions have attracted the attention of Ao Cang's side. Although she didn't stop her, it always made Lin Suying feel uneasy.

The entire protective formation shattered, and the tyrannical force directly shattered Chang Zhenshan's flying boat, and he and the two people on the boat fell straight down.

Song Tianqi, who had been by the side all the time, quickly rushed over to pick up the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs and ran away, while Chang Zhenshan fought back with the blood rolling in his chest.

The fire phoenix screamed, and the dazzling fire wrapped the seven flying swords with feathers and feathers and turned into a phoenix phantom, which slammed into Chang Zhenshan's body, smashing him directly to the ground from a high altitude.

There was a loud noise, earth and rocks splashed, Chang Zhenshan spat out a mouthful of blood, his chest was scorched black, and even the indestructible iron arrest warrant was shattered.

Ren Fenglai discovered the situation here, but was suppressed by Ao Cang, unable to make a move, and could only watch helplessly as he ran away.

Chang Zhenshan desperately climbed up from the pit, trying to chase after swallowing the medicine.

At this moment, a figure galloped from the sea of ​​flames, and when he saw Chang Zhenshan, he shouted excitedly: "Uncle, save me!!"

The person who came was Chang Yi, with a pale complexion, wearing only a robe, with marks like Ling Chi all over his body, and the right side of his face was slashed beyond recognition.

But the worst thing is that the blood between his thighs is pouring out, and it is empty, which is shocking.

"Chang Yi, stop!"

Han Youchu's voice came from behind, she was lying on the back of Jiang Banyue's corpse and chased after him, but there was a sea of ​​fire and fighting everywhere, the aftermath of the fight between Gaokong Ao Cang and Ren Fenglai raged, and she was thrown to the ground violently.

Chang Zhenshan turned his head to look for Zhao Zhen and Song Tianqi, and found that both of them had fled. Chang Yi, who didn't care about asking for help, chased out of the Ning's garrison.

(End of this chapter)

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