I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 138 The Light of Righteous Path

Chapter 138 The Light of Righteous Path
Tianque Realm, Jiugong City, the resident of the Immortal League.

Mr. Jiuli stood in the tallest tower in Jiugong City with his hands behind his back, looking at the blue sea falling in the east, the golden crow was born, and the sun was shining brightly.

Turning around and looking to the west, Tiandaozong's original radiant enchantment has been smudged into black like ink at this moment, like a huge black pot, upside down on the fairy mountain and blessed land that traverses east and west.


Mr. Jiuli sighed heavily, turned his eyes back, and landed on the still prosperous and lively Jiugong City.

There is a lot of traffic, there is a lot of traffic, there is an endless stream of people coming and going, and the sound of hawking is endless.

It has only been half a year since the Tiandaozong catastrophe, and people have already forgotten about it. No demons, world destruction, and Tiandaozong rebellion are not as important as their own immortal path.

Monk Mingdeng issued a decree, and monks and nuns from the Xiling Sanctuary came here one after another to save all living beings and preach Buddhism, making Jiugong City more lively than before.

Mr. Jiuli sniffed, and the smell of incense became stronger.

"Unfortunately, this Jiugong City won't be prosperous for long." Mr. Jiuli sighed.

At this moment, Mu Tieying, the leader of the iron-blood alliance, was notified outside to ask for an interview. Mr. Jiuli straightened his clothes and let Mu Tieying come up.

At this time, Mu Tieying was no longer in high spirits, with disheveled beard and hair, dark blue eyes, and a bit of sadness in his expression.

Mr. Jiuli already knew about the robbing of prisoners outside Fuxian County, and he even calculated that the Jagged Alliance would suffer a big fall during this trip.

So without waiting for Mu Tieying to say anything, he patted Mu Tieying on the shoulder, "I already know about your master Ren Feng's arrival. My condolences are with you. You are the leader of the iron and blood alliance. You have to maintain the peace of this great wilderness."

Mu Tieying nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Tie Ying knows the priorities, but that Ao Cang has repeatedly caused disasters to the wilderness. Even if the entire Dragon Clan protects him this time, I will definitely throw him into the Great Prison of Demon Refining."

Mr. Jiuli didn't answer, but asked, "How is the current situation?"

Mu Tieying looked exhausted, "The Iron and Blood Alliance has suffered heavy losses. Except for the manpower stationed in various places and guarding the Great Prison, I am afraid that there will be no other manpower to continue to arrest the remnants of the Heavenly Dao Sect, so Tie Ying would like to ask Mr. The people of the alliance give the iron and blood alliance."

Mr. Jiuli nodded and said: "Okay, Xianmeng can transfer people to you, but this is not a long-term solution after all. I think it's better to announce to the world, how about recruiting heroes from all walks of life to join the Jagged Alliance?"

Mu Tieying nodded. In fact, he also had the same intention. There is a monument to suppress demons in the Great Prison of Demon Refining. Anyone who seized homes or practiced magic skills with serious crimes would not be able to pass the review. Even Yun Zhiyi could not infiltrate the Demon Refining Big prison.

"What's the situation at Tiandaozong?"

Mu Tieying continued: "Li Bichen, the suzerain of the Heavenly Dao Sect, and the two Nascent Souls, Panshan and Xuanyan, have been captured by me personally, and they are on the way to the barren ancient land. At present, only Lu Changqing and a few Nascent Souls of the Tiandao Sect Jun is on the run, and the people below, except those who resisted the law and were killed on the spot, have basically been arrested."

"Have you ever found Yugui, the inheritance of Tiandaozong?" Mr. Jiuli asked.

Mu Tieying shook his head, "Li Bichen's mouth is very strict, no matter how tortured he will not reveal it, but I have interrogated other disciples of the Tiandao Sect, and it can be inferred that there are seven direct disciples of the Tiandao Sect living outside. on them."

Mr. Jiuli looked solemn, "Continue to hunt, we must find these seven people! The inheritance of Tiandaozong, Yugui, is the property of the entire cultivation world, and they must not be used to boost the strength of the demons. It will definitely endanger the monks of the Great Wilderness." .”

Mu Tieying only cares about maintaining the stability of the Great Wilderness, and any things and people that endanger the Great Wilderness are the targets of the Jagged Alliance's extermination, and the rest are the affairs of the Immortal Alliance.

Mr. Jiuli looked at the Tiandaozong shrouded in darkness, and sighed: "Fang Shouzhen, the leader of the righteous way in the past, and the pillar of the Great Desolation, took a wrong step and caused many disciples under his sect to be imprisoned. It is an unforgivable crime! Except for those main criminals , Tiandaozong, anyone who has a heart of repentance and is willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, has invested in the mines all over the place, and let them work for a hundred years."

Mu Tieying nodded and said nothing. After working in the mine for a hundred years, his lifespan was almost cut off when he came out. However, Tiandaozong currently has nearly ten thousand prisoners, occupying prisons and manpower in various places, so we really have to find a way to deal with it.

Sending them to work in the mines is the best way.

"One more thing, Yun Zhiyi led all parties to help this robbery. The Jagged Alliance suffered heavy casualties and did not capture these people, but it is basically confirmed that apart from the Yaozu and the Raksha Tower, other participants were involved. There are people from Taiyi School."

Mr. Jiuli narrowed his eyes, "A member of the Taiyi sect, are you sure?"

Mu Tieying remained silent. Although there was suspicion of intentionally splashing dirty water, he had to investigate.

