Chapter 151

The next day, Biyang Water Palace.

The Biyang Water Palace is built on the Biyang Lake formed by the confluence of three rivers. The islands in the lake are dotted and seemingly chaotic, but in fact they imply a chess formation, which forms a large protective formation with the help of the water.

The entire Water Palace occupies a very large area, far surpassing Yunmeng Mansion, like a city on the water, each courtyard has completely independent island groups, relying on bamboo rafts and boats to travel between islands on weekdays.

Under the leadership of the handyman, Lin Suying came to Quyuan after completing the basic admission procedures. She didn't see Gong Ya, but saw Jin Yi who had been waiting for her early, carrying the piano on his back, and standing at the ferry in the face of the wind and snow. superior.

Seeing the eager posture, Lin Suying inexplicably thought that Qin Yi blocked Zhao Zhen in the same way at the beginning, and wanted to compete with her.

Before the bamboo raft reached the shore, Jin Yi raised his voice and said, "Zhao Song, the Palace Supervisor ordered me to take you to familiarize yourself with the various parts of the Quyuan, but before that, let's play a song with me."

Lin Suying wiped her face, jumped up to the ferry and said with a smile: "I have a higher level of cultivation, so please call you junior sister. Jin junior sister, I am not good at learning music, so it is better for junior sister to enter Taoism from a young age, and directly fight with you. Where is your opponent?" "

Jin Yi frowned, "Then what are you going to do?"

Lin Suying smiled and said: "The matter of fighting music changes rapidly, how about we compare a project that requires insight and extreme reaction speed?"

Jin Yi wondered, "What is that?"

Lin Suying stretched out her hand, "Rock, scissors, and paper!"

Jinyi: ...

The wind is howling and the snow is fluttering.

Lin Suying still used the same rhetoric to fool Qin Yi, and copied it directly, "Don't think I'm just trying to fool you, my generation's cultivation goes against the sky, and luck is also a part of strength..."

"If you don't want to compare, just say you don't want to compare. If you use such low-level excuses to perfunctory, only fools will be fooled!"

Jin Yi glared at Lin Suying angrily, "Let's let you go today, and when you pass the three-month period and officially become a student of the Quyuan, you'll have a good fight with me. Don't try to make excuses, you may be the one When the time comes, I will have to compete with you in the assessment, so come with me."

Jin Yi took Lin Suying to familiarize himself with the Qu Yuan, "The year-end exam is approaching, so the Palace Supervision Institute has been quite busy recently, I'm afraid I don't have time to guide you. You are familiar with the Qu Yuan by yourself, visit the seniors who are in charge of each subject and give lectures..."

In addition to supervisors, there are also seniors and lecturers in the music academy, which are divided according to different musical instruments and singing skills.

It feels a bit like the university in Yun Zhiyi's world, where you have to choose the subjects you are interested in, and then go to the school where your seniors are attending classes every day, go to the academy to read and study, and find a place to practice musical instruments.

Compared with ordinary cultivation sects, it is really not free and has many rules. Lin Suying has a headache just to click on this one before class every day.

Because she didn't plan to go to class at all, and there is no Suona teacher in the Quyuan, so she can only temporarily worship under the seniors of Professor Di and Xiao.

After going around in a circle, Lin Suying from the Jin Dynasty came to Quyuan's fasting house.

The dormitories for male students are all four people and one house. Ning Zhiyuan is the chief house chief, and there is also a branch house chief in Qu Yuan, Pan Hu, who is also an older student from a poor family, responsible for arranging the daily life of his students.

Jin Yi and Pan Hu accompanied Lin Suying to get the bedding and other things, and came to the door of a simple four-person courtyard. As soon as he opened the door, Jin Yi frowned and backed away from the smell of stinky socks, not to mention the ear-piercing mess Music.

As Jin Yi said, the year-end exam was approaching, and the three male students who were learning flute and Xiao were all standing in the snow at the moment, playing with red faces, fighting with each other, and making a lot of noise.

