Chapter 143

"In Xianing Zhiyuan, the head of Biyang Water Palace, I don't know where you come from?"

Ning Zhiyuan was polite, even though he was in the middle stage of alchemy, he was never arrogant, and he was still very humble to Lin Suying, who was in the late stage of foundation establishment.

The head of the house is the position of the Biyang Water Palace to manage the students of each college, and it is held by the students who are both excellent in character and learning, and who are mature and prudent.

Ning Zhiyuan is young, his cultivation can be considered high, and he can be the head of the house, which shows that he is superior. Moreover, his surname should not be a disciple of an aristocratic family, which is even more powerful.

"Zhao Song, an unknown soldier, moved here with his sister. I came here today to see it, so I can choose to study together in the future."

Ning Zhiyuan smiled gently, "Fellow Daoist is young and promising, and he will surely stand out in the future."

Not much nonsense, Ning Zhiyuan took Lin Suying around on the first floor. Lin Suying's face was so outstanding at the moment, which attracted everyone's attention, but because of the broken plaque on her waist, everyone still treated him Look down on most.

"Wujue Guild Hall mainly focuses on Wendou. No one is allowed to hurt others here, otherwise they will be punished severely, and those who are serious will even be abolished and expelled from the Xuanyuan Water Realm. Fellow Daoists, please remember."

"Then what if Mr. Jiuli hurts someone here?" Lin Suying asked.

Ning Zhiyuan smiled: "The rules were set by the ancestors of the Water Palace, Biyang Sanren, and Mr. Jiuli has to follow them."

"Really?" Lin Suying doubted this.

"The five areas of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine, and medicine all have exam questions left by seniors. On the other side of the Qudao is an incomplete score. It has been there for three years and has not been completed by anyone. The chess is similar here. It is Mr. Jiuli. The mess left 12 years ago is waiting for God's hand to break it."

"What is the wonderful hand of the gods?" Lin Suying asked without understanding, she knew the wonderful hands of the gods, but she had never heard of the wonderful hands of the gods, so she didn't know if it meant more powerful than the wonderful hands.

As soon as the words fell, in the chess area, four old men surrounded by the simple black chess table looked at Lin Suying one after another, frowning and scanning.

There were also chess students who were sitting on the ground and playing chess in pairs, all looked up at Lin Suying.

One of the old man with a goatee in the early Yuanying stage stroked his beard and said, "Zhiyuan, where did you find a novice? You don't know the magic hand of God? It's useless to start learning at such an age."

Ning Zhiyuan saluted unhurriedly, and said with a smile: "It's not too late for a good meal, Zhiyuan only entered medicine after he was an adult, and now he has learned something, Mr. Wan, you don't want to hit hard-working juniors."

The old man Wan Sheng smiled, "It's all right, but it's a pity that you don't come to learn chess with me, otherwise I guarantee that you will have a better future than studying medicine."

"Wan Lao is joking, Zhi Yuan only focuses on medicine in his life."

When Ning Zhiyuan was chatting with the old man Wan Sheng, Lin Suying stretched her head to look at the chess game left by the Jiuli old thief. The three old men around seemed to be seniors from Biyang Water Palace and Tianyuan Palace, facing the chess game on the chessboard Think hard.

"Mr. Jiuli after all, the old man has been studying this chess game for more than ten years, but he has never been able to participate in the mastery of the gods, and he can't break this chess game."

"Although Mr. Jiuli was born in a curved way, his chess formation skills are also outstanding. It is said that he has not understood this endgame himself, so he stayed here. I hope that someone in the younger generation can understand it."

"Yes, Mr. Guishou, the supervisor of Biyang Water Palace Chess Academy, also said this. Mr. Guishou has studied chess all his life, which is better than Mr. Jiuli. Although he barely broke the game a few times, he was still not perfect. It can’t be called the master of the gods, I think the few of us are okay, let’s rest.”

"Is it difficult?"

Lin Suying's voice cut in, and the three old men raised their heads and glared at her, "Go, go, don't make trouble here if you don't know anything, go over there first and learn how to play chess with the young children before you come back."

Seeing that the three of them didn't want to talk to her, Lin Suying frowned, because she seemed to have seen this chess game before, last night when she was cramming and flipping through the chess records.

But that chess record is not the chess record of Dahuang, but the chess record of Wuya Hall.

Immediately, Lin Suying transformed into ten phantoms of divine thoughts in Wuya Hall, ran to the place where the chess records were kept, took down all the dozen or so chess records, and began to search for each of them.

After a while, I found it!
Holding the chess record, Lin Suying compared the chess pieces on the board, found the position of the master hand indicated in the chess record, and asked weakly: "Three seniors, can you see how the black pieces play here?"

Lin Suying tapped a position with her slender fingertips, and the three old men were about to scold her angrily, when the old man Wan Sheng who had just turned around was suddenly startled.