Jiuli said: "Taiyimen probably offended many people by dealing with the mess left by Tiandaozong these days. This old man will let Xianmeng thoroughly investigate this matter, and then knock on Taiyimen. If you are not familiar with the Taiyi Sect, in the future the Immortal Alliance will manage the Tianque Realm, and you will need the Taiyi Sect to assist you."

Mu Tieying's face was gloomy, knowing that Mr. Jiuli wanted to support Taiyimen to become the second Heavenly Dao Sect in Tianque territory, but as long as it can make Tianque territory stable, he can ignore it.

"Leader Mu, let's go back to recuperate. Now because of Yun Zhiyi's reappearance in the Great Wilderness, the devils everywhere are ready to move, using the banner of the Xiaoyao Demon Palace to bring disaster to the Great Wilderness and Jiuzhou. The pursuit of these thieves and the remnants of the Heavenly Dao Sect has to rely on the Iron Blood Alliance, old man On behalf of Dahuang cultivator, thank Leader Mu."

As he said that, Mr. Jiuli bowed his hands to Mu Tieying, and Mu Tieying hurriedly supported him.

Mr. Jiuli said again: "The recruiting of Tiebu by the Jagged Alliance is a major event, why don't I let the old man go to the Biyang Water Palace to help the leader of Mu, and take care of this matter. Besides, half a year later, the winter day will be Minjiang Dragon King Five. Thousands of birthdays, at that time Xuanyuan water will gather heroes from all walks of life to celebrate the birthday of the Dragon King of Minjiang, so we can take this opportunity to show the prestige of our human race and frighten the dragon race, how about it?"

"Everything is planned by Mr. Lao."

Mu Tieying didn't say anything else, the Jagged Alliance will be busy escorting the Tiandaozong prisoners to various mines next.

As soon as Mu Tieying left, Mr. Jiuli immediately had someone call the head of the Taiyi sect, and severely reprimanded him.

"Now that the Taoist sect is gone, there is plenty of time for you to annex other sects and grow bigger, with the support of the Immortal League and the old man behind, what are you anxious about?! Do you know how many posts about the Supreme One sect are on the old man's desk?!"

The master of Taiyi Sect is a white-robed, white-robed old man with white hair. He was reprimanded by Mr. Jiuli so much that he couldn't lift his head and dared not speak.

Mr. Jiuli took a breath, "For the time being, I don't care about this matter with you. You can deal with the disaster you caused yourself. As for the way of balance, you should learn from that day's Daozong!"

"Sir, calm down, the Heavenly Dao Sect has accumulated a lot of prestige in the territory of Tianque. How can it be easily controlled by my Taiyi Sect, a small sect with hundreds of years, with the accumulation of 10,000+ years, but the old Taoist must find a way, and must find a way." Yuan Yi said with a funny smile.

Mr. Jiuli glared at Old Daoist Yuan Yi, "Okay, I didn't call you here this time to scold you, it's something else."

Yuan Yi said with a smile, "Sir, just give orders."

With a wave of Mr. Jiuli's hand, the map of the Tianque Realm appeared in front of the two of them, and then he slid his fingers together to divide the east side of the Tianque Realm.

"In the next three years, extend this line from the north coast to the south of the South China Sea and build a moat. The old man will set up a large formation on Seven Star Island to divide the third of the Tianque Realm."

Yuan Yi didn't know the way, so he said, "What are you going to do, sir?"

Mr. Jiuli smiled and said: "The demon clan has repeatedly attacked the cultivation world, isn't it just for the place of survival? The old man is going to give this place to them."

Old Daoist Yuan Yi rolled his eyes, and then looked at the Tiandaozong Demon Sealing Land in the east, and immediately understood that Mr. Jiuli was planning to make the demon race the front line against the demon race.

Once the Demon Race comes out of the Heavenly Dao Sect, the first thing they will face is the Monster Race. At that time, both of them will suffer, and the Human Race will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.


Yuan Yi sneered in his heart. There is the Biluo Hailong Palace in the eastern sea area separating the Tianque Realm and the Xuanyuan Water Realm. If the monsters and demons want to expand, they must expand to the west of the Tianque Realm. The unlucky one will be the Taiyi Sect.

But at this time, he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only build a more stable moat that runs through the north and south.

"Sir, it's a good plan, but the old man has a question. There are three hundred barbarians between the Southern Yaoye Forest and the Tianque Realm. If you want the monsters to migrate here, don't you have to conquer the three hundred barbarians first?"

Mr. Jiuli stroked his beard, "Baiman has always disrespected the Immortal Alliance, and has self-government in a lifetime, and there are endless civil strife. Now that the demons are facing the enemy, it is time to rectify it."

Old Daoist Yuan Yi understood, and kept silent.

"The [-]th birthday of the Dragon King of Minjiang is coming soon. Go to the confiscated items of Tiandaozong to pick some things that can be obtained, let the old man celebrate the birthday with the Dragon King of Minjiang, and prepare some salutes for the Dragon King of Wujiang. His rebellious son Ao Cang's matter, This old man has to have a good discussion with him, if he is willing to submit to the Immortal Alliance, I will let the past go, if not, then only one of the three dragon kings of the Xuanyuan Water Realm will be missing!"

"Mr. is devoted to the Immortal League and the Great Desolation. It is indeed the light of the righteous way, and it is a blessing to the Great Desolation Cultivation Realm."

Mr. Jiuli stood on the high tower and sighed, "When the monster race enters, Jiugong City will be turned into ruins. It's a pity that this is the first city in the Tianque Realm. You go and prepare, the old man will return to Bi in a few days." Yangshui Palace has spent a hundred years of hard work, and the day to conquer the immortal artifact is just around the corner, not to mention the dragons of the Three Rivers, even the dragons of the four seas will not be afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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