Chapter 131

The bright moon hangs high, the mountains and forests to the east of Xishan City.

Lin Suying controlled two clones, one on the left and the other on the right, galloping through the mountains and forests.

Guangning Zhenjun and Chixia Zhenjun have been handed over to Xie Feihua and the others to take away. She also left behind the antidote of Ruanxian Powder. As long as the two Zhenjuns recover, their hope of survival will be even greater.

That's all she can do.

Chang Zhenshan mentioned before that because of Wan Jianzun's pressure, the prisoners from all over Tianque Realm will be transferred to a third party to take care of them and meet at Feiyundu.

Such a big fanfare must be a trap, there is no doubt about it.

It's easy to guess who this third party is, except for the Dragon Clan in the Xuanyuan Water Realm, who else can it be?And once everyone is transferred to the territory of the Dragon Clan, it will be extremely difficult to rescue them.

So Feiyundu was the last chance, even if it was a trap set up by the Jagged Alliance, she had to go.

But before that, she had to finish things here and make some arrangements.

Zhao Zhen and Song Tianqi glanced at each other through the retreating woods. Their cultivation bases were too low. Lin Suying was pressed for time and had no patience to improve slowly. She could only give up and look for the Nascent Soul clone.

Sensing Chang Zhenshan catching up behind them, the two speeded up and galloped towards the cliff ahead.

Behind Chang Zhenshan, Chang Yi also chased Chang Zhenshan desperately because of Han Youchu's relentless pursuit.

When he ran out, Ao Cang and Ren Fenglai were fighting endlessly, there was no living person in Ning's resident, Ren Fenglai was obviously not the opponent of Ao Cang's dragon, once defeated, he would have no way to survive.

Chang Yi still can't figure out why the corpse he sacrificed suddenly turned into Han Youchu's.

If it wasn't for Jiang Banyue's body, he wouldn't be afraid at all based on Han Youchu's cultivation base, which he couldn't even build a foundation for. The opportunity to escape.

call out--

Suddenly a firework exploded from the distant sky, turning into the appearance of an iron arrester. Chang Yi was overjoyed. It must be his uncle who surrounded the two bitches Zhao Zhen and Song Tianqi, asking for help from the other iron arresters.

As long as the iron trap comes, neither Han Youchu nor Zhao Zhen Song Tianqi will be able to escape, and he will let them know what real torture is!
"Chang Yi, today I will make you die without a place to bury you!"

Han Youchu's voice came from behind, Chang Yi gritted his teeth and continued to speed up.

When Chang Yi rushed to the edge of the cliff, he saw a mess all around, with obvious traces of a fierce battle. Chang Zhenshan stood there with a dull expression, with a feather sword stuck in his right chest, bleeding profusely.

Song Tianqi supported Zhao Zhen and stood in front of the abyss, both of them were wounded.

For some reason, both sides stopped fighting, and the atmosphere was very weird.

"Chang Yi!!"

When Han Youchu caught up, Chang Yi was shocked, and dragged his broken body towards Chang Zhenshan, who was the only one who could save him.

"Uncle, uncle, save me."

Chang Yi approached Chang Zhenshan, and Chang Zhenshan, who had been sluggish, suddenly turned his head, pulled out the feather sword from his chest, and swept across.

Chang Yi froze on the spot, his eyes wide open to the extreme, feeling a hot stream gushing from his neck, he opened his mouth to ask why, but the blood kept gushing out, making him unable to ask anything, he could only cover his mouth in horror. Neck convulsed and fell to the ground.

When Han Youchu caught up with him, he saw Chang Yi's throat was cut, twitching and slowly losing his breath. Han Youchu's grievance was avenged, and Han Youchu was filled with grievance and fear. He was just about to cry, but when he looked up, he saw Song Tianqi being forced by Chang Zhenshan. The precipice is desperate, and my heart tightens again.

"Master, save Brother Eight!"

Jiang Banyue, who was covered in carrion, was like a mountain of meat, and immediately rushed towards Chang Zhenshan with a billowing cold corpse aura.

Lin Suying was speechless. Han Youchu's love for Song Tianqi was really too deep. When Zhao Zhen's avatar found her and helped her re-contract Jiang Banyue's corpse, Lin Suying still remembered what she said.

