Chapter 152 Getting Back to Justice
Knock knock knock!
"Brother, I'm coming in."

As soon as Jin knocked on the outer courtyard door, he walked to the door of the main house in a few steps. Ning Zhiyuan trembled when he heard her voice.

There was a final sound from inside, and then there was no sound. Jin Yi stood at the door in a daze for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Brother? What are you...doing?"

The skin was torn inch by inch, Ning Zhiyuan was covered in cold sweat, the power of [Huayao Pill] collided violently with the dragon blood in his body, like two armies confronting each other, fighting crazily, making him in agony.

Even so, he still held his breath and tried to use his usual gentle tone to say to the outside: "I was taking a bath, and I was startled when I heard... I heard that you came in rashly, so... Only then opened the protective array in a panic."

Hearing the sound, Jin Yi couldn't help remembering the last time she rushed in without knocking on the door, and just happened to meet brother changing clothes, although he didn't see anything, but brother was more scared than she and hid, Jin Yi's cheeks were slightly red.

"Brother, are you really okay? Why do you need to take a bath? Isn't the cleansing technique enough?"

Jin Yi still felt that Ning Zhiyuan's voice was a bit strange, so he lay on the door and listened, and knocked on the door tentatively.

Half of Ning Zhiyuan's body was scratched by dragon scales, and the blood flowed profusely, staining his always neat white scholar's uniform blood red. Under the severe pain, he still said gently: "It smells like medicine, why don't you take a good soak. Doesn't Ah Yi... want to despise me again?"

"Brother, why don't you let me come in to see if you're okay, I'll leave as soon as you have nothing to do."

Jin Yi was worried that Ning Zhiyuan was taken to test medicine by that old ghost Xiang Tianxing yesterday, and he would suffer alone without telling her.

The room suddenly fell silent, Jin Yi knocked on the door anxiously, "Brother? Brother, are you okay?"

" are already a big girl, even if I am your elder brother, I should have defenses against men and women, Ah Yi, don't be willful!"

Ning Zhiyuan's tone suddenly became a lot harsher, Jin Yi lowered his head and sighed, "Okay, brother, if you have something to do, you must tell me, I'll go first, don't bother brother."

Jin Yi left angrily, and Ning Zhiyuan in the room was half covered in blood, trying his best to hold down his Hualong's legs. Under the excruciating pain, he was still worried that Jin Yi would be angry with him, what would happen later? Coax her well.

Another wave of collision of medicinal power and demonic power struck, Ning Zhiyuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, the dragon's tail broke free and directly smashed the tables and chairs in the house, struggling like a fish out of water.

He gritted his teeth in pain and curled up on the ground. Under the torn clothes, there were all kinds of scars on his back, old and new. The scariest one was like a centipede, extending from his neck to the tailbone.

Taking blood, digging out bones, and pulling out the marrow, he endured countless pains in order to dissolve the blood of the dragon clan on his body.

Even Jin Yi didn't know that he was the illegitimate son of the Dragon King of Minjiang who was left behind by a mortal woman on a whim, and was looked down upon by both the dragon and human races.

He struggled to survive, devoted himself to studying medicine, and researched [Demon Transformation Pill] in order to get rid of this demon blood and become a human being.

Xiang Tianxing has been obsessed with medical ethics all his life, regardless of the eyes of the world, only seeking breakthroughs in medical ethics, and has created countless medical achievements that have amazed the world.

Ning Zhiyuan originally thought that by joining Xiang Tianxing's sect, asking him to help with the research of [Demon Transformation Pill] could speed up the progress and get relief earlier.

But he underestimated Xiang Tianxing's madness and paranoia, and pushed himself into the fire pit.

Xiang Tianxing not only used him to test the medicine, but also captured many demon races to test the medicine. At first, he just wanted to get rid of the blood of the half-demon, but Xiang Tianxing, a lunatic, not only wanted to demonize people, he also wanted to turn people into demons. Completely transform into a demon!
For more than ten years, he was tortured to the point where his body was shattered. In the worst case, Xiang Wentian took out one of his spines and soaked in potion for a year before he recovered.

If it wasn't for Jin Yi still needing his elder brother, he wouldn't be able to persist.

At this moment, under the action of the medicine, his dragon tail was slowly recovering into two legs, Ning Zhiyuan was paralyzed in a pool of blood, tears streaming down his face, on the verge of despair, but he could only force himself to persevere.

As long as he becomes the Deputy Superintendent of Xuanhuyuan, he can leave Xiang Tianxing. The research on [Huayao Pill] has entered the late stage, and Xiang Tianxing's need for him is not so great anymore.

"Xuanhuyuan... Ah Yi is still angry with me... I can't fall down..."

Ning Zhiyuan murmured, gradually fell into a coma, and the dragon scales on his body gradually retracted into his body.


To the west of Yunmeng Mansion, Reed Park.

As soon as Li Li walked over, he heard intermittent and chaotic piano sounds coming from the lake.

She stepped on the snow and creaked and walked over, "Are you in a bad mood today?"

