I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 144 Zhenlong Chess Game [1 Bowl Leader + 8]

Chapter 144 Zhenlong Chess Game [One Bowl Leader + 8]

"That kid, come here for the old man!"

A loud shout came from behind, causing Lin Suying to tremble suddenly, she turned her head with Ning Zhiyuan, and saw a skinny old man in black beside the chess table, squinting his eyes to examine her.

"That's Mr. Guishou, the supervisor of Biyang Water Palace Chess Academy, and he is also temporarily in charge of all affairs of the Water Palace on behalf of Mr. Jiuli."

Ning Zhiyuan introduced in a low voice beside Lin Suying, and then bowed to Mr. Ghost Hand.

Mr. Guishou is at the stage of transforming gods. When he appeared at this moment, he attracted the attention of the audience, and even the people in the upstairs box came out to look down.

Except for Mr. Guishou below, Gong Ya, the supervisor of Biyang Water Palace, Liu Chuanyu, the supervisor of Academy, and Bai Caimo, the supervisor of Painting Academy, are all there. The supervisor of Xingyuan is an idiot who only knows how to study Xinglin medicine and never goes out. .

Luo Yi and Cheng Kan were also among them, seeing Mr. Guishou facing Lin Suying, Cheng Kan couldn't help frowning.

"What does this old guy want? Bullying the juniors?" Cheng Kan was indignant.

Luo Yi said in a low voice: "Did you not fight back just now that he was an idiot? Why do you want to defend now?"

"After all, I taught it. How can I count it as half a student. How can I let that old ghost hand bully me?"

"Wait, let's take a look first." Luo Yi stopped Cheng Kan who was about to go downstairs, "The relationship between the two of us and Biyang Water Palace is already tense, don't check your Sanhuai Hall just because you annoy them. Don’t let anyone get away with you. And you are not allowed to hurt anyone in the guild hall, at most embarrassing, there will be no danger of life.”

Hearing this, Cheng Kan calmed down. In the past, she was not afraid of checking at Sanhuaitang. Recently, she has a lot of new business, so she really doesn't have to worry about it.

"Okay, let's take a look first."

Cheng Kan has always been alone, but he just can't bear the bullying of juniors by these old things in Biyang Water Palace, because she was also someone who was bullied before and almost didn't survive.

Cheng Kan subconsciously looked at Gong Ya who was not far away. If he hadn't known her virtues, Cheng Kan could hardly have imagined that this conservatively dressed, rigid-looking, and very serious-looking woman was being rude to male students in private.

At this moment, Gong Ya stared at Zhao Song, who was like a crown jade underneath, her eyes lit up a little.

Cheng Kan shook his head and could only sigh, hoping that Zhao Song would not fall into her hands in the end.

Downstairs, Mr. Guishou looked at Lin Suying and said, "I heard that the endgame left by Mr. Jiuli was a skillful hand played by you. Come and play a game with the old man, and ask the old man to see how your chess skills are. If it is good, I can allow you Enter Biyang Water Palace to study."

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd was in an uproar. Mr. Guishou's words were equivalent to letting an unknown person reach the sky in one step.

Especially those chess students around, who work hard to play chess here every day, accumulating winning percentages and competing for the rankings. Some of them have survived for almost ten years, but they haven't seen the hope of entering the Biyang Water Palace.

Comparing the two, how can Lin Suying, a pure newcomer, make people not jealous?

But many people are still not optimistic about her, Mr. Guishou is superb at chess, and even Mr. Jiuli loses more than he wins when playing chess with him.

Even if it's just a Wendou school test, few people can persevere.

At this moment, Lin Suying felt that if she didn't do anything, she would not die, but after Mr. Ghost Hand made such a fuss, the shrimp heads and turtle brains over there seemed to have started to pay attention to her.

She really doesn't know how to play Go, but Yun Zhiyi can still play backgammon in that world, but she can't run over to let Mr. Ghost Hand play backgammon with her?
Maybe people think she insulted the way of chess, and they will punish her immediately.

It doesn't matter, anyway, she is trying to gain fame and attract Longgong's attention, it doesn't matter whether she wins or not, what matters is acting well.

Lin Suying walked up to Mr. Ghost Hand without saying a word, cupped her hands and said, "Junior Zhao Song, I have seen Mr. Ghost Hand."

Mr. Guishou nodded, "Come on, I want you to be 36 first."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying almost showed a bewildered expression, what does it mean to ask 36 sons?
But looking at the envious and envious reactions of the people around him, it is probably the biggest compromise.

Lin Suying didn't move, and everyone looked at her for no reason.

"I'm really sorry, this junior has been instructed by senior Wu Yazi in his chess skills, so he has to abide by the rules of the senior, and can't easily play against others, unless someone can break the [Zhenlong chess game] left by senior Wu Yazi."

