Chapter 149

In the corner of Wujue Guild Hall, Xia Bing and Turtle General were biting their pens, writing and drawing on the list in their hands, really undecided which one to choose.

Finding a son-in-law in the Dragon Palace is a traditional program, just like pigs must be slaughtered during the Spring Festival in the mortal world. The sons and daughters of their Dragon Palace must marry and catch their son-in-law when they grow up, just to have fun.

Therefore, the Dragon Palace has always been regarded as a monster by the human race, and there have been many conflicts, but the dragon race will not change unless the human race can survive the new year.

At most, it is not unreasonable to ask if it is okay before you catch it, and if you can discuss it, whether it is written or written, it is not unreasonable.

"Are you two here to find a son-in-law for Dragon Girl?"

A voice suddenly came from behind Xia Bing and Turtle General. The two were so frightened that they almost jumped up. When they turned around, they saw the overly handsome young man who stole the limelight just now.

"So what?" Xia Bing snorted coldly.

Lin Suying smiled, "What do you two think of me?"

The two haven't moved for a long time, but Lin Suying is very anxious. The character set she jumped up and down here today is almost out of play. Cheng Kan is obviously suspicious, isn't it just to enter the Dragon Palace in a 'reasonable' way?
It turns out that she is so outstanding, it's unreasonable for these two not to catch her!
Xia Bing cast a contemptuous glance at Lin Suying, while Gui Jiang shook his head beside him, "No, no, you can't."

"Why?" Lin Suying was puzzled.

"You are too handsome." Xia Bing said.

Lin Suying: Jun is also a problem?
Turtle General nodded, "Dragon girls will fight."

Lin Suying: This...

Xia Bing added, "If Dragon Mother takes a fancy to you, the old Dragon King will lose face."

Lin Suying: Do you guys play Dragon Palace like this? !

The turtle general said again: "Yes, this has happened before."

Xia Bing said: "So the one who looks good, the first one won't do."

Lin Suying couldn't laugh or cry, "Then why don't you see me change my face now?"

"Go, go, the music is about to start. Our Dragon Palace likes to play, play and sing. It's okay to have fun. Don't disturb us." Xia Bing rushed away.

Lin Suying saw that the road was blocked because she thought she was clever enough to fix Zhang Junqiao's face, and she couldn't vomit a mouthful of old blood in her chest.

That being the case, it can only be a detour.

"Dare to ask, will your Aozhi Dragon Lady attend the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet?" Lin Suying asked.

Xia Bing ignored her, Turtle General nodded, "I'm going, my dragon girl wants to discuss marriage with Minjiang Longzi."

Lin Suying accepts incompetence according to her heart, this Dragon Palace is simply too chaotic, and she is still here to catch a son-in-law if she wants to discuss marriage with Longzi, isn't Minjiang Longzi afraid of grass growing on his head?

Dragons have eighteen sons, pigs, horses, cattle and sheep are human beings, even rocks can give birth to [Miyun], there is really no race in the world that is more "passionate" and "playful" than dragons.

At this time, the guild hall gradually became quiet. On the central stage on the first floor, ten students from the two major factions of the Qu Yuan had already sat on either side, and Gong Ya, the supervisor of the Qu Yuan, was standing in the center in conservative clothes, ready to announce the start of the fight.

Lin Suying sat angrily at the empty table beside her, thinking that the only solution for the present was to attend the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet, and then at the birthday banquet, she would win the love from the dragon and act as a lover with Ao Zhi. They finally got married and asked Ao Zhi to bring him back to Wujiang Dragon Palace, and then try to save Yu Chengfeng.

The detour is a bit big, but the Dragon Palace is heavily guarded, and there are so many aquariums that there is no way to force it.

It's not impossible to seize the aquarium, but the problem is that the Dragon Palace judges class by blood, and there are too many rules and restrictions. Even though the shrimp soldiers and turtle generals are entrusted with the important task of catching a son-in-law, they may even meet Ao Zhi in the Dragon Palace No, usually there is only a fixed activity area.

Going up one level at a time would hurt the peace of heaven, and if the matter was not pushed to that level, she didn't want to be so frenzied for the time being.

So it's better to start with Aozhi directly, she is a dragon girl, as long as she is caught, there is no place she cannot go in the Dragon Palace.

Also, before going to the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet, she can use Zhao Song's identity to sneak into Biyang Water Palace to find out the whereabouts of the fairy artifact.

If she could get the water-attribute fairy artifact in advance, she would be able to escape unscathed if she went to the Dragon Palace and directly lifted the table to rob people.

After making up her mind, Lin Suying immediately began to figure out how to enter the Biyang Water Palace.

Just now, Bai Caimo wanted to take her in, but Cheng Kan refused, and she had to give Cheng Kan face, so she turned to find Bai Caimo again.

The way of chess is too complicated and easy to reveal, and the way of medicine and calligraphy has to be endlessly memorized. She is more confident and interested in the way of playing.

And what she prepared from the beginning was to make a name for herself in a twisted way, but later she went astray.

After making the decision, Lin Suying's eyes fell on the stage in front of her.

In addition to learning music and instruments by themselves, the students of Quyuan will also form bands with like-minded students with similar styles. Over time, different styles and factions have gradually formed.