Hearing Li Li's voice, Jin Yi looked back at her and sighed, "Well, my elder brother has always treated me like a child and never told me anything. Let's not talk about this, let's start, I want to change quickly. I need to be strong, let my elder brother see that I can be relied on, so that he can leave with me."

Mo Li nodded, without any nonsense, he drew out his sword and began to fight with Jin.

Jin Yi's "Seven Strings and Five Elements Sword" was obtained from [Kai Tian Jing]. Now the trick to pressing the bottom of the box.

And because Mo Li was blind, she had been practicing listening to the sound and distinguishing positions. Jin Yi's ultimate move was the most suitable for her to improve her swordsmanship.

Therefore, the two made an appointment to practice swords here every day. As for Mo Li's true identity, Jin Yi knew it early on, but never mentioned it.

After one round, Jin Yi's Five Elements Sword shook off Mo Li, and Mo Li rushed from behind Jin Yi again with his ambush move, and the two fought to a draw.

The lakeside was wet and cold, and the two were sweating hotly. Just about to sit down and rest for a while, they suddenly heard the sound of stepping on the snow approaching.

As soon as Jin turned his head, he saw Xue Tao in pink clothes. Her eyes were red and swollen as if she had cried hard. Her eyes, which lacked the slightest will to survive, shuddered in her heart.

Xue Tao saw Jin Yi, and then looked at Mo Li who was blindfolded. There was no expression in his eyes, but he subconsciously hid the medicine bottle behind his back, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry to disturb you, I..."

Before finishing speaking, Xue Tao turned around and wandered elsewhere like a wandering soul.

"Wait!" Jin Yi rushed up to stop Xue Tao, and asked directly, "Are you here to seek death?"

Xue Tao smiled wryly, "Yeah, I can't even decide my own death now? My Xue family was ruined by the Taiyi Sect, and it has been torn apart. My parents were beaten to death to save my grandfather, and the Xianmeng will not give me justice."

"My sixth uncle tried his best to send me out, and sent me to Xuanhuyuan with old love. I was injured by Mu Renshou. Not only did Xuanhuyuan not help me seek justice, but also expelled me because I offended the Mu family. Could it be that day? Did I say something wrong? Wasn't what I said the truth?"

"I study medicine to help the world and save people, but in the end, I can't save my family, and I can't even save myself. Anyway, the demons will come out sooner or later, and this wilderness will perish sooner or later. So what if I die early? Now I can This is the only thing I can do for myself.”

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Angrily, Jin Yi snatched the medicine bottle from Xue Tao's hand, turned around and smashed it into the lake, "As long as a person is alive, there are solutions to difficult things, but once dead, loved ones will be hurt, enemies will be quick, it's really nothing It's all gone."

Xue Tao burst into tears again, and Jin saw that his heart ached, and he took her into his arms, "I don't believe there is really no place for justice in this world."

Li Li listened silently at the side, about Xue Tao, she went to the Taoist scriptures every day to inquire about Master's information, and at the place where the information converged, she heard a little bit.

She waited for Xue Tao to calm down a little before she said, "It's not that studying medicine is useless, but you are useless."

"Amo!" Jin Yi frowned and looked over.

Mo Li continued: "Luoyi Luo Tianjun also studied medicine, did she ever say that studying medicine is useless? If you can be as powerful as Luo Tianjun, you can get the justice you want!"

Xue Tao was shocked, and subconsciously clenched her fists.

Jin Yi agreed: "Yes, as long as we are strong enough, there is nothing that cannot be solved in this world, but first of all, you have to survive to have a chance. Thinking about the catastrophe of Tiandaozong, you survived with great difficulty."

Xue Tao fell down in the snow, staring at the lake in a daze, "Yeah, I can't just die like this. In Tiandaozong, Brother Lei Ting saved my life. The people of the Xue clan tried their best to send me out. Now in the Wujue Guild Hall, Luo Tianjun saved me again, I owe too many lives to too many people..."

Xue Tao covered her face and cried for a long time, and she didn't stop until dusk. She stood up and bowed deeply to Jin Yi and Li Li, "Thank you for waking me up today, I'm too cowardly, I just understand , the justice you want, you should get it back by yourself, relying on others is useless."

Jin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Li couldn't help asking, "How do you want to get it back?"

Xue Tao shook his head in confusion, "I don't know, I don't know now, but I think I should live first, continue to practice, and continue to make myself stronger."

Although Xue Tao was still confused, at least she gave up the idea of ​​suicide, bid farewell to Jin Yi and Li Li and left alone.

Jin Yi looked at her receding back, and murmured: "I hope she really understands."

Mo Li remained silent, secretly clenched the sword in his hand.

Xue Tao will take back Xue's justice, but who can take back Tiandaozong's justice?

 No update today, just these two updates...

  Looking at the data recently, it seems that many people are stunned, and the follow-up reading is dropping. It should be that there is a problem with the rhythm of my writing. I have to reflect on it and reorganize the outline.

(End of this chapter)

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