I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 141 5 Jue Guild Hall [1 Bowl Leader + 7]

Chapter 141 Wujue Guild Hall [One Bowl Leader + 7]

On this day, after the snow cleared, Tu Sanniang walked out of the shop in a red dress, like a red plum blooming in the snow, attracting the attention of countless passers-by.

The blindfolded Li Li was sweeping the snow with a broom, Lin Suying smiled and walked straight over.

"Little blind man, it's so early today."

Mo Li paused with the broom, frowned and didn't speak, turned around silently and continued to sweep.

"Since we have to sweep, why don't you help my sister sweep the door too?" Lin Suying bent down and moved closer, breathing like blue.

"No sweeping." Li Li directly refused and continued to avoid.

Lin Suying scolded, "The little blind man has a really big temper, be careful not to find Mr. Lang~"

Lin Suying shot suddenly and flicked between Mo Li's eyebrows, causing Mo Li's whole body to tremble, and his consciousness and ears didn't catch the air flow and momentum when she shot.

She is currently comprehending [Tibetan Wind Potential], and what she wants is this effect, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't achieve no wind and no power.

Mo Li raised his head and listened to Lin Suying for a while, clenched the broom tightly with both hands, looked strange for a while, finally frowned and walked to the door of the opposite shop, and started sweeping seriously, even more serious than sweeping the door of Sanhuai Hall.

"Hey, why did my Ah Mo come to your door to clear the snow?"

Cheng Kan walked out of the Sanhuai Hall with two Foundation Establishment monks, a man and a woman, and looked at Li Li who was sweeping the snow opposite him with an inexplicable expression.

The two looked very nervous when they saw the strange monk at the door, and they couldn't help but bow their heads and shrink back.

Although they changed their appearance and appearance, Lin Suying already knew that they were Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing.

In fact, a few nights ago, she found out through the tiger that Li Li had brought them into the Sanhuai Hall. Over the past year, Mo Li learned about the changes in Tiandaozong. People who Zong fled to the Xuanyuan Water Realm will try to rescue them.

Lin Suying also came here at a good time today, since they met again, it happened to let Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing continue to manage the shop for her.

As soon as Cheng Kan raised her hand, two brand-new identity tokens flew into her hand from behind the counter of Sanhuai Hall. She rolled her eyes and said to Lin Suying, "Didn't you say you were looking for the shopkeeper and accountant a few days ago? Look at him How about the two of you, my Ah Mo's distant relatives are innocent, and I have verified the tokens, so there is no problem."

Lin Suying looked at the almost flawless fake token in her hand, and smiled in her heart, Cheng Kan is a painter himself, and he is also a veteran at copying and making fakes.

Now Mo Li is soliciting customers, Luo Yi is changing his face, Cheng Kan is making fakes, and San Huai Tang provides one-stop services. This is a great new business.

Lin Suying looked up at Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing, "My family is indeed looking for shopkeepers and accountants. Since they are distant relatives of the little blind man, then my family will try to work. Are you willing?"

Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing glanced at each other. This year they ran around and worked hard to get to the Xuanyuan Water Realm. Now they can finally start again. With a serious identity and a serious job, they are naturally willing.

Lin Suying thanked Cheng Kan, and took Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing back to her [Kunpeng Residence].

When Mo Li came back after sweeping the snow at the entrance of [Kunpeng Residence], the tiger was carrying a little white cat and was about to throw it out. Mo Li sighed, "Tiger, I miss Master, she is still gentle, generous and steady." , unlike that Tu Zhenren opposite, who always touches me..."

The tiger blinked his eyes while holding Xiao Zhaocai, and then threw the little Zhaocai who sneaked over every day to try to hook him up into the snow and rolled into a ball.

Zhaocai got out of the snow and shook his fur, and Little Claws turned their tails to step on their feet because the snow was too icy, and looked at the tiger with aggrieved eyes.

"Get out of my way!" Tiger roared, turned his head and walked into Sanhuai Hall, and went to the backyard to continue practicing kung fu with a millstone.

