Chapter 139
Xuanyuan water environment has three major rivers, Minjiang River, Lijiang River and Wujiang River, which criss-cross and divide the entire Xuanyuan water environment into countless islands and lakes.

In ancient times, the dragon kings of the Three Rivers fought endlessly, floods were frequent, water monsters were rampant, and the common people suffered unspeakably.

Later, Biyang Sanren was born out of nowhere, possessing the four wonderful techniques of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, showing an invincible posture, eliminating the evils in the water environment, and the three dragon kings joined forces, and it was difficult to defeat the power of Biyang Sanren's piano music, and finally turned the enemy into a friend. Treat floods together.

In order to avoid the struggle between the three dragons, the Biyang Sanren built the Biyang Water Palace at the confluence of the three rivers to announce the wilderness. Anyone who seeks immortality and wants to learn the four wonderful dharmas can enter the Water Palace to study.

For a time, Biyang Water Palace gathered elegant people from all over the world and became the first palace of Xuanyuan Water Realm.

Over the past 10,000+ years, Biyang Water Palace has seen an endless stream of amazing, talented and brilliant people. Not only are they famous in the universe, but they also spread their branches and leaves in various places in Xuanyuan Water, and finally established the Three Palaces and Two Academies, five top forces living under the Biyang Water Palace. .

Huiyu Palace is the way of music, Tianyuan Palace is the way of chess formation, Hanmo Palace is the way of calligraphy, Danqing Academy is the way of painting soldiers, and Xuanhuyuan is the way of medicine that was later introduced to Xuanyuan Water.

The head of Xuanhuyuan is called Xuanhuzi, and this generation is Luo Yi, but although she has the name of "Xuanhuzi", she is not in Xuanhuyuan at all, and she doesn't care about the affairs of Xuanhuyuan, she has been wandering outside.

Cheng Kan was also from Biyang Water Palace back then, but he left for unknown reasons and stayed in Sanhuai Hall. Although it is a small shop, he can often see Daoist disciples coming to study. Just bring some treats to the cats in her store and get a word or two of advice.

Jin Yi was born in Huiyu Palace, and was later taken under the name of Mr. Jiuli, who was then transferred to Biyang Water Palace.

In the Xuanyuan Water Realm, the Biyang Water Palace is the supreme top school, and the students from the three palaces and two colleges below are proud to be able to join the Biyang Water Palace.

Moreover, the Xuanyuan water environment is full of literati and scholars who respect etiquette and order. Even if there are disputes, they will be resolved in the [Wujue Guild Hall] in the form of a literary battle. Therefore, the Xuanyuan water environment has always been the most peaceful place in the whole wilderness.

Three Rivers Basin, Yunmeng Mansion.

Winter has just entered at this time, the river is still running, and the first snow just fell yesterday, and the sky and the earth are covered with snow.

As the sky was getting brighter, mortals and low-ranking monks from all over the Yunmeng Mansion put on fur winter clothes one after another, and went out to make a living while breathing white and rubbing their hands.

Curls of smoke rose from every house, and the children in front of the door laughed and threw snowballs at each other, and Yunmengfu City, which had been silent all night, gradually became lively.

A snowball hit the female cultivator in green who was passing by, leaving a snow mark on her thin clothes. The female cultivator held the sword, her eyes were covered by black cloth strips, and she stopped and listened slightly.

"Look, it's that blind sister again."

"She's not blind. She hasn't hit a wall or fallen over."

"Then why is she always blindfolded?"

"Let's smash her secretly and see if she's blind."

Two boys, one girl and three boys took snowballs and threw them at the female cultivator in Tsing Yi.

The nun in Tsing Yi curled her lips slightly, put the sword in her right hand over to her left, and pointed at it, drawing afterimages in the air, and the six snowballs flying towards her were immediately fixed in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the female cultivator in Tsing Yi waved her hand, and six snowballs flew back backwards, and the three cubs screamed and shrank their necks in fright.

Bang bang bang!
The snowball hit the tree behind them, and with a bang, thick snow fell from the crown of the tree, half-burying the three cubs.


The cub cries one after another, the nun in Tsing Yi moved her ears and continued walking.

