Chapter 153
Lin Suying had only been wandering in Biyang Water Palace for three days, and she saw Mr. Jiuli return. After all, she is a fit Taoist, which made her somewhat guilty, so she ran back to Kunpeng Residence early.

As soon as he came back, he saw Cheng Kan sitting in her shop with the cat in his arms.

"You still know how to come back, come with me."

Cheng Kan's tone was bad, Lin Suying's scalp went numb, the shop assistants, Xiao Qiang and Yao Jing all looked at her strangely.

"Cough cough."

Lin Suying coughed, and followed Cheng Kan to the backyard of Sanhuai Hall. As soon as she entered the main house, the door slammed shut behind her.

"Lin Suying, you pretend to be a man so well, you almost fooled me too."

Cheng Kan stared at Lin Suying with blazing eyes.

Hearing this, Lin Suying felt certain that it was just that the vest had fallen off, and it wasn't that Cheng Kan was so hungry that he wanted to frighten her to death.

"Uh... I don't understand what Cheng Tianjun said?"

"Pretend, you pretend to me again, and see if I don't tear your face apart!"

The black shadow rushed towards Lin Suying's face, Lin Suying was caught off guard and unable to resist, she was pressed to the ground by Cheng Kan, rode on her, and tore off her skin with his hands.

As a result, a completely unfamiliar man's face appeared under the skin, much worse than Zhao Song.

Cheng Kan was taken aback, Lin Suying covered her face in panic, "What is Cheng Tianjun doing, I just want to look good, so I used a fake face, how did I offend Cheng Tianjun?"

No matter how advanced the deception method is, even if it can hide the truth from the Mahayana Immortal Lord, it is impossible to really turn a woman into a man. At most, it is to confuse vision and spiritual detection, change the exposed breath, and there will still be flaws under real touch.

"I don't believe it, you really became a man?"

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Kan's hands were like cat's claws, and he poked under Lin Suying as fast as lightning.

Cheng Kan:! ! !
Seeing Cheng Kan's eyes widen in shock, and his whole body petrified on the spot, Lin Suying recovered her leisure and smiled jokingly with her arms under her pillow.

"Although I'm just a puppet, I'm indeed a man."

"Lin! Su! Ying! I'll kill you!!"

Cheng Kan was so angry that he rushed forward and grabbed Lin Suying's skirt and shook it vigorously.

At this moment, the door of the house was pushed open, and the cold wind brought snowflakes in. Luo Yi and Mo Li stood outside the door.

Luo Yi frowned and looked at Cheng Kan riding on Zhao Song, tearing Zhao Song's skirt with both hands, revealing most of his neck, the picture was very evocative.

Although Li Li couldn't see it, he could probably feel the outlines of the two of them. He immediately turned red from his cheeks to his ears, and hurriedly turned around.

"Luo Yi, listen to my explanation, it's not what you see, really, she is actually..." Cheng Kan let go of Lin Suying in panic and stood up.

"Amo, you go outside to close the door first, no one is allowed to enter Sanhuai Hall, and the cat is the same."

Luo Yi interrupted Cheng Kan to give instructions, and Mo Li blushed and hurried away, almost slipping in the snow.

Luo Yi waved away all the cats outside the courtyard, absorbing the energy of the world and forming a barrier, covering the entire backyard.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Kan realized, "You know?"

Luo Yi glanced at Lin Suying who was sitting on the ground arranging her clothes, "I, a medical practitioner, can somewhat see the difference between the physical body and the puppet body."

In fact, when Lin Suying entrusted Li Li in the Tiandaozong, Luo Yi saw something, but he didn't have a chance to look carefully at that time, so he was just suspicious.

"I see you didn't tell me!" Cheng Kan gritted his teeth.

Luo Yi stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Suying up, "The principle of medical practice is that it is none of your business, and she keeps her mouth shut. Since she is hiding her identity, she must have a serious business."

Lin Suying shook her sleeves, and said with a smile, "So I still like to be a doctor, and I have a good mouth."

That day in Wujue Guild Hall, Lin Suying actually expected that she might lose her vest. To others, she was indeed a perfect disguise, but Luo Yi was as meticulous as dust and a medical practitioner. Her understanding of the human body was enough for her to see that this body and The nuances of normal flesh.

This cannot be concealed by [a blinding leaf], but it is also invisible to others.

However, her other avatars, Luo Yi, can't detect it, such as the tiger, who has been under Luo Yi's nose for more than a year, and she has never seen anything.

I wanted to tacitly let it go, handle my own affairs, and not disturb Cheng Kan and Luo Yi's peaceful life, but Cheng Kan boldly doubted, boldly verified, and directly tore off her vest.

The three of them sat down at the table, and Cheng Kan folded his arms, "At this time, you still haven't removed your blindfold?"

Lin Suying smiled helplessly, took down [One Leaf Obscuration], restored the puppet body to a female body, and temporarily changed her face to her original appearance.

"That's about the same." Cheng Kan said unhappily, "Let's talk, this time at the Xuanyuan Water Realm, are you going to burn the Biyang Water Palace again? The Jiuli old thief killed the disciples of Tiandaozong, and even slandered you by Yun Zhiyi. Duoshe, I knew you would not be able to swallow this breath!"

Lin Suying blinked, "Aren't you afraid that I was really taken away by Yun Zhiyi, and now I'm sitting here lying to you?"

Cheng Kan rolled his eyes, "I still recognize you as a person, Yun Zhiyi still has face, even if she really took you away, she can't do so many shameless things in Wujue Guild Hall."

Luo Yi smiled, noncommittal, "Although everyone has said that you were taken away by Yun Zhiyi, and that you were all used to break out of Tiandaozong that day, Cheng Kan and I have never seen it with our own eyes, so we still believe it. you are you."

