Chapter 145
When Lin Suying heard Xue Tao's voice and walked over with Ning Zhiyuan, the guy who said she was not worthy to sit down suddenly rushed out, and eagerly wiped an empty chair for her with the rag that had beaten Lin Suying earlier.

"Young Master Zhao, sit down, sit down."

Lin Suying narrowed her eyes, the clerk licked his face and smiled, raised his hand and slapped his own face lightly, "The little one has such a broken mouth, his eyes don't know Taishan, you adults don't remember villains, so just ask for any instructions."

Lin Suying pressed the wooden sign on her waist, "Can I sit down now?"

"Look at what you said, you are a master at breaking Mr. Jiuli's chess game, and now..."

The clerk pointedly glanced at the distance, Mr. Guishou and his group were still frowning at the chess game left by Lin Suying.

"It will be a matter of time before your wooden plaque is replaced with a jade plaque. Of course you are qualified to sit down."

Lin Suying looked serious, "No, I'm not worthy!"

After finishing speaking, he avoided the twitching guy and walked to the periphery of the crowd, and watched Xue Tao standing on a chair with Ning Zhiyuan to argue with others.

"...Yu Hong, you are also a witness to the catastrophe of the Heavenly Dao Sect. Tell them that everything the Xianmeng is saying now is a lie!"

Xue Tao was emotional, and pointed to a male student in the Xuanhuyuan in the crowd.

Everyone looked at Yu Hong who was pointed at by her. Yu Hong looked embarrassed and took a half step back, but there were people behind him, so he could only bite the bullet and speak.

"I, I... I ran out as soon as something happened, and I didn't even see the shadow of the demons. I didn't know anything."

Xue Tao gritted her teeth and turned to the other side, "Qi Nan, tell me! At that time, you escaped with me. If Brother Lei Ting hadn't tried his best to help us, both of us would have died under the demon gun!"

The female student of Xuanhuyuan named Qi Nan gave Xue Tao a hard look, "Could you please stop making trouble, the dean is the most benevolent person to accept you, how can we juniors be able to speculate on the inside story of Tiandaozong? It may not be true, and Xianmeng will never lie to us."

Qi Nan's words resonated, and for a while, many people nodded and chattered.

"That's right, Ms. Xue, what you said is too exaggerated. If the fairy world is really captured by the demons, then what kind of immortals can we cultivate? Just wait until we die!"

"Exactly, how can you, as a student of Xuanhuyuan who saves the world and save people, help a human traitor like Tiandaozong? That Fang Shouzhen is so dignified that he can't get along with Mozun Yun Zhiyi. I think he released him just to please Mozun. The demon race is a disaster for the common people."

"That's right, if it weren't for the Xianmeng to turn the tide, Miss Xue, your life would have been lost to the Tiandaozong. You don't know how to repay the favor, and you are here to speak for the Tiandaozong thieves. I think you should also go to the mine Think about it after working for a hundred years."

"When the sky falls, there will be a tall man supporting it. It's not our turn to worry about it. Mr. Jiuli led the Immortal League and the Iron Blood League to fight against the demons. It's useless for us juniors to worry so much."

"It's better to do your own thing better than be sympathetic and terrified every day."

"Tiandaozong is self-inflicted and cannot live. Fang Shouzhen has hurt his disciples. Although we sympathize with them, we have to pay the price for doing wrong things. If Mr. Jiuli did not intercede, those Tiandaozong disciples should all be thrown into the prison of refining demons. They work in the mines and have done their best."

Everyone you said to me, Xue Tao was very angry when he heard it, and shouted with red eyes: "I count on the Xianmeng, you will be sold by the Xianmeng sooner or later! My Xue family is just doing business with the Tiandaozong, and I was killed by the minions of the Xianmeng." The Taiyimen threatened and lured them, took advantage of them, burned a large number of medicine fields, and injured my fifth uncle."

"I, Mrs. Xue, reported to the Xianmeng and Mr. Jiuli's sect, but I was beaten up and punished for being an accomplice of the Tiandaozong! My master's sect Jishitang is now forcibly annexed by the Taiyi sect. How did the Xianmeng manage it? How did it ever give it to me?" Fairness!! Compared with Tiandaozong, I think Xianmeng and Taiyimen are more like demonic thieves!"