Today, the ones who want to fight are the Jiang School whose music style is clean and gentle, like the Yangtze River rushing, and the Shanghai School whose music style is broad and impetuous, like the surging waves rushing to thunder.

Jin Yi has never had any school distinctions in his heart, he can learn whatever he likes, he didn't want to come today, but Jiu Li threw her to Gong Ya to teach, Gong Ya insisted on letting her join the Shanghai School.

After tuning the piano, Jin Yi sat at the back indifferently, and in front of him were four senior brothers and sisters who played the pipa, huqin, flute and Xiao respectively.

The opposite team also had the same lineup. Seeing how confident and eager they were, Jin felt tired.

What is there to be proud of to present a song to the Dragon King of Minjiang?
What's the use of fighting to the death and playing vigorously?

Have they ever seen the thrilling day when the ambushes rose up all over the mountains and plains to rob the prisoner, turning the wind and fire into the wind and fire, hanging their lives on the knife, and stepping on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​​​blood to rob the prisoner? Make her feel happy.

At that time, using music to save people made her feel that the piano in her hand and the music she had learned were of great use!

Instead of sitting here like a singing girl and being judged and judged by others like now, even if you win, it will be boring.

Gong Ya stood in the center of the stage, tightened her collar, saw that both sides were ready, and raised her voice: "Remember the rules of Wujue Guild Hall, you can't hurt people with tricks, you can only win with skills, do you hear me?"


The nine people were full of momentum, and Jin Yi sighed silently.

Gong Ya gave Jin Yi a warning look, and Jin Yi forced himself to sit up straight and put his hand on the piano to prepare.

"The fight begins!"

As soon as Gong Ya's voice fell, the person disappeared from the center of the stage, and vivid and lively voices sounded from both sides at the same time, it turned out to be exactly the same piece of music.

But after only playing a short section, the students of Qudao immediately felt the difference.

Just like the characteristics of the two schools, the Jiang School played with a trickle, the smoothness of the river, and the Jinyi's Shanghai School, which was majestic and majestic with mountains and seas.

The two factions have their own strengths and weaknesses, and for a while they couldn't tell which was higher and which was lower, and everyone just listened intently.

As the music gradually reached its climax, the two factions fought inseparably, and they were still tied.


A sigh suddenly came from behind the Hai Pai, and everyone couldn't help but look at the well-behaved girl sitting at the back playing the piano.

I saw her showing a tired expression, and her hands quickly accelerated the rhythm, pushing the whole music up suddenly, making everyone else lose their minds and lose their rhythm. They could only be led by her to speed up.

Originally, the river was rushing, the sea and the sky were broad, but at this moment, the tide suddenly surged, making people feel like seeing the river rushing into the sea, roaring and roaring, an unstoppable scene.

Everyone's mood continued to push up with the music, and their scalps couldn't help feeling numb, as if they were rushing to the mountains with the river, and kept going up.

Just waiting to reach the peak in the end, a thousand miles will flow, and hundreds of rivers will flow into the sea!

Jin Yi played too domineeringly, so that the five members of Jiang faction on the opposite side were led to nowhere, they could only follow her rhythm and chase desperately.

Once you stop playing, you lose.

And the four members of the Shanghai school are also gradually struggling, and they can't keep up with Jin Yi's rhythm at all. Seeing this fight, it will finally become Jin Yi's home court, and a solo performance by one person, feeling infinitely aggrieved.

Gong Yayang on the side smiled, and couldn't help but sigh, "Mr. Jiuli has indeed taken in a good disciple, who has the demeanor of Emperor Qin."

At this moment, an unusually high-pitched voice resounded like a cracking stone and flowing clouds, like a bomb, detonated between the two factions in a domineering manner.

Jin Yi's strings broke, and the force of the shock pushed her directly off the chair and sat on the ground.

Around her, the nine people on the stage all broke the strings instantly, the flute cracked, their fingertips were stained with blood, the corners of their lips were red, and they fell in all directions.

The disruptive sound that came out halfway was deafening, extremely loud, and extremely penetrating. It was simply unreasonable!
Everyone turned their heads in shock to find the source of the sound, but the song that had just started suddenly stopped.

Everyone saw an incomparably handsome man in white clothes standing on the stairs leading to the second floor, holding a suona in both hands that is only used for red and white affairs in the world.

The sound just now was made by him using the suona.

"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the tune and got out of tune. I'll do it again."

As soon as the words fell, he took a deep breath, and played the overwhelming song "Tongtian Avenue is Wide and Wide" again.

How many monsters have you caught just now?Hey!
How many demons have been subdued?Roar!
Why are there so many demons and monsters?

Eat my old Lin a stick!
 The opening song of the childhood classic "Journey to the West", the suona version is also very imposing and pleasant to listen to... and the lyrics are very appropriate here hehehe...the lyrics are as follows...

  Just captured a few demons,
  A few more demons were brought down.

  Why are there so many demons and sprites!

  Eat my old grandson a stick!
  Even if you kill you, you will lose your soul.

  Gods tremble, ghosts tremble,
  Beat the wolves, tigers and leopards nowhere to hide!

  Just climbed a few mountains,
  A few more rivers were crossed.

  There are so many bumps and bumps!
  My grandson will go too!

  It is more dangerous to go to your mountain, and the water is worse.

  Difficulties have been encountered, hardships have been eaten,
  Walk out of a wide and wide avenue.

(End of this chapter)

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