Lin Suying sighed, "You two might as well believe it, and separate yourself from me."

Too many people have been implicated in the matter of Tiandaozong, and now, with Yun Zhiyi's identity, she doesn't want Cheng Kan and Luo Yi to be implicated again.

According to the nature of the Jiuli old thief, if he caught such a big handle, he would definitely take the opportunity to get rid of Cheng Kan and Luo Yi, the two disobedient Lianxu Tianjun.

Luo Yi's brows and eyes were gentle, he looked at Lin Suying and said, "I know what you are worried about, but as a medical practitioner, I can cultivate to the wilderness where the bones have not yet been buried. Naturally, there is a way to save my life. Back then, you could risk being beaten into the practice The risk of the Great Prison killed Xingyuan Prison for me, and I can’t abandon you today.”

Cheng Kan nodded, "That's right, don't look down on us, and don't look at how big you are now, in the late stage of alchemy? What do you use to fight Jiuli old thief? Just tell me, what are you going to do this time? Where does the fire start? I collect firewood, Luo Yi sets the fire, and you just clap your hands and watch."

Lin Suying clenched her fists and said nothing, her brows were furrowed.

Cheng Kan pushed her angrily, "Aren't you the Lin Suying who was fearless back then? Back then Luo Yi was bullied and exploited by the Xingyuan Supervisor and nearly lost his life. You rescued Luo Yi with a sword without saying a word. Leave the words [Murderer Lin Suying] on it."

"Afterwards, I set fire to the Xingyuan, and waited for the Jagged Alliance to catch you without blinking an eye. In the end, the Jiuli old thief begged you to get out of prison and you refused to come out. He insisted on giving Luo Yi justice. The Jiuli old thief was so angry that he couldn't swallow, and he finally dealt with a large number of scum in Xingyuan before he invited you out, not to mention how happy he is."

"You were only in the Nascent Soul stage at the time, and you were never afraid of the entire Biyang Water Palace and the old Jiuli thief. Why now that we have two more helpers for refining the void, you are too scared to say a word, yours What about guts? Where did you scold the old man for his guts when you scolded the old thief in Jiuli?"

Luo Yi nodded. When she saw Ning Zhiyuan in Wujue Guild Hall that day, she thought of herself back then. If it wasn't for Lin Suying, she might have turned into a dry bone in Xingyuan, how could she have achieved today.

There is a bottom line of principle for medical practice to help the world and save people, but for Lin Suying, she doesn't have it.

Lin Suying smiled wryly, "Fang Shouzhen gave me the guts back then. If it wasn't for him, the Jiuli old thief would have torn me to pieces. Now that he's gone, where would I have the guts?"

"We're still here when he's not here. You don't have to burn this Biyang Water Palace, we'll support you first if the sky falls!" Cheng Kan stood up excitedly.

Lin Suying suddenly jumped at the case, "Can you two not get involved in my affairs? Don't you want to have a happy life? You must be wanted by the whole cultivation world to hunt and kill you. There is nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, and I am worried all day long. Are you happy with your head in your hands?"

"Lin Suying, are going to piss me off!" Cheng Kan tilted his head, secretly angry.

Luo Yi stood up unhurriedly, "It doesn't matter if you are wanted. If you want to escape, you can escape. If you don't, you can become an enemy of the world. If a person wants to live, there is always a way to survive. Can live, isn't that what you told me back then?"

That winter, Luo Yi, who was only in the alchemy stage at that time, walked on the frozen river with bruises and bruises, like a walking corpse, not knowing where the way out was.

"Are you looking for death? Then please go far away and die, don't scare my fish."

At that time, Lin Suying was sitting on the lake fishing, her mouth was ruthless, but she still had a sense of justice, she was willing to meddle in other people's affairs, and she could kill people with a sword for irrelevant people.

But now, she is terrified and has no courage. She is selfish and only wants to take care of herself, and she doesn't want to drag innocent people down.

But she didn't drag her down, these two guys rushed to tie her together, Lin Suying's heart was warm and her nose was sore.

"Okay, I made it clear in advance, I didn't beg you, it's you who insist on jumping into the fire pit, if you can't get out then, who dares to blame me, I will immediately turn my face and be merciless."

Hearing this, Luo Yi laughed softly, and Cheng Kan laughed too, took out a small cloth bag from his sleeve, and dumped a pile of jade slips on the table.

"Come on, come on, these are all the dirty and criminal evidence of Biyang Water Palace and Xuanyuan Mu's family that I have collected over the years. You can see if you want to play the bright one or the dark one. I personally like to play the dirty one, and things will get bigger. Yes, it’s fun to watch the fun!”

At this time, a heroic, long-legged woman in cold silver armor suddenly appeared behind them, leaning against the pillar and yawning.

"You don't call me so lively, Lin Suying, your conscience is really bad."

Lin Suying turned her head, Gu Yixin actually came too.

Seeing Gu Yixin appearing suddenly, Cheng Kan was startled and terrified, and Luo Yi was also baffled, she had obviously sealed this place.

"Where did you come from?" Cheng Kan asked.

Gu Yixin frowned slightly, and glanced at the three pens hanging on Cheng Kan's waist, "Your Sanhuai Hall is a lively place, and it's also my favorite place."

Cheng Kan subconsciously pressed the three pens on his waist, "So you have always enshrined my magic weapon? Then I have seen it all these years? Isn't it too immoral for you to do this!"

Gu Yixin ignored Cheng Kan, as the most authoritative intelligence collector in the wilderness, she naturally had her unique way of obtaining information.

Gu Yixin looked at Lin Suying, raised his lips and smiled, "I know where Jiuli hid the celestial artifact. To put it nicely, I'll tell you that I won't charge you this time."

(End of this chapter)

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