"Senior Sister Zhao, I beg you to save Eighth Senior Brother. I promise I will never pester him again. Eighth Senior Brother really cares about you. He was tortured by Chang Yi because he wanted to help you find Elder Yu. Don't lose him." Leave him alone, I can help you hold Chang Yi, as long as you save him, I can do anything."

This is all her love debt before she became a scumbag, and she didn't want to deal with it at first, but at this point, let's help her cut off this love at the end.

Before Jiang Banyue pounced in front of Chang Zhenshan, Chang Zhenshan suddenly slashed an unstoppable sword at the two people in the distance.

Then Han Youchu watched helplessly as Song Tianqi blocked Zhao Zhen's sword, but the two were knocked off the cliff together.

"Do not!!"

Han Youchu's eyes were about to burst, and he rushed over to catch up with the two of them and fell off the cliff together.

At this moment, Jiang Banyue's body shook for some reason, and turned around and jumped off the cliff.

Under the cliff, Jiang Banyue was holding onto the protrusion of the cliff with one hand, and Han Youchu's waist with the other, while Han Youchu was holding Song Tianqi's hand tightly with both hands, and Song Tianqi was also holding Zhao Zhen.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Zhen rolled her eyes and fainted.

Song Tianqi was hit by a sword, his heart veins were severed with the naked eye, and his life was not long. Han Youchu burst into tears, "Eighth senior brother, hold on, I will pull you up, and I will definitely save you."


The sound of rock breaking came, and everyone fell down suddenly. Jiang Banyue was already heavy, and with so many people added, the small bump couldn't bear it at all.

And Han Youchu is only a monk of Qi training, he can't even do Yukong for a while, and he is very reluctant to control Jiang Banyue's corpse, and he has already run out of energy. She has never hated her incompetence as much as she does now.

Han Youchu broke down in tears, his palms were sweaty and bloody, he couldn't hold Song Tianqi's hand firmly, he slid down uncontrollably, and Song Tianqi was struggling to break free.

"Eighth Senior Brother, please don't give up, please, Eighth Senior Brother..."

With blood in his mouth, Song Tianqi smiled gently at Han Youchu, "Remember, the only thing you can rely on in this world is always yourself, and I have never had your place in my heart."

As soon as the words fell, Song Tianqi threw off Han Youchu's hand resolutely, hugged Zhao Zhen in his arms with all his strength, and fell straight into the abyss.

"Do not!!!"

Han Youchu stretched out his hand vigorously, crying heart-piercingly.

The night wind suddenly picked up, and the two dead leaves chased and swirled in mid-air, undulating, always entangled together, just like the two inseparable people, flying farther and farther.

Song Tianqi's last words echoed in Han Youchu's ears, she had paid so much for him, but he finally said that she never had a place in his heart.

At this moment, Han Youchu felt that he was extremely ridiculous, and it was a joke from the beginning to the end.

She was willing to follow Chang Yi to Chang's for Song Tianqi, but was bullied by Chang Yi, and in order to save him, she pretended to obey Chang Yi to find opportunities, endured Chang Yi's perverted torture every night, and even put down her self-esteem to beg Zhao Zhen, whom she hated the most.

But in the end, there was only such a heartless sentence.

At this moment, Han Youchu's heart ached like a twist, wishing to dig out his heart so that it would stop torturing him.

"I'm not as good as Zhao Zhen... I'm not as good as her..."

Han Youchu didn't know how long he had been hanging there crying, and he didn't know how he and Jiang Banyue finally found a hidden small cave on the mountain wall.

She was in a daze for a long time, until she felt that her heart was dead and would never beat again, and her whole body was wrapped in a huge sense of loneliness and helplessness.

When she looked up again, she saw the master standing in front of her, tears bursting again after all.


Han Youchu threw herself into Jiang Banyue's arms and hugged her tightly.

What he said is right, in this world, she can only rely on herself. From now on, she will never trust anyone, especially men!
At this moment, Han Youchu was absolutely in love, her eyes were extremely cold, and then she suddenly found that there was an gossip mirror in her sea of ​​consciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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