I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 142 Not Worthy to Sit Down

Chapter 142 Not Worthy to Sit Down
Wujue Guild Hall is located in the island on the Bibo Lake in the center of Yunmengfu City. The lake is full of decorated flower boats and awning boats. Disciples from various aristocratic families in the Xuanyuan Water Territory visit the lake in groups to enjoy the scenery, recite poems and paint, Talk about wild anecdotes.

Lin Suying sprinted across the lake like a swallow skimming the water. After a few ups and downs, she arrived at the island in the middle of the lake. After passing through the red plum forest covered by heavy snow, she finally saw a magnificent building complex.

White walls and black tiles, pavilions and water pavilions, snow-fallen red lanterns swaying in the wind under the eaves, a few handymen wearing thick winter clothes, sweeping a path through the snow with white breath.

There were bursts of music in the courtyard, accompanied by laughter and voices, it was very lively.

Lin Suying put the book bought on the road under her arm, looked at the plaque of [Wu Jue Guild Hall] and secretly clenched her fists, her ambition is bound to upset the audience.

"How did you get here?"

Before entering, a familiar female voice suddenly came from behind. When Lin Suying turned her head, she saw Cheng Kan and Luo Yi stepping out through the void.

Luo Yi still had a gentle and dignified appearance, dressed in plain clothes and brows like ink paintings, light and charming, which perfectly matched the surrounding snow scene.

Lin Suying looked at her, but she just glanced lightly.

It was Cheng Kan, who frowned and stared at her, "You can't even draw a chicken, so why do you still want to come here to play?"

Lin Suying didn't deny it, just cupped her hands in salute, and all the books under her armpits fell off accidentally.

"Analysis of Guqin Structure", "Introductory Chess Manual", "Children's Book Stickers"...

Seeing the names of those books on the ground, even Luo Yi's beautiful eyebrows furrowed.

Cheng Kan raised his hand and flipped through the "Encyclopedia of Landscape Techniques" in his hand, and couldn't help laughing: "I didn't read such low-level things when I was three years old. You just started learning it now?"

Lin Suying smiled shyly, and hurriedly put away these books. This is not something that she used to concentrate on learning swords, and the threshold for Wujue skills is too high. She has never seriously understood it at all.

Cheng Kan continued to sneer: "Looking at you like this, you still want to dabble in one or two of the five masters? Do you know that ordinary people only learn painting, and it takes at least ten years of hard work to get started? You have been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. One day you asked me to learn painting, and the next day you played in the house, what can you learn?"

Lin Suying's forehead was tense, if it wasn't for the high-cold scumbag man who couldn't collapse, she really wanted to jump up and scratch Hua Chengkan's face.

"The juniors just want to know a little bit more, and then decide what to study in the future."

Cheng Kan shook his head, looking down on such half-hearted people the most, returned the book in his hand to Lin Suying and said: "Today, the seniors of the two major factions of Biyang Water Palace and Qudao will lead the students to compete here to compete for participation in Fujian. Jiang Longwang's birthday banquet is an opportunity for you to go in and learn more, don't make trouble."

"The junior knows, thank you senior for reminding me."

Cheng Kan sighed, and entered the hall with Luo Yi.

The guard at the gate saw the four gentlemen's jade plaques on their waists, and hurriedly welcomed them in.

On the way, Luo Yi couldn't help asking Cheng Kan, "Why are you being so harsh on him?"

When Cheng Kan mentioned this, he was very angry, "Do you know that I have taught countless painting and calligraphy in my life, even beginners, but there are only two people who can make me pissed off. One is that dog Lin Suying. Shi, you see, she seems to be very smart, she can draw inferences about everything, but it is just a painting, I can't bear to look directly at it."

"When I saw her, I felt that the way of heaven is really just, and Lin Suying has taken up all the good things for her. She is a doctor of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy. Except for the intersection of calligraphy and talisman, she once made some moths. Apart from being able to stumble and play a few low-level tunes, the other few are the shame of her life. Playing a leaf card is a shame, and playing chess can't even figure out the rules."

"I thought she might be the only one who didn't get the hang of it, but then I met Zhao Song, who looks very elegant and elegant, but the things I drew were even worse than that dog... unsightly!"

Cheng Kan was so angry that his chest heaved violently, and he didn't know what he had experienced.

"Anyway, I didn't get the hang of it after teaching for a long time. I couldn't learn the simplest brushwork. I even suspect that it's fake for Zhao Song to ask me to learn painting, but it's true that he wants to hook me up!"

As soon as the words fell, the handyman leading the way staggered and almost fell, Luo Yi couldn't help covering his lips and chuckling, "Why did you say that?"