Xue Tao had tears in her eyes. The experience of this period of time had already made her disheartened, and she was so angry that she couldn't choose what to say at the moment.

"You can still play music and play chess here, drink and have fun, and live a comfortable life. People from Tiandaozong sacrificed their lives for it! Mr. Jiuli is benevolent? He now treats Qudao disciples like geisha in order to please the Dragon Clan It’s an honor for you to offer it up, it’s simply envious of power! It’s unreasonable!!”

"Bold! You actually slandered my Patriarch Mu!"

As soon as the words fell, a dark black bird suddenly charged straight up from the crowd and hit Xue Tao hard on the chest.

Xue Tao spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew straight back.

At this moment, no one helped her, and even dodged all of them when that person made a move, showing a gloating expression.

Lin Suying has been watching from the side, seeing Xue Tao flying towards her, and just about to strike, Ning Zhiyuan who is beside her is one step ahead of her, catches Xue Tao who is flying over, turns around and lands lightly without force.

Xue Tao's pink skirt was smudged black with black ink, he vomited blood continuously, and his whole chest was sunken inward, which showed the viciousness of the shooter, who was aiming for death.

Ning Zhiyuan frowned, shook off the sleeves of his toga and waved a green light to heal Xue Tao.

Lin Suying was paying attention to Xue Tao's condition, but at this moment, she suddenly saw white scales and various knife wounds and fire marks on Ning Zhiyuan's arm, and she couldn't help frowning.

After Ning Zhiyuan finished a formula, he noticed Lin Suying's gaze, and hurriedly put down his sleeves with a flustered expression.

"Who dares to do it here! Don't you want to live?"

A stern shout came from the chess area, and I saw Mr. Guishou's face sinking like water, walking with a chill in his body, scanning the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on Xue Tao, squinting his eyes, half revealing his murderous aura.

Although he has been studying the chess game, he has more or less heard the voice from this side, and is very displeased with Xue Tao's words.

At this time, the handsome young master of the Mu family came over and cupped his hands apologetically.

"Ren Shou paid homage to Mr. Ghost Hand, just now I really can't stand her slandering my ancestors, smearing the Immortal League, spreading rumors to create panic, sowing the relationship between our human race and the dragon clan, so I acted rashly in a hurry, everything is Renshou No, Renshou is willing to be punished."

Mu Renshou's posture was very low, and his words were very sincere. Compared with Xue Tao's aggressiveness and unscrupulous words, everyone liked Mu Renshou for a while, and they only felt that Xue Tao deserved it.

On the second floor of the guild hall, Cheng Kan and Luo Yi also saw this scene. Cheng Kan was so angry that he wanted to make a move, but Luo Yi pressed his hand on the railing on the second floor and shook his head slightly at her.

Everyone else in the hall stood indifferently, watching how Mr. Ghost Shou would deal with it.

Mr. Ghost Hand glanced at Mu Renshou, then looked at Xue Tao, and asked Ning Zhiyuan, "How bad is she hurt?"

Xue Tao's trauma is no longer a problem at this moment, but if he hurts his heart, he will repair the heart orifice, and the heart is the most important connection channel for the heart.

How can this injury not be serious?

Ning Zhiyuan clenched his fist secretly, under the gaze of Guigui and Mr. Guishou, he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At this time, Lin Suying raised her voice and said: "The injury is not serious, it's just that the heart has been disabled, and the medical skills have been cut off. It's a small matter, but Mr. Mu must be tired of taking action. I will ask Xue Tao to get up and apologize to Mr. Mu later. , and then pay some money, all the mistakes are Xue Tao's fault, causing Mu Gongzi to violate the rules of the guild hall that no one can hurt others, Mu Gongzi was forced to be innocent, she deserves to be punished!"

As soon as the words fell, the audience was dead silent, Mr. Ghost Hand's forehead twitched, and Mu Renshou was also at a loss on the spot. This guy knocked out all his tricks, what is he going to do next?

On the second floor of the guild hall, Cheng Kan couldn't help laughing out loud, and Luo Yi also frowned.

Cheng Kan said: "This guy looks much more pleasing to the eye now, his teeth are as sharp as Lin Suying's."

(End of this chapter)

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