I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 137 Whereabouts of Yu Chengfeng

Chapter 137 Whereabouts of Yu Chengfeng

Lin Suying saw the posture of confessing the funeral, she immediately turned her head and stared angrily, not wanting to stay and listen to him, she turned her head to look for Yu Chengfeng in the crowd.

Seeing this, Li Bichen didn't stop her, but said to the others: "My mother-in-law told us not to drag Senior Sister Suying any further. It's the best of humanity for her to come today."

Li Bichen is very aware of Lin Suying's true cultivation, she must have worked hard to gather such a large force today, which made him feel even more guilty.

Li Bichen looked at Lu Changqing, "Chang Qingzi, the Heavenly Dao Sect has come to an end, I don't want to revive, I just want to keep a branch. Before I and the other inner disciples were arrested, I have selected seven people and gave them to each other. Inherit Yugui and let Daoist Yuehong cover them and escape."

"These seven people are Chang Qingzi, your disciple Qin Yi, my disciple Ning Feng, Yu Xiangzi's disciple Chen Caiyue, Fubo Zhenjun's disciple Jiang Hehai, Liuguang Liuyun's disciple Zhong Lingxiu, Panshan Zhenjun's disciple Wu Zhengyang, And Yi Han, a disciple of True Monarch Guangning."

"I only hope that if Changqingzi meets them in the future, he can help them a little bit so that they can survive in this wilderness. If they can spread their branches and leaves, that's enough."

Lu Changqing pursed his lips and did not promise anything, but nodded solemnly. Who can predict the future, he can only do his best and obey the destiny.

Others also looked mournful, feeling sorry for Tiandaozong.

Li Bichen didn't say anything, just looked at Panshan and Xuanyan.

Pan Shan patted Zhenjun Guangning on the shoulder carelessly, "The three of us will run separately in a while, and I will delay you for a while. My unsatisfactory disciple Wu Zhengyang will trouble you in the future. If you see him later Tell him that his master is not bad, and he must not be bad either!"

Everyone in the room nodded with a sore nose. They have already seen the current situation of Tiandaozong, and there is no need to say anything about keeping them.

Unless they can overthrow the entire realm of comprehension and establish themselves as kings, no one can change the fate of everyone in Tiandaozong.

The Immortal League has already regarded them as spies of the human race and thieves of the evil way, and their excuses are useless, they can only survive in the cracks.

"Where's Yu Chengfeng?"

Lin Suying came over to interrupt the sad atmosphere, but she didn't see Yu Chengfeng after searching around.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, but no one knew Yu Chengfeng's whereabouts, nor had he seen him.

At this moment, an injured Foundation Establishment disciple behind them said, "I have seen Elder Yu."

Lin Suying hurried over, waved a formula to heal his broken arm, and told him to explain everything.

The disciple thought for a while and said: "I am a disciple on duty near the Taiyi Gate. I have been locked in the Taiyi Gate Prison. The day after the Tiandao Sect's accident, I saw Ren Feng, the God Transformation Star Lord of the Jagged Alliance, come with me. Elder Yu came and locked him in the lower prison, after that..."

The disciple suddenly had a strange expression on his face, as if the following words were difficult to say.

Lin Suying could probably guess Yu Chengfeng's virtues, and said in a deep voice, "Go on, say what you want."

The disciple carefully glanced at Lin Suying before continuing: "I heard Elder Yu crying from below, saying that he was going to report Immortal Shouzhen and Mozun Yunzhi for murdering his master, saying..."

"It is said that Fairy Suying has been in love with Shouzhen Lord for hundreds of years, and she was killed by Shouzhen Lord just because she broke through the adulterous relationship between Shouzhen Lord and Mozun Yun Zhiyi, and said that Shouzhen Lord Hiding Yun Zhiyi on Tianyou Peak, it is called retreat, but it is actually fooling around, God knows if they even gave birth to children, and said..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything."

Lin Suying has a headache, this Yu Chengfeng, just make up nonsense, why is she in love with Fang Shouzhen.

But now she finally knows why the Jagged Alliance suddenly interrogated other people, and whether Fang Shou really had an affair with Yun Zhiyi. She wondered before that no matter how vicious the Jagged Alliance was, they couldn't make up such a nasty thing , it turned out that Yu Chengfeng did the trick.

The other people around also had constipated expressions on their faces, but it's no surprise that this is indeed something Yu Chengfeng can do.


