I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 146 What You Said Is Right

Chapter 146 What You Said Is Right

Mr. Jiuli's surname is Mu, and the iron-blooded leader is also surnamed Mu.

They were indeed one family in ancient times, but after the establishment of Biyang Water Palace, they were divided into two branches.

One group continued to practice penance in the remote and remote area, and guarded the Great Prison to form the Iron Blood Alliance, called the Iron Blood Mu Clan.

One group settled in the Xuanyuan water environment and practiced five wonderful methods with Biyang Sanren, called Xuanyuan Mu family.

The two branches have developed to the present, and basically have no relationship at all, but in the generation of Mr. Jiuli, one became the leader of the fairy alliance, and the other became the leader of the iron and blood alliance.

"Take her to the second floor to find Luo Yi Luo Tianjun, it's still too late."

Lin Suying whispered something to Ning Zhiyuan, Ning Zhiyuan glanced at Lin Suying gratefully, picked up Xue Tao and went straight to the second floor.

Luo Yi had already reached the stairway, and took Xue Tao to treat him on the spot. With her help, Xue Tao's pulse would still be healed.

Seeing this, Mr. Guishou took a deep look at Lin Suying, and said in a deep voice: "Since Xuanhuzi has taken care of it, I think this matter will be exposed. There is no need to make a fuss about the verbal dispute between the two juniors."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Renshou raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and bowed deeply to Mr. Guishou, "Ren Shou thanked Mr. Renshou, but Ren Shou did make a mistake in this matter. Ren Shou would like to apologize to Miss Xue Tao."

Mr. Guishou gave Mu Renshou an admiring expression, "No need, Wujue Guild Hall is a place for monks from all over the world to discuss Wujue skills and learn from each other to improve each other, not a place to seek justice for rebels and thieves, everyone should be alert to this old man Point out, if you dare to talk nonsense, spread rumors, and slander the Immortal Alliance, I will never forgive you."


All the students responded in unison, although some people showed disdain and were ashamed of Mr. Guishou favoring the students of the Mu family, but no one dared to express any objection to Mr. Guishou's handling.

The rule that no one in the Wujue Guild Hall is allowed to hurt others is a fart in front of the Mu family!

Lin Suying only felt disgusted, this Mu Renshou was like a whore, he set up a torii, obviously he hurt someone, and he looked like a victim.

Lin Suying rolled her eyes, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Mu Renshou.

[If you dare to step out of the Wujue Guild Hall today, I will destroy you immediately! 】

On the second floor, Cheng Kan and Luo Yi shook their hands, and the needle Luo Yi used to treat Xue Tao was almost crooked. Huashen couldn't hear Lin Suying's sound transmission, but Cheng Kan and Luo Yi could hear clearly clearly.

Mu Renshou opened his eyes wide and shouted at Lin Suying: "What did you say, dare to say it again!"

Mr. Guishou just walked away, and when he heard Mu Renshou yelling, he immediately turned his head to look, and saw that Zhao Song covered his heart in a frightened manner and took three steps back.

"Mr. Mu, what are you going to do? I was helping you to speak just now. If I offended you a lot just now, I will make amends to you."

Lin Suying bowed in salute.

[So what if you say it again, if you don’t have evidence, what can you do to me?You have an ass with a long face, you can only spray dung...]

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Cheng Kan almost choked on the saliva, Luo Yi directly broke a needle, and continued the treatment with his forehead tensed.

In the eyes of everyone, what they saw was Lin Suying's aggrieved and apologetic expression in fear of the power of the Mu family.

But in Mu Renshou's ears, what Lin Suying heard was extremely arrogant, greeted his family with various organs, and told him to dance with three corpses.

"You!! You bastard!!"

Lin Suying scolded too harshly. Mu Renshou was young and vigorous, and he was in the Xuanyuan water environment where ethics were flourishing. He had never heard such foul language since he was a child, and he couldn't bear it for a while.

He tore off the bamboo flute from his waist and put it on his lips, wanting to play a killing tune to tear Lin Suying's corpse into thousands of pieces.


Before the melody could be played, Mr. Guishou gave a cold shout, and Mu Renshou was shocked by the might of Huashen to back away again and again.

Lin Suying was even more 'pale pale' and 'terrified', "I have no grievances with Mr. Mu, I really don't know where I offended Mr. Mu."

"Say it again, it's obviously you who transmitted the sound to me, accusing me..." Mu Renshou's chest rose and fell, his face turned red, and he couldn't say anything about the human organs that Lin Suying had just transmitted the sound to.

At this time, Lin Suying straightened up and sneered.

