Chapter 148 Slaves
"Don't you want to count to five? Why don't you count?"

Lin Suying glanced around, everyone was dumbfounded, as if their eyes had been knocked out of shock.

They have seen many strange people and strange things in Wujue Guild Hall, but today this really opened their eyes, they have never seen such a way to win.

The most rubbish painting skill wins the best painter.

Is there any need to count?

The cats are kicked out, and it's okay to count to fifty, five hundred, and five thousand.

" is against the rules! It's a disgrace to the gentlemen!!" Mu Renshou was furious and couldn't accept it.

Not only him, but all the Hua Dao disciples around couldn't accept it.

Mr. Guishou blew his beard and stared, "This is a copy of an exam question, you... corrupt the gentleman!"

On the second floor, Cheng Kan was also shocked for a long time and didn't recover, and even looked at Zhao Song suspiciously for a long time.

She thought of Lin Suying who messed with her like this last time, saying that her painting is useless, and it is a waste of time to practice hard skills, as long as her spiritual sense is strong enough, it is easy to defeat her painting soldiers.

Now Zhao Song is using the same method as Lin Suying used back then!
Cheng Kan turned to look at Luo Yi, "Do you think he looks a bit like Lin Suying?"

Luo Yi said lightly: "I don't think so."

Cheng Kan was furious, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt the same, but he really couldn't get in touch with him. Seeing Zhao Song being besieged below, Cheng Kan couldn't see it, and a figure appeared below.

As soon as she appeared, all the voices gradually subsided, and Bai Caimo nodded respectfully. Although Mr. Guishou was not afraid of Cheng Kan, a Lianxu Tianjun who had no identity and background, he had to bow his head under the suppression of his cultivation.

Cheng Kan only glanced at the ink stains on the pillar, and said casually: "Bai Jianyuan, you explain."

Bai Caimo took a breath, and said slowly: "This time, Zhao Song should have won. In painting, techniques are important, but the soul and consciousness of painting are more important. Although Zhao Song's paintings are technical...but the people she draws He has a human soul and strong spiritual sense, so he easily defeated Cheng Tianjun's painted soldiers."

"Although Mu Renshou's skills are excellent, he can't paint the soul, and his spiritual consciousness is also quite poor, so he lost. In addition, since Zhao Song broke Cheng Tianjun's exam questions, he should replace the Dao painting jade card and introduce it to the Biyang Water Palace. I am not talented in color ink, I would like to accept him as an apprentice, within three years, I will definitely become a new star in painting."

"Hey, stop, Zhao Song just said that he is studying in my Sanhuai hall for the time being, when will it be your turn to accept disciples?" Cheng Kan frowned displeased.

Bai Caimo was a little impatient, and looked at Mr. Guishou, but Mr. Guishou didn't like Zhao Song, so he just pretended not to see him.

Both Bai Caimo and Cheng Kan were vying to accept disciples, and Mu Renshou's eyes turned red with envy for a while, so he could only clenched his fists and endured.

Cheng Kan swept towards Mu Renshou, "Since you lost, then apologize and make peace."

Under the condescending coercion of Lord Lianxu, Mu Renshou could only take a deep breath, endured his unhappiness and bowed to Lin Suying, "Fellow Daoist Zhao, forgive me, it's all wrong with Renshou."

Lin Suying hurriedly supported Mu Renshou, "Where is it, fellow Daoist Mu is serious."

[Go out later, I'm going to fuck you up! 】

"Zhao Song, don't deceive people too much!"

Mu Renshou became irritable for a moment, Lin Suying backed away as if startled, and hid behind Cheng Kan.

Rao Cheng Kan has a thick skin, he couldn't bear it now, and gave Lin Suying a hard look.

Lin Suying bared her teeth and smiled shamelessly.

Mr. Guishou is too lazy to deal with the grievances, it is an insult to his identity, if it is not related to the Mu family boy, he will not care about it, and now he left the hall with a cold snort, even the Zhenlong chess game is gone Interested in explaining.

Mu Renshou stared at Lin Suying angrily, Cheng Kan blocked his sight, gritted his teeth and said to Lin Suying, "Come up with me!"

After speaking, Cheng Kan disappeared in place.

Lin Suying glanced at Cheng Kan who was waiting for her to go up on the second floor, and whispered, "I won't go up."

Bai Caimo looked at Lin Suying regretfully, then disappeared, and went back to the second floor to wait for the next fight.

When Bai Caimo spoke just now, the middle-aged steward of the guild hall immediately took a white jade tablet engraved with the outline of mountains and rivers to replace it for Lin Suying.

"Young master, you are young and talented, and your future is boundless. Congratulations."

Mu Renshou's eyes were red and his mouth was dry. After years of hard work, he won the second place in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Now the second strongest painting method, it's fine if he didn't take the first place, but he couldn't bear to be trampled in the face by a piece of shit that can't draw well.

Lin Suying accepted the token with a smile, pulled the steward who was about to leave, and said, "Just now the door charged me a deposit of one thousand low-grade spirit stones, can I return it now?"

The corner of the manager's eyes twitched, when did they receive so much as one thousand?It has always been one hundred!

