Chapter 136 Robbery (3) [Monthly ticket 400 plus more]

Seeing all kinds of Tiandaozong reinforcements all over the mountains and plains, not only Mu Tieying and the others were shocked, but also the people of Tiandaozong, and even Lin Suying herself was shocked.

But she wears a mask, so others can't see it.

Only more than 20 [Open Sky Mirrors] have been released, and such a huge force has been gathered. Even if there is some bluff in it, it looks like there are so many but the actual quality is average, but it is still very bluffing.

There is also the killer of the Raksha Tower, who is really loyal. Even if he is facing the Jagged Alliance, as long as the money is enough, he dares to send the killer. The pattern is fine!

Everyone in Tiandaozong looked at Lin Suying with burning gazes, with complex emotions such as doubt, reverence, and gratitude in their eyes.

Lin Suying didn't care about what others thought of her, the entire Juling Mountain Range was in chaos, spells roared, gunpowder smoke filled the air, under the temptation of merit points, the holder of the Open Sky Mirror was like chicken blood, invincible.

Blood rained, corpses flew around, and all kinds of coercion raged.

The huge stone demon stepped on a large piece of meat paste, pulled out a century-old giant tree and swept away thousands of troops, crazy vines roamed close to the ground, entangled and threw the iron traps that were fighting, and the killer in the shadows jumped out and struck Must kill.

Monster beasts and rotting corpses screamed and competed for the corpses everywhere, the poisonous miasma opened the insurmountable barrier, and the puppet soldiers wrapped in the poisonous miasma drove people into a desperate situation, and turned into blood in the poisonous miasma to nourish the earth.

Those who are capable fight with the iron hunters of the Jagged Alliance, and those who are not capable go to the crash site to save people. The opposing sides who used to meet and kill each other begin to help each other.

Everyone spontaneously opened a line of defense to block the people of the Jagged Alliance in front of the place where the flying boat fell. No matter whether there are people or ghosts, demons or demons around them, as long as they kill the people of the Jagged Alliance and complete the task together, they are brothers!

In the sky, Mu Tieying wanted to rush down and tear the line of defense, but Chongshan was fierce and chased him desperately, making him unable to free his hand.

Lu Changqing fought against Mo Jingwu, and Ao Cang continued to chase Ren Feng to fight, faintly thinking of competing with Lu Changqing in the distance to see who could kill the opponent first.

The little Sijiu hid around Ao Cang, scanning the chaotic battlefield, watching Lin Suying sneaking towards the place where the flying boat fell.

Ever since Lin Suying blew up that mouse, Ao Cang has ushered in a period of rebellion, and no matter what she says, he has to fight against her.

It's not that she has no choice, but letting Ao Cang come over will make him obedient more easily.

"You can be entangled by a transformation god, what else can you do to help her? If you have tens of thousands of dragon guards, why does she need the help of the demons?"

Sijiu's emotionless voice reached Ao Cang's ears, his whole body was shaken, he was hit by Ren Fenglai's palm, his throat was sweet, and he staggered back.

Sijiu's calm eyes glanced at Red Demon Chongshan meaningfully, and disappeared.

Ao Cang's eyes widened, he looked at Chongshan and then at the chaotic battlefield, seeing his beloved lord was stopped by a group of iron arresters, and a puppet was released to fight fiercely, and infinite guilt suddenly surged in his heart.

There is only one of him, and he can't share the worries of the sage. If it is like before, if it responds to every call and all the demons follow, the sire doesn't need to condescend to end.

So Your Majesty would rather bring a demon to guard him than to follow him.

He was despised by His Highness!

Ow! ! !
Ao Cang roared angrily and blamed himself, and hit Ren Fenglai head-on, as if he wanted to vent his helplessness and aggrievedness.

Especially thinking of the endless army of demons under the Falling Dragon Yuan of Tiandaozong, Ao Cang felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart, feeling that he was about to be abandoned by his lord.

No, no, he must not let such a thing happen!

Ao Cang smashed Ren Fenglai's body shield Gangsha with an iron head, and the dragon's horn pierced Ren Fenglai's body deeply. He angrily grabbed Ren Fenglai's feet and hands, and roared to tear him apart in the air.

The rain of blood splashed down, and the corpses fell.


Mu Tieying's eyes were about to burst, he punched Chong Shan back, and rushed towards Ao Cang with red eyes.

The change here distracted Mo Jingwu for a moment, Lu Changqing's eyes turned cold, and he slashed out a blue sword aura, like a thunderbolt, instantly broke Mo Jing's defenseless, tore him apart, and strangled him together with Yuanshen Yuanying.

Mu Tieying forced Ao Cang to retreat steadily, Chong Shan chased after him and attacked him from behind, Mu Tieying was devastated.

Lu Changqing glanced at them, then turned to look for Lin Suying.

In the woods below, Yu Xiangzi and his four Nascent Souls had already beheaded the three great impermanences. This originally hopeless rescue had turned into a one-sided massacre by them.

And these Tiandaozong monks who were once known as the leaders of the righteous way in the world, faced these iron-blooded alliance iron arresters who were known as defenders, and they no longer showed any mercy.

