Chapter 150
When the song ended, everyone was shocked.

No one expected that someone dared to interrupt Qu Yuan Dou Qu, and it succeeded!

Unreasonable musical instruments, overbearing tunes, and thrilling performances, even after the end, everyone still echoed the tune in their minds, and could still feel the heroic spirit in the tune that smashed through the sky.

Brainwashing Divine Comedy, absolutely!
And the this Zhao Song again.

Lin Suying calmly put away the suona, this instrument exists in the world, but it is only used for red and white things, it is regarded as vulgar and unrefined by monks of Qu Dao, so no one studies it intensively.

In fact, suona is a musical instrument that is seriously underestimated by Qudao monks. In front of it, all the zithers, pipas, huqin and flutes all have to kneel down!

Lin Suying's song today, borrowing the sheet music from Wuya Hall, completely refreshed everyone's understanding of Suona.

Taking advantage of this opportunity that everyone was looking at, Lin Suying flicked her sleeves, and bowed to Gong Ya who was looking at him with burning eyes at the bottom of the stairs.

"Zhao Song, a student from a poor family of Qu Dao, has admired Biyang Water Palace for a long time. It is helpless to be bold and reckless today. I use this song to recommend myself and ask the Palace Supervisor to favor me, and give me the opportunity to study Qu Dao in the next water palace."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Gong Ya, causing her to tighten her skirt uncomfortably and frown.

Zhao Song is in the limelight today, and at the moment there is still a plaque on his waist that depicts the leader of the foundation-building period. If Zhenlong's chess game on the chess path is really impossible for Mr. Guishou to break, then the leader of the chess path must be him.

But who would have thought that he also said that he was a student of Qu Dao, and that he was really talented and learned, which shocked the audience.

In the Biyang Water Palace, less than one palm can reach the top of three out of the five uniques. In the past 5000 years, Mr. Jiuli was the only one. Unexpectedly, Zhao Song appeared today out of nowhere.

For a while, everyone was very curious about his background, but he just said that he was a student from a poor family. Judging from his young age, he must be someone with excellent understanding and aptitude.

This kind of person who is chased by God to feed him really makes everyone envy and hate, even the few supervisors.

At this moment, Mu Renshou's eyes were almost red with jealousy. He is a major in Qu Dao, but he can't completely interrupt the two schools of fighting music by one person and one song.

Mu Renshou stared at Zhao Song, and secretly thought that if he couldn't use him, he would die in the cradle early.

The few people on the stage were aggrieved, but there was nothing they could do about it, because the song just now was really domineering, and they really didn't have the ability to suppress it for a while.

Only Jin Yi, being disturbed like this, felt joy from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time, he was eager to try because of the appearance of a powerful opponent.

Off the stage, Gong Ya felt the envious gazes of Bai Caimo and Chess Wansheng from the old men, and she couldn't help but straighten her back, and asked, "Did you create that song just now?"

Lin Suying said without shame, "A few days ago I felt something in my heart and wrote it down, it's not worth mentioning."

Gong Ya's eyes lingered on Lin Suying's handsome face for a moment, "The instruments and playing techniques you use are so-so, but this piece is quite a master, and it is enough to enter the Biyang Water Palace for further study."

When Gong Ya said this, she agreed, but she was holding on to the pretensions of the prison, which made the white color ink upstairs very unhappy, and even secretly regretted that a good painter would be ruined in Gong Ya's hands.

But it has nothing to do with him, and Bai Caimo is not good at talking too much, just causing a commotion for no reason.

On the other hand, Cheng Kan saw that Zhao Song insisted on joining Gong Ya's sect, he was a little anxious, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission.

【If you don't want to be wiped out, kid, you'd better stay away from that Gongya! 】

Lin Suying paused as she cupped her hands, and cast a sad look upstairs.

【Cheng Tianjun doesn't want to play the piano with me, so I have to find someone else, I hope Cheng Tianjun will not obstruct it. 】

Cheng Kan:! ! !
"Luo Yi Luo Yi, did you hear that? Did you hear that? I said he was going to hook me up! Sure enough!"

Cheng Kan was so excited that he almost jumped up, grabbed Luo Yi's arm and shook it violently.

Luo Yi let her sway, and said calmly: "Although you are almost three thousand years old before you hook up with a man, there is no need to be so excited."

Cheng Kan threw Luo Yi's arm away, "Nonsense! The men who want to hook up with me are lined up from here to Wuyahai, and my heart is calm, so I won't be excited!"

When Cheng Kan was upstairs with "Heart Like Still Water", Lin Suying had already thanked Gong Ya and temporarily became a student of Biyang Water Palace. To become a formal student, only Gong Ya's permission is not enough, and she has to participate in the monthly assessment and pass it three times in a row. Row.

It's wonderful that a long-awaited fight came to an end like this, making everyone's trip worthwhile, and Lin Suying's purpose of coming here is half accomplished.

She said today that for a long time to come, she will definitely become the hottest talking point in Wujue Guild Hall, and it will definitely spread throughout the Sanjiang River Basin.

While bringing benefits, it also has to cause trouble...

It was too eye-catching, Lin Suying got Gong Ya's token, and after making an appointment to report tomorrow, she immediately used an evasion technique to hide her breath and escaped, making all those who wanted to find her come to nothing.

Jin Yi chased to the door of the guild hall but failed to catch up with anyone, and suddenly secretly regretted that she still wanted to learn from each other.

At this moment, people came out of the guild hall in twos and threes, and they couldn't help humming the tune that Zhao Song had played just now, and they hummed it very accurately.

This is the case for a good song that can be passed down through the ages. It is majestic, simple and easy to learn. The key point is that the melody is unforgettable.

"Write it casually? I don't believe it!"

Jin Yi frowned, and decided to go back first, and block Zhao Song tomorrow to see how much he weighed.

After Jin Yi left for a while, Mu Renshou came out of Wujue Guild Hall with a displeased expression. Everyone around him was humming the tune, which made him even more irritable.

"Don't follow me, get out!"

He turned his anger on his followers, and left angrily, holding a messenger talisman to send a message to the elders of the clan as he walked.

"...That's the way it is. Since Zhao Song was born in a poor family, there is nothing to worry about. Please also ask Uncle Liu to arrest him now, break his hands and feet and lock him up. If he can compose a few more songs for me, he will be able to keep him." One life, if not..."

As soon as Mu Renshou walked to the remote plum forest path, a very familiar, slap-sized ink figure jumped out of the plum blossoms, and kicked Mu Renshou hard in the face with a flying leg.

Mu Renshou was caught off guard, far beyond his coercion, his face deformed, teeth mixed with blood flew out of his mouth, and his whole body smashed into the depths of Merlin like a cannonball.

Just right, he fell face down at the feet of a young man in white.

He endured the severe pain and raised his head, only to see Jun with a smile on his face, understatement.

"I told you, I'll kill you if you leave the hall!"

Mu Renshou's pupils shrank sharply, his color paled in shock, and more black-colored villains jumped out, all over the sky!

The rain of flowers drifted away, and the rhythmic sound of heavy punches, flying legs and iron heads, accompanied by Mu Renshou's weeping begging for mercy, was refreshing.

Doing what she says has always been Lin Suying's greatest strength!

And getting famous and causing trouble is never a problem, because she, Lin Suying, has always been the biggest trouble!

 On the last day of the end of the month, if you still have a monthly pass, hurry up and throw it at me, and at the beginning of tomorrow, please don’t let me go if you have a monthly pass, smash it hard, I will try my best to add more~

  Sang Xiaoxin, who updates 23 words a month, kneels and thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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