"Afterwards, it was probably because Elder Yu spoke so convincingly that he wanted to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, to join the Immortal League to contribute to the Immortal League, and to expose the shady scenes of the Heavenly Dao Sect. Then, within a few days, Elder Yu was taken away by Ren Fenglai. When he was leaving, he suddenly said something in my prison on the first floor."

"What did you say?" Lin Suying looked at the disciple seriously.

"He said the thousand-year-old 8-year-old tortoise..."

"A bunch of Wujiang Dragon King's cubs."

Before the disciple finished speaking, Lin Suying answered the second half of the sentence.

The disciple was stunned for a moment, what Yu Chengfeng said at the time was that... living a few more years would not hurt him, so Ren Feng came to despise him for selling his family and seeking glory.

Lin Suying stood up, Yu Chengfeng was locked in the Dragon Palace first.

Headache, don't want to worry about it, let him be happy in the Dragon Palace, maybe when she passes by a few years later, he can become the son-in-law of the dragon and give birth to a few dragon cubs.

Time was running out, Li Bichen knew that Lin Suying would not leave Yu Chengfeng alone, maybe they were saved because of Yu Chengfeng's blessing.

"Okay, let's leave now, Chang Qingzi will lead everyone to evacuate as soon as possible."

Li Bichen tidied up his clothes, tried his best to maintain the demeanor of the Tiandao Sect master, and bid farewell to everyone.

Lin Suying stood far away, looking at the ups and downs of the sea, she couldn't even grasp her own fate, let alone the fate of others.

Although her heart was somewhat sour, what could she do?
The suppressed cry came, and Lin Suying kicked the stones under her feet irritably. Sometimes she thought about it, she might as well release all the demons, and everyone would die together.

Li Bichen, Panshan Zhenjun and Xuanyan Zhenjun still left after all. With the tracking restriction of the Jagged Alliance, the three of them accelerated and fled in three different directions. They only hoped to escape farther and longer, so that the remaining The people below find a safe foothold.

"Yu Xiangzi, what are you going to do next?" Liu Yun asked as he watched Dun Guang go away.

Yu Xiangzi grinned, "Of course I went to find Caiyue. As a master, I can't ignore my apprentice running away alone. The day I recognize her, I am destined to be responsible to the end."

Liu Yun nodded, "I'm with you, Zhong Lingxiu was accepted by me and my brother, and I can't leave her alone."

Guangning Zhenjun and Chixia Zhenjun glanced at each other, and they also had the same intention.

The remaining four True Monarchs moved separately, first checking whether other people had the same tracking restriction, and then leading everyone to find a safe foothold.

Lu Changqing came to Lin Suying's side and asked, "Su...does sister have a place to stay?"

There are too many secrets about Lin Suying, she is almost identified as Yun Zhiyi now, Lu Changqing doesn't want to find out what happened to her, and just wants to protect her when he is capable.

"What's wrong? Didn't you hear what Yu Xiangzi said, a master can't ignore his disciples, even if Yu Chengfeng wants to be the son-in-law in the Dragon Palace, I have to have a wedding wine anyway."

"After saving Yu Chengfeng? Where can you go?"

Lin Suying's eyes darkened, "I don't know."

She really didn't know, so she could only take one step at a time, gather strength, wait for Fang Shouzhen's enchantment to expire, and then fight out from the Falling Dragon Abyss.

Lu Changqing plucked up his courage and said what he wanted to say to Lin Suying back then.

"You can try to rely on me. I can be the reliance of all of you. Now that I have become a god, I can go to find a small world outside the region and lead everyone to revive the Tiandaozong."

Lin Suying sneered, looked at Lu Changqing and said: "In such a big fairy alliance, the power of the entire cultivation world, you just want to fight against the entire cultivation world with your three melons and two dates? Even if you can, it's useless, Fang Shouzhen Once the enchantment is destroyed and the demons are born, everyone will still die, just take a good look!"

Lin Suying threw the jade slips that she had prepared long ago and the information she could collect to Lu Changqing. He was right. He is a god who can travel outside the region. Maybe seeing the star map, he may have a chance to find another way out.

"You don't mind my business, first find your own apprentice and then talk about it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Suying cast out the Five Elements of Smoke, which turned into a cloud and went away.

This Xuanyuan Water Realm, the Wujiang Dragon Palace, she must go through it no matter what.

Since he was going, he would burn the Biyang Water Palace and snatch the immortal artifact of the Jiuli old thief.

 Today's fourth update, it's over!
(End of this chapter)

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