In order to prevent the tiger's aura from being discovered by Zhaocai, Lin Suying found a secret technique in the Wuya Palace that can instinctively hide the original aura, which happens to allow the tiger to hide the evil aura when necessary, and the person who meets Ao Cang later. time, not recognized.

In the end, Zhaocai didn't recognize the tiger as the avatar of its owner, and fell in love with the mighty and majestic tiger at first sight. These days, she sneaked to Sanhuai Hall to hook up, and she couldn't see it!

Thinking about it carefully, Zhaocai has indeed reached the age of first love, but it's a pity that he fell in love with the tiger who would never be able to get it for the first time.

Tu Sanniang came out of Kunpeng's residence, pinched Zhaocai Houbo's neck and held it in her hand.

Back in the store, Tu Sanniang said to Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing: "You two will recruit a few guys by yourself. After you are ready, you can choose a date to open the store. The slave family is going out now and will be back in January. If you have anything to do, ask the slave brother."

After finishing speaking, Tu Sanniang left the keys and jade charms of the store and the front yard, picked up Lucky Charms and left.

She has already chosen the place to cross the catastrophe. It is in the Hanxingjian in the lower reaches of the Wujiang River. There is a mine jointly managed by the Dragon Clan and Biyang Water Palace. There are mixed fish and dragons.

She also happened to remember that when Yun Zhiyi was teaching Ao Cang, he opened up a small cave there. Although there may not be any stock in it, it is safe enough.

Tu Sanniang's avatar can't help with breaking into the Dragon Palace and Biyang Water Palace for the time being, so it's better to take Zhaocai and Jinyu to cross the tribulation and form the alchemy first, and inquire about the terrain and conditions around the Wujiang Dragon Palace.

Tu Sanniang left in a hurry, leaving Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing staring at each other, thinking that this real person trusted them both too much, and the furnishings and goods in this shop made them feel like [Ruyifang] ]a feeling of.

At this time, Zhao Song, Tu Sanniang's so-called younger brother, changed into an elegant moon-white scholar's uniform, wearing a jade crown, and walked out of the back hall. The three of them looked at each other across the air.


Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing opened their eyes wide, thinking they saw Song Tianqi at first glance, but when Yao Jing hurriedly covered his mouth, Xiao Qiang looked again after calming down, and found that it was just a resemblance, but not.

The person in front of him was three points better than Song Tianqi, as if he had carefully crafted Song Tianqi's face to perfection.

It is eye-catching and shocking.

"Take a good look at the store. I'll go to Wujue Guild Hall and return at night. In addition, don't disturb the seniors in the back hall to retreat if you have nothing to do."

Lin Suying controlled Zhao Song, the puppet clone, and left after explaining.

She is going to [Wujue Guild Hall] to kick the hall to make a name for herself, and then attract the Dragon Palace to catch her son-in-law!
Although it is winter, the Yunmeng Mansion is still very lively.

Recently, because the Jagged Alliance has recruited iron catchers, heroes from all walks of life have been attracted to join in the fun. As the most distinctive scenic spot in Yunmeng Mansion, Wujue Guild Hall has also attracted much attention, and the hall is full every day.

At the beginning of the establishment of Wujue Hall, it was a way to select outstanding disciples for Biyang Water Palace. The supervisors and seniors of Biyang Water Palace would often come up with questions in Wujue Hall, so that the students from Water Palace and the three palaces and two schools below Discuss puzzles together, solve puzzles, and record according to the best.

In addition, the disciples of the Sangong and the two colleges also often compete in literary competitions and compete for the top five lists. If the supervisors and seniors of Biyang Water Palace want to recruit students, this list is the best reference.

Therefore, for the monks of the Sangong, the two courtyards, and even the entire Xuanyuan water environment, the Wujue Guild Hall is the dragon gate where the fish leaps over the dragon gate.

Lin Suying is wearing [One Leaf Obstruction Eye] at the moment, and her cultivation base has been hidden from the late stage of alchemy to the late stage of foundation establishment. In the past ten days, she has been asking Cheng Kan for painting skills, and studying chess music theory. Be strong in your life and never admit defeat!

If you don't take the first name, you will still be kicked out of the pavilion!
 Today is just these four updates, meow~
(End of this chapter)

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