"Wonderful! It's wonderful in this position!"

The old man Wan Sheng blushed with excitement, and hurriedly picked up the white piece to play against the black piece. As soon as his white piece fell, the three people next to him belatedly opened their eyes wide, surprised and admiring.

One sentence caused the surrounding chess students to stand up one after another, and those from the inner three floors and the outer three floors gathered around and stretched their heads to look.

Lin Suying corrected her posture, thinking that the opportunity to become famous has come, and she must seize it.

"So that's the case, it's really good, what's next?"

All four turned their heads to look at Lin Suying, waiting for her to continue.

Lin Suying looked at the chessboard and was stunned. Why is the old man's position different from that on the chess record?

Pairs of eyes around her were staring at her, Lin Suying's sharp eyes were on her back, and she frowned, "I won't pick you up if you always take this position, why don't you take this place and I'll take it here?"

Lin Suying changed the position of the old man Wan Sheng according to the position marked on the chess record.

"I don't regret it, you kid is too unruly!" An old man said displeased.

The old man Wan Sheng was about to get angry at first, but after Lin Suying landed a follow-up sunspot, he opened his eyes in surprise, and realized that the position he played just now was really not good.

"It doesn't matter if there are no rules, it's better for Bai Zi to play in his position, and then?" Old Man Wan Sheng asked.

Then?Look at me……

slightly? !

Lin Suying in Wuya Hall turned the page of the chess record, and there was only one word on the back.

a bolt from the blue!Lin Suying petrified on the spot!

When she was young, she wrote arithmetic questions, and copied the answers directly without using her brain. What she hated seeing the most was the word "秘" in the comparison part of the answers!

Now that she is halfway through pretending, the chess record is omitted for her, what should she do?
Lin Suying swallowed her saliva, pretended to be calm, rolled her eyes and cupped her hands and said with a smile: "The younger generation just played randomly and made mistakes. As for the follow-up, the seniors naturally know better than the juniors, so I will thank you seniors to continue to break the chess game. Learn how to play chess first."

After speaking, Lin Suying hurriedly urged Ning Zhiyuan to run away together.

The four old men looked at each other, and finally looked at the old man who had just asked Lin Suying to play chess.

"I didn't know he was a novice, and he pretended to be a rookie." The old man also looked aggrieved.

The students around were whispering.

"Is he really not good at it? So he ran away?"

"But he did make a good move. I looked carefully, and it was even better than Mr. Ghost Hand's previous move."

"You can play it with a good hand, why don't you continue to finish it?"

The old man Wan Sheng was still staring at the chess game, waved his hands and said: "Don't make noise, that kid obviously did it on purpose, he looked down on us old guys, he has already solved the most difficult part, if we still can't solve the follow-up, then that is It's shameful, come on, come on, I'm black, keep going."

In the calligraphy area, Ning Zhiyuan looked at Lin Suying with a little more admiration in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you can't hide anything, Zhiyuan admires you."

Lin Suying laughed dryly, she just tried her hand, if she couldn't find the chess record, she wouldn't dare to act rashly, but who knows what will happen later?

If it hadn't been omitted later, she would have killed to the end to let those four old men see how powerful she is.

Unfavorable start, let's look at other things.

Ning Zhiyuan continued to introduce the rules and exam questions of other areas to Lin Suying. Lin Suying couldn't help but stare at the shrimp head and turtle brain in the corner. These two, like the examiners, kept taking notes with pens and returned portraits to the male students present. .

At this moment, because Lin Suying disrupted the game, many people surrounded the chess path, waiting for the final outcome of the game.

When the Wansheng old man Heizi finally won, the four old men smiled, and the students around them suddenly realized as if they were enlightened.

At this time, an old man in black rushed in from the door, and shouted loudly as soon as he came in, "It's solved, this old man finally knows where to put this wonderful hand of God!"

When everyone heard the sound and turned their heads, they saw Mr. Guishou, the supervisor of the Chess Academy in Biyang Water Palace, running in excitedly, and the students immediately stepped aside.

At this time, the chessboard had returned to its original endgame. Mr. Guishou glanced triumphantly at old man Wan Sheng and the others who were too calm. Just as he picked up the sunspots and was about to break the game, old man Wan Sheng pointed his finger.

"Do you think Heizi can do this?"

Mr. Ghost Hand froze for a moment, and paused his black hand in the air, "How do you know? You solved it before me? It's impossible!"

The three old men around laughed and cleared their throats. Mr. Guishou looked puzzled, dissatisfied, and changed to Bai Ziluo.


The old man Wan Sheng frowned, seeing that Mr. Guishou was doing the same as he did then, he immediately stroked his beard and pretended to be preaching.

"Your position is not good. The old man will give you another chance. How about you come down here?"

Seeing this all-too-familiar scene, the students around suppressed their laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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