However, Lin Suying's reputation is very famous today, and several supervisors, even Cheng Tianjun, are optimistic about her future. They can't afford to offend her.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to return the son... a thousand low-grade spirit stones." The steward gritted his teeth and admitted.

As soon as the steward left, the students around rushed up to congratulate Lin Suying and make friends.

Lin Suying didn't like this kind of scene the most, she hurriedly said that she was sick to her stomach, and ran away to a place where no one was around.

At this time, there was a commotion at the door, a group of Shuigong students holding various musical instruments came in one after another, including Jin Yi whom Lin Suying knew.

Most of the people who came to the guild hall today came for this fight.

On the second floor, Ning Zhiyuan settled down Xue Tao, and when he received the message from his master, his face was gloomy, so he could only come out from the inner room to bid farewell to Luo Yi and Cheng Kan.

"Wait," Luo Yi frowned and looked at Ning Zhiyuan, his eyes fell on his right arm, "Is your master still testing medicine on you?"

Ning Zhiyuan lowered his head and pressed his right arm, and pulled out a gentle smile, "Master's original intention is not bad, I have a special constitution, so I can bear it more than ordinary people."

Cheng Kan also knew about Ning Zhiyuan, so he said angrily, "You don't care what he does, you can choose your own path."

Ning Zhiyuan smiled bitterly, lowered his head and did not speak.

Luo Yi sighed helplessly, "If you need it, come to me at any time, and you don't have to accept some things, you are just his student, not a slave."

Ning Zhiyuan moved his fingers, struggled for a while and finally didn't mention that matter.

"Thank you, Zhiyuan, for your concern."

After going down the second floor, Ning Zhiyuan saw Jin Yi looking around holding the Guqin from a distance, so he knew he was looking for him.

Ning Zhiyuan walked over and said with a gentle smile, "Are you looking for me?"

"I thought you wouldn't come today. I didn't want to participate in this kind of fight."

Jin Yi was a little depressed, if it wasn't for Ning Zhiyuan persuading her not to fight against the Gongya Prison, she would definitely not come today.

"I hope that someone can disturb this situation. I went to Biyang Water Palace to improve my art, not to present music to the Dragon King!"

Ning Zhiyuan helped Jin Yi smooth the hairband on his head, like an elder brother, "In such a situation, you can only go with the flow, which saves more energy than going against the current. You are now Mr. Jiuli's disciple, and you have to stand on your feet for some things." Only by thinking from his point of view can he be a good disciple, win his favor, and get him to pass on his skills."

Jin Yi sighed, "But I don't want to be his disciple at all now, brother, I want to leave the water palace."

Hearing this, Ning Zhiyuan's complexion changed, and he hurriedly pulled Jin Yi to a corner, "What nonsense are you talking, you are only in the foundation building period, and it is difficult to survive alone outside, why don't you stay and learn some skills to improve your cultivation, at the very least Dan... Nascent Soul will think about it later."

Jin Yi fell silent, thinking of the previous Heavenly Dao Sect catastrophe and the scenes he saw during the robbery, indeed, it was difficult for her to survive outside as a little monk in the foundation establishment period.

But when she thought of facing the pious Mr. Jiuli, she felt disgusted. How could she be blind and insist on worshiping him as her teacher?It is enough to have [Open Sky Mirror].

"I'm really sorry Ah Yi, Master told me to go back to the Water Palace, I can't stay and watch your fight today." Ning Zhiyuan apologized.

Jin Yi stared, "What did he ask you to do again? Is it testing medicine again, or running errands to see the children? What does he think of you? The improvement of the previous [Demon Transformation Pill] was clearly the result of your painstaking research, but in the end It’s his credit, he doesn’t treat you as a disciple, but as a slave!”

Both Jin Yi and Ning Zhiyuan are orphans, and they can be regarded as brothers and sisters who depend on each other, especially after Ning Zhiyuan entered the Water Palace, he took extra care of Jin Yi in Huiyu Palace, and gave her as much as possible of pills and so on, so that she could cultivate at a young age The progress is rapid, and you don't have to worry about training resources, you can concentrate on honing your piano skills.

Ning Zhiyuan smiled without saying a word, and rubbed Jin Yi's head, "You are still young, there are some things you don't understand, so you don't have to be angry about me, I have already sent a post to Xuanhuyuan years ago, with my qualifications and Ability, just need the last round of assessment to become the Deputy Superintendent of Xuanhuyuan, it is very sure, and then there is no need to endure these things."

Although Xuanhuyuan is also under the jurisdiction of Biyang Water Palace, it is relatively independent, away from the right and wrong place of Biyang Water Palace, Ning Zhiyuan can concentrate on studying medicine without any distractions.

"Okay, I'm leaving, Ha Yi has to work hard today."

Jin Yi looked at Ning Zhiyuan's exhausted back worriedly, feeling that these hard days were meaningless.

She used to regard Biyang Water Palace as a holy place, but when she stepped inside, she found that there were rules and restrictions everywhere, and there were many dirty and shady things. Only the surface was bright and beautiful, and the inside was already rotten.

Jin Yi hugged Qin tightly in his arms, he still wanted to take Ning Zhiyuan and leave here together, and it would be nice to wander the world with Qin Yi at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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