Seeing this, the kind-hearted Pan Hu said embarrassedly: "Junior Brother Zhao, don't mind, the place in Quyuan is really tight, and we poor students can only make do together. In some courtyards, eight people are crowded together. Here you At the very least, you can get a separate room, and it will be much cleaner if you set up a soundproof array."

When Lin Suying thought that she would live under the same roof with three rough men in the future, and that she might see all kinds of eye-catching pictures in the future, she had a headache.

She took a step back and turned her head to look at an exquisite courtyard hidden by bamboo forest in the distance. She scanned it with her spiritual sense and found that there were no people living in it, and there were at least five or six empty houses.

"Who lives there?"

Seeing the direction Lin Suying was pointing at, Pan Hu said dissatisfiedly, "That's Mu Renshou's other courtyard, but he doesn't usually live here, he occupies a good place for nothing, but his family name is Mu, we can only envy him."

Jin Yi said dissatisfiedly next to him, "Just like the Wujue Guild Hall, the rules of the Water Palace are useless to the Mu family. They are only used to control us poor students. He Mu Renshou bullies men and women, commits all kinds of crimes, and has never been punished. Afterwards, he always looks like he is the victim, disgusting!"

"I want to live there."

Lin Suying said, and went straight to the other courtyard. She didn't really come to study, but to find the secret library of Biyang Water Palace to get the fairy artifact. Of course, it is more convenient to live alone.

"Zhao Song, are you crazy?" Jin Yi asked in surprise.

Pan Hu also hurried to catch up, "Wait a minute, Junior Brother Zhao, that's Mu Renshou's territory, even if I can agree with you to live there, but he is the most annoying person, you don't have nothing to do to provoke him, lest you be caught He stared at it, and it would be easy to leave Biyang Water Palace in the end, this kind of thing happened before, uh...Master Mu!"

Pan Hu chased after Lin Suying and tried to persuade him anxiously, but he turned the corner and suddenly saw Mu Renshou standing beside the bamboo forest with a follower.

Pan Hu trembled in fright, his face turned pale when he thought of what he just said.When Jin Yi followed up and saw Mu Renshou, he was also apprehensive and defensive.

But it was Mu Renshou who was paler than Pan Hu at the moment.

"You...what are you doing here?" Mu Renshou looked at Lin Suying in horror, and subconsciously hid behind his followers.

Lin Suying hugged the quilt, her body was covered with wind and snow, and slowly approached Mu Renshou.

When she took a step forward, Mu Renshou took a step back, just like a mouse meeting a cat.

Pan Hu and Jin looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"Quyuan Zhai is nervous. I want to live in your other courtyard. Is it possible?"

Pan Hu stared at Lin Suying with wide eyes, thinking that she was crazy, Jin Yi hurriedly pulled Lin Suying's sleeve from behind, shook his head at her, and told her not to mess with Mu Renshou.

When her elder brother Ning Zhiyuan met Mu Renshou, he always avoided his edge and tried not to have any interaction with him.

But what Pan Hu and Jin Yi didn't expect was that Mu Renshou secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, "So it's just a special hospital..."

Mu Renshou couldn't wait, and personally tore off the token of the other courtyard from the servant's waist and threw it to Lin Suying.

Lin Suying freed one hand to catch the token, Mu Renshou hurriedly urged the servant, turned around and ran away.

"and many more."

Mu Renshou trembled all over his body, staggered from his legs, turned around and shouted in horror and exasperation: "I've given you the token of the other courtyard, what else do you want, I didn't do anything today!"

Lake Pan:? ? ?
Jinyi:? ? ?
Lin Suying smiled, "Don't be nervous, I just want to tell you that I like to be clean, you better not bother me if you are fine."

"Who...who wants to come to you." Mu Renshou clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, turned around and ran away.

People usually hide, escape, and panic when they see him, that's what he is now.

What Mu Renshou has experienced, only he and Lin Suying know.