"It seems that Mr. Mu must be embarrassing me today. Is the rule of Wujue Guild Hall not to hurt people just for us poor students? With power and power like Mr. Mu, you can ignore the rules and frame people at will. Do other people occupy the so-called hurting people?"

In a word, it aroused the sympathy of many poor students present, especially just now when Mu Renshou hurt Xue Tao, directly cutting off her medical path, and just because Luo Yi was able to save her, Mr. Ghost Hand put it down gently, without punishment or punishment. , not even a serious word.

For a moment, everyone looked at Mr. Ghost Hand, and Ning Zhiyuan on the second floor even smiled wryly.

He, the head of the house, was chosen by Shuigong to silence Youyou's audience. In fact, the only people he can control are students from poor families, those students from aristocratic families will not listen to him at all, and even the staff in the guild hall look down on him.

"Mr. Mingjian, Renshou didn't lie, it was indeed him who insulted me first through sound transmission, and I couldn't be more angry than that, so I did it."

Lin Suying continued to sneer, "Yes, I was the one who insulted you first, you are from the Mu family, you are right in everything you say, I have no right or power, I admit it, Zhao Song, please punish me!"


Mu Renshou was shocked, he couldn't argue, he was obviously the victim, he was being wronged at this moment, he couldn't get up and down, he was about to explode!
"Mr. Ghost Shou, I can attest that the boy did not say anything via sound transmission."

Suddenly, Cheng Kan's voice came from the second floor, and she also showed the might of Lianxu Tianjun without any concealment, sweeping the audience.

Except for Mr. Ghost Shou and Mu Renshou, everyone in the hall bowed to Cheng Kan.

The corners of Mr. Ghost Hand's eyes twitched, watching Cheng Kan leaning on the railing carelessly, smiling provocatively.

"Why, Mr. Guishou can't trust me? Oh, I forgot. I also came from a poor family, and I can't compare with the Mu family. I was wrong. I wronged that kid from the Mu family. Accompany him, won't you?"

Mu Renshou looked terrified, took two steps back, and looked at Mr. Guishou asking for help.

"Sir, it's really him who transmits the voice..."


Mr. Guishou stopped Mu Renshou, stared coldly at Cheng Kan for a moment, then withdrew his gaze and scanned the audience.

"This is the Wujue Guild Hall. Any grievances should be resolved through a literary battle. After the literary battle, the grievances and grievances will disappear. According to the old man, it is better for the two of you to compete with each other. With this tone, this grievance will be settled and this matter will be exposed." how?"

Cheng Kan sneered, "Ghost Hand" is a mess, neither side should offend.

If you win, let out your breath, if you lose, die, and if you look for it aggressively, you can stop it.

Seeing this, although Mu Renshou was upset, he could only accept it, and immediately looked at Lin Suying.

"Do you dare to fight with me?"

"I dare not, I can't beat you." Lin Suying said.

Mu Renshou clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "You are good at chess, and I am majoring in cursive. You and I both give in, so we just...how well we compete in painting. It doesn't count as me bullying you."

The monks in the Xuanyuan water environment have been influenced by the five unique skills since childhood, and the regional environment is such that everyone has dabbled in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and medicine, but in the end they chose to specialize in one.

Hearing this, Lin Suying's heart trembled, "Why don't you just bully me and let's fight it out?"

She only has something she can do in a twisted way, but the others are really not good.

Just now, when Mu Renshou attacked Xue Tao, he used the method of drawing the Tao. Wasn't he trying to trick her?

Mr. Guishou glanced at Cheng Kan, and made a final decision, "Let's fight with Taoism and literature. At this time, the test question of Taoism was written by Cheng Tianjun. Whoever breaks the test question between the two of you will win. Cheng Tianjun is watching. And fair."

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Kan clenched the handrail tightly. This old man made her look bad, and the test questions were originally left by her to make things difficult for Biyang Water Palace.

The two of them fight with each other, and if they lose in the end, they will take the opportunity to blackmail her, and the most important thing is that Zhao Song can draw a fart, isn't it clear that he will lose?

The exam questions have been released, and she can't let go of the water even if she wants to.

Cheng Kan looked at Zhao Song below, hoping that he would continue to play tricks and not agree. Who knew that he asked the people next to him about the content of the exam, and he nodded with a strange expression.

 To save manuscripts for the weekend, today is the two updates.

  There are 3 chapters left in the debt, 2 chapters for the leader, and 500 chapters for the monthly ticket.

  Thank you for the monthly pass, I will continue to pay off the debt next week~~~
(End of this chapter)

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