If this is the demon in Zhengdao's eyes, then at this moment, they are demons!
Not far away, Lin Suying herself stood on a tree, watching the puppet avatar she had just modified fight bloody.

The two puppet clones were combined into one by her, usually a faceless male, with poisonous insects spreading out like a black mist, flowing around, moving left and right, and those who approached were swallowed by the insect mist in an instant, leaving only dead bones.

Facing the six iron traps attacking from all directions at the same time, the male puppet clone suddenly split into two, and a petite female puppet holding a crossbow walked out from the body.

Bang bang bang!
Six powerful spells bombarded them, and the two puppets were surrounded by lightning, and dense spider silk could be vaguely seen wrapped into a ball, protecting the two of them.

The ghost thunder spider crawled everywhere, the female puppet flicked her black hair, and it rained pear blossoms.

The two exchanged positions back to back, the insect fog raided, the continuous crossbow sprayed, under the perfect cooperation, there was no dead angle around the body, and the six iron traps were killed in an instant.

In the distance, Xie Feihua, who had just killed an iron trap, opened his eyes wide in surprise when he saw these two faceless puppets, "Zhao Zhen and Song Tianqi?"

Although he has no facial features, his figure and posture are exactly the same as Zhao Zhen and Song Tianqi.

As if feeling her gaze, the two faceless puppets looked at her together, obviously without facial features, but Xie Feihua felt that they were laughing.

The two puppets merged into one, followed Lin Suying with a cloud of insects, and continued to run towards the place where the flying boat crashed.

After this puppet was combined into one, together with the scarce materials obtained from Chang's treasury, the collection and cultivation of Broken Soul Valley, and a large number of poisonous insects contributed by Feng Tianyu, the cultivation level is now approaching the late stage of alchemy.

If you can find the Sanguang Shenshui, you can also refine the puppet after repairing the fairy sword, so that it can be directly upgraded to the power of the Nascent Soul stage.

She has processed the puppet's face with a special method, which can be used by thousands of people. Of course, the faces of Song Tianqi and Zhao Zhen are also preserved in it to meet the follow-up needs.

This is the way to keep one's identity after one's death, and one does not need to practice any more when one becomes a puppet, one only needs to keep adding high-level materials like raising a sword, and one can continuously improve.

When approaching the valley where the flying boat fell, Lu Changqing followed, "Liuyun and I have set up ten simple one-way teleportation arrays in the Fenghou Gorge to the southwest, each of which can be used three times, can you let them transfer people there? .”

Hearing this, Lin Suying immediately added a transfer task in [Open Sky Mirror].

The teleportation array can only be set up at the stage of transforming spirits. Lin Suying only wanted to rescue people at first, and then told them to run away by themselves.

At this moment, Lu Changqing has arranged a teleportation array, which is naturally better.

The rescue went smoothly because of Lin Suying's appearance. At this time, the [-]-hour countdown in Kaitian Mirror was coming to an end, and reinforcements from the Jagged Alliance and the Immortal Alliance would arrive at any time.

Lu Changqing notified all members of Tiandao Sect to evacuate towards Fenghou Gorge, and Lin Suying also added a final escape task for the holders of Kaitian Mirror. As long as they are not caught, she will give each of them a thousand merit points directly.

Ao Cang was still entangled in mid-air by Mu Tieying and couldn't escape. He could no longer use secret methods to improve his cultivation, so he could only rely on Sijiu's guidance at this moment.

And Chong Shan has obeyed Lin Suying's order to cover everyone's evacuation.

In Fenghou Gorge, there is only one last teleportation formation left, Li Bichen, Panshan and Xuanyan insisted on staying until the end, they will wait for Lu Changqing and Lin Suying to come before leaving.

Jin Yi, who was covering her face, was also there. Because she was a Yin Xiu, her features were too obvious, so she only participated in the mission of saving people this time.

The reason why she came here was to repay Qin Yi for saving his life. She thought that Qin Yi had been arrested, but she didn't feel relieved until she learned from Li Bichen that Qin Yi was fine.

Seeing Lu Changqing and his party coming from the sky, Jin Yi bowed his hands and left, and fled on his own.

After Lu Changqing, Lin Suying, and Yu Xiangzi, the last remaining Nascent Soul, arrived, they immediately took Li Bichen and the others to activate the teleportation array and evacuated.

For a while, the world was spinning, and no one knew where they were, as if they were an isolated island in the sea.

Lu Changqing urged to speed up the transfer, but Li Bichen, Pan Shan and Xuan Yan suddenly stopped.

"We have a tracking restriction on us. If we take us, no one can escape."

Hearing this, Lin Suying wasn't surprised at all, she just pulled Xuan Yan over to check, the restriction was comparable to the restriction that Fang Shouzhen slapped on her back then, and it was really powerless.

Just like what Gu Yixin said at the time, many methods of the Jagged Alliance are unsolved mysteries in the wilderness, and they don't know where they come from, making people helpless.

Even Yun Zhiyi had countless clones back then, but he still couldn't penetrate the Jagged Alliance thoroughly.

Li Bichen took a deep look at everyone present, "The reason why I escaped with you is to buy some time, and I will say a few words to you at the end. Apart from you, there are many disciples of Tiandaozong who are imprisoned. I am the suzerain , can’t ignore them.”

(End of this chapter)

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