In the peach forest yesterday, he was still stubborn at first, and all kinds of vicious things asked Lin Suying to wait and see, and wanted her to die badly.

In the end, he was beaten and cured by Lin Suying, and then he was beaten and cured again, so after the ninth round, Mu Renshou finally gave in after crying and begging for mercy.

It was terrible, the worst time he was hammered into a pulp, he felt like he was dying, but he was healed in an instant, and then he was hammered again.

It's not that he persevered until the ninth round, but that she didn't ask him if he begged for mercy at all in the next seven rounds, and the connection was seamless after he was cured.

In the end, Lin Suying crouched in front of him, speaking the most domineering words in the gentlest tone.

"I have no status or background, so I'm not afraid of death if I die, so if anything bad happens to me and my family in the future, I will look for you, even if it is done by someone else, I will only look for you! Today I How to beat you, double every time after that. You have also seen my medical skills, even if I beat you into a puddle of flesh, I can restore you again, if you are not afraid, try it. "

Mu Renshou felt that he was already ruthless, but compared to Lin Suying, he found that he was just a fart!It's none of his business if someone else troubles her, why should he be troubled by him? !
Lin Suying said that a Gu had been placed on him, and immediately after he went back, he asked the elders of the clan to explain the situation, but after inspection, he found nothing in his body, and they all said that he was much healthier than before, and his cultivation base All grew a little bit.

Then no one believed that he was beaten for nine rounds, because the year-end exam was approaching, and Mr. Jiuli was coming back soon. No one in the clan wanted to make Mr. Jiuli unhappy by making extra troubles, so they all threatened him to be more honest, and even deducted money because of it. his salary.

All his life, Mu Renshou would only make others feel wronged, but why had he ever suffered such wronged himself?
It's just too... ah ah ah ah! ! !
Because of the unknown Gu in his body, Mu Renshou was terrified all night. When he closed his eyes, he was beaten and healed. Seeing Lin Suying's cruel smile, he felt countless insects crawling in his body.

How dare he offend such a devil-like existence?

Pan Hu and Jin were stunned by the scene of Mu Renshou running away. They never thought that Mu Renshou, who was like a little bully in Quyuan and even the entire Biyang Water Palace, would be in such a panic today, which is unbelievable.

For a moment, Pan Hu and Jin's eyes brightened when they saw the young man in white in front of them. He was able to suppress Mu Renshou like this, he was the savior of poor students!
Lin Suying took the token of the other courtyard, ignored Pan Hu and Jin Yi, and went directly into the other courtyard and closed the door.

The environment inside is quiet, and there are all kinds of rockery and water pavilions.

After opening the formation, Lin Suying turned her hand and released a black gold beetle, "Go, find the pulse eye of the water spirit vein here."

This beetle is a heterogeneous species she cultivated a few days ago. It is very sensitive to the breath of the spirit vein, and the carapace pattern hides the breath by itself, so it is not easy to be detected.

Just like [Qingmu Wangding], if Mr. Jiuli failed to refine the Water Immortal Artifact, he would definitely place it on the vein eye of the water spirit vein to warm it up to ensure the supply of spiritual energy, so he found the eye of the water spirit vein, There is a high probability that you will be able to find that fairy artifact.

I just hope she won't be made to wait too long, this Biyang Water Palace is not fun at all.

Let her get up early to go to class and go dreaming!
After Lin Suying sealed off the other courtyard, she released two pandaren to help her clean up the house, but Jin Yi couldn't wait to go to the Xingyuan to find Ning Zhiyuan, and wanted to tell him about Mu Renshou's embarrassment just now, so that he would be happy too.

Just before she arrived at Ning Zhiyuan's residence, Ning Zhiyuan had been busy all night. As soon as he returned to the house, the demon power on his body exploded because of the test medicine, and a phantom of a white dragon suddenly rushed out of his body.

Ning Zhiyuan knelt down in pain, the white dragon scales pierced out slowly from under his skin piece by piece like blades, bringing him Lingchi-like pain.

(End of this chapter)

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