Back at Sanhuai Hall, the door of the store has been opened, and there are calligraphy and paintings hanging inside. There are also calligraphy and painting-related items on the shelf, and scrolls of calligraphy and painting are in the lotus vat next to the counter.

More than a dozen cats of various colors are playing around in Sanhuai Hall, some are squatting on the counter to wash their faces, some are secretly trying to push the inkstone off the shelf, and some are sleeping on the lotus flower in the tank.

But most of them are hanging on the human-shaped tiger demon who wipes the counter in the store at the moment, with two cats fighting on his head, cats licking their paws on his shoulders, cats hanging on his chest and back, and two cats holding his trouser legs up. climb.

The simple-minded black tiger demon irritatedly pulled the cats down, but the more they pulled, the more they were all female cats.

The tiger demon smashed the rag in a rage, and all the cats were shocked. After a moment of stunned, their eyes lit up, not only pawing, but also meowing and rubbing their faces against him.

"Tiger, don't bother, these cats are all in love with you."

Cheng Kan with long gray hair came out from the backyard, picked up a cat and rubbed it in his arms.

Not long ago, the tiger transformed into a tiger with a tiger's head, tiger's claws and a tiger's tail after successfully giving birth to a baby. It just put on a warrior costume and turned into an upright walking tiger.

He followed the path of martial arts, muscular and simple-minded, he was usually quiet and quiet, and very irritable, because he was always pestered by cats and pulled uncleanly, and he even smashed the walls of Sanhuai Hall to her eight times.

In the Xuanyuan water environment, there used to be dragon palace aquariums walking in the human world, people with shrimp heads and fish brains are not surprised, let alone the handsome and majestic black-haired tiger monster Tiger.

Cheng Kan has a wide network of contacts and has raised a cat demon before, so he easily issued a token for the tiger. Except that Cheng Kan's spirit beast was registered and Cheng Kan was required to be responsible for his actions, tigers have no difference from normal monks. different.

"A Mo, what new things can I find out today?"

Cheng Kan looked at Mo Li, who was sweeping snow with a broom at the door. Now she changed her name to Lin Mo, and with Luo Yi's help, she changed her appearance a little, and worked in Sanhuai Hall.

As for her eyes, Luo Yi already has a solution, either find a pair of eyes of a newly dead person to transfer to her, or simply find a pair of demon eyes with special functions, Mo Li said it doesn't matter, but Luo Yi is very concerned, Looking everywhere for the right eyes for her.

If she finds it, she will be able to restore her light.

However, Li Li is very adaptable to the current situation. His ears have been sharpened this year, and with the help of his spiritual sense, he is basically no different from ordinary people except that he can't see details and colors.

"Still the same, no news from Master." Mo Li said while sweeping the snow.

"No news is good news, and you don't need to go to the Taoist scriptures every day to inquire." Cheng Kan yawned.

"I'm used to it, and... I saw two fellow disciples at the pier today, and I've asked them to come over tonight, so I have Cheng Tianjun and Luo Tianjun to help."

Hearing this, the corners of Cheng Kan's mouth twitched. She always felt that if this went on like this, her Sanhuai Hall should change its plaque to [Tian Dao Zong Fugitive Changing Name and Surname False Certificate Handling Hall].

There is also Luo Yitangtang [Xuanhuzi], who is now changing the appearance of the fugitives from the Tiandaozong that Mo Li found every three days, so she should stop calling her [Xuanhuzi] and call her [Plastic Maker].

Cheng Kan stared, she remembered all these accounts, when Lin Suying came to the door in the future, if she didn't give a few million spirit stones, she would never even think about redeeming her precious apprentice!

At this time, two people suddenly appeared in front of the shop across the street that had been vacant for a long time, a handsome young man who looked a little indifferent, followed by the red-clothed and red-lipped man like a guard, holding a black oil-paper umbrella, looking The side of an exceptionally seductive woman.

Cheng Kan carried the cat to the door, and Li Li also stopped when he heard the movement.

The woman in red looked up, her red lips curled up, and she held an umbrella and came towards the wind and snow.

"It's new here, Sanniang is very polite."

 In the afternoon there are...

(End of this chapter)

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