Chapter 135 Robbery (2)

The flying boat fell, and Mu Tieying and the members of the Jagged Alliance stared at the strange black mist that remained in the air, only to see a gust of breeze blowing by, and the black mist dissipated just like that.


Mu Tieying was shocked and glared at Lin Suying angrily.

Lin Suying patted the dust on her shoulders, and said with a smile: "Master Mu, why are you nervous? It's just a little joke. Have you been surprised?"

"For help, quickly bring all the prisoners back!"

Mu Tieying gave an order, and the fireworks of the Jagged Alliance exploded above his head, and the Tie Zhang and fifty dragon guards who were ambushing Feiyundu immediately drove up and swarmed over.

Behind him, the Three Great Impermanences took the rest of the iron traps and galloped towards the place where the flying boat crashed. Ren Fenglai and Mo Jingwu followed closely behind Mu Tieying and killed Lin Suying.

"Chongshan, if you don't want to copy Taoism scriptures again, kill them."

Chong Shan shuddered suddenly, and almost dropped the gun in his hand. Thinking of those densely packed small characters, he roared angrily, and rushed towards Mu Tieying and the other three menacingly.

The tip of the spear and the iron fist collided with the power of heaven and earth, Lin Suying retreated to avoid, Ren Fenglai and Mo Jingwu suddenly flashed from left to right, full of murderous aura, and attacked Lin Suying from both sides.

Just when Lin Suying was about to flee, there was a dragon's roar and a blue light, they all rushed up from below, without hurting Lin Suying at all, at the same time, Ren Fenglai and Mo Jingwu were pushed back steadily.

"Your honor!"

Ao Cang was moved to tears, looking at Lin Suying whose face was covered by a mask, his eyes were aggrieved and his lips trembled, like an abandoned child finally found his mother.

Just like Zhaocai can feel the aura of Lin Suying's other avatars, Ao Cang can also feel the aura of Yun Zhiyi on Lin Suying, so he firmly believes that the one in front of him is his lord.

Lu Changqing frowned, not knowing why, but he also firmly knew that Lin Suying in front of him was not Yun Zhi, because only Lin Suying would take the risk to save the people of Tiandaozong.

Ao Cang felt Lu Changqing's fiery gaze under the mask, his brows were raised, and the alarm bells rang in his heart.

Lin Suying saw that the two of them were at war, and just wanted to give each of them a slap.

"Are you waiting to die!"

Lin Suying cursed angrily, saw Ren Fenglai and Mo Jingwu coming up again, threw them to Ao Cang and Lu Changqing, turned around and ran away.

The war is about to break out, with lightning and thunder in the sky, and the flames are everywhere.

In the three battlefields, all kinds of terrifying coercion raged back and forth, tearing the sky apart.

The forest below was also chaotic, and the people brought by Lu Changqing had already fought against the iron trap, preventing them from going to the place where the flying boat crashed.

The Three Impermanences of the Jagged Alliance saw Lin Suying flying down from a high altitude, and immediately drove up the Dunguang to meet her.

Lin Suying hurriedly stood above the forest, and was about to make a move, when she saw four escaping lights rushing out from two directions at the same time, attacking and killing the three impermanences of the Jagged Alliance from behind.

A series of explosions and magic spells formed a turbulent flow, instantly blasting the entire mountaintop to the ground.

When everything calmed down, she saw Yu Xiangzi, Liu Yun, Guangning Zhenjun and Chixia Zhenjun lined up in front of her, confronting the repelled three impermanences across the air.

Under the rainbow light of the Jagged Alliance Token, the camouflage on the four of them failed one after another, revealing their true faces.

When Yu Xiangzi and Liu Yun saw Guangning and Chixia, both of them looked surprised.

Lin Suying didn't expect that they all came.

The Three Great Impermanences saw two hundred Tieshu from the direction of Fuxian County, bringing the 50-year-old Flood Dragon Guards rolling in, and suddenly showed a smile of victory.

"The remnants of the Heavenly Dao Sect will be captured quickly, otherwise today will be your death day."

The few people swept towards Fuxian County, also worried. Although they were evenly matched at the moment, when the reinforcements arrived, they were far short of manpower.

At this time, Lin Suying stepped in front of the four of them, "I will return the same to you!"

As soon as the words fell, the blue silk dressed in purple rushed straight into the sky from outside Fuxian County, with black hair in his hands like a ponytail, he slammed into the reinforcements of the Jagged Alliance, and instantly harvested the heads of dozens of iron hunters in front of him.

With blood raining in the air, Ao Cang twisted his neck and turned into a huge green dragon, roaring at Jiaolongwei.

Roar! ! !
The sound waves set off layers of air waves that rushed like a tide, and under the pressure of the dragon blood, the fifty black flood dragons trembled all over and fell like dumplings.

Lin Suying smiled, the large-scale world quest, Prisoners, begins!
Shocking shouts of killing suddenly came from all directions, and the several people who were fighting endlessly in the sky couldn't help but stop.

The tightly wrapped girl lay on the back of the armored giant ape and howled like a wolf, and groups of monsters gathered like a tide.

The poisonous man in a cloak stood on a tree, and the turbulent poisonous miasma poured wantonly from under her cloak like a raging sea.

Rotting corpses drilled out of the ground, the verdant trees turned into puppet soldiers, and even the shadows turned into night killers with two knives, stealthily attacking and killing.

There are even undulating mountains, and three huge stone monsters covered with moss and vegetation turned over, accompanied by vines dancing like snakes, and rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

The entire Juling Mountain Range is full of ambushes!

There are people, there are demons, there are righteous ways, and there are demon ways.

The crowd was excited, shouting for killing and shaking the sky!

Feng Tianyu led his loyal clansmen to see this chaotic scene and secretly stunned. He had already guessed that there must be someone holding the [Opening Sky Mirror], but he didn't expect that there would be so many people.

Although there must be quite a few of them, like him, who came with helpers, but the number is too exaggerated. If you look around, the vast expanse is full of... people.

And there are more than 100 Rakshalou killers who do things as long as they are paid, it's too messy!
Feng Tianyu glanced at Kaitianjing, the countdown of fifteen minutes was still going on, and several branch tasks appeared below.

[Task [-]: Prevent the Jagged Alliance from approaching the place where the flying boat crashed until the mission countdown ends, and reward [-] merit points]

[Task 0: Rescue the monks of Tiandaozong in the flying boat 10/[-] (repeatable) [-] merit points for each round]

[Mission 50: Kill Mu Tieying and reward [-] merit points]

Feng Tianyu is jealous of task three, but he doesn't have that ability, and he brings all his own clansmen, so it is not easy to fight head-on with the Jagged Alliance, and it is easy to be exposed. The safest task is task two.

Immediately, he chose to accept the second task, and a bottle of Ruanxiansan antidote was sent out from the mirror, exactly ten pills.

Feng Tianyu spat out the blades of grass in his mouth, looked back at the clansmen who were ready to go, cleared his throat, and shouted in standard Tianquejing official dialect.

"People of the Taiyi Sect, follow me to rescue the monks of the Heavenly Dao Sect!"

"Tai Yi Sect, kill!!"

More than 50 members of the Feng clan jumped out of the mountain, each wearing very conspicuous costumes of disciples of the Taiyi Sect, and even raised the banner of the Taiyi Sect, fearing that others would not know their identities, a group of people marched towards the place where the flying boat crashed rush away.

 For the time being, these two updates...

(End of this chapter)

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