Cheng Kan looked weird, "If you don't talk about other places, just look at those good-looking little men in the Sangong and the two courtyards, all of them don't want to work hard on their own, and they all want to hug the thighs of the women's prison courtyard with their faces and eat soft food , if they didn't have such thoughts, you think..."

Cheng Kan didn't continue, and changed to sound transmission, "Why do you think that Gong Ya, the Qudao supervisor in Biyang Water Palace, has played with so many male students for so many years and hasn't been accused?"

Mentioning this, Luo Yi's face was a little gloomy, "The Biyang Water Palace is no longer as famous as it used to be."


At the entrance of Wujue Guild Hall, Lin Suying was stopped by guards.

The guard was only at the early stage of Qi training, seeing her coming to the guild hall for the first time, he dared to treat her arrogantly.

"If you're new to the guild hall, if you don't have a recommendation letter from the aristocratic family and the Sangong and the two courtyards, you need to pay one hundred low-grade spirit stones as a deposit."

"Why? Wasn't everyone allowed to enter the Wujue Guild Hall in the past?"

I haven't been here for almost 200 years, but she did go in without handing in anything back then.

The guard glanced at her with displeasure, and paused for a moment on her flawless face, not knowing what to think, his eyes were even more contemptuous.

"Leave if you don't pay, Wujue Guild Hall is not a place for people like you to climb the dragon and the phoenix."

Lin Suying clenched her fists, and finally paid 100 yuan as a deposit for low-grade spirit stones. If there is something to do today, don't cause trouble. Wait for her to come out later, and see if she won't let this guy spit out her capital and profits. her.

The guard threw a broken wooden sign to her, and let her go in without even calling a guide.

"Wujue Guild Hall prohibits any fighting. Even the head of the Biyang Water Palace and the supervisor will be expelled from the Water Palace and will never be hired if they shoot at random. Don't make trouble after you go in. The people inside are all offended by you. started."

Lin Suying vaguely remembered the road, and walked all the way to the water pavilion at the front of the guild hall complex.

As soon as you enter, you will be greeted by a din of human voices and intermittent music.

The layout is still the same. It is divided into five areas according to the Five Absolute Ways. Around the central stage, the gauze curtains dance softly, and the neon lights shine everywhere. Except that there are no dancers dancing on the stage, other places are very similar to Qin Louchu in the mortal world. Museum, not serious at all.

At the moment, in the five major areas, monks from all factions gathered together, pushing cups and changing dishes, eating small dishes and talking, only the food passers and waiters walked through it, and those young students stood in a circle around the periphery. with.

Lin Suying saw that there were many empty tables inside, so she randomly found a table and sat down, but before her butt touched the chair, a guy rushed over and beat her with a rag to drive her away.

"What are you doing, this is also where you can sit?"

"Empty tables and chairs, why can't you sit?"

Where can't she sit when she came last time?She also chose the box on the second floor at will!

The guy looked at the tattered wooden sign hanging on Lin Suying's waist, and swept the chair with his sleeve that Lin Suying hadn't touched, "These seats are only available to those who hold the jade sign, you? Go and stand beside it!"

Lin Suying narrowed her eyes, glanced around and probably understood that those who could wear jade plaques were basically people with status in Biyang Water Palace and Sangong Academy.

Then there are the top ten students on the Wuju list. Whether it is wooden, silver or black iron medals, everyone else can only stand.

There were actually two shrimp heads and turtle brains over there, and the people from Dragon Palace were indeed here. Lin Suying's eyes flickered and she continued to scan.

"Then why can he sit?"

Lin Suying raised her hand and pointed to a young male cultivator in the winding road area in the distance, but at the early stage of foundation establishment, with a slightly newer wooden plaque on his body than Lin Suying, he was sitting alone at a table as stable as Mount Tai.

"Can you compare with others? They are disciples of the Mu family!"

Mr. Jiuli's surname is Mu, and the Mu family is now the largest family of cultivators in Xuanyuan Water Realm, and their status is even higher than that of the Three Palaces and the Two Courts.

"This fellow daoist must be a newcomer. You don't need to embarrass him if you don't understand the rules of the guild hall."

At this time, a gentle and elegant male cultivator came over to rescue Lin Suying, with a smile on his face, "Fellow Daoist, if you don't dislike it, why don't I explain it to you?"

Lin Suying glanced at the man's waist, it turned out to be a jade card with an apricot flower on it, she knew this, it was the jade card of the leader of the medical list.

But the buddy was only a little kinder towards the leader, and turned around with a smile and went to flatter the young master of the Mu family in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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