Zhenlong chess game?

Never heard of it!
Everyone looked at each other, trying to find some reliable information on other people's faces, but all they saw were blank faces.

Mr. Guishou frowned and asked: "A game of chess, the old man with three points of ability in the whole Great Wilderness knows it, but I have never heard of a fellow Taoist who is Wu Yazi."

Lin Suying smiled teasingly, without explaining, "It's better to let the juniors set out the [Zhenlong Chess Game], and the seniors will know it at a glance."

After finishing speaking, Lin Suying walked to the previous chess table, Mr. Guishou waved his hand patiently, the chess table was cleared, Lin Suying compared the chess record in her head, and quickly laid out [Zhenlong Chess Game].

As the number of chess pieces increased, Mr. Guishou's expression changed from impatient at the beginning to a little interesting, then he frowned and thought, and finally he was very surprised after thinking hard.

"Isn't this a dead end?"

Lin Suying's last kick fell, and Mr. Guishou asked excitedly.

The old man Wan Sheng and the four of them also came over and watched the chess game carefully.

"There is a catastrophe within a catastrophe, there is both living together and longevity, or counterattack or breathing..."

"Five together, it's too complicated, too complicated!"

"Compared to this Zhenlong chess game, the previous chess game is simply child's play."

Mr. Guishou glared at him fiercely. The chess game left by Mr. Jiuli himself was a pediatric game. Didn’t they also comprehend it for more than ten years?
Lin Suying couldn't help scratching her head, she couldn't understand a word of what these people were talking about, and she couldn't understand this chess game either, anyway, she knew that thieves were powerful.

Mr. Guishou watched for a while, but still felt that it was a dead end, and there was no way to continue.

"Have you ever broken a game?"

"Of course! Senior Wu Yazi took advantage of this chess game to recruit a handsome, talented and intelligent disciple. This junior is a mistake."

Lin Suying gave a chic smile, and the words 'handsome' and 'talented' were almost written on her face.

Mr. Ghost Hand couldn't bear to ask Lin Suying to give advice, so he could only resist the itch in his heart.

Old man Wan Sheng and the four of them rolled their eyes when they heard Lin Suying's 'false hit'.

Mr. Guishou was a little embarrassed. He originally wanted to test Lin Suying, but now he was passed by Lin Suying with a question.

He has played chess all his life, even Jiuli can only bow down to him, and today he let this young eagle peck his eyes.

"Does the senior need the junior..."

"No need! Give the old man a quarter of an hour, and I will play against you after breaking the game."

The old man Wan Sheng secretly despised Mr. Ghost Hand, but he could pull his face down and ask, but he didn't dare.

Lin Suying bowed her hands and left, leaving the chess area with a long sigh of relief.

Sensing the fiery gazes on the second floor, Lin Suying raised her head and saw Cheng Kan first, raised her eyebrows and nodded at her, and said via voice transmission: "You really are hiding something, this time, you will be famous in Biyang Water Palace Slightly~"

Lin Suying smiled, Luo Yi also nodded her appreciation, and the other three supervisors on the second floor also nodded, especially the serious middle-aged woman with high collar and gloves, her eyes were particularly fiery.

Lin Suying shuddered inexplicably, and hurriedly looked away from the corner of the corner, but the two crossed the paper and shook their heads, and looked at him and sighed.

What do you mean?Is he not handsome enough?Or is he not good enough?

Is this choosing a husband-in-law for Ao Zhi or choosing the Dragon King?

Lin Suying narrowed her eyes, thinking whether to take the shrimp head and turtle brain, and then escorted herself to the Dragon Palace to be Ao Zhi's son-in-law.

"Zhao Daoyou, would you like to sit with me for a while, and watch the other competitions first, and sing the two factions' fighting songs for a while, it should be very exciting."

Ning Zhiyuan came over and invited Lin Suying to go to the doctor's side.

Lin Suying followed, and suddenly found an acquaintance who was arguing with a group of people about Tiandaozong.

"I have personally experienced the calamity of the Heavenly Dao Sect. The demons were brutal. Even the fairy world was captured by the demons. The black mist they brought could not be resisted by even the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. Fang Shouzhen sacrificed his Mahayana body to temporarily seal the demons. We Dahuang monks Don’t think about how to resist the invasion of the demons, and fight over who will present music at the Minjiang Dragon King’s birthday banquet, don’t you think it’s absurd?!”

The man was dressed in pink, he was petite and cute, weak and flamboyant, but he spoke sonorous and powerful words.

Xue Tao, a medical practitioner from the medicine merchant Xue's family, had met Lin Suying several times in the Dao Discussion Conference trial ground.

 Let’s do these three updates today~~~
(End of this chapter)

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